Evangelion - Bloodlines Children of Project D Genesis 2:5 Vengeful Child Kat staggered away from the carnage he was responsible for, he was going to have to get them back for the insult... Leona was a major failure like Jane... Not suitable... What had surprised him was there was no sign of Jonathon... Probably a good thing... Maybe he had been injured? Whatever reason it was it just delayed his capture... He slammed into the side of the armoured vehicle that lay in wait for him and fell face down onto the road... He was hurt worse than he cared to admit... The driver quickly jumped out with a gun ready, investigating the noise probably... Kat looked up at him and smiled weakly, the hole in his body armour spoke for itself He propped Kat in a seat and removed the damaged armour and his weapons, made sure he was able to sit upright and started the vehicle up... Kat watched the blur of the road and buildings going past as the person tried to find his way to a pickup point... It was almost impossible to tell what was going on... The radio was barely audible... Come to think of it... Anything he could hear was barely audible... Leona was going to die slowly when he recovered... He hated humiliation... A few gunshots rang out and the windscreen cracked and then shattered showering the interior of the vehicle with glass... He was having a great day... First he had been shot repeatedly in the chest and now he was being attacked by... What was he being attacked by? The vehicle was being shot at by something... He could barely make out a blockade of some kind... NERV obviously had something to do with this... More gunshots and a jolt as the vehicle crashed into some other vehicles... Kat gingerly put his hand to his forehead... Bleeding badly... What the hell was he doing in the middle of the road though? Wasn't he supposed to be in the vehicle? He chuckled softly when he realised why he was lying in the road... He had forgotten to secure himself with a seatbelt... People loomed over him, talking to each other... Why couldn't he hear them? A gun lay nearby... He slowly started to crawl toward it... One of the people knelt next to him and mumbled something to him before restraining him Kat quickly slammed his elbow into the persons' neck and grabbed the gun, the people around him shouted something, probably telling him to drop it... He grinned and wiped some blood from his mouth before placing the gun to his head, he pulled the trigger... wasn't he supposed to be dead? Kat snarled and pulled the trigger repeatedly only to notice there was no clip... He cast the gun aside and pulled a knife out, at least this way he could prevent his capture... The knife slipped from his bloodied hand as he attempted to turn it enough to get at his neck... Tears ran down his cheeks, he was going to fail completely... Paramedics arrived and started to check how badly injured he was before sticking a needle in his arm and injecting him with something... He stared at them blankly for a few seconds and waited... They started to clean some of his injuries up, restraining him as they did so... Maybe they had tried to sedate him... Didn't he still have a knife on him somewhere? He edged his hand toward where his knife was kept... Strange... He was bleeding heavily there... The paramedics noticed he had moved his arm and brought it back where they could see it, noting the blood now covering his hand they rolled him over and checked his back... Kat watched as they pulled his knife from behind him... The blade had almost snapped... The paramedics injected him with something else and continued to see to him... The quickly placed him on a stretcher and moved him into the back of some vehicle... They where obviously finished stabilising him and going to take him somewhere else... Probably going to dump him in the NERV medical facilities... He wouldn't put it past them... His nose itched... His arms where tied down too... They injected him with something else... Obviously confused about him not going to sleep after the other two... How exactly had he got in this mess though? He had vague memories of lying on the road staring at the sky... He cursed, he had taken a head injury and not noticed for some reason, not that it really meant anything to him... He was forgetting who he was slowly... Only... Could he be sure he knew what he thought he might have forgotten? He knew memories where slipping away but... How could he be sure he really had forgotten something, he felt like he had always known exactly what he did now? The people above him smiled reassuringly... Whatever it was compelling him to kill them both had to be ignored, after all, he was strapped down for some reason... Why escaped him though... All he was certain of was he was in pain and injured for some obscure reason... He closed his eyes, maybe if he could get some sleep he would remember what was going on... He hoped he would remember anyway... He didn't like this uncertainty... He opened his eyes again, couldn't sleep... But... now they where taking him from the back of the vehicle... He must have blacked out for a minute or two... The sky raced above him only to be obscured by a building getting in the way, an oxygen mask was put to his face and someone gently held one of his hands... His eyes slowly closed as he attempted to get some sleep again... He sighed and opened them to find he was now in a room... People surrounding him... Noticing he had awoken one of them injected him with something and waited for him to react to it... Whatever it was it wasn't doing anything fast... These people where attending to his injuries... How he got them and why he was here escaped him though, he just wanted to sleep... Why did he have to go through this? Kat winced as he felt them cutting him around one of his legs, shouts from the staff when they realised he wasn't affected by anything they injected him with... Intense pain shook his body, yet he didn't pass out like he wished to... He raised one arm drenched in his own blood and grabbed one of the people... They shivered nervously... " What am I doing here? " Kat gasped " You need to rest, try to rest and we'll try and finish this as soon as we can " " Who am I? " Kat groaned and lay back, even thinking hurt... " You'll be fine... Don't worry about any of this... " The person trailed off as Kat closed his eyes and slowly drifted into a deep sleep... How long before he woke up though? Kat sighed and opened his eyes again, he just couldn't sleep with them... He was in a different room... The pain started to subside... The morning sun started to creep in... He smiled as its warmth crept over his face slowly... He sat up and stretched, pain from his injuries flared up slightly as he did so but he didn't care... So what if some cuts opened up again or whatever? It just felt good to be in the sunlight... Why was he so pale though? He had a skin colour... Just A nurse walked in accompanied by an armed guard, she seemed surprised that he was awake and consulted the man before taking notes on him... She nodded to the man and walked out leaving him in the room alone with him, he warily kept his eye on Kat as he picked a place to sit in the room... Wasn't he trusted or something? Why was he here? Why was he injured? He had a lot of questions but right now he was hungry... He sighed and looked at his arms, swathed in bandages... He was covered in various medical items... Bandages covered his chest under his gown like a top of some form... A man and a woman dressed in black suits walked into the room, both of them where armed... Seemed that they expected him to be intimidated by their display of weapons... The woman sat beside him and smiled in a way that was probably meant to comfort him but instead made him shiver... He didn't like the look of either of them... " Your lucky to be alive " The woman started " Why am I lucky to be alive? " Kat asked slowly, not entirely sure of what was going on " You where involved in a serious accident, a civilian force opened fire on you mistakenly after a reported attack... Do you recall this? " " I don't know what you're talking about... Who are you? " " I was about to ask you the same... All we know is that you where propelled from the vehicle after it crashed... The driver didn't make it... " The woman was calm... " Why was I involved in a crash? " Kat shivered " A mistake by a civilian force... They where trying to stop a terrorist and instead they targeted you... Do you have any memories of what happened? " " No... I don't remember anything... Who am I? " Kat shivered " We could assign you a name temporarily until you remember your own, if you wish? " " I just want to know who I am... " " We did find some 'dog tags' but they didn't really help, one of them must have been a code name and the other was a girls name so we have no clues... " " How long have I been here? " Kat shivered again " A little over two weeks, you where seriously injured and we where worried you wouldn't survive but there are a few things that worry us still... " " What are they? " Kat slipped down under his covers slightly, scared slightly, he watched as the armed guard was ushered out of the room by the other man " You're not normal " The woman stated bluntly " I'm not? " Kat slipped further under, the cover now up to his neck " No... Your blood type doesn't exist on any records and you have healed so much damaged that should be fatal... Add to that a few other things... " " What are you trying to tell me? " Kat sat up slightly, interested in the subject now " I'm not sure what all this means but if you wish to learn about what you are then you should come with us... We can try to find out... " The woman smiled slightly " Who do you work for? " Kat blurted without thinking " The American government, why do you ask? " The woman smiled " Why should I trust you? " Kat picked at some bandages under his hospital robes nervously, how he had got so badly injured was beyond his comprehension " We have the facilities to help you find out who and what you are, we should be able to help you recover from this as well, maybe even remember who you are " " I see... So... What will I owe you for this? " Katy cocked his head slightly " We are doing this in a hope to learn, if you are suitable maybe you'll be offered a job working for us, if you take it or not is up to you... " The woman smiled again... " What about living arrangements? " Kat frowned " Your pretty sharp for someone who's been injured this badly... Well, you'll be living with some other children in a special facility... " " What's the facility for? " Kat ran his fingers through his hair... Shouldn't it be longer? " Well, we are trying to learn about genetic makeup... " " I thought that the human genome had already been mapped... " " Yes it has but that doesn't mean we know how it all works " " I see... So your hoping to learn from these children what exactly? " " I'm not allowed to tell you that, if you wish to know then you have to join them " " Ok... Are there any forms or anything to sign? " Kat stretched slowly " No... I don't think its possible to get your signature anyway at this time " " Oh... I see... I suppose I should, I don't see this place getting me anywhere... " " Good, I'll arrange for some clothes to be brought here for you and a few other things so we can set off tonight if you wish... " The woman smiled " Tonight? You want to escape from here soon? " Kat chuckled " Why not? You seem to be in good health and in a condition where you can be transported so why shouldn't it be tonight? " The woman shrugged " Just wondering... Ok... I'll look forward to going with you... " " One last thing... " The woman paused " What is it? " Kat asked slowly " Do you remember your name or would you like us to assign you one? " " I don't remember my name... " Kat sighed " Ok... We'll assign you one when you get to the facility " The woman nodded " Thanks... " Kat smiled and watched as the woman left the room followed by her partner, now he just had to wait for them to arrange whatever it was... Kat shivered... He lay asleep in bed... A dream about something that couldn't have happened... Two girls with red eyes... One of them pointing a gun at him... He shouted something and the other girl dived at the other and disarmed her before walking over to him and putting the gun to his chest... A voice... He sat upright and opened his eyes, it was just a dream... The woman agent was here... She dropped a pile of clothes onto his bed looking concerned... " Are you feeling ok? " She asked noticing he was sweating heavily " Bad dream... Just about to get shot... " Kat gasped " Ok... when you're dressed simply walk out of the room... I'm waiting for you... " " Ok... Thanks... " Kat watched as the woman walked out and stared at the pile of clothes... All of the clothes looked too big for him... Obviously picked for that... Probably so he could wear them without any trouble... He felt drawn to a deep blue short sleeved shirt and deep blue jeans... Simple to slip them over his bandages... The jeans where too big... He quickly grabbed a belt and slipped it on with the jeans and climbed out of bed... Footwear... He was lacking something to wear on his feet... He spotted some trainers and socks under the other clothes... He quickly slipped them on and carried the rest of the clothes back out to the woman... " What do I do with these? " Kat asked " Keep them, you'll need something to wear till they have time to kit you up properly... " The woman agent smiled and held hand out to him " You want me to hold your hand? " Kat asked confused " I just so you don't get lost... I think you may still be disorientated " The woman noted seeing him swaying slightly as he struggled to keep upright " Ok... If you want me too... " Kat gently took hold of her hand and blushed slightly " You ok? " The woman asked with a slight smile " Yeah... Just feel embarrassed... "Kat blushed, his pale cheeks turning pale red " Typical teenage male... Don't worry, I'm not your mother so there's no need to feel awkward about this, now, are you ready to go? " " Yeah... I'm ready... How long will the trip be? " " It'll be about six hours total... " The woman smiled gently and started to lead him out of the building, Kat watched as people stared at him as he left... He was different... These people feared him but he didn't know why... What was it about him that was so different? He shrugged and continued to walk with the woman, he would know soon... America: Kat had slept through the entire journey, the woman agent had allowed him to sleep... he still had a lot of recovering to do but he was strong... She nudged him gently as the small plane touched down at the facilities airstrip... He opened his eyes immediately and shook his head... Already awake... One of the other children was visible from the plane, she had obviously been told another was joining and had got excited and offered to meet them... Again Teri was always happy to meet new people being the first of the children here... She got lonely being the only girl... The other three boys often left her alone... James was always keeping to himself, didn't like to talk to people much and Kiaren and Paul where inseparable... Not that anyone wanted to talk to Paul... Kiaren was a nice kid but Paul was dangerous... Good thing Kiaren was his best friend really... It kept him happy and as long as he was happy he was fine... Teri was already running toward the small plane... Her short ginger hair unmoving despite this... She had probably done something to it again... Kat opened the door and climbed out, Teri skidded to a halt and smiled at him, he held his hand out in greeting only for her to dive on him and hug him " Ouch... Glad to see you too, umm...? " Kat pushed her back a little " I'm Teri, glad to meet you, what's your name? " Teri smiled " I don't know... " Kat sighed and looked down at the runway " Why not? " Teri used one finger to lift his chin gently " He was involved in a serious accident, we're going to pick a name for him later " The woman agent sighed as she climbed down from the plane " Oh god... I'm so sorry... " Teri wrapped her arms around Kat and hugged him gently " Do you always hug people? " Kat struggled free " Yes... Sorry if you're uncomfortable with it but its something I do... " Teri smiled " It's ok... I don't mind " Kat smiled a little and stepped back " Finally someone else my height " Teri laughed " Huh? What do you mean? " Kat looked puzzled " You're a tiny bit smaller than me, but that's ok... At least you're about my height " Teri laughed and started to pick at the bandages on his left arm without thinking " I see... Are you always like this? " Kat asked while removing the bandages himself " Usually, well, when I'm able to anyway... The others are always too busy with other things that are 'too important' to spend time with me " Teri frowned " Well, if you actually want to spend time with me then I'm happy for the company " Kat smiled, he gasped when he saw the condition of his arm " Oh god... " Teri bit her lip when she saw his arm was a mess, covered in what looked like a myriad of criss-cross cuts, she gently started to wrap his arm up again " Don't worry about it... It'll heal... " The agent sighed as she walked toward the facility " Where's he staying? " Teri watched as Kat grabbed a bag with his spare clothes " I suppose for now he can stay in the empty room next to yours... If there's any trouble or you two get up to anything you shouldn't then he moves " " Get up to something we shouldn't " Kat looked confused " Are you naïve or stupid kid? " The agent laughed " Stupid " Kat laughed and shook his head " You realised what I mean finally? " The agent continued laughing " Yeah... I'm just a little slow... " Kat looked at Teri, she smiled as soon as she noticed " A little? " The agent started to laugh again " You ok? " Kat asked noticing Teri had gone quiet " Yeah... I... " Teri blushed and looked away " Excited that you have someone to talk to? " Kat asked smiling a little " I guess... " Teri smiled and held his hand gently " What is it with people holding my hand? " Kat muttered " Cause your hands are so delicate and cute " Teri blushed " Umm... Thanks... " Kat blushed " Don't be embarrassed sweetie " Teri smiled, still blushing " Where did sweetie come from? " Kat blushed deeper " Never mind... " Teri closed her eyes and leaned toward Kat slightly... " I don't think that's a good idea... " Kat backed away slightly " Sorry... " Teri bit her lip gently and gazed at him for a second before closing her green eyes and brushing her short ginger hair back " Do you think that you could tell me more about this place? " Kat sighed " Yeah... Not that there's much to say... They keep doing tests on you and using it to try and figure out stuff " Teri smiled and opened a door for Kat " That's all? I thought there would be more to it... " Kat sighed " They do mainly physical and mental tests on you but sometimes take samples and compare all the results and stuff... " Teri started to play with her dog tag " What's all this going to result in? " Kat sighed " They picked all of us cause we all excel in some area or other... " Teri smiled " What area are you good at then? " Kat yawned " I'm a brilliant athlete or something... " Teri blushed " I'd race you if I wasn't in this state... " Kat smiled " I'll hold you to that, when your better I'll race you... " Teri gently stroked Kat's cheek " Ok... I'm going to look forward to it... " Kat winced as Teri gently ran her hand over his chest, he pushed her hand away from his chest and gently held it " What is it? " Teri looked worried " I... Don't know... I don't remember what happened... All I know is what I've been told... All I know is I was hurt badly in an accident... " Kat sighed " How long ago where you hurt? " " About two weeks... " Kat shook his head " Oh... Well... We're here... " Teri smiled " Here? I wasn't paying attention to where we where going... " Kat blushed " This ones my room... " Teri pointed to one of the rooms, she quickly unlocked the door with her key and let him catch a glimpse of her room " Very nice... " Kat smiled, he watched as Teri pulled out a key and unlocked the room next to hers, she smiled and dropped the key into his hand " ...And that's your room... It will need decorating really but its ok for now... " " You seem really happy... " Kat yawned as he supported himself against the wall " Cause I've finally got someone to be friends with, silly " Teri laughed " What time is it? " Kat asked as he walked into an almost bare room, there was a bed, a bookcase and a television resting on a chest of draws... " Almost time to go to bed... Big day tomorrow " Teri replied looking at her watch " Oh... Ok...I'm gonna go to bed now then... " Kat chuckled " You sure? You don't mind if I stay with you for a little longer? " " I don't mind... I'll probably fall asleep as soon as I sit down though " " That's ok... " Teri smiled and sat on his bed, watching as he dumped his clothes in the draws and shifting across a little so he could sit next to her " Sorry... " Kat blushed " Sorry for what? " Teri looked confused " This... " Kat leaned forward and kissed her gently, wrapping his arms around her waist and holding her gently as he continued to kiss her " Don't be sorry... I wanted that too... " Teri smiled and kissed him back " I shouldn't have done that though " Kat sighed " Why not? " Teri smiled as she placed her head against his shoulder " I might be involved with someone already and not know... " Kat ran his fingers through her hair gently and kissed her on the cheek before lying down on his bed " If it turns out that you are then I'll understand if you don't want to continue... Truth is... I've never felt like this about anyone... " Teri smiled as she cuddled up to him " I wish I knew my name... It would help me find who I am... " Kat sighed " You know... I love you... " Teri said after some thought, she raised her head slightly to see Kat was asleep, she smiled and held herself closer to him before closing her eyes... Japan: Ritsuko looked up from what she was doing as Misato walked into her office, she sighed and finished bandaging her daughters arm... Leona was too careless... " What can I do for you Major? " Ritsuko sighed and watched as Leona nervously edged away from Misato and left her office, obviously not wanting to be around... " Gendo wishes for us to go to the 'unveiling' of some major new military project " Misato sighed and sat on Ritsuko's desk near the place Leona had been sat " What's it all about? " Ritsuko asked while busily trying to locate her work " Apparently its something that has been developed to combat the angels " " When are we required to go? " Ritsuko looked up from her papers " In four days " Misato shook her head in disgust " Four days? I can't make it then... " Ritsuko sighed " I had something on too but its not something you can get out of... " Misato frowned " Where's it being held? " Ritsuko asked while checking the contents of a coffee cup " In America, one of the nearby military installations is actually training pilots... " " You mean we're getting a replacement pilot? " Ritsuko frowned " That is one of the reasons we are going " Misato sighed " I'm going to have to have words with Gendo... " " How's Rei doing? " Misato asked glancing at a paper " She's not doing too well, someone told her that Jonathon was dead... We're going to have to keep an eye on her to make sure she's ok... " " Who would have thought Rei had feelings... " Misato trailed off " Its amazing what you don't know about people until something drags it to the surface, I think it's more a case of her icy control over her feelings has been cracked... " " I guess... Leona and Shinji seem to be getting on well... " Misato smiled a little " Yes... I know... Just how well I don't yet know... " Ritsuko glowered " You think that they are romantically involved? " Misato looked confused " I don't know but I'm going to have a talk with her about this..." " Be careful, you're toying with a young girls feelings and she hasn't really had much experience with other people... If you're going to do what I think... " Misato sighed " I'm trying to be a good mother but... She just doesn't want mothering... " " It really hurt her to shoot Kat like she did... First Jonathon and now Kat... They still haven't recovered his body... The reports of how the vehicle was stopped... " " I know... I've read the reports and they say how unsure of what was going on they where... There is just so little detail in them... " Ritsuko " One last thing... Did you know that Maya might be working for us again? " Misato smiled and placed some papers on Ritsuko's desk " No I didn't... I envy Maya... She's so close to Jane and she's not even her mother... They both get along so happily... " Ritsuko sighed and picked the papers up " I understand... Then again you have to take into account how Maya has to be careful how she treats Jane, Jane has been known to be volatile at times " " Yes, I'm aware of that... "Ritsuko started to read through the papers " Well... its nice that Maya's coming back... " Misato smiled " I did mention that we needed someone to her when I visited " Ritsuko glared at Misato " You should really take a break from work... " Misato said cautiously " I'm fine, just give me some space, ok? " " If you insist... Do you want me to look after Leona for you for a day or two? " " Well... Yes... If you would, it would be a great help... " Ritsuko smiled a little " I'll go and pick her up now... I'll tell her that I'm looking after her for a few days while you sort some things out... Anything I should tell her? " Misato asked looking worried " No... That's fine... Thank you Major... " Ritsuko smiled slightly America: Kat opened his eyes slowly and stared at the ceiling, he was too hot... He shouldn't wake up sweating like this... Unless... He looked to his side... Teri was sleeping still... He gently shook her, she opened her eyes slowly and smiled before kissing him gently on the cheek, she gently pulled herself nearer and placed her head against his shoulder... A knock on the door brought Kat's attention back to the world around him, he quickly climbed out of bed and walked to the door in a pair of shorts and a T-shirt " Ah... There you are... " It was the agent who had brought him here " What do you want? " Kat sighed " I was just getting worried cause Teri hadn't slept in her room, I don't know if I should worry now I know that you two slept together though... " The agent frowned " We didn't get up to anything " Kat shook his head " Ok... Good... Teri, get dressed properly and bring Wayne down to the training facilities when he's eaten... " The agent smiled and stood in the doorway " Who's Wayne? " Kat asked slowly, looking at the agent and Teri in turn " Your Wayne, it's the name we've assigned you " The agent smiled " Ok... I'll have to remember that... " Kat smiled a little " Could I have a little privacy? " Teri asked, holding the covers over herself " Why? You didn't... " The agent looked at Kat and Teri cautiously " No, I didn't get up to anything like that, I have clothes on but I'm not comfortable getting dressed in front of both of you " Teri frowned, picking her clothes off the floor " Ok... I'll leave you two to get dressed... " The agent walked around the corner " Is it always like this? " Kat frowned " Not always Wayne... " Teri giggled " Not always? This place is going to be... Fun... " Kat chuckled " I'm worried that they may split us up now... I mean... I've got close to you like this and I don't think that they'll allow for it... " Teri sighed " They should... Its not like we'll get up to anything, I'm injured and you're just worried about me... " Kat smiled slightly and kissed caressed her cheek gently " Yeah... I guess so... come on Wayne, time to see how fit you are " Teri winked and started to run down the corridors toward the training area " Me? Fit? You must be kidding yourself... " Kat laughed as he started to run after her James watched as Teri walked into the training area followed by the new kid... He walked over and looked at the new kid for a few seconds before shaking his head He walked back over to the exercise bike he was on and ignored them, no point bothering with someone new, especially when he was with someone else who was a waste of time He ran his fingers through his dull blonde hair, brushing his curtains aside without second thought and keeping an eye on the distance he had covered so far... He glanced to the side as the new kid jumped onto the bike next to him and Teri the one next to the new kid... He shook his head as he approached the fifteen miles mark... The new kid started very quickly... Probably didn't have the stamina to keep it up though... Teri was listing to music instead of concentrating again... No wonder he had been chosen to go to work for NERV instead of her, he was a superior worker and she was a slacker... Fifteen miles... Could he make twenty? " How much you done so far Wayne? " Teri asked glancing at him " About... Three miles... " He grinned, he was going pretty fast but three miles? " He's lying... " James shook his head and glanced at the counter on the new kids bike " No he isn't! " Teri grinned and started to try catching up " So what? He won't be able to keep it up, I'm already past fifteen and I'm going for twenty... I doubt he could keep it up long enough to make twenty " James smiled evilly " Ok, how about first to fifty? " Kat grinned " Wayne, you can't possibly be that strong yet... " Teri looked worried " Your on Wayne, first to Fifty or the nearest when we both stop " James smiled " Sure thing... I'm on five now... " Kat grinned, wiping a little sweat from his forehead " Wayne! Slow down! " Teri snapped, folding her arms and looking away " Soon as I've caught up enough I'll take it easy... " Kat smiled Japan: Misato approached Maya's apartment with Leona behind her, Leona had agreed to allow her to look after her as long as she could see Jane for a few hours... Leona was definitely odd when compared to Jane... The way she was able to tell who was there and when they where there was unexplained... The way she sometimes knew things she wasn't supposed to had caused trouble from time to time... How she had got to know things had caused a few investigations... They had turned up a few people that had to be dealt with but no one was supplying Leona with information... It was as if she had other ways of finding out... She rang the doorbell and waited as Jane opened the door, she looked pale again... Obviously hadn't put makeup on to conceal her natural coloration Jane smiled and stepped aside allowing them both in without question and walked into another room, probably to tell Maya who was here... A few seconds later and Maya followed Jane from the room " I didn't know you where going to turn up, what can I do for you? " Maya beamed " Well, I'm looking after Leona at the moment cause of how much work Ritsuko has and I brought these papers for you, I think Leona may be a little lonely... " " Oh... I see... Well, if you want to bring the others over too we could go through the papers while they play or whatever it is they want to do " Maya smiled " Yeah... Ok... Shall I leave Leona with you while I go and pick the other two up? " " Sure, I don't mind " Maya squeezed Jane's hand comfortingly... Jane was nervous? " You better behave yourself Leona, I won't be long " Misato smiled and started to head back to her car, Leona shuffled in nervously and pressed herself against the wall Jane started to edge into her room only for Maya to put her hand on her shoulder and stop her... She smiled and walked over to her sofa, put the TV on and made room for them America: Teri grabbed Kat by the arm and dragged him away from the exercise bike, She smiled and dragged him up to an area set aside for gymnastics or something... " Come on Wayne, you've just proved that your in very good shape... " She looked back at James who was still determined to reach the fifty mile mark... Probably a personal best " What do you want me to do? " Kat yawned and stretched " This was originally set up for gymnastics but we use it for martial arts training, I just thought you may like to learn a little from me before our next lesson " Teri smiled " Uh... Sure, if it helps me learn a little of whatever it is I've got to learn... " Kat smiled slightly and instinctively took on a stance " Hmm... How much have you done in the way of this before? " Teri looked confused " I don't know... Some things just come naturally without thought to me... " Kat blushed " Ok... I'm not about to go easy on you though... " Teri lunged only to for Kat duck to one side, almost impossibly fast, and put his hand on her neck " You where wide open... don't assume that I'm defenceless " Kat smiled and relaxed again, Teri shook her head in amazement and took a new stance " Ok... I'm not going to hold back this time, if you fail to defend I'll hit you " Teri sighed " Whatever you thinks best... Do you want me to fight back too? " Kat looked confused " If you want but don't do anything stupid... " Teri quickly tried to sweep Kat only for him to jump, anticipating this she span round again kicking his legs out from under him Kat flipped as she hit his legs and landed on his hands, he hadn't expected her to get him in the air... He flipped away and took on a new stance, Teri charged at him... Teri lunged at Kat only for him to duck to one side again, she darted her elbow back only for him to push her forward causing her to overbalance and fall... She rolled to one side as he tried to bring his foot down on her, she quickly span round taking his other leg out from under him, this time he simply landed on his knees... Darting forward only for him to throw her, standing up as he did so... Landing on her back and staring at the ceiling... He wasn't really even in good form... She watched as he extended his hand out to help her to her feet... She was amazed at how strong he was... He smiled and stretched... Was it just her or hadn't he broken a sweat? James staggered over to Kat from the exercise bikes and screamed in anger before punching him in the face, Kat staggered back more surprised than hurt... " Wayne, are you ok? You're bleeding... " Teri wiped blood from his face gingerly " I'm fine... He shouldn't have done that... " Kat shook his head spraying drops of blood about and quickly put his hair into a familiar style... " You're stealing her from me... Stop it or I will hurt you... " James growled " You never gave a fuck about me James, leave Wayne alone or... " " Or what? You'll cry? " James laughed and deflected her punch, bringing his knee up into her chest as he did so, he shook his head and looked at her on the floor then at Kat " You shouldn't have done that James... " Kat growled " I'm one of the best martial artists in the base, drop this and I won't put you back in hospital... " James walked around Kat and laughed " What's so funny? " Kat yawned " You don't stand a chance, your scrawny but unlike me, you can't put power behind your actions... I suggest you drop this... " " I suggest you stop picking on girls and get lobotomised, who knows, it may raise that Neanderthal like IQ of yours and improve on your non existent personality " " You're either very brave or very stupid... " James quickly lunged for Kat, striking him in the chest hard enough to knock him from his feet " Ouch... that almost hurt... " Kat laughed " Hard man huh... Lets see if you can laugh after this " James growled kicking him in the face, he watched as Kat turned his face back to face him, still smiling " Is that all you have? I've had more discomfort from stubbing my toes... " " Your gonna cry... I know it... Your gonna run off crying like a baby... Its written all over your face cause you know you can't fight back... " James laughed " James... Fuck you " Kat laughed as he climbed to his feet, he picked Teri up, cradling her in his arms and started to walk toward the door " Don't you dare try to walk away... " James growled, he ran up behind Kat and slammed his fist into his back forcefully... Kat gently put Teri down and stroked her cheek gently " I've gave you enough chance to drop this James... " Kat quickly took a stance " That's better... Time to kick your ass... " James charged forward only for Kat to punch him before he could react, Kat screamed as he attacked him but... Kat was fast... James couldn't land a single attack on him... He moved way too fast for the shape he was supposed to be in... Kat grabbed his arm and hit it forcefully... He felt it snap under the force exerted on it... He screamed and fell to his knee's only to be kicked in the face... He lay there staring at the ceiling... Kat had defeated him... He turned his head to see Kat help Teri to her feet and help her out the room... Kat was a monster... He could see that but even if the others could they wouldn't do anything about it... This could be some way of getting a spy among them... If he cared he could warn the others... For now his only worry was getting medical attention... Revenge was also in there somewhere but that could wait...