Evangelion - Bloodlines Children of Project D Genesis 2:6 Psychotic Heritage Kat was sat with Teri as some of the medical staff saw to her, she was more shook up than anything... He squeezed her hand gently and smiled reassuringly He wiped a tear from her cheek and helped her to her feet... Nothing was wrong with her other than a few bruises that could be from anything and being shaken up... The staff offered to see to him, he declined and walked away holding Teri's hand, she obviously had something bothering her though... " What's wrong? " Kat asked, his voice wavering slightly " How did you get so 'Skilled' at martial arts Wayne? " Teri shivered " I have no idea..." Kat let her hand slip from his, and burst into tears " Wayne... please don't cry... " Teri kissed his cheek gently " I'm scared... Memories have started to come back... " Kat put his back to a wall and slowly slid down it, still crying " That's a good thing isn't it? " Teri knelt at his side and squeezed his hand gently " Not with what I'm remembering... " Kat gazed at his hands intently " No matter what it is I still care about you... " Teri sighed " I wish that where true... When I'm sure of who I am I'll tell you... " Kat looked up at her, tears pouring down his cheeks, soaking his clothes as they fell from his chin " I understand... This must be really hard on you... " Teri shivered " I don't know what to do... " Kat wiped a few tears away only for them to be replaced by fresh ones just as quickly as he could wipe them away " Maybe we should both go and get some sleep... It'll be easier to tackle this tomorrow... I don't think we are up to it today... " Teri embraced him gently " Its too early to sleep... " Kat sighed and ran his hand over her cheek " You go and get some rest... It may be too early but I think it's for the best... " " Ok... I... Please be careful... " Kat turned away and started walking to his room " You too Wayne... " Teri whispered Troubled dreams haunted Kat as he slept, familiar people surrounded him yet he couldn't recall ever seeing them... One of them stood out due to his height... He felt himself walking toward the huge man, pushing his way through the others to reach him, the man drifting away from him just as quickly... He broke into a sprint, the man still just as far away... He continued to run, trying to catch up with the man... All of this was to no avail... Kat slowly came to a halt, he watched as the man faded away into the distance... he turned back to face the others only to see they had all vanished... One person stood before him now, A blonde haired girl... He started walking toward her only for her to shake her head and fade from sight... He was alone... He closed his eyes and sighed, when he opened them again he was standing near a cliff edge, the wind blowing savagely as he looked around A burning building lay behind him, it seemed familiar... It appeared to be some form of military building... Burnt out tanks and jeeps littered the area... He watched as a VTOL jet landed and a single child walked from a burning building... The child turned to face him and burst out laughing... " I'm going to be your replacement and your executioner " The child grinned, Kat watched as he climbed into the jet and screamed in anger " Are you ok? " Teri was sat next to him " Am I still dreaming? " Kat shivered " No... You're awake... You just woke me up... " Teri sighed " Sorry... I... What time is it? " Kat looked around cautiously " It's about five in the morning... You didn't wake up at all yesterday when I tried to wake you... I was worried... " Teri lay back down " I'm sorry... I'm gonna go for a walk... " Kat sighed and climbed out of bed, he quickly washed and dressed before leaving his room... He wandered down a few corridors aimlessly, he didn't really know the layout of this place but he'd learn it if he just kept walking... A man stepped in front of him as he tried to turn down one corridor... " Sorry, this is a restricted area, you cannot pass without the proper authority " Kat shrugged and turned down another corridor, it wasn't really of any interest to him... A man carrying a clipboard started to jog toward him... Kat sighed and leaned against a wall, he waited as the man caught up with him " What can I do for you? " Kat yawned " You're the new child Wayne right? " The man enquired, glancing at the clipboard " That's what they said my name was " Kat frowned " Well, since you seem to be in good shape I've been told that you're to be tested " " Tested for what? " Kat glared at him " Well, you put one of the other children out of action... I've seen the footage... " " Tested for what? " Kat asked impatiently " You seem like a good candidate for a pilot, having put the pilot of Unit-04 out of action it's currently possible for you to use that one... " " What are you talking about? " Kat frowned " If your suitable you may become the active pilot of Unit-04, or another when we have them built... An Evangelion pilot... " The man smiled slightly " What if I don't want to be...? " Kat left the question hanging for a while before shaking his head and waiting for the man to answer " There is no choice in this matter, if you don't co-operate then you're of no use to us... The other people here are still in training... " " So Teri and the others are training to be pilots too? " " Yes, but none of them have attained a suitable state for us to us to use them in... " " Why me though? " Kat yawned and stretched " Because we've got enough detail on you to know that you will make an excellent pilot if you are able to synchronise... " The man gestured down one corridor " If? Does that mean there is a chance that I'm unsuitable? " Kat asked as they walked down the corridor, passing armed guard as they did so " There is always a chance... " The man was holding back on something " And if I can't then I'm useless to you... " Kat frowned " That's not entirely true... We believe there are other uses for someone with your unique strengths... " The man nodded to an armed guard to let them pass... Kat walked into a room with a few men waiting for him, the man he had walked here with nodded and the other men started to take his measurements Kat watched as they worked quickly on taking his measurements, after a short time they where done... They took their things and left silently " What was that for? " Kat frowned " If you can synchronise then you will have a plug suit designed for you... " " I see... So... What are we going to do now? " Kat asked slowly " You're going to see if you can synchronise in a simulation body... " Kat nodded and walked through to another room filled with people dressed in white lab coats... They took him to a simulation body and helped him in to it... Kat sat there while they took their places at various computer terminals and waited... " You may begin " A voice echoed around the chamber " How? " Kat muttered " Your goal is to achieve a synchronisation ratio of over ten percent to see if you are able to synchronise " The voice boomed again Kat closed his eyes and focused on trying to 'synchronise' with the simulation body... After a short time a different voice boomed out stating his sync level was zero... He frowned and continued to try... Half an hour passed without anything happening, he wasn't able to synchronise or it was harder than he thought... Anger started to build up... Suddenly it hit him... He was doing this wrong... He slowly calmed down and started to try again... " Well done, you have started to... What the...? Seventeen... Twenty... Twenty Six... Thirty Two percent and still rising... " Kat felt the simulation body slowly become like his own... although he couldn't really do anything with it he knew he was able to synchronise... " That's all for today... " One of the people's voice boomed out, Kat was helped out, he glanced at one screen... Ninety Seven Percent... " You've done very well... " One of the people smiled and showed him to the door He could hear some muttering behind him... He caught things like, this was steady and without a plug suit or LCL... What kind of person is he? Outside the man who had taken him here in the first place was reading the results, he looked up at Kat and smiled... He held out his hand... " Well done Wayne...Your synchronisation rate is the highest we have seen so far " The man smiled and shook his hand vigorously " What do I call you? " Kat asked while trying to stand upright " Sir in most cases but in this case Bob is fine " The man smiled " Bob as in Robert? " Kat looked around and yawned " Yes, Bob as in Robert " Robert laughed " Ok Bob " Kat laughed and started to walk away " Where you going? " Bob asked in a confused tone " I'm hungry, it's early and I haven't eaten... " Kat smiled and walked away Japan, Five Days Later: A rap at the door told her they weren't going to allow her to out of this trip to America no matter how badly delayed it was due to anything... Ritsuko sighed and opened the door, two agents where stood there with Misato waiting silently behind them " May I help you? " Ritsuko enquired " You are to come with us, you will be accompanying Major Katsuragi to America to complete this assignment " The man passed her some papers " Sorry but my daughter... " The man slapped Ritsuko " There are to be no excuses, we have been told to use any means possible to get you there, now, either you co-operate or... " " You bastard! You hit my mother! " Leona screamed, she walked into sight holding two guns, she pushed Ritsuko aside and watched as the agents backed away " Leona, there's no need for this " Ritsuko snapped holding her cheek " Shut up! All of you shut the hell up " Leona shouted " Leona, put the guns down " Misato ordered calmly " Oh shut up... " Leona pointed one of the guns at Misato Ritsuko quickly grabbed Leona's shoulder and turned her to face her, she slapped her and pulled the guns from her hands, tears started to pour down her cheeks " I'm sorry... " Ritsuko whispered as Leona ran back inside crying " How do they get their hands on so many weapons... " Misato shook her head " Miss Akagi, you are to come with us... " The agent demanded " Give me some time to pack a few things and make up with my daughter " The agent looked at Misato who simply nodded " Ok... You have half an hour " Jane, Toji and Aida where wandering about the streets aimlessly, Shinji and Asuka had got themselves into trouble and weren't allowed out at all... Aida constantly bombarded Jane with military related questions hoping for a response... He wasn't having any luck... Jane didn't want to talk about it... Still, he persisted to the point where she was shaking with anger " Aida, I think you should drop it... " Toji started to back away from Jane nervously " Not till she answers a few questions " Aida replied ignorantly " You think she's gonna talk to you about this when you keep asking her about her brother who was killed trying to protect everyone? " Toji snapped " It's not that big a deal... " Aida looked at Toji indignantly " Both of you... Shut up... Now! " Jane snapped, holding onto a nearby rail and breathing heavily, she turned to face them both and growled angrily " Jane, I know Aida can be a little insensitive at times but... " " What part of shut up didn't you understand mister Suzahara? " Jane snapped " Nice going Kensuke... " Toji shook his head " What did I do? " Aida looked at them both in turn, Toji shook his head and sighed Misato watched as the agents who had accompanied them forced Ritsuko to board the private jet... Leona was sat in the car nearby screaming profanities at them... Misato sighed and walked onto the jet without any trouble, she looked back to see Leona had fell silent, she was sat there crying now instead... She sighed and shook her head, she walked over to one of the agents and sighed " What is it Major? " The agent asked glancing at his watch " I know it's not in your job description but could you try and cheer Miss Akagi's daughter up? I have no idea what it is that made her act like this today... " " I'll see what I can do Major " The man glanced at his watch again " Thank you... " Misato quickly walked onboard the jet and sat by Ritsuko " I don't understand why Leona has suddenly started to act like this... " She sighed " I think maybe she's realised just how much she needs you, then again, taking into account what those kids have been through... " " ...She could just be seriously messed up " Ritsuko finished the sentence reluctantly " It's always a possibility... " Misato sighed and secured herself in the seat " I've tried to spend time with her but every time I think I'm getting anywhere she closes up again... It's very frustrating... " Ritsuko sighed " It must be, dealing with Shinji and Asuka on the other hand can be stressing at times, Asuka hasn't been herself recently and she's been making Shinji miserable " " I wish I could get her to talk... " Ritsuko sighed " Maybe she's had a few bad experiences with people and just finds it hard to trust them, you've seen her records after all " Misato quickly unpacked some papers " I know what you mean... Have you seen Jonathon's records? " Ritsuko sighed " Yes I have, I've never seen records that full of praise and mentions of achievements before, but at the same time exempt of all mention of who he was... " " I know... It's like he either had no personal life, which could be possible with his routines...Maybe they where ashamed of him as a person? " " When I got my hands on some records of his behaviour... He was far from the gentle and friendly person he seemed to be... " Misato shook her head " I saw them too... It did look a little like they where provoking that kind of behaviour though, like they wanted him to be aggressive " Ritsuko mused " I suppose they where provoking him... Did you hear that the people who provided us with them disappeared shortly after the attack on SEELE? " " Yeah... I heard about that too but I never thought of it in that way..." " In what way? " Misato looked confused " Connecting it with SEELE like you just did... " Ritsuko brushed her hair back " I was just using that as a reference date " Misato laughed " Still, its very suspicious... SEELE have been 'reborn' after they where destroyed and an organisation that could be responsible for the 'rebirth' disappeared... " " I see what you mean... Did you know Kat's still missing? The injury he took was serious and the suspected getaway vehicle turned out to be just a SEELE one... " " Misato, Kat most likely crawled into the sewers he came from and died... If he where still alive we would have captured him if he where at large... " Ritsuko laughed " It's a shame he wasn't a better person, I mean, you saw how skilled he was in the way he took everyone out... With him on our side we would be unstoppable " " It'll never happen, you know how vicious he was " Ritsuko shook her head " Are you two ladies fastened in? We are cleared for takeoff " A voice shouted from the cockpit, Ritsuko frowned and put some headphones on " Yes, we're ready when you are " Misato shouted back and started to read her papers Leona watched as two agents walked toward her as the jet started to take off, both of them drew their guns and continued to approach her... One of them stopped and started to line up a shot, Leona quickly dived to one side as a bullet ripped through a loose area on her T-shirt, the other agent smiled evilly... Leona started to run from the agents, another gunshot was heard and this time her arm was skimmed... She could feel a thin trickle of blood run down her arm... The agents started to run after her, loosing off the odd shot without much luck... She continued running, a few more bullets missing her as she did so... One of the agents stopped and fired off a carefully aimed shot, she felt the bullet tear into her side, causing her to stumble but not enough to stop her... She continued to stagger along holding her side, tears running down her cheeks as she fought to carry on despite the pain, the agents where catching up with her now... The main airport building was nearby... If she could reach it then she had a chance... She started to sprint, another bullet slammed into her shoulder as she ran, she staggered but didn't fall... She ran into the main building... She had to escape... The agents where still following her, people parted screaming when they spotted the guns they where carrying, Leona started to slow down, staggering slightly... An armed security guard went to grab her but she ducked under his arms quickly, grabbing his pistol from its holster as she did so and kicking him away from her As she staggered away she realised that she was starting to lose consciousness, she quickly shook her head and started to run again, she couldn't let herself pass out... The agents shouted angrily as the occasional person got in their path, a few angry shouts where heard as they pushed someone aside... An old man wearing priest like robes carrying a bible stepped out in front of her and grabbed her by the arms, the agents slowed slightly as they neared her... " Thank you father " One of the agents smiled and nodded to the old man " We'll take her from here " The other agent started to put his gun away " I don't think so... " Another man dressed in similar robes stepped out before the agents as the first priest lead her away from the agents " Get out of our way " The second agent snarled as he drew his gun " I'm sorry child but I cannot allow you to destroy a young girl no matter what she may be " The priest held his arms out to stop them passing " Move now... " The second agent raised his gun and snarled After a few seconds of silence the agent squeezed the trigger, the priest staggered back holding his chest and fell backward... Screams as people panicked and ran about blindly trying to escape... The man holding Leona quickly let go and stood ready to delay the agents even further, she quickly started to sprint away, she had to escape... A few seconds later she head another gunshot as the agents murdered the other priest for trying to help her... The airport was almost clear of other people now... The agents quickly let a volley of gunfire off, hitting her injured shoulder again, she whimpered and turned to face them, she raised the gun she had stolen... The agents ducked out of the way as she opened fire, she cursed and discarded the gun as its clip was emptied to no avail... Leona choked, blood running down from the corner of her mouth, the agents where no longer firing on her, they knew she was weakening... Security had probably been briefed on this as they simply stood aside, not wanting to be involved in this situation... One of watched on crying... One of the security guards stepped in front of her and grabbed her by her injured shoulder, he slipped some keys into her pocket and held her as the agents approached " They're for a motorbike outside, I'll delay the agents for you... " He whispered " Thank you... " Leona whispered weakly and squeezed his hand gently " Go... " The man whispered and let her go, she stumbled away as he slammed the butt of his shotgun into one of the agents faces and kicked the other in the chest She glanced back as the agents tried to fight back against the man but struggled to even land a blow on him... Maybe he knew he was going to die... Another guard scooped her up in his arms and started to run toward the exit, he was the one she had seen crying... He looked a little like Jonathon... Only not so big... " I can't stand by and watch them murder a child " he shivered " Jonathon... Thank you... " Leona kissed his forehead gently " I'm not Jonathon... You need medical attention seriously... " The man continued running, he was starting to sweat but he wasn't allowing himself to slow down " You remind me of him... You look like him a lot and you're risking your life to do what you consider the right thing " Leona replied, tripping slightly on her words " I just can't allow anyone to murder a child... Even if they kill me for helping as long as I help then I won't have gave my life in vain... " " Thank you... " Leona replied slowly The man gently set her down outside, noticing the keys in her hand he carried her over to a motorbike and sat her on it, he smiled sadly " You know how to drive right? " The man glanced back at the airport as a few gunshots rang out, he shook his head and turned back to Leona " Yeah... I can drive this... It's not too hard... " She smiled weakly " Here... Take these... " The man passed her some pain killers and some things she didn't really recognise from any place... Probably cause of the state she was in... " What are they? " She asked after taking them " Pain killers and some other things to counter the drowsiness and to keep you alert... They should start working soon... Good luck... " He smiled sadly " Thank you for everything... " Leona watched as he turned to the airport with a handgun drawn, she started the motorbike and glanced back on last time... As she drove away from the place a helicopter flew overhead, the agents had obviously called for backup as it was following her... She accelerated, her bloodied top flapping about behind her as she tried to get away... She realised as she gripped tighter with her legs that a gun had been put here... Leona reached down carefully and slipped a shotgun free, it was fully loaded but in her current state she might not be able to use it without slowing down... She quickly slipped it down the back of her top, using the strap of her bra to hold it in place as she continued to head down the road... A freeway or whatever they wanted to call it lay ahead of her, she dodged past the first few cars and continued to try getting away from the helicopter The agents weren't that easy to shake though... More people on motorbikes stared at her in disbelief as she neared them, seeing the helicopter following her though... They slowed down and let her put distance between them... A black car drove along side, a window slid down and an agent attempted to grab her Leona quickly slammed her fist into his face and dodged in between traffic attempting to shake them off... They where unable to negotiate the other traffic... A police helicopter flew overhead, joining the chase... Tears ran down her cheeks, the pain was getting too intense... A police motorbike drew along side her... " Stop girl, you're under arrest! " The man shouted above the wind " If you arrest me then they'll kill me... " Leona shouted back " Nonsense, now give yourself up " The man attempted to close the gap slightly " How do you think... Think... I got so badly hurt? " Leona wobbled slightly, almost passing out as she tried to keep him away from her " Give yourself up now and it'll be easier on everyone " He shouted " No... " Leona muttered and accelerated further, she leaned into a turn into the city, shaking the police man off easily as she did so... She had to stop soon... She wasn't going to be able to keep this up much longer... Leona started to decelerate, the area around her was familiar... Seeing a suitable area she slowed to a halt and wiped blood from the corner of her mouth, she touched injured shoulder gingerly... She needed it seen to... She pulled the shotgun from her back and climbed off the bike, she staggered down the street as the helicopters kept an eye on her overhead and people scattered She staggered along slowly, Jane was visible ahead of her... What was she doing here? She had to warn her... They might go after her next... Toji and Aida panicked when they spotted her but Jane ran to her side, she supported Leona gently and helped her to a bench " What happened? You're really badly injured... Who did this to you? " Jane started to clean Leona up with part of her top " The... Agents did it... " Leona gasped, rain started to splash around them heavily " We need to get you to a hospital or something... " Jane frowned " I'll be ok... " Leona replied slowly " Toji, Aida, are you two wearing anything under your tops? " Jane snapped " I've got a T-shirt on under... " Toji started " Take your T-shirt off, I haven't got anything on under my top and I need to use it to try and stop her from bleeding to death... " Jane snapped " But... " Toji started " Ok, I'll go topless if I have to but I would appreciate something to wear " Jane snapped again and tore another strip from her top " Ok... Here... " Toji quickly slipped the plain T-shirt off and passed it to Jane " Thanks... " Jane quickly slipped it on and removed her top underneath it with a little effort, she tore a few more strips from her top and used them to bandage Leona A black car pulled up and an agent climbed from it, he walked over to Jane silently " We'll take it from here " He stated coldly " No you won't... She's hurt... " Jane growled as she continued to sort her shoulder out, trying desperately to stop her bleeding " We have orders to take her into custody... " The man started " She's going to die because of two of your men " Jane growled " They where wrongfully given orders to terminate her... " The man started again " Shut up, it's probably cause she managed to escape that you're not going to kill her now... " Jane gently helped Leona to her feet " This way... " The agent quickly opened one of the car doors " No, I'm going to go with people I can trust... " Jane snapped " You will come with us now " The man pulled his pistol from its holster " Toji... Hold Leona for me... " Jane lifted Leona slowly and put him in her arms " What are you doing? " Toji looked worried as he strained to carry Leona " Sorting this asshole out... " She growled as she walked toward the agent " Hold it right..." The agent was cut off as Jane darted forward, slamming her elbow into his chest, she quickly knocked the gun from his hand... Grabbing the back of his head, she jumped up, slamming her knee into his face savagely before tripping him and slamming him to the ground... Another agent climbed out the car just as the first one fell and attempted to hit Jane, he watched in amazement as she ducked to one side and grabbed his arm She quickly dislocated his arm and kicked his legs out from under him... She walked over to the bench picking up the shotgun and to the pistol that lay on the path... She quickly disarmed the second agent, taking his pistol from its holster Jane gestured to the other two to bring Leona over and put her in the back seat, they complied without question... " We need to get her to the hospital fast... Does anyone know the way? " " Jane... None of us can drive... " Toji shivered " I can... " Jane sighed as she climbed into the drivers seat " I'll sit with Leona in the back, Aida can tell you the way " Toji sighed " Ok... Then what are we waiting for? " Jane smiled a little as she started the car " Will she be ok? " Aida asked nervously " I don't know... I hope so... " Jane shook her head and sighed sadly " Leona is a tough girl, she should be ok... " Toji glanced back at the agents " What are they going to do to us when they find out about this? " Aida shivered " They won't do anything to you two, its me and Leona they'll punish, simply because of who we are to them... " Jane laughed slightly " Ok Aida, enough questions, you need to tell her where she needs to go to get to the hospital, we're waiting on you if you hadn't noticed " Toji shook his head " Oh sorry... Lets get going then, just follow the road for now... " America: Kat and Teri had been chosen as the two representatives who where going to go to some unveiling of a new military piece of equipment... The team as it where was composed of him, Teri and two agents, they had said that he and Teri where to go because they where very close and it would reflect well on them What they really meant was probably that they wanted them to cuddle and smile for the cameras and the government officials so the facility looked better... Teri squeezed his hand nervously as they briefed them, she was probably new to the whole idea of going to large events and stuff... She could be very shy at times... They continued with their explanation of the event, saying that this new item was supposed to be a next generation anti angel combat machine It was supposedly artificially intelligent to some degree and that they had arranged for a demonstration of its combat capabilities... That meant they needed a pilot... Kat wasn't going to pilot it, he was going to pilot against it... Teri squeezed his hand again when she heard that he was going up against it, she looked worried but didn't say anything... The person briefing them explained that it was a plain clothes event and that they where going to be allowed a choice of clothes for the main event... Why they where holding a large meal was beyond his comprehension... He was going to fight it and they where going to watch... Teri's hand slipped from his... He glanced at her quickly to see her biting her lip nervously and crying, she looked away when she realised he could see this... " Teri...What's wrong? " Kat asked trying to keep calm " I don't want you to do this Wayne... You could get hurt... " Teri sobbed " I'll be ok... I've become familiar with the Evangelion unit they have here and I don't intend to let a soulless creation defeat me... " Kat sighed " I wish you didn't have to do this... " Teri pulled her legs up onto the chair and wrapped her arms around them, holding her knees to her chin as she cried " I'm sorry... " Kat watched her silently for a while as tears ran down her cheeks before putting one hand to her cheek and gently drying her tears away " We have to get ready... " Teri sighed eventually and walked into a changing room " I guess... " Kat sighed, he sat there for a short time longer before walking into the other changing room, he didn't like this either but he had to go through with it...