Evangelion - Bloodlines Children of Project D Genesis 0:5 Nightmare Shinji lay asleep, he was dreaming and he knew that he was " Hey Shinji! " William was in this dream " What do you want? " In his dreams at least he could stand up to anyone " Hey no need to be aggressive... " " Get lost, of all people you are the last I want to se in my dream " " Suit yourself... " " Well? " " Well what? " " Go " " I would... But this is my dream that you're in... " " What do you mean that this is your dream? This is my dream damn you " " No... This is my dream " " Really... So why am I in your dream? " Shinji decided to try and outsmart the dream " Look, I haven't got a clue why you are in my dream but I want you out " " How do I get out my own dream? " " I haven't got a clue... " William sighed " How do I get you out my dream? " " I want to get out of this... Being trapped in a dream with you is a nightmare " " If it is you... Why did you tease Rei like that? " " Dunno... I suppose... Maybe it's the way that she just sits there being little Miss perfect... Maybe that's why... " " Oh... When I wake up I'm asking you that to make sure " " Go ahead... What is it with Misato and that dead guy? " " She feels that she's the one who's to blame... " " I guess we all make mistakes... " " But she isn't... He went off at his own accord and got killed after being offensive to her... " " I suppose I should wake up... This is too strange for me... " Shinji realised that he had no surroundings in this dream, with him arguing with William he hadn't noticed " Hey Shinji, wake up you little bastard " William shouted " What? " Shinji opened his eyes " You're going to be late for school " William was dressed in the school uniform " School? You have to be kidding... " " Look at the date you idiot... " William walked out, out of the corned of his eye he saw Asuka leaning against the doorway " What's with that freak? " Asuka asked when she was sure that William couldn't hear " Dunno... I had a really strange dream last night though... " " And? " " Had him in... " " He was saying he had one where he beat that damn angel... " " Did anyone say when they thought it would attack again? " " Yeah... In a week or so... It isn't regenerating fast like they thought it would " Asuka flicked her hair back " Do you think I'm stupid? " " Of course " " No, William said something yesterday... " " What? " Asuka started to look interested " He was saying that me and Rei were really thick... " " He did? I have to go and ask him about this " Shinji didn't like the way Asuka grinned when she heard that Rei was involved England: Jane climbed to her feet unsteadily, she wasn't feeling well but she had to get dressed so they could leave this country " Jane? " Leona was stood there with her teddy " My teddy... " Jane grabbed her teddy off Leona " I forgot that I had it when you let me come with you... " " Doesn't really matter... " Jane tried to rub the blood stains off it " I found it near a pool of blood... " " Huh? " " I don't want to give you false hope but... Well a person similar in size and build to Jonathon broke into the base... " " But it isn't him... " " How can you be sure? " " When he left the country... I felt him go... " " You where close to him... I didn't think that you where that close though... " " I don't know why they haven't blocked the airports up... " " They can't risk letting the public find out about our existence... " " I guess... " " They blocked the account that they know I have... " " So you don't have any money? " " No... I have another couple of them... I only let them know about the one that I wanted them to know about " " I see... So how did Robert afford the trip? " " He knows the manager " " So that's why we came here... " Robert waited outside the jeep, Jane was taking her time but it didn't really matter... Soon they would be gone and all of this would be behind them Time passed as he waited but he couldn't rush Jane with her current state, if she was hurried then she might not be able to cover all the injuries that she had taken " I wish that there was something I could do... " Robert looked at his watch, they had plenty of time A black car passed by " If this was a movie then that car would have government officials inside... " Robert looked to the side to see Jane and Leona standing there dressed like average kids " Well? " Jane asked " Apart from the fact you're still pale you could pass off for a healthy kid " Robert said unable to spot any sign of her previous injuries " Told you Jane, and you said that you wouldn't pass off as a normal kid... " Leona teased " Hey, I thought that I wouldn't... " Jane sighed " Well we have to get all our things ready... " Robert said as he checked his watch " Just a thought... What are you going to do about the jeep? " Jane asked " It's coming with us, going on a transport plane " " Ok... " Jane looked at her clothes, what was left of them " Jane? " Leona put her Hand on Jane's shoulder " What? " " Do you have access to your account? " " I don't know... " " Shall we check? " " If there's a place we can... " " I think there may be a place in the grounds that we can use... " " I wouldn't try an open air place if I were you... " Robert said as he changed his shoes " Why not? " Jane asked " Could be a little hard to explain of the account was locked... " " I see... " Jane sighed Japan: Shinji walked into class, it seemed a little odd to do this after the time away for the holiday " Hey Shinji! " William walked over and sat next to him " What do you want? " Shinji asked trying to remember to be polite " Nothing... Just saying hi... " William looked up as the other students poured in " Who's the freak Shinji? " Toji asked ass he walked in " This is William... " Shinji sighed " Hey, don't call me a freak " William shouted, he stood up and cracked his knuckles " Is the freak going to make something of this? " Toji teased " Call me a freak again and... " William slammed his fist on the desk " Stop trying to scare me freak... " Toji looked across to see Hikari walk in with the teacher... a different teacher " Just wait until break... " William muttered, he looked up to see Rei walk in " Hey Shinji... Where's... " Toji paused, one of them was definitely missing " Don't know... Do you think he's ill? " " Maybe... " Shinji watched as the new teacher talked with Hikari " Ok class stand... " Hikari was silenced by the teacher " No... I'm not having that while I'm here " the man gestured to the Hikari's desk " But... " " But nothing... " The teacher started to do the register " Is it true that the freak caused some problems with the last angel? " Toji asked Shinji " I can't say... " " I see... " " They keep talking about doing something that's preventing it from regenerating as fast as it could... " " Sounds like their trying to buy you all time to get to know the freak " Toji looked at William who was sketching the class " I don't like William either... " " Who could? He's really annoying... " " And I've known him longer than you, just shows that he's that annoying " Shinji looked at Asuka, she had fallen asleep already and the teacher wasn't doing anything about it " Looks like this teacher doesn't care that much... " " Care about what? " Shinji asked " Well for a start, we both keep talking, Asuka has fallen asleep and no one's paying attention to the work that's been set " Toji yawned " Oh... " Shinji lay back, William had fallen asleep and Toji looked like he was going to do the same... England: Kat was sat in a briefing, it was detailing that Jane and Leona were leaving the country by plane or some similar form of transport, they were probably headed for Japan " Going to avenge Jonathon's death I suppose..." Kat sighed, he hated being withdrawn from everything at the last moment only to be told that there was a new plan " I suppose that they think I'll be next to leave... " Kat sighed, he knew that they didn't trust him anymore with what the others had done... Kat watched as the person in charge detailed about the person who had helped Jane " Robert... A person who's son worked on them... Maybe his son could help me? " Kat said to himself, he watched as the person tried to make clear to the others about Jane " Jane is a threat Blah, Blah, Blah... " Kat stood up and walked out to the amazement of the others, he couldn't stand being told the same thing over and over... Kat sighed as Maxamilion walked down the corridor toward him " Ah Kat... What are you doing now? " " Planning to kill the traitors..." " I would prefer to get them back alive but if it's not possible then... " " What went wrong with Jane that caused this? " " I suppose that you know a little bit more about what you are... " " Yes... What happened to Jane and Leona " " Probably that they are genetically inferior to you, they must have weakness in their genes that cause this " " So do you think that I have? " " No... At least I hope not, Jonathon was the only one out of you that I would be able to say yes about though..." " Why? " " He was completely engineered, we knew all his weaknesses " " And us? " " You were made form templates that we had... As a result not everything is certain about you... " " Why were we made from templates? " " A fully engineered human tends to be fine for what you want... Only they can be flawed beyond belief when it comes to other things " " I see... So you believe that with a template that you can create a better person that by selecting it yourself... " " Exactly, a template is a real person, made form two million years of evolution and then gave the helping hand of genetics to improve it " " So that's why I'm noticeably quicker reacting that any one else... That explains why I am faster than the others are..." " We did want to do a few other things to you to make sure that you were all perfect but we couldn't due to time constraints " " I see... So that explains a lot to me... Now I can understand why Jane had to be stopped... " Kat growled " You are all intelligent... all of you are able to do things better than a normal human but you all have a particular speciality that was engineered into you too... " " The more I find out the more I wonder why I wasn't told before... " " We couldn't be sure that you would cope, after all how can you just tell a kid that they are nothing more than a creation... " Maxamilion said sadly " A harsh thing to say to a young mind... " Kat sighed " You see my point... Telling them could do more damage than anything else could to them at that age... Few things could be worse to a kid so young " " I have a question... What exactly were we made for? " Kat asked cautiously " Saving humanity... " Maxamilion said as if far away " In what way? " " Destroying a threat to them... " " I can see that we failed to do that though... " " I'll have to talk with NERV about it " " NERV... I thought that they where G... Never mind " " I have to get Jan and Leona back to see if I can use them still " " What for? " Kat asked uncertainly " The four of you where to be pilots... I may have to see if they will still use you..." " If not? " " Then you'll be allowed to live your own life among us " " I like that idea... " Kat smiled " I suppose you should be allowed to train now... " Maximilion said as he walked away Japan: William was sat outside the school, he watched as Rei read a book and Asuka tried her best to stop her without doing much He was starting to feel sorry for her, everyone seemed to do his or her best to pick on her and she never did anything about it... " Hey freak! " Toji shouted as he walked out of the school building " Don't... Call me... A... Freak... " William stood up and turned to face Toji " Like I said when you chickened out in class, what are you going to do about it? " " I didn't 'chicken out' like you said... " " Really... " Toji started to lose interest " If you say freak one more time... " " Freak " " That's it! " William shouted, he ran at Toji who was leaning against a tree " What the? " Toji ducked out the way as William threw a punch, William's fist slammed into the tree " Now I'm going to kill you, you bastard " William shouted as he slammed his elbow into Toji's chest Toji flew to the ground holding his chest, he hadn't expected William to be as able to fight as he seemed, William stood above him blood dripping from one hand " Stop that! " Hikari ran over to William and slapped him " That hurt... So much I forgot that I just bust my hand " Hikari looked down to see William had broken some bones in his hand " How did you do that... " Hikari asked shocked " Trying to bust Toji's skull... " William said looking at Toji " Does it hurt? " Hikari asked trying not to sound worried " No... I've had insects bite me harder... " " How did you break it that badly? " " Toji ducked and I hit the tree... " William sighed, he watched as Shinji helped Toji up " Before we do anything else about this we have to get something done about your hand... " " My hand should be fine... " " Not like that! " Hikari dragged William off leaving a bewildered Toji with Shinji " You ok Toji? " Shinji asked " I'm ok... Just a little surprised... I don't understand... " " Understand what? " " How he can put that much force into a punch, break his fist and still not break a sweat..." " Maybe you should apologise to him " " Are you kidding? There's no way that I'm saying sorry to him " " Suit your self... " Shinji looked up to see Asuka staring at Toji shocked He sighed as other people started to crowd them wanting to know if Toji was hurt Hikari stopped to look back at Toji, he looked ok but he was shocked by what had happened to him Probably didn't expect William to fight back... Misato walked into the school building angrily, she had heard that there had been a minor disturbance with one of the kids in her care... " It better not be Shinji arguing with Asuka again... " Misato growled as she walked into the classroom William was sat there with his hand bandaged up " Ok, what happened? " Misato asked calmly " He got into a fight, with Master Suzihara " The teacher said equally as calm " He did? Did Toji do that to him? " " No, if it wasn't for Hikari stopping him I think he would have easily put Toji in hospital... Easily " " What happened to his hand? " Misato sighed " He broke it " the teacher was eerily calm " What? How? " " A badly judged punch is all I can get out of him and the others " " Where's the other teacher? " " He's away sick " " What's wrong with him? " " Haven't been told about that yet, could be serious " " Do you think I should take him with me now? " " Do what you think is best, I get paid by NERV no matter " " I see... Nice talking to you anyway... " Misato grabbed William by his other hand and dragged him out of the class room and down the corridor " I'm sorry Misato... " William sighed " If you ever do something like this again... " " I know... " " Well since you're free at the moment you're going to learn more about piloting an Eva " " Do I have to? " " Do you want me to take this to Kim? " " Do what you want... I'm not getting paid to save all of your worthless lives " " You knew that when you came to work for us " " I didn't have a choice " " Maybe so, you still have a responsibility to do your job " " I don't give a... " Misato slapped William " You better start to " England: Jane was sat onboard the transport There were other people here too apart from the small group that she now belonged to Mainly soldiers, probably for the angel attack she was hearing about " Jane... Have you heard about the angel attack? " Leona asked quietly " Not much... Why what can you tell me? " " They failed to take it out with four of those 'machines' they use, they had to blow it up and that didn't stop it " " Huh... I bet if Jonathon was there he would have been able to take the Angel out alone in a badly damaged Eva " " Yeah, those 'Evangelions' are a little strange though... " " What do you mean? " " They look almost human... " " Haven't you noticed? In the surrounding world man tries constantly to shape everything in his image " Jane sighed " Maybe he should shape something in the image of a woman one day? " Leona giggled at this thought " Don't be silly... You know better than the dumb ass soldiers around us what I mean " " Yeah but it's fun to twist peoples words sometimes... " " Your sick... " " Thank you " Leona smiled " The soldiers are really getting to me... " Jane sighed " Why? " Leona asked unsure of what her friend meant " They keep staring at me... " " Maybe you should tell them that you are only fourteen? " " With the way they look at me I don't think they would care... " " At least I don't have all the obvious good looks like you " Leona sighed " I would trade my looks for the ability to read a computer like you do anytime if it was possible " Jane said with a slight smile " Jane... One of the soldiers is... " Leona paused as the soldier sat next to Jane " Hiya... " The soldier started, Jane didn't want to know " Look, I'm not interested... Besides I only go for intelligent people and I'm fourteen " " What? " The soldier shook his head in suprise " Piss off " Jane growled " I don't mind the age gap... Besides they still don't have an age of consent in Japan... " " Your sick... You know that? Besides intelligent... Prove it " " Ok... " The soldier paused to think " Come on... " " Twenty seven times thirty five is nine hundred and thirty five... " the soldier said afet a short pause " Is that the best you can do? It's nine hundred and forty five... Oh and the hexadecimal value of that is... three bee one I think... " Jane was too quick for the soldier to take in " What the hell? " The soldier grabbed a calculator out of his bag and checked " I think you'll find that I was right... " " Shit... She was... Are you one of those child prodigies or something? " " I suppose you could say that... " " Just my luck... I see a nice girl... she turns out to be too young and a genius too... " The solider walked back to his seat and silenced one of his friends... With a punch " You didn't have to sink so low as that Jane... " Leona sighed " Sorry but I thought that using the finer points of genetic selection would lose him..." " You're probably right... " Leona sat next to Jane " Where's Robert? " " Talking to the pilot... We won't be lifting off for a few more minutes anyway..." " Great... Now he's holding us up... " " At least we won't be here for much longer " Jane smiled and lay back in her seat She didn't want to stay in this country anymore if one of the most stupid organisations was after her She didn't know how she was going to revenge for Jonathon's death yet but she had decided to work with them for a short time to learn about their weaknesses Leona sighed, from the look on Jane's face it would appear that she was happy but now... After all that had happened she was probably planning her revenge Jane would never learn... She would probably die before she did anyway... Japan: William was sat in Unit-03, after the incident during school he was being forced to learn to pilot his Eva more effectively " Stupid Eva... " William snapped as Misato tried to fill him in on how to control it " William are you paying attention? " " Yes, I already know all this stuff anyway " " What? So why did you do so badly in combat? " " I know the Eva like a text book... I had very little hands on experience with it... " " Oh great... Well that means that all you're doing today is learning to pilot the Eva effectively so there are no more incidents like last time Misato paused as a technician walked in William strained to listen to what they were talking about " Major... Maya has been found unconscious... " The technician started " At home? " " Yes... Looks like she's been bleeding for some time..." " Did she try suicide? " " We can't tell at this point... She keeps talking about a black shape attacking her... " " Black shape? " " The magi came up with this... " Misato looked at a print out " God... It can't be... " William tried to get a glimpse of the paper but he was angled wrongly " We also found the missing patrol... All bar one dead... " " One survivor? " " He keeps talking about a black shape too... " " Oh man... how are we going to explain this one to Kim? " " We should froward as much as we need to into security... They should know about this as soon as the information's been cleared " " So, do you think that we have them running around in the base? " " There may only be one... " " We have to protect all the key staff... " Misato looked up to see Eva Unit-03 watching " Misato... Are we safe? " William asked unsure of what was going on despite what he had heard " I hope so... If the magi are right about this then we may be unable to protect you and the other children... " " What does this mean? " " You may all be moved into the base when it's practical... " " I... I just hope that it doesn't get any of us... " William sighed "We'll make sure that it doesn't get any of you... " Misato turned back to the technician " I should get this to Kim now... " The man sighed Misato nodded Asuka was sat next to Maya, Maya was currently hooked up to various machines that gave out constant readings about various areas of her body It had came as a shock to Asuka, she hadn't expected Maya to do anything like that to herself Seeing a bloodstained knife against her wrists was too much to bear, Asuka had broke down into tears on the spot after calling for help It was too much like the past... Asuka looked up as Shinji walked in, her face bore no sign of emotion as she acknowledged his presence in the room She sighed as doctors tried to clean blood off her face, Maya had tried to reach out to her before passing out leaving a smear of blood down her cheek Shinji sat next to her trying to say something to comfort her but being unable to find the right words Maya was dying and Asuka wouldn't accept it Shinji held out his hand to Asuka only to get a cold stare in return telling him that she didn't want his pity Shinji slowly withdrew his hand still hoping that she would reach out and take it She didn't Maya stirred slightly she slowly opened her eyes to see Asuka's face before her She held slowly moved her hand so that it rested on Asuka's lap, Maya she closed her eyes again and fell into a deep sleep Shinji knew at this moment that there were only three to fight the angel Asuka wouldn't leave this room until Maya had recovered