Evangelion - Bloodlines Children of Project D Genesis 0:6 Kat England: Kat stood near a giant beast, this was just a dream but it all seemed to be so familiar... Even if he had never seen this thing before he felt that he knew it... Intimately Kat turned to face the red monster, it didn't move or make a sound but he could swear that it sighed... He reached out with one hand gingerly but he was unable to bring himself to touch the thing, he sighed and withdrew his hand " Kat? " a female scientist with blonde hair stood before him... She seemed familiar too " Who are you? " " You don't know? " " Of course not... I've never seen you before in my life " Kat screamed " I beg to differ... " The female scientist turned to one side before disappearing " What the hell was that? " Kat asked himself, he knew that he had never seen her before... Had he? Kat wandered through the tortured land that was his mind before slumping against a tree He instantly regretted it when he remembered a few of the dream laws that usually applied, well more like the ones for a nightmare The tree grabbed Kat and slowly started to crush his chest, he screamed for help... Footsteps... Kat opened his eyes to see a world shrouded in red... Jonathon stood before him wrenching him from the grasp of the tree Kat shuddered suddenly Jonathon looked at him and started to laugh evilly as he set the tree on fire, dancing around the tree before disappearing also Kat realised that he was very alone Very, very alone Maximilion watched as Kat boarded a transport Jet He was going to NERV now as one of the pilots ahead of any schedule One of the high-ranking staff there had requested it as they were afraid of what half of a perfect team could do to them when pushed " Half a perfect team... Man, Jane and Leona... " Kat sighed as he walked up the ramp and into his designated seat Other soldiers were sat here but there was no real use for them, they had been assigned to protect Kat so them were just expendable in the end " Hey sonnny " One of the soldiers walked up to Kat and sat next to him " What the hell do you want? " Kat snapped " Hey, calm down... Just here to give you some more briefing on what you are and what you are up against " " Sorry... It's just... They make me so mad... " " The traitors? " Kat nodded " If only I was allowed to kill them... The said that if possible I have to bring them back alive... I didn't like the emphasis them put on alive... " " Well, as you know they said that you were part of a perfect team... " " Yeah... Tell me something new " " Well, apart from being pilots you four can take out any land army... " " How? " " Well, the dead one was a real bastard when you got him going... Took bullets without flinching and all... " " Sounds like Jonathon " " And then there is you... Fast and silent... You would have done all the sabotage while the other one fought the men " " Uh... I see... I didn't know that he was that tough though... " " The girl Leona... She was gifted more than you lot were... Could read a computer with her mind... " " I never quite got over the fact that she could do that... But it is too dangerous to trust with her now " " Jane... Well, she didn't ever seem to bloom like you others did... She just became a average one of you... minus any ability... " " Damn... and she did all that to escape... " Kat sighed as he remembered the damage she had done " She wasn't just anyone though... All four of you were altered at birth to make sure that you were better than anyone else " " I guessed when they told me... " " Well, now they want you to go into NERV and do what ever they tell you while you try to find the girls " " Great... Now I have another job to hold down... " " Tough life for you isn't it? " " No... It's worse for you... " " Really? " The man sounded intrigued " Yeah, if I get attacked after you land you have to get me to safety losing your life if needed " " Well, that's just too bad... " The man lay back and closed his eyes Kat was able to walk about in the plane finally... he had been cooped up in the room with all the soldiers for too long and had been sick twice He walked into the cargo hold, a guard almost challenged him before recognising him and allowing him to pass Kat walked deeper into the transport to try and take his mind off the fact he was in the air Kat walked into the cargo hold's deepest area that had been marked as off limits, the guard had actually challenged him at this point but it was sorted with a quick punch There were hundreds of containers that had markings that he instantly recognised as being nothing of importance, one caught his eye... Kat walked up to the unknown box and started to examine it, the box was marked in a new way that he didn't recognise... " I wonder... What's in this box... " Kat said to himself, he tried to jump up but the edge of the box was too high " Damn it... " Kat looked around before coming across an idea... Moments later Kat was jumping from box to box hoping to find one that allowed him get onto this new box He tried for a few minutes before he found one that allowed him to scramble onto the box but when he did he found that there was nothing to be seen... The box was well sealed " Damn it... " Kat noticed a box with similar markings nearby, he ran to it and tugged at a small hole in the side of the box He widened it enough to look through and shuddered, a humanoid object lay inside... More like it was a part of one, it was so big that it made him look insubstantial in comparison, he shuddered and thought of one of the giant Evangelion's He was going to pilot something that was made from parts like that... " Hey get down from there, you know that you shouldn't be in here " The guard shouted, he had finally got up and now had a bruise on his face " Ok, ok already... " Kat jumped down and walked back into the main area, he sat down and closed his eyes... why did it have to be him? Japan: Misato was there as the carrier plane touched down, she had heard that a specialist had been sent over from England to take care of the children that had ran amok To tell the truth she hadn't hear anything about them since they had been here... Probably lying low to avoid being caught by them The door to the jet lowered, a stream of soldiers walked out, one stopped before her " You must be Kat? " She said trying to smile at the female soldier " No, he'll be out in a few minutes... He's just getting a bollocking for a stupid stunt " " Oh... Kat is a he? I thought that Kat was a name for a woman? " The woman shrugged and walked away Misato watched for a few minutes as the soldiers covered the entire area making sure that no one that looked suspicious got into the area " Let me go! " shouted a familiar voice, Misato turned to see one of the soldiers leading Shinji toward her by his shoulder " He's fine, you can leave him with me " The soldier looked at her blankly before letting Shinji go, Shinji ran up to her " What's going on? " " Jonathon's death cause more trouble that an angel attack... We have a few people running around threatening to kill us all " " So you brought in help? " " More like we were forced to take the help " " Oh... And what is this help? Is it all the soldiers here? " " No... Just one " " Just one? You have to be kidding " " A pilot... " " Another one? " " I don't think that he'll be piloting anything for a while... " " Why? " " Unit-03 was completed ahead of schedule... Unit-04 still isn't completed " " That proves that those idiots can't get anything right " " I know... " Misato paused as Kat walked out of the plane, he was just another scrawny kid, the only thing that was distinctive was his white hair " Hi I'm Kat... " Said the boy, he was pale as if he never got any sun " I'm Misato Katsuragi, this is Shinji " Shinji waved nervously " Well, I suppose I have to trust you... " Kat sighed " Shinji, go home and tell Asuka to gt something to eat " Shinji nodded and started to run " Not very fast is he... " Kat sighed " I'd like to see you catch him " " Give him till the gate and I'll race him to... That bus shelter " Kat grinned, Misato couldn't help but think that he looked evil when he did so " Go on... " Misato sighed, she knew that he wouldn't make it that far and win... Kat steadied himself as Shinji reached the gate before tearing off at easily twice the speed Shinji had reached Misato watched in amazement as Kat passed Shinji and tried to stop near the bus shelter He was going so fast he just smashed into it, Kat flipped to his feet without showing any sign of pain " Man... How did you run that fast? " Shinji asked when he caught up with him " Easy... Well trained " " But you couldn't stop... " " Not easy to stop at that speed... " " Are you hurt? " " No... I have a good tolerance to pain " " I better go... " " Misato will be worried about me with the speed I hit the shelter... " Kat started to run back at a slightly lower speed " How did you do that? " Misato asked as Kat returned " Easily " Kat yawned, he looked across to see the soldiers getting back into the plane " Going already? " " Yeah, they left you to sort out my safety " " Great... The last kid that I was assigned by your company got killed because he wouldn't back down... " " Hey, I know what happened... It's not your fault that Jonathon died, he was always stubborn... Shame really... " Kat sighed " Well... I would offer to get you some new clothes but I don't think that you'll change from that... " " Hey, Jonathon would only wear what he was assigned... Me, well anything that I like... if you want to get me new clothes go ahead " " Ok... I suppose looking less like a soldier would be a start... " " Where to then? " " Where do you think? " Misato watched as Kat walked out in the school uniform, she had taken him shopping and he was happy to try anything that she said he should He looked at the uniform in disgust " What's wrong? " " Why couldn't they choose something that doesn't make you look like a waiter? " " Don't like it? " " Not really... Guess I'll have to wear it anyway " " You have to go to school or Ritsuko will flip... " " Ritsuko? " " One of the people in charge of the E - project... " " Oh... Well, I suppose since your commander left the place isn't quite up to scratch " " Who told you that? " " I get to know anything that is relevant to me " " I see... So what do you mean by that exactly? " " If it was relevant to me then they would tell me what cup you were... " Kat said looking at another shirt " They would? " " Completely knowing what I have to work with... By the way, you take a... "Misato slapped Kat " That's none of you business... " She shouted " It is... I know that way that I should avoid shooting at your chest if there was ever a situation that required it " " What? " Misato looked shocked " I would go for your shoulders to prevent you getting a gun to me... And your legs to prevent you following " " You are sick... " " Just saying that I have to know... Asuka and Shinji... Chest shots could easily stop them... " " Oh god... They said that you were a soldier... " " The other people... Ranges from head to chest depending on what kind of threat they pose... " " Can you just drop this... " " And Ayanami... A shot to the head under any circumstance " " Oh god... I didn't think that you would be like this... " " You wanted to know... Sorry but that's what would happen if I ever had reason to attack you I never want to have to do that though... " " Great... A psychopath... " " I only shoot when I need to... I don't kill needlessly " " Can we just forget this? " Misato asked looking sick " If that's what you want... " Kat smiled William watched as a scrawny, pale kid with white hair walked in with Misato " Hey, who's that? " William asked " This is Kat... " Misato sighed, she walked into her bedroom " You must be William... " Kat smiled " Yeah... Did Misato tell you about me? " " No, the people I work for gave me full access to your files " " What? " " I have higher security clearance than Misato is one way of putting it... " " You read my file? " William shouted " Only to see what would be the most effective way of stopping you should the need arise Kat said with a slight smile " You fucking white haired freak! " William swung at Kat Kat quickly dived to one side and grabbed a knife off the table, he sliced William across the right arm " Actually the colour of my hair is natural... " Kat watched as William grabbed a knife " I'm going to kill you for that! " William lunged at Kat only to find Kat was too quick for him, Kat dived to the side again and dropped the bloodied knife on the table " Not if I kill you first... " Misato walked out " Stop it you two " She shouted, she grabbed her gun and pointed it at Kat " He tried to kill me " William whimpered " Go and clean yourself up... " Misato growled, William limped out of the room " You can't shoot me... " " Actually, I have the authority to... " " When I actually outrank you? " Kat threw his card on the floor next to Misato, she picked it up all the while keeping her eyes on him " You may out rank me... But not in my home " " Suit yourself " Kat grabbed two guns from inside his jacket at lightning speed and levelled them with Misato " Shit... How did you do that? " " What I can do is nothing to do with you... You don't even have clearance to my file " Kat grinned evilly " I could still hit you in the head... " " I don't think that would stop me... I would still live long enough to kill you and anyone who came to help in the next two minutes... " Kat suddenly dropped his grin " You are sick... " " Correct... There's nothing I like to do more than to find that another person has gave me the reason to shoot them... " Kat smiled evilly " Put your guns down and we'll forget all about this incident... " Misato noticed Shinji and Asuaka out of the corner of her eyes " Hey Shinji " Kat said calmly, it was almost as if he didn't care... " Shinji... Asuka... Get out of here... Now! " Misato said slowly " I can't let them go... " Kat moved slightly so he blocked the way to the door " Just let them go... " " I want the to see what happens when you go up against one of mine... " Kat grinned " Then... I have no other choice... " Misato pulled the trigger, Kat flew backward from the impact the bullet made on his chest " Misato... " Asuka looked scared, Shinji was holding her hand " He won't be getting up in a hurry... " Misato said trying to smile " That fucking hurt you stupid bitch! " Kat shouted as he flipped to his feet, his guns had slid nearer to Misato " Kat... I don't want to have to kill you... " " You'll have to... " Kat started to run at Misato, She pulled the trigger a few more times sending Kat flying back again " Is he dead? " Shinji asked nervously " I hope so... " Asuka said squeezing Shinji's hand " I don't die easily... " Kat said as he staggered to his feet, he held his hand over a few of the wounds he had just taken " Won't you just give up? " Misato shot Kat a few more times, he slumped to the floor again " I don't think so... " Kat climbed to his feet again " I could just finish you off now... " " With an empty clip? " Kat grabbed the knife again as he advanced on Misato " Fuck... Shinji... Asuka... Get away from him if you can... " Kat smiled " I think I'll do my good deed for my life... Fuck off you little brats... " Shinji and Asuka slipped away " Now what? " Misato asked herself " Time to die... I think I'll kill that William too... He pissed me off... " Kat slowly advanced on Misato " Kill me but don't kill William... " " When you're dead you can't stop me... " " Wanna bet? " Misato suddenly smiled " Huh? " Kat paused, he span round to see Shinji trying to sneak up on him with a metal bar " Little Bastard... " Kat started to run after Shinji as he ran out of Misato's apartment " Shinji no... Misato sank to her knees, she looked up when she heard a thud Kat lay at Auska's feet, she had just hit him with a metal Bar " Think he'll stay like that? " Asuka asked Shinji " I hope so... You didn't even make a dent though... " Shinji replied looking at Kat's head " Shall I change that? " Asuka grinned as evilly as Kat had earlier Kat groaned " What the hell... That hurt... " He started to get up only to be hit by Asuka again This time he remained down Kat awoke to the face of the blonde woman he had dreamed about, she looked down on him in concern, she didn't seem to be aware that he was awake " If he dies after what Misato did to him... Well have a lot of trouble explaining and replacing him... " She seemed to be talking to another person " I agree, if he die's then we may have to give them Rei to make up for it, " Said a man " Then they'll have all three gene types... Well be completely outclassed by them then... We can't allow that to happen... " " Both of us have two of the gene types but why can't we just extract the last one out of him? " " They actually had six gene types in one type of class... It wouldn't work anyway... His blood or what ever we try to extract it from doesn't contain what we want any longer " " Any longer? " " Yes... It would have disappeared by now... It would only reappear if there were a real need for it to become dominant... " " Dominant? It could chose when it is? " " Yes... It's like an auto defence system or what every you want to call it... When the person is out matched then it becomes active... " " And what would have happened if it did in the incident with Misato? " " We would be missing one Major and three pilots... not to mention anyone else who lived near that area... " " That bad... " " Worse... That would be a minor case... " " So what would it mean if they got their hands on Rei? " " A perfect life form... One third would be human the other would be... " Ritsuko realised that Kat had awoken " Morning... When's breakfast? " " Huh? " " I'm hungry... I dunno how long you've had me here and I want to get my job done so I can go back to England " " Well you've been out for some time... We were afraid that you might die... " " I guessed... So what are you doing about what happened? " " Nothing... If Major Katsuragi has anything to say about that then she can o to Gendo " " Didn't he leave? " " Yes... " " Who are you? You seem so familiar... " " You don't remember me? " " No... I wouldn't be asking who you were if I knew would I? " " I'm Ritsuko... Don't you remember at all? " " I don't even have a clue what you're talking about now... Remember? No... I don't think so... " " You should... " Ritsuko gave him a look that he didn't recognise due to the lighting " Did you help create me or something? " " Something like that... " Ritsuko smiled " Hmm... So that would explain what you seem to know about me... " " You were awake? " " Of course... " " Well, if you must... You can go and get something to eat... " Ritsuko released Kat, he climbed to his feet unsteadily " What have I missed that was of interest? " " Nothing... In a few hours the pilots are going to fight the angel that appeared " " The one I was supposed to help with? " " Yes... " Ritsuko stepped forward " What is it? " Kat asked as she examined his features " If you ever remember... Tell me... I'll explain what you remember then... " " If you say so... " Kat walked out of the room, he hadn't really noticed before but as it came into focus... It looked familiar... Strangely familiar... everything was familiar, the lighting... Or the lack of it he thought The beds... Four of them... Even the rooms metallic décor... Kat shrugged and walked out, this was probably some twisted memory that was best not remembered Maya Ibuki lay in a hospital bed inside of the NERV facility, she lay with her eye's open but unseeing as she stared directly at the ceiling Asuka was sat with her, she had refused all the training and the threats that had gone with her choice to stay here with Maya as long as she could Asuka held Maya's hand with her own, she didn't want to leave... She felt that something had happened between them when she had found Maya... It hadn't been a pretty sight... Maya had been lying there in a pool of blood from what appeared to be a failed suicide attempt... if she had been later though... It may have been successful A shadow passed by on the corridor behind her, she shuddered, when she had found Maya a shadow had dived out the window It had spotted her as she came in and hung above Maya until the last moment before it fled leaving Maya, as she was... it had started to bandage her up... If it hadn't have done that she may not have been able to save Maya while they waited for help to arrive... Asuka turned to see what the shadow was... She almost screamed when she saw Kat standing in the corridor " Hey... I'm not going to hurt you... " Kat said as he walked into the room " How do I know that? " Asuka shivered " Here... This is how... " Kat passed over his guns to Asuka " I could just kill you now... " " Correction, you could try " " I could try and maybe I would succeed " " Maybe so... you'd have to load the gun and take it off safety first though " Kat held up two clips " You bastard... " " I can't actually be bothered to load it at this point anyway " Kat looked at Maya " What do you want? " " Who's she? " Kat asked staring at Maya " That's Maya Ibuki... " " What happened to her? " " She was attacked... " " By who? " " I don't know, now could you go? " " No... I want to know as much as I can... " " I don't really want to help you... " " I don't want to help me either... " Kat sighed " After what you did... " " You can blame William for that... " " What? Trying to put the blame on William? " Asuka shouted " No... He attacked me first... What happened is his fault... When I get attacked, with the way I was trained I go nuts and try to kill everyone... " " That's a load of... " Kat help his hand up " I was trained to kill... If the need ever arose then I would shoot you in the chest to disable you, best thing is it keeps you alive for as long as I need for questions " " You are sick... Misato was right " Kat shrugged " Another persons death means little to me... If you died and you meant something to me though... I suppose I would kill the person who was to blame... " " Could you go please... " " Not until I know what happened to Maya... " " She was attacked is all I can tell... I found her bleeding to death and that's all I can tell you... " " You found her... I... I'm sorry... I didn't know... " Kat hung his head " What? " Auska was puzzled " It's just... Jonathon died and I wasn't there with him like you are for her... " " She isn't going to die... " " Jonathon wouldn't have if I was there for him... " " You blame yourself? " " No... I just regret not being there with him when he needed me... " " I didn't know... So that's why you were so easily angered... " " Yeah... I can't forget what happened to him... The girls though... They betrayed him by running off... I have to kill them anyway... " " Girls? You have to kill them? " " Yeah... We were like brothers and sisters... " " That's really strange... I know people who want to kill their brother or sister but they don't mean it like that... " Kat smiled weakly " I want to for them betraying Jonathon... " " What was he to you anyway? " " A great friend... " Kat sighed " A friend? " " He used to have lots of spare time being the master's favourite child... " " The masters? " " Yeah... He used to be able to spend time with all of us... When some of the staff used to pick on us... we were young at the time... He stood up for us... " " I see... " Asuka put her hand on Kat's, she smiled and wrapped her arms around his shoulders " What are you doing? " Kat asked confused by this sudden action " Giving you a hug... Seems that you need one too... " Asuka said, behind them Ritsuko watched with a slight smile as Asuka accepted Kat as a friend Probably the first one she had really ever had