Evangelion - Bloodlines Children of Project D Genesis 0:4 Blood Type Unknown Japan: Misato waited patiently as she was led to a room somewhere deep in the bowels of NERV Misato didn't have a clue where she was or even what she was doing here but she had been told that it was really important to the future of Humanity what she was about to see " Please wait here a second Major... " Said the man " What is it that you thought was so important that you had to drag me out of bed at three in the morning? " Misato snapped, the man backed away slightly " The new pilot has arrived " " That's it? You dragged me out of bed at this time just to tell me that? " " No... Apart from that the thing that was brought in with him... " " Another Eva? " " Yes... " Misato watched as the man placed his key card in the door, there was a short pause as he entered a code The door slid open slowly... " Well? " Misato looked down the corridor that lay beyond the door " This way Major " The man's dead tone was starting to irritate her but until she saw what all the fuss was about she couldn't do anything " Well, if it isn't Major Katsuragi " Said a familiar voice " Ritsuko? " Misato span around to see the blonde scientist standing behind her " They brought me here as they thought that I would be importanrt to the project now Gendo was gone... " " Where have you been? " " Holiday... An extended holiday... " " Did they drag you out of bed too? " " No... I've been up for a while anyway... " " So what is it that they brought me here for? " " You know that we have another pilot? " " Of course... I haven't seen him yet though due to things getting out of hand... " " How is Maya anyway? " " Shook up... She'll be okay with some rest though " " Hmm... Anyway, this is what you were brought to see today... " Ritsuko gestured toward another door " Is this anything to do with the fourth child? " " Yes... It would be best to see though... " " Okay... " Misato sighed and walked through the door " She will never learn... " Ritsuko shook her head Ritsuko lifted her head as Misato screamed " What the hell! " Misato stood before a new Evangelion unit " Misato... You're looking at Unit-03 " Ritsuko smiled " You went ahead and built it? " " After the new prototype pilot was killed they decided that we should just stick to the original plan... Leaves us with one problem... " " What? " Misato looked intrigued " We still have the four prototype units in their unfinished state... " " Four? " " Does no one ever tell you anything? " " Seems that way... " Misato sighed " Anyway, as I was saying the four that we have unfinished will have to be scrapped as one of the pilots is dead and another has gone insane... " Ritsuko turned to face Unit-03 " So what about the other two? " " They seem to have become unstable... " Ritsuko frowned " So some big project that you started has just fallen apart? " " There is another problem... " " Which is? " Misato yawned " These units... The children had a fifty or so percent chance of controlling them... " " Then why don't you finish them and use them instead? " " Because if we do there will be no one who can pilot them... The children that were intended for the pilots were the only ones who could... " " Why? " " Sorry but I can't tell you that... " " Why not? " " I don't have the authorisation or the access for that information... " " So from now on we have a wasted project on our hands? How much did this cost anyway? " " Nowhere near as much as the E project... All the equipment was already there for us to use... All we needed was the genetic sample that we were going to base hem off... " " Great... Now if you don't mind I want to go home... " " Remember to take the fourth child with you... " " Huh? " " He's right next to you... " Ritsuko turned and walked away " Excuse me? " William tapped Misato on the shoulder " How did you sneak up on me like that? " " Easy... You're tired... " " I suppose you are too? " " Not really... Had too much caffeine... " " Great... Now I'm tired... I have to find you a place to sleep... And I have a hyperactive kid on my hands... " " I'm not hyperactive " " Whatever you say... " Misato walked to the door, a security officer grabbed her arm " Excuse me miss, there has been a minor incident... We'll have o escort you back to your quarters " " What? " " We may have a spy among us " " I don't see what that has to do with me... " " A lot actually... If you get hurt as a result of this then we may be in trouble... " " I see... Well can you just hurry up? " " Yes Major " William shook his head and tapped the guards shoulder " Excuse me... If this is all true then don't you think that it would be better to wait until daylight? " " No... We have to go now... " William shrugged as Misato gave him a funny look " Three kids... Why did I agree to this? " England: Leona took aim, Jane was right before her and was an easy target... She started to squeeze the trigger as she aimed through the telescopic lens, Jane looked like she had been hurt already... She was bandaged and had blood stains over her normally pristine clothes Jane had already been injured... Leona looked closer to see that there were what she could only assume were entry wounds where she had been shot... Jane had been shot? " They lied... The said that Jane had become really dangerous... All I can see is a little girl who needs another assistance... " Leona watched as a man walked over and helped Jane to her feet " No... They are going already? " Leona climbed to her feet and brushed grass from her combat outfit, she started to run down the slope that she had chosen to hide on... She had to catch up with her... Robert walked over to Jane, she seemed to be weakening from what had happened to her She didn't seem to be healing well... " You sure that you can make it? " " I'll manage... " Jane smiled weakly " If you insist... " Robert put his arm around Jane's waist and lifted her to her feet Jane paused " I can hear something... " " What? " Jane turned around slowly " Shit... It's Leona... " " Another one of you children? " " Yeah... She's running toward us with a gun... " " Shall we go? " " No... We can't get away... She could catch us as you try to drive away... " " So what shall we do? " " Well... she doesn't seem to be trying to harm us... " " So we wait and find out... " " Yeah... " Leona continued to run as fast as she could manage toward Jane She had to catch up with her so she could leave too, she was used to being lied to by the people who had raised her but this time they had gone to far " Jane wait... " She shouted, Jane hadn't moved since she had spotted her but she didn't want to risk Jane trying to leave her Jane watched Leona slow down and stop next to her " Well? " Jane snapped, she wasn't in the mood to run... Or fight " I want to come with you... " Leona said quickly " But you work for them... " " They lied to me again... They said that you were a threat...That you were dangerous... seeing you like this... It's made me realise that you need my help... " " Leona... I don't know if I can trust you... " " Please... You can't leave me... " Leona sank to her knees and burst into tears " Can we trust her? " Robert said after a short pause " Leona... " Jane looked shocked " Jane please... " Leona sobbed " I guess so... I'm not in any condition to do anything though... " " I'll take care of you... " Leona said hugging Jane " Thank you... " Jane smiled weakly before closing her eye's and sighing Japan: An angel was due to attack soon, they had picked up a blue signal and were getting the children ready to fight what ever this angel was... So far they hadn't seen or heard anything from the angel so they were all on edge Maya sat next to her sister who was still working on the program that Jonathon had left behind " Still nothing? " Maya almost teased " No... He used an incredible encryption program and we can't crack it yet... " " And you said..." " Hey I can do anything like this... Just give me the time and I'll tell you what all the hidden data is... " " Don't you have anything else to do with the angel around? " " Not confirmed that an angel is around... " " They picked up a blue blood pattern " " But they haven't seen anything... Maybe there is an error with... " Maya looked at her sister and shook her head " Don't you have a post? " " No, I'm just here to do all this stuff... " Maya shook her head again and walked away Kim Davis was sat in her office eating lunch, she didn't know what to do about this new 'angel' but if it made her miss this meal then she would be forced to kill it herself There was a light knock at the door " Come in... " Kim sighed and pushed the plate to one side " Excuse me miss... " Rei walked into the office dressed in her plug suit " Shouldn't you be on standby? " " They said that the angel may not turn up at this rate... " " I see... What is it that's bothering you? " " The new... The new 'child' He's... " " He's what? " " He keeps acting strange... " " In what way? Is he showing to much interest in you? " " No... He's acting strange around Shinji... " " Hmm... I'll see what I can do... Thank you for bringing this to my attention... Now if you'll excuse me I would appreciate it if you didn't disturb me again " Rei left the room quietly, Kim sighed and pulled her lunch over again " Uh major... The angel has been sighted... " One of the support staff said, Misato sighed and shook her head " Well? " " It's... It looks like... The third angel again... " " That's impossible... Isn't it? " " It looks like it... it's a perfect match... " " Deploy the Eva's... Just get rid of it " " Yes Major " Misato watched as the support staff scrambled around trying to get everything in place " Well? " " All the Eva's are ready... " " Then launch them! " Misato shouted angrily, she hated being put in charge of this when there were a few people whose jobs where to get the Eva's deployed Shinji watched as William landed next to him He looked up to see the transport he had just been dropped from explode from an energy blast This angel wasn't the one he fought before... It was smarter William had obviously had training in an Eva before hand, as he knew what he was supposed to do... This didn't mean that he did it well though " Hey Shinji look at the new boy... Didn't they teach him well? " " Dunno Asuka... " Shinji placed the umbilical cable in his back and turned to face the angel, he waited as a transport flew over head dropping him a positron rifle " Why did they drop one? " Shinji said aloud " Maybe we're to far from one to go and fetch one ourselves? " Asuka replied Shinji watched as the angel paused, it seemed to be watching him... " What is it with that thing? " shouted William " You should worry more about controlling the Eva idiot " Shouted Asuka, she grabbed her progressive knife and ran toward the angel " Wait, you don't know what they wat us to do! " Shinji shouted, he started to run toward Asuka's unit but he was stopped when the cable got snagged on something " Need a hand? " William smashed the obstruction that was stopping Shinji only to find that he was trapped too Asuka ran toward the angel ready to attack it with her progressive knife, she was puzzled by the fact it just stood there watching her " You're not going to get away that easily " Asuka screamed as she dived at the angel The angel grabbed the Red Eva and threw it into a nearby building " Where's Rei? " Shinji shouted " Right here... " Shinji turned to see the Yellow Eva raise from a platform " What the? " Asukau's signal was suddenly cut off Shinji turned to see the Angel standing above the red Eva The angel had forced Asuka to eject with out harming the Eva... Much " What the? " William ran toward the angel with a progressive knife " Wait you idiot... " Shinji sighed, he watched as the angel prepared to beat another Eva but... William tripped " Oh god... " William fell to the ground, the angel wasn't expecting this so it was unable to grab him as he fell, his progressive knife sank into the angels leg forcing it to grab onto a nearby structure to support itself " It has no AT field " Maya whispered " No AT field? " Shinji repeated aloud, he turned to the Yellow Eva It stood there waiting for orders still " Rei, shoot the damn angel " Shinji shouted " What the... " Williams signal was cut off too, the angel turned back to Shinji and Rei " Will you stop fooling around and fight the angel " Misato shouted Shinji started to fire at the angel as it advanced on him, it walked forward slowly as an AT field appeared preventing anything from damaging it " What was that about it having no AT field? " Shinji said as he tried to penetrate the angel's defences Rei started to fire at the angel too only to find it was ineffective, there had to be a way of beating it... " What the? " Misato watched as the angel charged at Shinji and Rei, it smashed bot of them to the ground and walked away leaving them stunned " Misato... We can't beat it... " Shinji said slowly, Misato nodded to Maya who ejected their entry plugs and arranged for a rescue crew to go and fetch them " Major... " Kim Davis stood on a gantry above her " Yes? " Misato growled " We have to stop that angel at all costs... We have arranged for a UN transport t drop one of their Nē mine's on the angel... That way we will be able to review what options are open to us... " " But the pilots... " " By the time the Nē mine has arrived they should all be safe... " " I hope that you're right... " Misato watched as the angel walked slowly toward the base, it paused before continuing to lumber toward the outskirts of Tokyo 3 Misato watched the angel as it stopped The angel examined a passing transport as it slowed to pick up the pilots, the angel watched the transport as it picked up all four of the pilots before trying to grab the transport to examine it closer " What the hell is that angel doing? " Misato said aloud, she turned to Kim ho was taking notes on the Angels behaviour There was something wrong here... England: Kat stood alone, he was the last child here " Jane has corrupted Leona's mind too... Damn her... " Kat looked into the distance, he was waiting for a troop patrol to return from a scouting mission so he could use the reconnaissance jet... " If Jane was able to get Leona when Leona was supposed to snipe her... Then there is no hope for the rest of us... " Kat watched as a jet bearing the NERV logo appeared, it landed quickly as the pilot was skilled at this " Excuse me... Are you Kat? " Asked a man as he climbed out " Yes, why? " Kat glanced at the mans holster to see it was empty " The project has collapsed due to what has happened here... We have been told to take you with us when its been cleared... " " You wish to use me still? " " Yes, you may need to be filled in on some of the things that we have to accomplish but you are to live among the E project children " " Huh... Seems I went up a letter... When will this take effect? " " As soon as the other two are no longer a threat " " I see... You wish for us to speed up trying to kill them? " " Kill is a strong word... We prefer to use Neutralise... " " You wish for me to kill them... " " Not if you don't have to... " " They really should die... I know enough about them to know that if their existence goes public then there will be a really big problem... " " If you wish to accompany me to Maxamilions office... " " I would like to know what is going on... " Kat guestured to a corridor and started to lead the way, with this he would probably be allowed to take action and take care of Jane and Leona The jeep slowly ground to a halt, Robert climbed out " What is it? " Leona asked hanging out the window " I dunno... " Robert lifted the bonnet, he wanted to get going as soon as he could " I may be able to help... " " I doubt it... " " Hey, just tell me what I should do and I'll help " " Just make sure that Jane's ok... " " If you say so... " Leona climbed back into the jeep " Hmm... This doesn't look good... " Robert said as he looked at the engine Robert turned to see a helicopter go by, it wasn't one of the bases so he was able to relax Robert watched as a car sped down the road and past them without stopping "I hope you fucking crash! " Robert shouted angrily, he watched with some satisfaction as the car failed to make a sharp corner " Looks like we'll have to get moving now, there will be some one here soon to investigate that... " Leona said hanging out the window again " Looks like the things falling apart... Unless... " " Unless what? " " Maybe the... " Robert looked at the fuel tank... It was empty " Empty? " " Yeah... The display isn't working either... " " I can fix the display... " " Go a head... I just need to get the spare fuel out the back " Ok... " Leona ducked back inside and started to mess around with the wires in the dash board Japan: The angel had been stopped... For now, the Nē mine had stopped it for now but it was regenerating quickly " Looks like another chance to redraw the city map... " Kim remarked morbidly " We need to see to the children... They failed to do their job with that angel... " Misato sighed, she looked at her watch " What is it Major? " " Kaji was supposed to be meeting me... " " Men are usually late... Or a complete waste of time... I'm afraid that Kaji seems to be both... " Kim looked at the door half expecting Kaji to be standing there " I suppose I should go find him... " " Remember that the children need to be disciplined for this incident " Misato nodded before walking out Ayami was still working on the program that Jonathon had made, for a kid he had made the job hard " Maybe... " Ayami started, she looked up to see Maya standing above her " Still nothing? " " No... The further I get the harder this program gets to decode... " " Maybe I can help? " " I doubt it... I'm the best in the country at this kind of thing and I'm having trouble... " " Then let me see what I can do? " " Fine... Just don't be surprised if you can't figure it..." Ayami moved allowing Maya to look at the program " Hmm... This is a little hard to figure... Have you tried to look at the program in a kore simple way? " " Simple? " " Each things has a specific character... " " Tried that... It didn't get me very far, there's some special way that this was encrypted, until I can find that I cant get the key to read it... " " That bad huh? " " Yeah... Now will you let me get back to this? " " Sure... Rather you than me..." Maya walked back to her post, Misato quickly stood in the way " Maya... Are you sure that you're up to this work? " " Yes... I'm fine now... " " I think you should take the time off until the obvious damage has healed... " Misato brushed Maya's hair out the way showing the bruise she had " Look, I said I'm fine. Why can't you just accept that? " " You may not be over it... " " I'm over it, it's you who keep holding me back, you think that after one incident that I need you to take care of me until I'm ok again... " " It's not like that Maya... I'm just worried that... " " No, you're just assuming that with the way you know me that I'll need to be looked after form that one incident " " Maya you should rest... You look really pale... " " I said I'm fine " Misato was surprised by the way Maya suddenly got aggressive " That proves it... " " I'm fine... I can look after myself now " Maya grabbed Misato by the neck and lifted her off the ground " Put her down Maya " Ayami shouted, she ran over and slapped Maya " Why is everyone against me? " Maya burst into tears Misato watched as Maya ran down the corridor away from her " She needs help... I didn't think that she was so strong though... " Misato rubbed her neck, Maya had taken her by surprise " It's not like her... Something must be wrong... " Ayami helped Misato to her feet " I guess with what happened to her that she will need to be cared for... Even if she thinks that she can look after herself " Misato sighed Shinji was bored, the holiday was nearly over and he wanted to do something before the end, with what happened though... " Hey Shinji! " William walked into his room without knocking first " Don't you ever knock? " " No... Never really saw the point... " " Could you knock in future? " " What's the problem with it anyway? " " You're new here and you just barge into other peoples rooms... " " I haven't been in Asuka's or Misato's yet, their rooms are off limits as far as I'm concerned " " Why did they bring you here anyway? " " They didn't tell me much but what I know is that... Well, one of the other kids got killed before he was used... They said that I'm his replacement... " " Is that all you know? " William nodded " They stepped up the construction of Unit-03 when they found out and brought me with it to this place... " William yawned " Lucky you... " Shinji yawned " Sorry... Looks like I'm making you tired " " Not really... " Shinji pause when he heard a knock on the door " I'll get it... " William walked to the door, Shinji climbed to his feet and followed It was Rei " You're the new pilot " Rei said quietly, it was more of a statement than a question " Yeah, what do you want? " " I've been told that with what happened that we are to be partners from now on " " I see... So does that mean that Shinji and Asuka are going to be too? " " Yes " " You're not very talkative are you " Rei stood there looking confused " Leave Rei alone " Shinji pushed William out the way " I've also been told to tell you that William isn't staying here for long " " F... B... Uh... I see... " William struggled not to swear " So when is he moving out? " " Soon... I don't know when though " " Do you want to come in to talk about this? " William asked pushing Shinji aside " No " " So do you have anymore bad news? " William asked trying to look enthusiastic " No " " Rei, I have a question... Do you have a tendency toward using monosyllable words due to the fact you have an IQ similar in size to that of a fish? " Rei and Shinji stood there trying to understand for a few seconds " What? Could you rephrase that please? " Shinji was the first to break the silence " I just asked her if she's thick " " Hey, that's no way to talk to her " " Seems both of you are " William shook his head and walked away " It doesn't matter Shinji... what he said doesn't bother me... " Rei walked away quickly " Hey wait - Rei hold up! " Shinji ran after Rei leaving William behind " Typical... Thick people... " William shook his head and started to read a book Shinji put his hand on Rei's shoulder, she brushed it off angrily " I'm not going to let that bastard get away with this... He just went too far " Rei shouted angrily, Shinji stood there with a shocked expression on his face, he had never seen Rei show any emotion in any way since they had known each other, no emotion at all... " Rei, leave it... He's just an ignorant... " Rei turned to face Shinji, her pale cheeks flushed red with anger " Leave it? " " I know that you miss Jonathon... " " How did you know? " " He must have been around for a short time before he was due to move in... I know from Misato that you felt something for him... Even if he didn't return the feelings " " Oh great... Shinji... Promise me something... " " What? " " That you'll never tell anyone about this... " " I suppose.... " " Thank you Shinji... " Rei smiled gently for a second