Evangelion - Bloodlines Children of Project D Genesis 2:7 A Hollow Victory The agents watched Kat as he climbed into the back of the car they had provided for this event... Both he and Teri where carrying handguns... They might possibly be target of assassins that was why they had been assigned an agent each, Teri had been gave her handgun in case she needed to protect herself... Kat had only been gave his to protect Teri, they knew he was a hell of a lot tougher than he looked... The security footage when he had protected Teri told them that One of the agents climbed into the back with them and waited as they pulled away from the facility, Teri gently squeezed one of Kat's hands for a second... She stopped and looked at his hand suspiciously before grabbing a first aid box and putting a plaster on his finger and cleaning away a little blood " How did you do that cut Wayne? " She asked a little worried " I think I caught my finger on the door or something " Kat shrugged " I worry about you sometimes... You can be so... Careless " She sighed " Don't worry about me... " Kat smiled and held her hand tightly " Please... Don't... I... I love you... " Teri turned away crying " I'm sorry... I... Don't understand... " Kat sighed The agent sitting with them shook her head slowly and prevented him from holding her hand, he sighed and turned to face the window Time passed slowly for him as they headed toward the area where he was going to fight with some new system that was going to fight some angel thing... From time to time he saw a reflection of Teri in his window staring at him before turning away again and reading a book... After some time they eventually reached their destination, Teri climbed out first and gazed up at the building that had been chosen Kat climbed out and stumbled slightly before the agent designated to him put her hand on his shoulder to steady him, She quickly put her hand to his forehead and frowned " Your unwell " She sighed and allowed him to stand up on his own " Does that mean Teri has to do this instead? " Kat frowned " No... Even in this state you're a much better pilot than she is... " The woman sighed and gestured toward the main building " You don't like this either? " Kat asked, glancing back at her quickly " No, I hate formal events... They really irritate me " The woman frowned while showing their identification to some of the patrolling security " I see... I can understand... Not exactly the most fun kind of thing to sit though even if you understand what's going on... " Kat chuckled slightly " Tell me about it... Some of those people could destroy the comedy business with their monotone voices and obviously lacking intellects " The woman smiled Teri had already reached the main building, she turned back in the doorway, waiting for Kat and the agents to catch up with her, obviously impatient Kat quickly joined her, she smiled softly and watched as the two agents followed behind them, she turned, looking into the main building " What way are we going? " Teri asked, noting the fact that there where two main area's and that they where both as busy as each other " Let's ask the agents... They might know " Kat yawned and smiled Teri watched as the agents struggled to push their way past a small crowd, after what seemed like forever they where finally at the top of the stairs into the building " What way are we going? " Teri asked with a bright smiled as they walked into the reception area, she turned back as the agents paused and frowned " Well, I'm going to be taking Wayne to get changed... " Said one agent " And I'm going to show you around a little... " The other agent added " You can't leave Wayne behind like that though " Teri pouted " Oh, don't worry, he'll be with you again in a few minutes " Teri tried to hide her suspicion, it wasn't like they where lying to her... More... They where hiding something from her, they hadn't told her the full truth " Whatever " Teri shook her head and waited impatiently for the agents to sort out between themselves what they where actually going to do The agent assigned to Teri shook her head and sighed, Teri was stubborn at times but not often stubborn to the point of hostility like she seemed right now She walked along, Teri at her side... If this was successful then they could probably expect additional funding, but to get that they needed to look good... That was why they had picked Teri as the second person, she got along well with the pilot, they had feelings for each other as well was a pretty obvious statement Teri wandered on past various 'exhibits' that had been put on display, all of them had some meaning to someone...Only she wasn't someone All she could think about was Kat... He hadn't looked too well... She was worried After a few more minutes Kat ran up beside her, his clothes slightly out of place from getting changed so quickly, all that was different was what he had on underneath " I got the stupid 'plug suit' on like they wanted as quickly as I could " Kat smiled, he glanced at the item on display that the agent she was with was looking at " Yeah, I know, not really interesting is it... " Teri yawned " Miss me? " Kat laughed and stretched " Do you have any idea where we're going? She doesn't seem to... " " That's cause the person I'm with has the map of the area " Kat grinned They watched as the two agents looked at the map and argued over the way they where meant to be going and the when they had to be there... After a short time Kat turned to face Teri, he grinned and shook his head " What? " She asked seeing the way he was grinning " They don't have an idea where we're going, they don't really have a clue... " Kat grinned, he shook his head and started to laugh " You're kidding! And they're supposed to take care of us? " Teri laughed " I'm not kidding they are completely clueless " He laughed as he looked back at the still arguing agents, Teri glanced back at them again and tried to stop laughing She smiled sweetly after she had managed to calm down and waited patiently, Kat stood beside her, trying to be equally as patient Kat glanced up at one of the paintings and froze, he shuddered and looked away, the fact it had a person getting killed in it disturbed him... " What's wrong Wayne? " Teri asked quietly, seeing how upset he now looked " That painting... It... " Kat paused and shuddered " It's just a painting, don't let it get to you " Teri sighed " I... I suppose... I just don't like it... " Kat shivered and sighed The woman agent walked over and frowned, she was holding the man with an agitated look on her face... She passed the map to Kat... " You two have probably got a better idea that us over this map... " She frowned " You think we can help when you can't sort it? " Kat passed the map back " You know, you seem to have not only picked a map that's the wrong language but you've also got it upside down " Teri laughed " Umm... " The agent stammered and nodded before walking back to her partner Kat watched them for a second as they spoke in hushed tones, pointing to several areas on the map and then talking about something else... Kat gently took hold of Teri's hand and gazed at her, she silently looked back at him, a little surprised that he was holding her hand in public The other thing that surprised her was that one of the agents had looked over at them and hadn't said or done anything about it... Kat smiled and started to look around again, some of the agents where lenient about what they'd allow to slip and some of them... He shivered... Some of the agents would have made a full report on this and had them separated for a short period of time just because they seemed to be too affectionate He was amazed they hadn't commented on the fact Teri was often found asleep in the same room as him, they hadn't made any comments about that... Teri smiled a little more, she squeezed his hand gently trying to get his attention back without getting any unwanted attention from elsewhere She paused when she noticed a large man and a young woman walking toward them, she nudged Kat slightly to get his attention Kat turned to see the man whisper something to the woman, they split slightly, one on each side of the corridor they where in as they continued to advance on them Kat squeezed Teri's hand tightly and watched as the man and the woman came to a halt nearby, he backed away slightly and frowned " You run... I'll... " Kat started to whisper, he paused as the agents walked along side, he watched as the man and the woman walked past silently " That was close... Who where they? " Teri sighed as she walked alongside Kat " I have no idea... " Kat shrugged, they followed as the agents took a turn into another corridor, yet another gallery it seemed... The agents stopped next to some drinks machines... The male agent ordered a coffee... He watched as it started to slowly make the coffee " Either of you want something? " He asked, his eyes riveted on the coffee as it slowly filled the cup, as if he was afraid someone was going to take it " Yeah... I'd like a coffee please " Teri smiled, she grinned as the agent muttered something about her wanting to pick the slowest drink She turned back to Kat... He was staring at another painting and shivering... She gently took his hand and walked with him a short distance away She made sure they where just out of the agents hearing range and gently stroked his cheek, she waited for a second for him to look at her and smiled softly " Every time I see one of the paintings in here with someone being murdered... It scares me... " Kat wasn't being entirely truthful... " Wayne... Please... You can tell me, you know I'm here for you... " " I... Don't know... " Kat paused as the man and the woman from earlier walked around the corner and started to head toward them Kat stared at them, it was enough to unnerve them and get them to stop where they where, Teri slipped away, her coffee was ready... She pretended to burn her fingers and put the coffee down " I have to go and grab a napkin " She said in such a way that one of the agents looked at her and then at Kat in turn, he started to walk toward Kat... Teri and the agent paused as the man stepped forward to grab Kat, what amazed them was the way Kat simply knocked the man back with a single punch He stepped forward again and Kat grabbed his shoulder, crushing it with amazing strength, forcing the man to his knees in agony... The woman went to step in, drawing a combat knife and lunging at Kat, Kat stepped back and grabbed her arm, slamming his knee into her wrist savagely The knife didn't even hit the floor before Kat caught it, he span it around quickly, bringing it to what looked like the most comfortable way of wielding it... " Wayne no! " Teri shouted as he went to attack one of the people with the knife, he shivered and dropped it, the agent's running past and grabbing the two people Teri ran to his side and wiped away his tears... Why was he crying? What was wrong? She hugged him gently and kissed his cheek firmly Kat hugged her back, he stopped crying and held onto her tightly They watched as the agents held the two people down until security arrived to take them away... One of the agents chatted with a member of security and sighed " Stupid security... " He muttered and picked his coffee up The woman agent sighed and started to walk down the corridor toward the main hall, the male agent followed, sipping on his coffee Teri sighed and gripped Kat's hand tightly, she followed the agents closely, watching as they manoeuvred around various people as they headed to the main hall " Why are we really here? " Teri asked as they walked toward the hall " You know already " the woman smiled " The new robots demonstration... Oh... " Teri sighed " I know, you think this is all boring... But even though his cold seems to really be getting to him Wayne has to pilot " The woman agent sighed " He's unwell? " Teri frowned " Yes, he doesn't seem to be one hundred percent right now... " " Why wasn't I told? " Teri growled " Because you didn't need to know " the woman frowned " Oh... Well, thanks for holding this from me " Teri snapped " I don't like him going into full combat against it in this state either but he's got to do it... " The woman shook her head and turned to the man for support " You mean he'll be in danger? " Teri started to look worried " He'll be fine, they have a secondary eject system installed and we can eject him at any time if need be... its just a demonstration " The man sipped his coffee " We've been training to pilot the Eva things for a long time now... What if this robot beats him? " Teri looked at Kat and then at the agents " Then the entire Eva series will most likely be replaced by Jetalone... " The woman sighed and shook her head, she turned to the man again " As well as us to keep an eye on things they brought over two evangelion experts from Japan to monitor Wayne and make sure he's ok... " The man added " Ok... I guess he'll be ok... " Teri sighed as they sat down in the main area She watched, sadly as the agent with her started to read an official document on the entire event... To her it seemed more and more like a show by the military... A show of power that was going to result in one military group getting annoyed at the other for possessing the better weapon Ritsuko waited for the pilot to arrive... Why they hadn't used Shinji instead for this farce was beyond her, he would have been just as suitable as this American pilot was She shuddered as he was brought into the room... He couldn't be... He was... The American's had somehow got their hands on Kat... He was supposed to be dead... Was he here to get his revenge for what happened? She shivered slightly as he looked at her, cocking his head and smiling slightly, she couldn't help but wonder what had happened... How did he survive? " You seem to know me... " Kat paused and thought for a second " Kat... How did you survive? " Ritsuko muttered, not sure if he heard her or not " Sorry... I didn't make that out... You seem to be familiar with me... How do you know me, might I ask? " Kat didn't seem to have his usual superior tone... " I don't understand... What happened to you? " Ritsuko stammered " You're confusing me... " Kat looked lost... " Never mind... It's unimportant... You should get ready " Ritsuko said after much thought, she couldn't figure out what had happened... It was like... He seemed to have forgotten, like he was amnesiac... She watched as he quickly changed, he was scared... He was shivering... " Now what? " Kat glanced around the room nervously " We need to get you down to the test area... We don't really have any time for tests to check on your status... I know, we really should do them... " Ritsuko paused " But your pressed for time so you have to forgo safety guidelines " Kat shook his head and sighed, she was familiar... He couldn't place it though... " I'm sorry Kat... We really don't have time... " She sighed " Who's Kat? " He frowned, the name seemed familiar too... " Sorry... Slip of the tongue... Wayne... You're Wayne " She frowned, quickly checking a document she hadn't really had time to read through " Okay... Never mind then... I just want to get this over with... " Kat shivered Ritsuko nodded to one of the supervisors who took Kat by the arm and started to lead him down to the waiting Eva... This was wrong... How come Kat was able to pilot an Eva? Maybe there was something about him, he had managed to somehow change to become a suitable pilot... But that wasn't possible without... There was no way they could have genetically reconstructed him... Was there? Maybe... Maybe he was a clone, created from Kat's DNA... That would mean Kat really had died, that they had nothing to worry about... But that also meant that the American's may have an army of their own unstable Eva pilots... Kat was unstable because of his genetics... It was a surprise to her that the other three had been as stable... Jonathon for example... He had sacrificed himself because he saw no other way to do it... The angel could have been stopped other ways, but, it had became obvious that it was almost impossible to hurt it in its own element... Jonathon had gave his life to make sure it was no longer a threat... Leona had gone through the risk of being destroyed for being a 'defective' model... She had turned on Kat when he thought she was with him... It had torn her apart to do so though... She would get over it though, she was stronger than she let on... Jane remained an enigma... She had bonded with Maya closely and it was doubtful that either of them would be easy to separate... Jane must have secretly longed for the kind of loving attention that Maya was lavishing upon her, it wasn't really a surprise to her either... With Jane's past, a thankless and loveless life in the military from birth... She must have been really lonely, not knowing what it felt like to be cared for... All she had was the other three... They too had never felt cared for... It sickened her to think that, also, it brought back memories... Her own mother... She could never let Leona go through that... After how things went with her own mother she hoped she never unwittingly abandoned Leona... Kat sighed, his own name echoing through his mind... Or was it? The Eva around him waiting to be activated and synchronised with, a monstrosity made by man to combat something they probably didn't understand... And something told him, Jet Alone was probably a much better planned replacement than something that relied on children to pilot it... He didn't understand this and he didn't claim or want to either, all he knew was he had to prove that Jet Alone was inferior... But how did he do that? He sighed as the Eva powered up, going through a boot sequence without really knowing what was going on... All he knew was he was one with it... He was synchronised, no effort, nothing... Was this how it was for everyone? He paused, a blinding shaft of light suddenly entered the hanger the Eva was in, the hanger door slowly sliding up... He could feel the restraints placed on the Eva unlock He was free to go to battle with the military monster, a tower of metal and computers... Was he allowed to use weapons or was it all hand to hand? He lurched forward, staggering out of the hanger and getting balanced, the Eva felt light... Like it was missing a component... No umbilical cable... Why was that missing? Why did he know it was missing? Wasn't this a Sē Engine Eva? ...A Super Solenoid Engine using Eva, internally powered from a battery with an indefinite life span... Teri's face appeared on screen about the same time as Jet Alone stepped from the hanger it was stored in, he looked at her for a second and smiled weakly " I'm proud of you Wayne... Promise me you'll be careful... " She smiled, wiping a tear from her cheek as she did, another instantly forming... " Teri... I'll try my best... " He struggled, like he was being choked " Their so confident you'll lose they allowed you to use any weapon that was designed for the Evangelion... " Teri stuttered " I... Understand... " Kat looked back up, Jet Alone was stood there ready for him to start... A butchering... He was the lamb and that was the butcher... Was that how it really was going to be, him defeated by that monster? Teri waved before the holographic screen closed, she was unable to hide her tears any longer... He growled slightly and headed toward the selection of weapons Each and every one was on a truck of some kind, presumably so they could take them away once the fight had begun... He chuckled slightly and shook his head... Two knives was all he wanted, at least he could leave a hefty bill for the paint job if anything... He grabbed the two progressive knives and looked up It was time for him to fight the battle that had already been dubbed as a Victory for the monster Jet Alone... He readied himself, staring at the thing, waiting for it to make the first move... He wasn't going to dive at it without knowing what it was able to do It lurched forward, the flexible arms and legs swaying as the multiple joints in the metal surface allowed, a beast crafted of metal was the same as one of flesh... A monstrosity to look at and a monstrosity to control, the difference was that computers guided this monster, it had computer precision... Artificial Intelligence Its reactions would be errorless and it would be calculating him to plot his next move... Was that going to work against the angels though? Could such a thing really be the next step in the war against them? He ducked a punch and slammed his progressive knife into Jet Alone, sparks flying but no damage visible other than a pale silver streak where the blade had hit He dodged a clumsy swipe from one of its arms and jumped its leg as it attempted to sweep him... It was no challenge... He was more in danger of getting tired He chuckled and pressed forward, a flurry of blows from his knives causing Jet Alone to stagger and back away as he pressed forward... Too easy... It stumbled and fell, flailing for a second before flipping to its feet and taking a stance... There was no damage to it though... He hadn't done more than a scratch... With a short hop it closed in on him, slamming one of his arms into his chest and bringing its leg up to hit him in almost the same place He staggered back, winded slightly from the attack, also a little taken aback at how quickly it had chosen to adapt... Someone was playing with him A roll back and a flip forward, locking his legs around the things waist before swinging the entire thing over his head, its own head slamming into the ground... It lay there... Motionless... Maybe he had shorted it out something? He waited for a second longer before walking over to it, glancing at it before its arm moved impossibly fast, impacting against the Eva's head... He staggered back, the world spinning around him as the thing rolled over and knelt, next to the small crater that he had made with it... He flailed for a second, the world rapidly becoming harder and harder to focus on, Jet Alone effortlessly countered his attack and slammed into him He lay there, struggling to focus as Jet Alone persisted in its attack, he rolled trying to dodge its foot but still felt it impact against his back as he rolled He screamed as the image of a scene of carnage entered his mind, himself as the main focus, his hair long yet standing up at its own accord... Blood... There was blood everywhere, over the walls and floor, people around him, and smeared all over him... A collage of bloody handprints coated him like a testimony to insanity, chaotic and senseless... Was this who he really was? Jet Alone brought its foot down again against his head and all went black... He opened his eyes again... The blackness subsiding as he chuckled, Jet Alone was bringing its foot down again, technicians where running about trying to shut it down He quickly darted his hands forward and grabbed the foot of the pathetic machine, twisting it rapidly and flipping to his own feet as it hit the floor He flipped over and slammed both Progressive knives into the hard surface of Jet Alone, one snapping on impact and the other gradually cutting into its armour A chuckled, repeated blows causing Jet Alone to flail about helplessly as he slammed his free hand over and over again into its head He ignored the stinging blows as it attempted to fight him off, they where nothing compared to what he was going to do when he was inside this machine... A click and a sudden gunshot took him by surprise, Jet Alone was armed... He looked down to see it had blown a hole through his Evangelion without him realising... The pain started to set in, agony as if it had happened to him... It only served to infuriate him more, a snarl and he cast the progressive knife aside... Repeated blows from both hands in quick succession to the head of Jet Alone seemed to be effectively slowing its actions, it was randomly flailing and struggling... Teri's face appeared on a screen as he assaulted Jet Alone, she was crying and pleading with him to stop... He chuckled and continued to smash Jet Alone... She tried to tell him Jet Alone 'had been shut down' and that if he didn't stop they would reactivate it in war mode... He chuckled and his eyes blazed a cruel red... " Let them activate the toy in war mode if it makes them feel better, they should have shut it down earlier if they didn't want it smashed " He grinned Teri turned away for a second as an agent whispered something to her and shuddered, she looked at him and sighed, putting her hand to the screen as if to touch him " I love you Kat... " She whispered and turned away from the screen Ritsuko took her place, calmly staring at him for a second and shaking her head " What do you want? " Kat snarled, memories starting to flood back... " Wayne... " Ritsuko started " Damn you bitch, I'm Kat, get it right " He snapped instantly " Kat, please stop this now... If you do I won't report it to Gendo and I'll let you stay with that girl who seems so fond of you... " She smiled, hopefully... " And if I don't? " Kat raised an eyebrow, waving one fist for a second before unconsciously starting his assault on the prone machine beneath him again " They'll destroy you, it'll prove that the Evangelions are indeed inferior and Jet Alone will be mass produced to combat the angels " She sighed " Well... When you put it like that... The offer to have my future like that... " Kat smiled gently for a second and stopped attacking the machine... " Good... That's good... She's very worried about you... Doesn't care who you are as long as you're with her... " Ritsuko smiled, Kat was seeing sense... " I'm gonna trash this piece of shit when they activate its war mode to prove my superiority... " He chuckled, slamming both fists into its head repeatedly again The machine reactivated, this time the green light in its eyes was red... War mode... Kat gracefully flipped backwards as a blade sliced air, he chuckled and watched Jet Alone climb to its feet, its weaponry now armed and ready... This was going to be a walk in the park... A sudden impact as it shot him reminded him he couldn't time by watching its movements... Time to rip it limb from limb He dodged as it attempted to fire a missile of sorts at him, stopping to laugh as the missile sailed past, he started to taunt it as it backed away... Next thing he knew he was half way through a hanger wall and Jet Alone was shielding itself against its own missile blast... What the hell had they put in those missiles? He dived at Jet alone, slamming his knee into the back of the machine before the missiles blast had faded... Jet Alone fell and landed at his feet... A chuckle and a flurry of blows impacted against Jet Alone before it was able to roll away, It was trying to analyse his fighting style... So he'd for now he was going to use his least effective one... Jet Alone suddenly took a stance before running at him, sweeping his feet out before he was able to react... He quickly flipped onto his hands and back onto his feet... Faster than he had anticipated... Still, he was going to make it pay... A spot of blood diffused into the LCL... His nose was bleeding... Some to think of it... Why hadn't he noticed he was in LCL until now? Not that it mattered... at least it was a breathable liquid... A flurry of blows came from Jet Alone, only, they lacked half of the speed and power he had gave his... He effortlessly blocked them while waiting for an opening... The opening presented itself, Jet Alone slipped as it 'punched' him, leaving it open... A quick knee brought Jet Alone back up to head height where he started to hammer it with both fists, putting a lot more power in meant reduced speed... Not that Jet Alone could do anything, it was recoiling from the power behind every blow... A cruel crossed his lips as he realised that it had planned this... Effortless, if there was any way to describe how he avoided the sudden attack it launched it was effortless, he grabbed its arm and slammed his knee into it repeatedly The Metal Alloy buckling under the impact it sustained, Jet Alone backed away while it tried to recalculate him... It was confused? Suddenly both shoulders flipped up, an array of weapons had been mounted in there... But... What where the weapons? He paused for a second when he realised... Jet Alone was powering those weapons with its nuclear core... Some energy based weaponry? Dodging too late he felt his left arm get vaporised by the beam of energy that fired off, he snarled and flipped to his feet, the stump of the Eva's arm fused At least he didn't have to worry about the Evangelion loosing blood... He ducked another blast as it attempted to hit him again, the beam carving a hole through the hanger behind him... People... It wouldn't hurt them... He rolled before the main building where the people where watching the fight from, Jet Alone paused before charging another blast... Teri was behind him... He'd noticed her out the corner of his eye... If he moved she would be killed and if he didn't... Kat snarled and slammed his fist directly into the beam of energy, his entire arm vaporising as the beam dwindled into nothing... Teri gazed up at him from the window, tears visible on her cheeks... Was he Kat or Wayne, or was he a confused mix of both? He shook his head and circled Jet Alone slowly, trying to get away from the building... He couldn't let Teri get hurt... Jet Alone darted forward, smashing into him and causing him to stumble into the building, he rolled aside and struggled to his feet... This wasn't going to be easy to deal with now... Jet Alone batted him aside with ease, it had decided to finish him off slowly... Those bastards where going to pay if he got out of this one alive... He flipped to his feet and dived at Jet Alone, kicking the machine in the face and landing at its feet without even moving it... This was impossible... A quick trip didn't work either, Jet Alone had planned it and simply avoided falling... Its arm swayed for a second before its fist impacted against the Eva's head The world started to fade for a second before he was able to focus again... What the hell was he doing losing to this piece of shit machine? He had beaten worse odds than this before... But he had to think... How to beat this thing... How could he beat the machine when it had him like this? Jet Alone slammed its fist into him again, he snarled and kicked it away, that bastard machine wasn't going to beat him... Even if he had to blow both of them up Roaring in anger he jumped up, slamming his knee into Jet Alone before it could do anything, a large dent left where he had impacted against it... A jet of super heated steam burst from Jet Alone, he had damaged its reactor... This meant it was going to melt down... " Not in my lifetime " Kat snarled and smashed the eject button, his entry plug rocketing into the air and his Eva fell forward... Luckily they had redesigned this entry plug for easy escape, the ones he was familiar with where a lot harder to escape from... The entry plug opened, LCL raining from it as it reached the peak of its jet assisted ascent, possibly a feature designed to get it away from the Eva... " This should be fun... " Kat chuckled, ripping the parachute from the entry plug as it opened, bundling it under his arm and diving off in one fluid motion... Jet Alone neared as he fell faster and faster... The parachute to opened before he was ready... Agony coursed through his body as he struggled to keep hold of it, after almost twenty seconds he lost grip on it... He fell, almost two hundred feet, before hitting Jet Alone, slipping down its back... He had almost slipped off the edge before he grabbed the maintenance ladder... In this condition he knew it would take him five minutes to climb up to the service hatch and get inside the non-functioning machine... Five minutes would have been a luxury... He probably had two Forcing himself to climb the ladder despite the agony he felt was vital... He didn't want Teri to die because the military where too incompetent to make things... The hatch was buckled from the fight... Amazingly that made it easy to get in... All it took was a single push to make it fall inwards... Jet Alone was like an inferno inside and he was pretty certain he was being gave a nice dose of radiation at the same time... Kat staggered along inside of Jet Alone, looking for a way to get to the reactor... What did it look like for that matter? All he could see was some rods or something sticking out of one of the walls... Where they boron rods? If so then he was sure he had been taught that they had something to do with the fission reactions inside a nuclear generator... It was too hot to think... At least if he messed with a control panel he may be able to get some info on the situation... A mans face appeared on the panel " What the hell, get out of there you bastard kid! " the man was obviously military " How do I stop this? " Kat snarled " Stop it? Someone's been air dropped right now to do that..." The man frowned " Damn you, we don't have the time for that... What do I do? " Kat snarled again " Even if I was authorised to give you the access code I wouldn't " Kat snarled and smashed the screen, he walked over to another console and push his fist into it " Damn them... " He growled... something moved behind him " What the hell? You smashed the console you idiot! " Misato's voice rang out behind him, she ran past and looked at the damage he had inflicted... He glared at her and cracked his knuckles " Glad to see you too major... Nice suit... " He chuckled, ignoring the pain he was in " You idiot... If we get out of here alive you'll be dead in hours... " Misato whispered " Glad to hear your vote of confidence in me Major... Is it really that bad in here? I thought I had the perfect sauna too... " Kat chuckled weakly " Look, Kat, we have to push those Rod's you see in so the reactor will stabilise... " " Okay... I'll try my best... " Kat chuckled as he staggered up to the large rods, he put one hand on one and growled as it burned, swaying unsteadily... " Are you going to be able to do this? " Misato looked at him, both her hands on one of the rods... She watched as he nodded and started to push against the rod Kat pushed against the rod as hard as he could, it was super heated and he could feel his hands burning... It wasn't moving either... He could feel beads of sweat running down his neck and cheeks... Dripping from his nose and chin... He slipped, the room spinning... Misato was instantly by his side, cradling him in her arms and shouting... but it sounded distant... Very distant... An eternity between them while in her arms... " Please... Leave me and carry on... I'll get up when I can and continue to help you " Kat choked, Misato shook her head and refused, stroking his cheek gently... " I can't do this without you... I know that if it could be done then you'd have done it by now... " She smiled sadly and started fumbling around to take her helmet off " Don't Misato... We... Can do it still... " Kat coughed and forced himself to climb to his feet, drops of sweat hitting the floor and evaporating instantly He staggered forward, pushing against one of the rods angrily, screaming in anger and pain... Misato joined him, giving everything she could to move the rod... She glanced at him for a second, his veins bulging and pulsing as he pushed himself harder and harder to move the rods... A trickle of blood started to run from his nose as he continued to push... He was dying yet he was trying so hard... She felt that she should too... Kat smiled a little as Misato put everything she could into moving the rods... They where getting no where yet... He glanced at her and caught her staring at him... Something cracked and the rods went in... He staggered forward and slammed into the wall, slipping down and breaking heavily... " You just broke a security lock that could withstand three tons of pressure... " Misato looked at Kat in amazement " It was probably weakened in the fight I had with this machine... " Kat gasped " Probably... I'm sorry Kat... " Misato pulled out her handgun and pointed it at him " There... Won't... Be any... Need for... That... Major... " Kat chuckled weakly, holding his chest in obvious agony as he slowly climbed to his feet " Kat... I have to kill you... It's my orders... " Misato had a tear running down her cheek, still visible despite the suit she wore... " Misato... You don't... Have to... " Kat staggered over to her slowly " But... My orders... " Misato sobbed, trying to wipe her tears away instinctively " They... will be... Fulfilled... Soon " Kat chuckled weakly and wrapped his arms around her waist, resting his cheek against her shoulder gently... Misato sat down, gently rubbing Kats back, crying as she felt his heart beating furiously... Slowing... The radiation and heat finishing him off... " Kat... " She sighed, stroking his cheek gently for a second " Farewell... Misato... " Kat leaned forward and placed a kiss against the visor of her suits helmet before holding onto her tightly His heart beat slowing down... As he slowly died... In her arms...