Evangelion - Bloodlines Children of Project D Genesis 0:7 Red, Yellow and Blue Kat watched over Maya, she hadn't moved yet and Asuka was asleep " This sucks... " Kat sighed, he looked at his watch, the Angel would be at the point where it had regenerated enough to attack soon... He kissed Asuka lightly on the cheek before lying back and watching the corridor outside Time passed slowly but things were never as they seemed he told himself Asuka eventually stirred, she looked up still half-asleep with strands of hair falling across her face " Huh... Why are you still here? " Asuka said more to herself " Morning... Or should I say night? " Kat smiled " Where's the others? " Asuka yawned " Dunno... Maybe we should ask about them? " " Ok... I don't want to... " " Oh... I guess we should wait for someone to come along then... " " Ok... " Asuka agreed Kat and Auska sat next to Maya for a few minutes before Kaji walked Past, He spotted Asuka and almost started to run... If Kat hadn't been with her then he would have tried to... " Kaji... Can you tell us what's going on? " Asuka begged " I suppose... " Kaji looked at Kat suspiciously, there was something about him... " Well? " Kat demanded " Hold up... Well, for a start it looks like Rei is the only one that's going to fight the angel... William is still shaken up by what happened... " " What about Shinji the hero? " Asuka asked sarcastically " He's gone... He ran away and we haven't found him yet... " " Oh... " " So what about me? " Kat asked " Have you ever piloted before? " Kaji smiled as he asked " No... Shinji hadn't... " " I don't know what it was that Shinji had that allowed him to though... " " I guess I should go see Ritsuko... " Kaji raised one eyebrow, this was all to familiar... Kaji watched as Kat walked away " Kaji... Do you think they'll force me too? " " No... They can't force you too if you refuse to... Even if they put you in the Eva I don't think that you'll help will you? " " I guess... " Asuka sighed and watched as Kat walked around the corner " Glad you took interest in him over me... " Kaji sighed " He's more my age... I guess you were just a childish crush... " Asuka smiled " What do you know about him? " " Not much... He's a military child who was raised to help or something I guess... " " Is that so... " Kaji stopped, why couldn't he recall what it was that he knew was so familiar about this entire incident " Kaji? Are you ok? You seem... So distant... " Asuka looked at Kaji as if trying to figure out what was wrong " Fine... I just can't figure out this new child, I think that there may be more to him than he's letting on... " Kaji smiled " Oh... Is that all? " " No... I think that what ever it is maybe really controversial... Like his hair colour... " " He's naturally got white hair... Maybe he's an albino? " " That would explain the skin tone too... Maybe... I guess I'm just going on too much about things I don't know about... " " Sounds about right... " " At least I can find out about it off... Someone " Kaji almost mentioned Ritsuko but he paused, he was sure that she was in this somehow Kat walked up Kim's office, he had been told that Ritsuko was in there at the moment He knocked politely and waited before someone shouted for him to go away Kat growled and kicked the door open " Kat... We didn't know it was you... " Kim said when she realised who it was " Since this about you it would be best for you to stay " Ritsuko said smiling slightly " Ok... I guess since I have nothing else to do and Asuka's talking to Kaji... " " I don't know who to pity more... " Ritsuko sighed " Kat... We have decided not to hold that incident at Major Katsuragi's home against you... We know that you don't have control in that situation... " Kim dropped her smile " Ritsuko... Why did Kaji give me strange look? It was as if he knew something... " Kat asked trying to keep any expression off his face " It's... Nothing... " Ritsuko turned pale, she whispered something to Kim that Kat failed to catch entirely... Something about encrypting the files... " Ritusko? " Kat looked confused " It's... Just a small detail... I'll tell you later... " Ritsuko almost blushed, she was trying to hide something he knew... Maybe it was something she was ashamed of? " Kat... We want you to pilot for us... Otherwise we will only have Rei to defeat the angel... That we can't really risk leaving to fate... " Kim sighed " I see... This is what I came to speak to you about... I want to pilot... " " What reason do you have? " Ritsuko enquired " I don't have a reason that you would count as valid... I was sent here to kill... " " We know that you were sent here to kill them... We haven't seen them yet though... " Kim said quietly " Oh... Well if I see them in the Eva then can I kill them if it is possible? " " No... You won't be in an Eva... " Ritsuko sighed " Then how the hell am I supposed to pilot? " Kat grolwed " We have something else... It isn't quite an but you'll be able to Sync with it... " Ritsuko smiled as she told him this " Meaning? " " You can't sync with an Eva as it isn't going to accept you... " Kim chuckled " Oh... What about this 'Thing' then? " Kat asked " Follow me... " Ritsuko walked out of the room and down the corridor Kat turned to ask, only see Kim nodding for him to follow He sighed and walked out, why did everything have to be different for him? Ritsuko walked into a darkened room, Kat followed trying to see, lights on what he presumed were control panels were visible but nothing else... " Ritsuko? " Kat looked around, he was able to make out shapes... " Hold on a second... " Kat shielded his eyes as the lights came on, he turned to see Ritsuko flicking more switches The sound of grating machinery filled the air... A form raised before him, still not visible due to a light shining in his eyes... He watched in awe as it slowly eclipsed the light becoming visible as... The huge red monster from his dream... He walked forward to examine this thing, it was like an Eva only... The head was different... it was made to look more like a skull with a tight layer of skin over it... There was less armour, what was there was organic... The body was covered in this organic armour, raising from the surface of the armour were a myriad number of spikes, ranging from small to huge ones... The arms had some small bumps on the surface from with protruded a weapon of some kind... On the one arm it had that was " That's a blade launcher... " Ritsuko said noticing where his gaze had fallen " What is that thing? " Kat asked backing away from it slightly, he now realised that the thing was a full head length shorter than an Eva was " That is an assassin... It is an advanced prototype that was built for you and the other kids... There were four... " " What happened to them? " " Well, we didn't finish them... When you came here we stepped up production on yours... " " It's still missing an arm " Kat sighed " Yes... We haven't been able to complete it yet... " " Oh... Is it safe? " " In what was? " Ritsuko smiled " Is it safe to pilot... Will it work? " " Yes, it was made for you... Using you DNA it was developed to take any of you children but especially you... " " There's something about it... It's different to an Eva isn't it? " " Yes... While an Eva normally needs a pilot to make it move these have a rudimentary mind... We think that this will lead to increased combat performance... " " If not? " " Then we have a low intelligence creature on our hands... " " When does the angel attack? " Kat asked " I don't know... " Ritsuko looked at her watch and started shouting to the technicians to get the assassin ready to battle " It's already attacking... " Kat sighed, he watched as the brought an entry plug down and opened it " Get in... We need to get you to the angel before it kills Rei... " Ritsuko shouted before pausing to think " What about a plug suit? " Kat remembered that the pilots wore them... " The one for you isn't complete... You'll have to wait..." Ritsuko helped Kat into the entry plug The world moved around him as the entry plug was inserted into the assassin and it was activated At first nothing happened... Ritsuko's face appeared on a holographic emitter " Kat, you have to activate it yourself... It's refusing our signal " Ritsuko said looking unsure " Ok... " Kat tried to think what would activate the assassin, he tried to get it to activate but nothing would happen... " It's not working... " Ritsuko sighed " Maybe I can't sync with it? " " Don't say that... " " Ok... I'll try again... " Kat sighed, he tried again but nothing happened, he slammed his fist on the control that was currently at head level How did they expect him to pilot? A sudden urge compelled him to make the thing walk forward... The assassin stepped out of the pit that it had been stood it... " Well done Kat... " Ritsuko smiled again " Hey... I didn't do anything... " " That's not what the sync graph is telling me... It shouldn't be rising so fast... " " Huh? " " Three... Three fifty... Four Hundred... Oh my god... It's stopped at four ten... Kat are you still there? " " Still here! " " A normal Eva... Never mind... you just have to get into the transport... " Ritsuko watched as the assassin walked into the back of a waiting transport The umbilical cable fell out as the assassin climbed into the transport, Kat looked amazed as a read out appeared telling him that he only had fifty six seconds of power " What the hell? " " Don't worry about that... Just power down... " " Ok... " Kat forced the assassin to power down with his thoughts... Rei fought the angel, it had attacked her by surprise and had done serious damage to her armour already " What is this thing? " Rei asked the technicians in her usual deadpan tone " An angel... That's all we can say... " " Where's the backup? " " There... There is none... " " What? How am I going to beat it? " Rei trailed off, the angel dived onto her and smashed her across the face before lifting her and throwing her into a building The angel watched as Rei slid to the ground, it paused before slamming a building down on her pinning her to the ground Rei struggled to get out only to find the angel place it's foot on her neck making her find difficulty breathing Kat watched as the back of the transport opened, he watched as an umbilical cable was inserted into his back giving him full power after a few seconds The assassin reactivated and he found himself suspended at the same height as the controls in the entry plug... An antigravity field... The assassin was pushed to the back of the transport and a weapon placed in its hand... A positron rifle... The cable was removed and he was forced to jump out the jet, full control was transferred back to him... Rei watched in amazement as a storm broke and a red shape fell from the sky... Was it Unit-02 with Asuka here to help her? No... It was something else... Rei's eye's widened in fear as the thing came into perspective... Kat landed forcefully near the prone form of Unit-00, the yellow Eva was pinned under the angel and was unable to move... Kat let off a burst of fire at the angel getting its attention but not harming it... " This is stupid... This weapon isn't even harming it... " Kat sighed, he switched hands and positioned the weapon like a club The angel charged at him with its fist raised... Kat swung the positron rifle smashing it against the angels' head, it flew in a graceful arc landing near the form of Unit-00 Kat jumped into the air an flew to a height that the transport had dropped him at, rain fell around him as he stopped in the air for a split second Kat grinned as he plummeted toward the angel... The red assassin slammed into the angel smashing its elbow into the angels' chest Kat stood up, he had hadn't long left power wise so he fired off the blade launcher... They were jammed... He ripped out one of the blades and slammed in into the angels' chest, he did the same with another and placed his hands on them both Kat ripped the blades away from each other, the angel shuddered as he did so but refused to die... Power was low... Kat jumped up again, he wouldn't have power at the peak of this jump... But... Rei watched as the red form that had attacked the angel flew up into the air for a second time This time as it descended it didn't fall like before... The red form slammed into the angel causing it to stop moving... It lay still as well... Ritsuko grinned, the assassin had been a complete success and as such they would be able Kat as a pilot... As long as he didn't blow his cover... The assassin would make a good combat unit if they could get the organ implanted without rejection... Misato lay back on her bed, the angel had been more trouble than it had been worth... Shinji still hadn't come back and William had only just started to talk to people again... At least the angel was gone... " I just hope Rei's not been killed as a result of the other children's selfishness... " Misato sighed and climbed to her feet, there was a knock at the door " Hang on! " She shouted before walking to get the door, it was Shinji " Misato... I... Uh... " Shinji looked down nervously " Shinji? You have a lot of explaining to do... " " I... Don't want to talk about it... " Shinji sighed, he tried to walk past Misato but she blocked his way " Not until you tell me why you ran away... " Misato growled as he tried to get past " I don't have to tell you " Shinji whined " If you want to get back in this house then you do " Misato said folding her arms " I ran away because they let that bastard Kat live... " Shinji sighed " They what? " Misato grabbed her keys and ran down to her car " Misato! " Shinji tried to run after her " You stay here... I'm going to have a little talk with Kim... " Misato shouted back as she ran down to her car Ritsuko looked at the damage done to Unit-00 It didn't look that good... The armour had been completely destroyed by the angel, it was lucky that Kat got there when he did... If Kat hadn't been with them then the would all be dead by now was the thought that plagued her, they owed him and he probably knew it... Ritsuko turned to see Rei stood silently behind her " What can I do for you? " Ritsuko asked while looking at the estimation for the repair costs " Who was the pilot of the assassin? " Rei knew about this project due to Gendo " I don't know... I don't think it was activated with a pilot... " " It was too intelligent to have no pilot... " Rei said quietly " It has got a mind Rei, more of a mind than an Eva has... " " But it cannot make a decision like that... Was it Kat? " " What makes you think that? " Ritsuko sighed " He has red eyes too... " " Red eyes? Look Rei... " " You can't hide it from me... I know it was Kat... " " Rei... The others don't know about this... I would appreciate it if you would keep quiet about this... " " If you say so... " Rei sighed Ritsuko watched as Rei walked away, she knew too much about this already due to Gendo... Jane lay asleep, Leona watched over her adopted sister as if she was everything that mattered to her, soon they would have their revenge... With the explosives that they had they would be able to take out the majority of any base that they wished... The only snag had been getting the explosives, she had resorted to dealing with terrorists Leona smiled gently, Jane would be the one who took them in, she had expressed the fact that she would happily go into the base of who ever was to blame for Jonathon's death... What she would do was so obvious... Robert walked into the room " What do you want? " Leona snapped, she was on edge and wanted to go and do this as soon as she could " Haven't you heard... " Robert trailed off looking out of a window " Heard what? " " Kat is a pilot... " " He is? Where did you hear that? " " I saw him... Pilots a giant red monster... " " Great... No he can easily take us on... I guess saying I'm sorry for teasing him won't help either... " " Teasing him about what? " " Being the worst at the tests out of all of us... " " Oh... that all? " " Yeah... This is a pretty serious thing to him though... " Robert sighed and walked out, there was no point arguing with them Leona turned back o Jane to see had awoken, she yawned and climbed out of bed " What have I missed? " Jane asked Leona as she yawned " Nothing much... Kat became a pilot... " " I thought that something interesting would have happened... " Jane paused for a second, she looked at the door and then back at Leona " Did you hear something? " Leona asked worried " Yeah... Did you? " " Yeah... Shall we go and look? " " Better go and look... " Jane sighed, she walked to the door still in a night dress Jane opened the door, there was no sign of Robert, to be honest though there was actually no sign of anyone... Leona walked in behind Jane and looked around " This is too strange for me... " Leona said holding onto Jane's hand " Where's Robert? " Jane asked herself " He's not here right now... Why not come with us to see him? " A group of armed men burst out from various hiding places " Shit... Now we're screwed... " Jane said under her breath so only Leona could hear " I know... We don't have any guns so we can't fight them... " " If only Jonathon was here... " Jane sighed, she turned back to the men as they walked toward her " Give up... You can't break free... " One man grabbed Jane and tied her hands, another did the same to Leona Jane didn't struggle, as there was no point... Leona was led out before her still trying to escape from the men There was nothing that they could do about it... Kat lay in a darkened room, he just wished that Jane and Leona were here now so he could tease them about the fact he was now a pilot It would be something that would really make up for the times where they had excelled him in everything... He would like to see how they reacted this time... Flashes of light illuminated the room at intervals as he lay back on the bed, he had been told that since there had been a few problems that he would be staying with Rei Kat watched the ceiling as the room was illuminated by yet another flash of light, this time he saw Rei walking into the small untidy room that she slept in " Rei? " Kt sat up as she lay on the bed next to him " Yes? " There was a hint of emotion in her voice... A distant feeling that had been awakened by a memory that had passed " Why am I here? " " You aren't welcome at Misato's apartment due to the fact you almost killed them... " " I see... I didn't think that anyone would hold that against someone like this... " " Is it true? " " Is what true? " " That you piloted the red... thing... " " The assassin... I don't care what you've been told but I won't hide anything like that unless ordered to... " " Was Jonathon your brother? " Rei asked with the emotion almost choking her " No... We were just raised together... We kind of adopted each other as our family... " " Oh... I see... what was he like? " " He was a complete bastard, never took no for an answer and beat the hell out of you if you pissed him off enough... " " No... Seriously... " " That was... The good thing was we all got so close that he protected us most of the time... There's a funny incident when we wanted to get served at a bar... " " What was it? " " He heard that the bar keeper wouldn't serve us so he walked up and... " " Hit him? " " No, he got a beer... Then he drank it and casually mentioned that he was only fourteen... Still another four years to go till he could buy a drink... " " What's so funny about that? " " When he told the person to serve us he refused... So he beat the hell out of this poor bloke... And grabbed us all our drinks... " " What was so funny about that? " " Nothing when I think about it... But you had to be there... The bloke looked so badly scared by this incident... " " Oh... Was he a kind person? " " No... He broke Leona' arm once and beat me half to death... " " What for? " " He was told to... " " So if I was a higher rank he would do anything that I told him to? " " No... He had a set of morals that he lived by... " " You speak highly of him... the tone you use... " " Just 'cause I can't slag off a dead person..." Rei looked out the window, a few drops of rain splashed against it More did... Kat looked out the window " What's wrong? " He asked Rei noticing a look of concern " It's a storm... Nothing to worry about... " " I know... I love storms... Except for when lightning hits the window when you're asleep... That really isn't what I want to happen... " " I suppose... " Rei lay back and closed her eyes Kat climbed off the bed and sat in the corner of the room, he didn't care that it wasn't comfortable, it wouldn't be right for him to sleep in the same bed as Rei He slowly closed his eyes and drifted off into a deep sleep... It was early in the morning, Ritsuko looked at the repair work on Unit-00 " What the hell are you doing? " She shouted seeing something obviously wrong " Changing the colour scheme... Kim said that she wanted the armour blue... " " Kim has no place here... Where did that Sharp guy go? " " He's on holiday... " " Oh... Great... " Asuka awoke to see Kat standing above her, he grinned as she looked at him shocked " How did you get in? " Asuka asked in amazement " I had to ask Misato to let me in... Talk about anti social... " " What did she say? " " 'Say what you have to and go...' then she told me I had five... " " And how long have you been here? " " Twenty... I didn't want to wake you up... " " And she let you stay? " " She didn't have any choice... " " So why are you here? " " School... " Asuka realised that Kat was dressed in a school uniform " You're coming to school today? " " Why else would I be in this? " " Because you don't have anything else that you can wear? " " Hurry up and get dressed... " Kat sighed, he walked out the room leaving Asuka to get dressed Aida Kensuke was sat at the entrance to the school, Toji had been moody ever since he had almost been beaten by William and wanted to find someone to pick on Asuka walked along the path outside the school with... A white hair kid... " Hey Asuks, who's the freak? " " Toji shut the... " Kat waved his finger " Let me handle this... " Kat smiled before walking up to Toji " So then freak, who are you? " Toji said trying to agitate the scrawny kid " I am not called freak... The name's Kat... " " That's a girls name " " Maybe so, do I look like I the words 'I care' tattooed on my forehead? " " You're still a white haired freak... " " It means that I can't stay in the sun for long... It's a pretty natural thing... " " Who are you? " Butted in Aida " A soldier... " Kat sighed " You're a soldier? " " Yes... And what does it mean to you? " " Do you have any proof on you? " " Yeah... Kat flipped out his ID and passed it to Aida, he watched as Asuka waved to him before walking into the building " Wow... Are you part of a team? " " Not really... One of us died and the other two went A.W.O.L so I can't say it's a team... more a one man team if you insist... " " Look, sorry about calling you a freak..." Toji started " Don't worry... The last person was some idiot called William... after what happened though... I don't think that he'll mess with me again... " Kat chuckled Toji looked as William walked into the school grounds, he spotted Kat and started to run " Huh... Told you... " Kat chuckled again " Anyone will run when they think they'll be late..." Toji sighed " Away from school? " Aida mused " Ok, so he's scared of Kat here... " Toji said putting his arm around Kat's shoulder " Have you seen Shinji today? " Aida asked Toji " I don't think he'll be in today... He heard that I was and... " " Do you have this effect on everyone? Do it to the teacher... " " I don't... Unless I try to kill them..." Kat smiled Misato sat with Shinji, he didn't want to go to school with Kat around... She didn't really blame him... She had tried to go and see Kim about Kat but there was no way that she would either listen to her or allow her to see her... When she thought about it she hated Kim more than she hated Kat... " Misato... Do I have to go today? " Shinji sighed " I suppose I could say that you don't have to... I guess that by now he'll have fallen out with Toji and killed him though... " Misato " You think he would do that? " " Any time... I wouldn't put it past him... " Kat was sat in lesson, from the look of things work seemed to be optional He grabbed one of the papers that they were supposed to do and looked at it " Sir? " Kat raised his hand " What is it? " " There has to be some mistake with the paper..." " Look, if you can't do it then don't bother... " Kat glowered at the teacher and looked at the paper again, he quickly started to answer the questions before laying back and watching Toji struggle " Not surprised that you found it to hard... " Toji said looking at the second question " Need answers huh? " Kat yawned " Yeah but I don't think that we'll get them off Hikari... " Toji sighed " Here... They should all be right... " Kat said passing his sheet back to Toji " You did them that quick? You have to be wrong... " " Nah... It's easy stuff... " " They are right... do you have one of those calculators that does everything for you? " " A calculator? " Kat looked confused " You know..." " I know what one is... I don't think I ever owned one... " Toji looked shocked " Hey, I better get the answers checked... " Kat snatched the sheet back off Toji and walked to the front of the class Asuka watched in disbelief as the teacher marked them all and commented on how quickly he had got them all right... Rei was sat next to the window, she looked out onto a part of the city that was only seen from this window... People walked past going about their own lives, free of any real worry apart from the fact that they had kids protecting them maybe... A familiar person walked past... It couldn't be him... Could it? He was dead... She had seen his body herself and it wasn't something that she would want to see again... Beaten, shot and drowned... Not the best way to go... She looked closer at this person... It couldn't be him though... But he looked so like Jonathon... Rei stood up and walked out the classroom to the amazement of a couple of her classmates, she walked out the front of the school She walked along trailing this man her dress flapping in the wind as she did so... It was Jonathon! she was sure of that now... Rei ran as fast as her school dress would permit her, she still had a large distance to cover but catching him at this speed would be easy... She watched as he ducked into an ally way... She headed it a split second later... He was gone... There was no way that he could have got away this quickly... Was there? Rei sighed when she realised that she had just wasted time chasing what was probably nothing more than a figment of her own mind... It was time to get back to class... Unheard by Rei a figure hiding half way up the wall sighed... Coated only in black the figure slipped away into the shadows...