Evangelion - Bloodlines Children of Project D Genesis 0:3 Call of Hatred Japan: Misato was sat at the table drinking as usual, she had the day off to get everything sorted but she had left it as usual to be done another day " Hey Shinji, come and have a drink " Misato shouted " I told you before... I'm too young to drink " Shinji shouted back " Fine, be like that... see what I care! " Misato continued to drink Asuka walked into the room " Misato? " " What is it Asuka? " " You only got this day off after you said you needed to spend time with us... " " I am spending time with you... You're the one's not spending time with me " " That's cause you're drinking again " " I always drink " " You need to stop... " Asuka walked out of the room There was a short time with only silence... " Asuka stop it! " Misato sighed as she climbed up from the table and walked into Shinji's room " Misato, tell her! " Shinji was on the floor and Asuka had pinned him " Tell her what? " " To give me my trousers back " " Your trousers? " Misato looked at Shinji for a moment before bursting out laughing " What's so funny? " Asuka enquired " Your two fight just like... Like... You're in love " Shinji and Asuka suddenly blushed " Who wants your stupid trousers anyway " Asuka threw them over Shinji's face before walking out of the room " Damn... Kids... Why did I ask for them back? " Misato walked out leaving Shinji to pull his trousers back on England: A search party had been sent out... One of the detachments of guards sent for the preliminary searches for Jane had failed to return... They had been sent to the same area as one of the people who had worked on the D project children The tracking device they had placed on Jane had also stopped working... If it had been damaged or destroyed then they would have a hard time tracking her down again Kat watched as the officers were briefed about capturing Jane... They had been told they had to at all costs, they also had to take him along, as he was the only person who could beat Jane if she turned aggressive " I hope this doesn't require my skills " Kat said to Leona " I do too... If you have to engage her then you would probably seriously injure her... Jonathon wouldn't have this problem though... " " Why not? " " His death is the reason... So if he were here still she wouldn't have done this... If she had then he would have been able to talk her down... " " I see... Maybe I should take the sedative? " " It won't work... " " Why not? " " It's to do with the levels of certain things in your blood the chance of it affecting you " " Oh... " Jane was unaware of her surroundings... She was injured and still bleeding Robert looked down at her he had to get her help soon... The only problem was what she was... He couldn't just take her to any place... They would find out about what she was, and with the way they had covered it for the last fourteen years it would be best for this to be kept secret for a little longer... " Robert? " Jane was awake but didn't seem to know where she was " Yeah... " " We need to go... They'll send the soldiers here to get us... " " You can't travel in this condition " " Then they'll take me back and kill you... " " Damn... Then we may have to risk it " " Where's my clothes? " Jane realised that she was almost naked " They're next to the fire... I had them washed " " Oh... thanks... " Jane lay back in bed... She didn't want to get up with her current condition but she knew that as soon as Robert had got ready they would have to go... Japan: Misato had been called into work... This was her day off as well " Sorry to call you in... " Maya stood at the entrance waiting for her " What is it? " " Gendo... He's just... Left " " Left? " " Yes... He left a note saying he wasn't coming back... Ever " " Ever? " " Nothing else in the note... " " Nothing at all? " " Here it is... " Maya handed Misato a note, there was little to it but it basically confirmed what Maya had just told her " Great... Now what? " " I don't know... " " Looks like we need a new commander... I'm not eligible to fill that role either " " I can get it sorted... " Maya ran back inside " " Great... All that just to find that Gendo's left " Misato followed Maya William Anderson was sat in the back of an Eva transport... He was being brought into the NERV facility today... Gendo had arranged to have him brought here sooner with his unit as one of the children they were bringing into the facility had been killed " Hey kid... What ya doin? " One of the pilots walked out to see him " Nothin much... Why did they want me early? " " Dunno kid... I only fly this thing " " So you don't know anything? " " Nothin... sorry " " Oh well... Want to lose at cards again? " " No, you cleaned me out last time... An I thought you would be easier to beat... " " Looks can be deceptive... " " Well, going back now... Just checkin that you're ok " The pilot walked out again William lay back, he waited to make sure that the pilot didn't come back... " Now I can do what I was going to... " William quickly pulled out a computer from his bag " Now all I have to do is get into the computer here and I should know what I need about this incident... " William quickly hooked the computer up to the main computer " Come on... " The computer booted William quickly ran a program... He watched as it bypassed all the security and opened up the file he was after " Hmm... Seems that I'm only here as a replacement pilot for the kid who got killed... " William disconnected the computer and stashed it away in his bag again Footsteps... " Hey kid... Almost forgot... " The pilot handed William a card... " My ID? " William asked " Yep... Without that you can't get in or anything " The pilot walked out of the hanger and back up to the deck " I suppose they think that I'm just a big joke... " William said turning to Unit-03 The unit remained silent... There was little else it could do England: Jane awoke in the back of an old jeep, she wasn't to sure about what was going on... " Where am I... " Jane held her hand to her injured shoulder " Man it wasn't a dream... I really am hurt... " Jane lay back on the blankets that had been placed in the back, the jeep started to come to a stop... " May I help you? " Robert asked a guard, he tried to hide all the feeling of hatred that he had for the organisation that employed soldiers that would happily send out a search party to kill a young girl that they had funded the creation of " Yeah... Looking for this girl... " The man held up a photo of Jane " Hmm... I had a wife that looked like her... " " Sir... Tell me where she is and I'll let you go... " The man's hand went to the butt of his gun " Like I said, my wife looked like that... " " Sir... " The man started t get angry, maybe it was with Robert's attitude toward him, but then he knew that there was something wrong... " Like I said... A wife that looked like that... What don't you understand? " " You're lying... I'm going to have to search your vehicle " " Fine... " Robert moved his free hand to the gun resting in the car door... " Come with me sir... And keep your hands where I can see them " Robert sighed, he opened the door and climbed out slowly " Well? " " Open the back " Robert reached for the keys as he walked around to the back " You won't find anything " " Open the back... " Robert slowly opened the back, a foot darted out hitting the other man in the face, he staggered backwards and hit the floor " Great... I can see why you wanted to escape... " Robert grabbed the mans gun and tied his hands before rolling him down a nearby hill " They tried to kill me when I ran... So I killed back... " " Not surprised... They way they act I wouldn't be to bothered if you had killed them all... maybe you should have? " " I don't feel so well... " " What is it? " Robert walked over to Jane " It's not important... This happens sometimes... " " Oh... If you need anything just shout... Anyway, we're nearly out of the grounds... " " Great... " Jane flopped onto the blankets and drifted into a deep sleep " Poor girl... Maybe I should help her... After all, when they find out they'll kill me... " Japan: A figure that was barley visible in the shadows silently crept through the darkness of the back streets of Tokyo 3 It paused to check that it wasn't being followed before leaping onto a roof... The figure started to hold a lower position as it covered the roofs slippery surface, it was as if it didn't want to be seen by anyone... A drip of blood hit the hot roof of the building as the figure jumped across the roof onto another buildings roof The figure paused again to make sure that no one had seen it before scuttling across the roof and diving through an open window, this time leaving a more substantial sign of bleeding Maya walked into her room after a long day at work, the was something wrong... The room looked like it had been disturbed... A figure walked out of the shadows, blood stained the advancing person's clothes... " Hello Maya... I've been waiting for you... " The person said in an evil voice All went black for Maya as the butt of a gun slammed into her head Maya was late and a new pilot was due to arrive... Misato watched as Maya walked in late, she had only been home as well... " You're late... Why? " Maya turned to face Misato, a bruise across her forehead " I... I... " Maya only stuttered " My god... Who did that to you? " " I was... Attacked... " Maya sobbed, she fell to her knees " Who by? " Misato started to show genuine concern " A man... " Maya placed her hand over the bruise " What did he do... " Misato sat next to Maya and put her arms around her shoulders " He hit me with a gun... " " What did he want? " " He wanted to know about the new Eva that's coming in today... " " Oh god... Did you tell him anything? " " He threatened to kill me if I didn't tell him..." " How could anyone do that to someone... " Misato let go of Maya gently " What is it Major? " Asked Commander Sharp " Miss Ibuki had been assaulted... She isn't in any fit state to work... " " Hmm... What did this person want? " " The person wanted to know about the new Eva that we had brought in... " " Did she tell them anything... " " I think so... " " Then do what ever you think would be best for Miss Ibuki and report this to security " " Sir? " " What? " " Do you think it was... " " I don't know who it was... Not at this stage... Have security escort her home... Get them to search the place for evidence... " " Yes sir... " Misato walked over to Maya " Misato? " Maya looked up, a tear rolled down he cheek " It's going to be ok... We'll catch the person who did this " " What are you going to do about this? " " Until you recover... We'll just have to use your sister " " Oh... " Maya sighed as she climbed to her feet, Misato escorted Maya out Kim Davis walked into her new office, she had heard that without Gendo Ikari around that the place would probably fall apart... As a result they had drafted in some new staff, a couple of command staff had been added to make sure that the place was able to run smoothly and that no particular member of the staff was overloaded with work Personally she thought that it was just a waste of time and that they should take the time to get the place a single member of staff, one that could run the place without any trouble... Of course she was reffeing to herself, after all she had more experience with command than any other member of staff had in this place, and without her exclusively in command she saw the place falling apart... Soon " Excuse me... I'm commander Sharp " A man walked into her office " Hello Dr. Sharp... When did you become a commander? " " Well, I was just told to assume the position as I was the most suited of the staff after Gendo left... " " Well as of today I have priority over you... " " I see... Glad to have someone else take over the day to day running of this place " " Hmm... Anything that I should know before I start? " " Well, one of the staff has been assaulted recently... One of the support staff, Miss Ibuki... We've sent out security with her to see if we can sort the matter out... " " When will she be able to return? " " I don't really know... She may take some time to recover... " " Hmm... So I guess she's fragile... " " You could say that... " " Give her an appropriate amount of time to recover from this incident and then see if she's fit to work again... " " What kind of time do you have in mind? " " Up to you... You know the staff better than me " " Ok... I see... Well, nice to meet you... Have to meet up another time? " " Next time you come into my office can you knock please? " Kim started to sort through the official documents that she had been gave... This was going to be a long day... A very long day England: Jane lay in the back of the jeep, she was unaware of how long she had been in there but all she knew was that she had been drifting in and out of consciousness " You awake back there? " Robert shouted over the noise of the engine " Yeah... " " You hungry? " Jane paused, she didn't know when she had last eaten but now when she thought about it... " Yeah... " Jane said after some thought The jeep pulled to a stop, the sound of boots on gravel " You ok back here? " Robert said opening the back of the jeep " I suppose... Keep falling asleep... " " Hmm... That's not a good thing is it? " " I don't know... I haven't been injured this badly before " " Great... " " Jonathon used to get badly injured... " " Why? " " Well... He dived in to a car to save me once... " " Don't you mean in front of? " " No he dived into the car... Smashed his shoulder and ended up in the infirmary for a while though... " " Why into the car? " " It was the only thing he could do to stop it hitting me... I was to far for him to just knock me out the way... The way he did it made the driver swerve into a tree... " " Ouch... And he was on the bonnet? " " Yeah... He wasn't smashed into the tree... He was just thrown into a mesh fence... " " Hmm... I suppose that saved him... " " I don't really feel up to talking... " " Sorry... You do need to rest... " Robert sat next to Jane and handed her a pack of rations and a hip flask filled with water " And I thought that hospital food was bad... " " Sorry... All I have at the moment... " " Not really a problem... " " If it helps I'll get something along the way? " " I'll be ok... Where are we going? " " I have no idea... All I know is that it's best to put distance between them and us... " " I really want to go to Japan... " Robert gave Jane a puzzled look " Japan? " " Where my... My... " " I see... I can get you to an airport... " " I have access to some money... " " Hmm... I've been meaning to ask you this for a while now but with everything that's happened to you... " " Yeah? " " Can I come with you? " " 'Scuse me? " " I really want to come with you... It's been a long time since I've had anything to do and I've been cooped up in their grounds all this time... " " Uh... " Jane looked confused " After you came along I decided that I didn't want to live like I was... I want to do something to help at least " " Ok... I suppose you could help me... " " Thank you... " Japan: Misato watched as Maya tried to clear up the mess in her apartment The fact that someone had assaulted her could mean that they had a severe security breach, they could even have the information that she knew fall into the wrong hands... " Maya? " Misato started to pick up the remains of a recent picture " Yeah? " May looked up nervously " Did you... Tell this person anything? " Misato asked trying not to sound intimidating " I told them nothing of any real importance... " " Meaning? " " Things like I had no access to privileged information... I did say that NERV seemed to be skimping on their budget for staff supplies... " " As long as you didn't tell them anything of value... " " I didn't... " Maya seemed to trip on her words " What is it? " Misato picked up on this quickly " The person... " " What? " " They said that... If I told anyone then... " " That they would kill you? " Misato asked, Maya nodded " They said... " Maya burst into tears " Damn... Who could do such a thing? " Misato said aloud, she turned to see that some of the security force had paused " Major... " " Keep out of this " Misato snapped before trying to comfort Maya England: Kat stood to attention as the man in charge of security filled him in on the plan to capture Jane " Kat? " " Sir! " " Well I suppose you have been filled in on this enough... Just remember to get in the parachute training like I said... " " Sir! " Kat stood to attention one last time as the man walked out of the room, he sighed and pulled out a pack of sweets " You should be an actor Y'know Kat " Leona was sat behind him " Nah... I hate having all this shit going on... " " Who doesn't? " " The man in charge of this... Who is he? " " Him... He's been brought in from outside to do this job... they think that he will be able to recover her without all the problems of having to hurt her... Much " " Damn... Why do they have to do all this? " Kat held out the bag " Dunno... Maybe they want all of us under their thumb all the time? " Leona looked disgusted when she saw that she had pulled out a red sweet " I can understand why she left now... All this training is getting me down... Don't they get that we are just normal kids? " " Kat... Don't you get it? " " Get what? " " That we are not normal... " " What makes you say that? " " Think about it... Do we ever see the kids of the people that work here? " " No... They can't come to this place, as they don't have the training..." " Put together all the little things you know about yourself... " " Kat... They tried to hide this from us but we are not normal kids... " " Why should that bother me? " " No parents... All of our parents died on the same day... " " Look they may have lied to us but until we can define normal we can't act... " " And why have we all got higher IQ scores than everyone in this place? " " Cause we are more perfect than them... " " Kat, for a clever person you can be pretty dumb " Kat grinned " So what are you saying? " " We are all... " Leona paused " What is it? " " Someone's coming... " Leona tried to look innocent and sweet " Fuck... " Kat sighed, a guard walked into the room " Hi, what you two doin? " " Little as Pos... " Kat said cheekily, they knew this guard, if they needed his help then he would give them it " Can you get some stuff on how we were created " Leona asked sweetly " Ok... Give me a few hours... " " Did you say... Created... " Kat looked shocked " Kat... You didn't think that we were born like this did you? " " Uh... " " Never mind... You'll know soon enough... " " I better go now... If I don't get back to my route they'll think I'm trying it on with you again... See you later Leona... " Kat growled as the guard walked off " Bye... " Leona sighed as the guard walked away " You like him don't you... " Kat sighed " So what? He's nice to me... Not even Jonathon was as nice to me as him... " " That's low... Putting a dead person down... " " I'm jut making a comparison... " " But the person you're comparing to can't even say anything in return... " " Look... Kat... If you want to be like that then you really should just go... Now " " Fine... " Kat sighed and walked out of the room The guard that had just left Leona and Kat behind walked along the corridor He had to see his superior to see what he could tell them... It was lucky that he was there to keep them in check Without him to give them the little information about what they were they would have ended up being suspicious about everything a lot more than they were now He stopped next to a door and tapped in a combination quickly His boss would want to hear about this... So they could keep the children monitored Japan: Kaji sighed, he had just came back from an assignment abroad and he was tired, he slumped against the wall and looked at his watch Misato was ten minutes late... Kaji waited looked at his watch again after a long pause, he looked up to see Misato " Sorry I'm lateKaji... " Misato looked a little on edge " What is it? " Kaji was devoid of his usual cheerfulness " Maya... She got... " " What about Maya? " Kaji raised one eyebrow " Someone broke into her apartment and beat her up... " " That's... Who could do such a thing? " " Do you know anything? " " Nothing... Only been back a few hours " " Can you confirm that? " Misato asked suspiciously " Sure... " Kaji passed Misato some documentation " Hmm... How long did you say? " " A few hours... I really need to get some rest " " Well I guess that it couldn't have been you... " " If I wasn't so tired I would have been offended... " Kaji attempted a smile " I guess I shouldn't have suspected you... " Misato sighed " So how's the new pilot? " " Huh? " " That super soldier from England " " Oh... Haven't you heard? He was killed ... " " I... I didn't know... " " At first I blamed myself... " " But it's not really your fault that he died... " " You look really awful... You should get some rest before Asuka finds that you're here... " Misato smiled and walked away William walked down a corridor, he was being led by two scrawny guards toward the office of Gendo Ikari There was a pause as the guards opened the door William walked in looking at various 'Features' that the room lacked, he walked to a chair and sat down, Gendo was sat at the other side of the room shrouded in darkness " Excuse me... " William waved his hand " What? " Said a female voice " Hey where's Gendo? " " We don't know... I'm his replacement " Kim Davis leaned out of the shadows " Hmm... You're better looking than he was at least... " " It's not your place to comment on what I look like " " Sorry " William put as much sarcasm into the word as he could but it was lost on Kim " You're the replacement child... " " Yeah... " " The child that you're replacing was murdered after a stupid stunt... You dare try anything stupid while we need you and we'll kill you ourselves " " Ok... " " Is that understood? " " Yeah... " William looked around trying to make out the shape of the back wall " Is that understood William? " " Yes... " William was still looking around " William Anderson, pay attention to me when I speak! " Kim shouted angrily " Look, I didn't come here at my own free will... I was told that I had to do this cause it was my duty to help you out... I couldn't give a... " William paused He looked to see one of the guard's had place a hand on his shoulder " Take him to Misato's... I don't know why she's agreeing to take care of all these little bastards... " Kim waved her hand to dismiss the guard " I'm not going to forget this bitch " William muttered as he was led away Maya shivered as a firework went off outside her apartment She looked up to see the guard that was supposed to be looking after her reading a magazine " Excuse me? " Maya asked timidly " Uh huh? " The guard wasn't paying attention to her " Could you check the door? " Maya asked looking at the door as if something had spooked her " If you want " The guard sighed climbing from the chair The guard walked to the door and paused, he listened for a second before reaching for his gun... There was someone outside... The guard swung the door open and placed his gun against a man's head " Kaji? What are you doing up this late? " " You know him? " " Yes, I would appreciate it if you would give us time alone to speak... " " Ok... " The guard walked into another room " Are you ok? " Kaji asked brushing Maya's hair back " I'm fine... " Maya brushed her hair back over the bruise " Who did that to you? " " They don't know... I don't think they ever will... " " Is there anything I can do? " " Not really... " Maya turned away " If there's anything I can do... Just tell me " Kaji tried to kiss Maya on the cheek only to be pushed away, he was surprised by the force she used " Don't... Please... " Maya watched as Kaji walked out the door... He didn't seem as cheerful as he should have " You can come back now... " Maya shouted, the guard walked back into the room still reading the magazine " Anything I need to know about him? " " No... Just he works for NERV... Look... I'm really tired... It's late and I want to go to bed... " " Hey, you don't have to ask me to... " A shadow clad figure stalked the streets of Tokyo 3, it slipped into the welcoming darkness nearby as people neared A small group of guards walked down the street making sure that all was well... One of the guards looked into the alley to see a dark shape moving... He screamed as a pair of red eyes lit up in the darkness around the figure Gun fire... Silence... The lone surviving guard reached for his radio " I wouldn't do that if were you " whispered the dark shape before him