Evangelion - Bloodlines Children of Project D Genesis 2:4 Insane Mercy Jane lay in a darkened room, she was supposed to have gone to school today but Maya hadn't tried to push her into doing this... Five days... Five days had passed since Jonathon's death and she hadn't eaten anything... Why did she feel that she could have done something to save him? Why? It wasn't like she would have stood a chance of defeating the angel either but at least she would have been able to die in his place... If it hadn't been for him always doing his best to be there to protect her and keep her going then she would probably have died at a much younger age than she was now... She should have said she would pilot... At least he would still be alive... Maya knocked on the door cautiously, Jane didn't bother to answer... Maya would come in after a short time anyway just to check that she was still alive... Maya didn't like seeing her like this... She had persuaded her to keep drinking water at least if she wasn't going to eat anything... Maya opened the door and walked in cautiously, Jane turned to face her " How do you feel? " Maya asked softly " About the same as I did five days ago, only I'm a little hungrier than I was then " " You really should eat... " Maya sighed " No... I don't feel like it... " Jane closed her eyes " Why won't you even have a small snack? " Maya sat on the bed beside her " I don't feel like it... " Jane shook her head slowly " Leona and Ritsuko are here to see you... " Maya smiled a little " Do I have to talk with them? " Jane sighed " I can tell them that you're not too well if you want? " " I better talk with them actually... They might actually have something of interest or importance to talk about... " Jane sighed and climbed to her feet " Are you sure? " Maya quickly passed Jane some new clothes " Yeah... Thanks... " Jane smiled a little " Thanks for what? " Maya asked confused " Being here for me... It means a lot to me... " Jane smiled " Its ok... I'm upset about all this as well... Jonathon was a good person... He didn't deserve to go like that... He did it to protect us though... " " Yeah... He was a good person... Always doing his best for everyone... " Jane sighed and started to pull on the fresh clothes, Maya had picked some strange clothes... A pale blue top with a kitten on it... A deep blue skirt... Jane smiled a little when she noticed that Maya had picked some socks with kittens on as well, she quickly slipped the clothes on and walked out of her room... She didn't really know what to say about the clothes, they where too... Cute... For her liking really... They looked a little too immature... Ritsuko smiled when she saw her clothes, Jane remembered that Ritsuko liked cats or something, she hadn't managed to get Leona to wear anything but her uniform yet Either that or Leona had requested that she had only clothes that looked like her uniform... Jane sat next to Maya, resting her head against her shoulder " How do you feel? " Ritsuko asked her, smiling a little " I don't want to talk about my feelings right now " Jane sighed " Ok... That's understandable... " Ritsuko glanced at Leona " We where thinking of having a day out... Some of the kids from school are going to come along as well... Would you like to come along? " Leona asked quietly " Not really " Jane stated tersely " Go on... It'll be nice to go out for a while... " Maya encouraged " I suppose then... " Jane sighed " Ok... I know this is a little short notice but it's tomorrow, we want you to come along too Maya... " Ritsuko smiled a little " Ok... But I really have to get back to my job soon... I can't take much more time off... " Maya sighed, she gently put her arms around Jane's shoulders " Oh... I can take care of that for you if you want... I can explain to your employers that you are currently unavailable due to official NERV business... " " You really think that will help? " Maya shook her head " When I have Gendo's signature they'll have no choice but to accept it " Ritsuko smiled, she nudged Leona with her elbow, noticing her attention wandering " Ok... Thank you... " Maya smiled a little " Maybe we should all go out together for a while today? " Ritsuko smiled " Just us four? " Maya asked cautiously " Kaji's going to join us as well, a lot of this is his idea after all... " Ritsuko laughed " Anyone else? " Maya sighed " Misato may join us... If she can persuade Asuka and Shinji to come along... " " They won't... " Jane sighed " Why not? " Maya asked softly " Their scared of us... They won't want to know... " Jane sighed " If thy give you any trouble then I'll have a word with them " Maya frowned " Leona... How was school? " Jane sighed, trying to get away from the subject " Dull... I had to sit through the tutoring session with the intellectually retarded 'Three stooges' as Asuka put them... " Leona sighed " Their not that bad are they? " Jane looked confused " They are that bad... Asuka kept picking on them that was the only entertainment there... The work they set was nothing either... " Leona yawned " Hmm... Glad I missed it...Where is it being held now? " " Same place as last time... They haven't found a teacher or a building to use... " " They need a teacher? " Jane looked at Maya and smiled " No, I can't Jane... I already have a job... " " Actually Maya... We could use your help... You have the qualifications and we could easily find a place for you to operate in... " Ritsuko butted in " Since when where you involved in their education? " Maya frowned " Since Gendo made it one of my duties " Ritsuko smiled " You really want me to teach them? " Maya frowned " If you want the job I can explain to your employers that we have need of your services and clear this up for you... " Ritsuko laughed softly " I'll give it some thought... " Maya frowned " Get back to me on this as soon as you can please, and Jane... " " Yes Miss Akagi? " Jane glared at Ritsuko coldly " I expect to see you in the lesson tomorrow " Ritsuko glared back at Jane " What if I'm not in the lesson? " Jane frowned " Then you'll have to answer to Gendo " Ritsuko smiled bitterly " Oh yeah... Big scary Gendo... " Jane lay next to Maya, resting her head in her lap " Well... We will see you in an hour or two... " Ritsuko climbed to her feet, smiling " Bye Miss Akagi " Jane yawned, Maya brushing her hair back gently " Bye Ritsuko... " Maya shook her head, obviously not wanting to get up Maya watched from her place as Ritsuko left with Leona, she looked down at Jane and smiled a little, Jane yawned and gently pulled herself into a sitting position " I'm glad that's over for now... " Jane sighed " What was with cuddling up all of a sudden? " Maya asked sounding a little confused " Just wanted to... " Jane mumbled " I don't mind... " Maya smiled and hugged Jane " I need to get washed if we are going out later... " Jane frowned " You washed this morning though " Maya looked confused " Yeah... Well... I want to look my best... " Jane sighed " I have some more suitable clothes for you for tonight... I'll put them on your bed for you... Would you like a snack or something after you've washed? " " No... I don't want to eat... " Jane frowned " Jane... Please eat something, you not eating is really scaring me " Maya shivered " Ok... I'll have a snack or something then... " Jane sighed " Thank you " Maya smiled and started to cuddle Jane, not letting go... " You know, you can let go " Jane laughed " Sorry... " Maya blushed and slowly let Jane go " Its ok... I don't really mind its just I have to get ready... " Jane smiled " Tonight isn't really anything special... I think Ritsuko's jealous though... " " Why should she be jealous? " Jane looked confused " Leona is her daughter... You on the other hand are just in my care... Ritsuko can't get close to Leona cause of her not liking to 'interact' with people " " And why would that make her jealous? " Jane looked confused " Well, Ritsuko wants to be a good mother, she can't get close to Leona unless she's emotional... Then take into account you openly cuddling up... " Maya smiled a little " I see... So she feels inadequate cause she can't get her own daughter to be open with her and you can get someone in your care to cuddle up? " Jane queried " Yeah... Ritsuko's really proud of her daughter and wants to be close but... Leona isn't that kind of person... Sad really... " Maya sighed " I need to get washed... " Jane laughed and ran into the bathroom Shinji was quietly doing his homework, thinking of the time he spent in lessons... Was Leona really just cold or was she scared of showing her true self? How did she get so intelligent anyway? Everything the tutor had said she could elaborate on for as long as she cared... The tutor had got a little annoyed at this and asked her if she wanted to take his lesson, she had replied that she would happily take the lesson if he wanted The tutor ordered her to take the class, Leona had asked to see his notes so she could effectively teach them... The tutor then said that since she didn't know she could go back to her place, she laughed and replied that she only wanted them to see what she had to teach them He just sat on his desk and told her that if she was so smart that she should know what they where required to learn, she smiled and started to teach them... He had to admit that she was much better at teaching, she looked better and she gave a more in depth, but understandable explanation of what she was teaching She made Asuka, who had been through a lot of education, look stupid with one of her questions when Asuka had claimed that she could outsmart her Leona had simplified the question a lot before Asuka could understand it and a lot more before anyone else could... Asuka knew the answer... Leona knew the answer with a hell of a lot more elaboration on it though, and had put Asuka to shame by going into a lot of detail on the answer... Asuka had got pretty angry by this point and had threatened Leona, Leona just smiled and asked if she wanted another stay in the medical facilities... Asuka just fell silent and didn't give Leona anymore trouble... Asuka had still picked on him, Toji and Aida though... The tutor took the class back after lunch, Leona decided to work on other things... The tutor didn't stop her, she was way ahead of everyone in the room... A knock at the door disturbed him, he climbed up from where he was working and walked to the door... It was Kaji... He opened the door and stepped aside... " Hey Shinji, how are you? " Kaji grinned " I'm ok... " Shinji smiled a little " Where are the others? " Kaji enquired politely " Misato's getting lunch ready for once and Asuka's in her room... " Shinji sighed " Could I talk with Misato? " Kaji asked, still smiling " Yeah... I'll just tell her you're here... " Shinji ran to the kitchen door and poked his head round, quickly mentioned that Kaji had turned up and ran back to him " Yes Kaji? " Misato walked from the kitchen with her hair tied back " I'm not going to keep you or waste your time on this one... " Kaji started " Makes a change... What do you want? " Misato sighed " Ritsuko, Leona, Maya and Jane are going to go out tonight, would you like to join them, Asuka and Shinji have to come along though " Kaji smiled a little " Hmmm... Are you going to be there? " Misato frowned " Only because I'm required to be as this is my new job... " Kaji sighed " What do you mean 'this is my new job' Kaji? " Misato looked confused " I mean it as in, I'm now supposed to help take care of the children... Basically I arrange things like this for them from time to time and make sure they're 'happy' " " I see... What happened to make you end up with this as a job? " " I think someone has an evil sense of humour " Kaji growled " Hey... Calm down... I have nothing to do with this... " Misato sighed " Sorry... Do you want to come along tonight then? " Kaji sighed " Yeah... I suppose I may as well... What are 'we' doing? " " Nothing much... Going out for a meal and a few other minor distractions... " " What 'minor distractions' might they be? " Misato frowned " Stuff for the kids... " Kaji sighed and gently put his weight against the wall " Aren't you going to try chatting me up or anything? " Misato asked confused " Like I said... Official business... " Kaji shook his head " That's never stopped you before... " Misato frowned " You almost sound like you want me to... " Kaji smiled a little " No... It's just... Normally... " Misato blushed " Don't worry about it Major... I don't think it's something I could do knowing that the two girls who are also coming along just lost their brother... " " Yeah... Jane and Leona must really feel awful about all this... " Misato sighed " I don't think Asuka or Shinji will give them trouble at least " Kaji smiled slightly " What makes you say that? " Misato brushed a few strands of loose hair back " Leona's repeatedly humiliated Asuka for one thing, as well as hospitalising her... Jane on the other hand will simply just find a suitable way to deal with it " " I see... And how do you know all this? " " When you have to 'baby sit' under these circumstances you get some of the reports on this... It's all minor things to help me figure how to handle this... " " I see... Where are we going, I do need to get Shinji and Asuka there after all... " " Don't worry about that, transports been arranged for you all... " Kaji sighed " You really don't like dealing with this do you? " Misato put her hand on his shoulder and smiled slightly, Kaji sighed and turned away " I better get going... I have things to arrange still... And no, I don't like dealing with this... " Kaji walked past Shinji and out of Misato's apartment Leona was sat in the assassin hanger alone, Ritsuko, her mother, had decided to come back to the base 'quickly' to pick up some work to do later... She gazed up at the giant blue monster, it was stood there silently... An unstoppable machine and they put some similar restraints on it to the Evangelions ones... Why did her mother always push her aside in favour of her work? She had never got the chance to get to know her... Not that it mattered anymore... Her mother was always too busy to spend time with her, she expected her to be perfectly happy in a home environment, end of story... She sighed, wishing her mother would see that if she spent time with her then maybe she would happily be open, warm and loving... Well... Maybe just open... Leona chuckled slightly, she envied Jane, she was happy enough with Maya to allow her to get near her without moving away or attacking her... Ritsuko walked into the hanger, shouted her name and patiently waited at the door... Leona tried to figure the quickest way down from the gantry she was perched on... Jumping was the quickest but she couldn't do that... " What's keeping you? " Her mother shouted up irately " I'm trying to decide where to jump from " Leona shouted back as she started to climb down the ladder, her mother was waiting at the bottom... " That wasn't funny young lady, now, we have to go and get you ready, you are not going out in your old uniform " Ritsuko sighed " What work did you decide to bring home tonight? " Leona asked noticing a distinct lack of files or folders or anything that could possibly be work related... " I decided to spend time with you tonight... I passed the work onto other staff... " " Only because you're jealous of Maya and Jane... " Leona sighed " I'm not jealous... They made me realise that I'm neglecting you... " " I'm not bothered... You've gave me more attention than I've really ever had off anyone before... " Leona looked away nervously " You mean that you never really had anyone take care of you? " " No... At the base they raised us to look after ourselves and that was that.... " " Oh god... That's terrible... " Ritsuko looked shocked " It doesn't matter... I'm used to being alone... " Leona sighed " Its not right to neglect a developing child like that " Ritsuko growled " Mother, don't worry about me... I'm able to care for myself " Leona smiled " I'd still feel better if you'd allow me to take care of you " A knock at the door, Maya sighed and looked at Jane, she was doodling on a pad of paper aimlessly while listening to music on one of the music players Jonathon made Maya considered asking her to check the door, not feeling that comfortable about doing so herself... She decided against it and walked to the door... She quickly checked who it was before opening it... Kaji... " You look lovely " Kaji said as she opened the door, he was quick... " What are you doing here? " Maya snapped " I'm here to take you out tonight " Kaji smiled, not put off by Maya's attitude " Hmm... Ok... " Maya stepped aside and let him in " Hey Kaji " Jane said quietly, she couldn't possible hear them... could she? " Hi Jane... How are you tonight? " Kaji smiled " I'm ok... " Jane's music was pretty loud... She was wearing headphones and she could still hear them? That was the only excuse cause she hadn't looked... " Can you really hear me with your music on that loud? " Kaji seemed inquisitive " Kaji... " Maya hissed " Don't worry about it Maya... What do you think Kaji? " Jane turned to face him " I guess you can... " Kaji smiled " I see... " Jane turned the music player off and walked to Maya's side " Are you two lovely ladies ready to go out tonight? " Kaji smiled " Kaji! Stop it " Maya snapped " Maya... Don't worry about it, his body language says that he won't try anything... He's not interested in either of us like that... " Jane chuckled " She's good... Maybe she would be better suited to another job? " Kaji smiled " Can we just get going? " Maya sighed " Right this way " Kaji started to lead them toward some waiting NERV vehicles... " Is that level of security really that necessary? " Jane frowned " Yes it is... For them it is anyway, they won't want to risk anything happening to you Jane... " Maya sighed and took hold of Jane's hand " I see... Well, their wasting their time, if something does happen, they can't stop it... They simply lack the training... " Jane walked down to one of the cars with Maya " Your really confident in their abilities aren't you... " Maya laughed " I wouldn't trust them with a bar of soap in the shower... " Jane frowned " Jane, that's sick! " Maya laughed " Oops... " Jane blushed, her almost white cheeks going a light red Kaji held the door on one of the cars open and Maya climbed in, Jane stood there and stared at him, folding her arms and waiting for him to speak " Is there a problem? " Kaji backed away a little " I want to sit in the front " Jane growled " I'm supposed to sit in the front with you two... " Kaji sighed " If you don't allow me to sit in the front... " Jane grabbed Kaji by the collar and pulled him forward with amazing strength " Ok, ok... Just let me go... " Kaji shivered, Jane loosened her grip and walked around to the other side of the car, an agent protested but got pushed aside " What is it with that girl? " Kaji shook his head and climbed in next to Maya Maya climbed out of the car after Kaji... It had pulled up near a posh looking restaurant... She walked round to Jane's door and opened it... Sleeping... " Leave this to me... " One of the agents gently shook Jane " Are you sure you should try that way? " Maya frowned " I see it as the best way to wake... " The agent was cut short as Jane grabbed his neck " Don't you dare touch me " Jane growled and pushed him back Maya looked as another car pulled up, Ritsuko and Leona climbed out, Leona looked uncomfortable in the dress she was wearing... Ritsuko walked over and smiled, Leona following behind, she was still wearing her boots under her dress... Was she going to get away with that? " Glad you could make it " Ritsuko smiled, Jane climbed out of the car wearing the white dress Maya had picked her for the occasion " I don't know if this is a good idea... " Maya sighed " Why not? " Ritsuko frowned " Jane doesn't like the security or Kaji it seems... " " Leona won't wear proper footwear or allow anyone to touch her " Ritsuko laughed " Seems there are some things about them that they won't change... " " Yeah... I still pity Misato though... " Ritsuko smiled " Why do you pity her? " Maya frowned " Asuka will be more trouble than 'our' girls are and Shinji can be really annoying at times... " Ritsuko smiled and turned back to Leona " I guess... "Maya took Jane's hand and watched as Kaji ran over to greet Misato as she got out of a third car... Three more cars where also here... " What's with the extra security? " Jane asked softly " I don't know... " Maya sighed and watched as Misato slapped Kaji " Maybe we should ask for our own table? " Jane smiled a little " We better ask about the seating arrangements " Maya sighed " Are you ready? " Kaji asked nursing his cheek " Jane wants to know about the seating arrangements " Maya frowned " We booked four tables so you can choose where you sit pretty much, each of your tables will have some security members and the spares will too... " " What if there are no spares? " Maya enquired " Depending on the seating, security will be with you or at a spare I suppose... " " I see... Are we limited with the meal in any way? " Jane yawned " Not really... Maya and the security force are allowed to say no at any point to anything you choose on though... " Kaji smiled a little " I see... Well, I'm ready... " Jane frowned " Hi Leona... " Shinji walked over and hugged her " Hello Shinji... " Leona looked a little surprised " He likes her... " Jane muttered " You think so? " Maya looked puzzled " I can tell... It's easy... He likes her and she's confused cause of his actions " " I see... What about everyone else here? " Maya looked around " I'll tell you anything that concerns you... " Jane laughed " What do you mean? 'Anything that concerns me'? " Maya looked around " Don't worry... The people who like you are scared of me, they won't try anything " Kaji watched as everyone picked their places, Jane quickly picked the furthest away table and Maya joined her without question... They didn't care much for the others... Leona picked one table only to have Shinji sit next to her as well as Asuka, Ritsuko and Misato picked another table and started to talk immediately... Agents took the remaining spaces at each of the tables... Jane protested only for Maya to explain why they had to have agents at their table... Jane grudgingly accepted this fact and glared at the two agents that had joined them at the table, Kaji sighed and quickly joined them... Perhaps he could get it across to her... " Jane, you need to have agents at your table, part of the security procedure " Kaji smiled, he watched Jane's expression of hate melt... " I see... Ok... I'll allow their presence... " Jane sighed " Good... Thank you... " Kaji wondered why Jane had backed down like that... He noticed Maya holding Jane's hand under the table... She was scared... " Ok Kaji, you've said all you have to, now, could you leave? " Maya frowned This night was going to be hell... He could feel that... They where all hostile toward him and he was supposed to make sure they where all happy... Kat watched as the repairs to the red assassin where carried out slowly and laboriously, who would have thought the NERV models could do this... One of the people 'cloned' from him was sat nearby, the majority of the ones that where made from him where female... That could explain his name... Some of his silvery/white hair fell across his face, he needed to do something about it... It was annoying him now... Maybe if he allowed it to grow... It was getting long as it was... He quickly took note that the girl was wearing two bobbles... He flicked his hair back and looked at her " Can I help you sir? " She asked nervously " Can... May I have one of your bobbles? " " My what? " The girl looked confused " You know, the bands in your hair? " Kat sighed " Oh... Those... Sure, what one do you want? " The girl removed both of them causing her hair silvery hair to fall into a position like his... She looked amazingly like him... Kat didn't really care though, no matter how alike he would still be able to end her life in seconds if it took his fancy... " Uh... May I have the white one? " Kat asked as politely as he could " Sure... I'd be surprised if you asked for the frilly one... " The girl smiled " Thanks... " Kat quickly put his hair back and sighed " What is it now sir? " The girl was just as enthusiastic as ever... " How long till those incompetent repair specialists repair the assassin? " " It'll be a few more days... The Mk2 assassin is not only difficult to produce but its mechanical components are very hard to repair... " The girl sighed " Any word on the other three children? " Kat sighed " Sorry... None... It's impossible to get anyone who knows to talk... They are operating in such a way that we can't figure what their up to... " " Sir? " A man charged into the small room that Kat was occupying " What do you want? " Kat sighed " We have a mission for you, the two girls have been spotted and the creator wishes for you to capture them... " The man was saluting... " Oh... Ok... Fine, I'll do this then... What kind of situation with equipment and backup will this be? " Kat grinned slightly " No backup, you will be alone... You can take whatever equipment you wish though... " The man was still saluting... Kat shook his head and saluted back " I see... Sounds like a bloodbath is called for then... " Kat grinned, the man nodded and left the room, Kat turned to the girl who seemed to want to say something... " Take care sir... If you die then we stand very little chance of defeating NERV " " Don't worry... I'll be back... " Kat grinned Kat quickly ran to the weapon storage areas... This was going to be fun... Maya smiled slightly as Jane prodded her food with a fork, she didn't seem to trust the food... Jane looked up and sighed... " Do I have to eat this? " Jane prodded her food again " I've made you that before and you liked it when I made it " Maya smiled " Yeah but... " Jane trailed off and looked at the agents " Is it you don't like the food or you won't eat with them here? " Maya laughed " You've had too much to drink " Jane muttered " I haven't drank anything, its just funny that you've suddenly become so... " " Shy? Could they at least sit somewhere else? " Jane sighed " Yeah... You've become so shy suddenly... " Maya gently put her hand on Jane shoulder, Jane instinctively rubbed her cheek against Maya's hand " I guess its cause I feel more like a child now than anything... " Jane smiled " You do? Maybe these security people will show some respect and move to another table nearby? " Maya growled at the two other people at the table " Wow... Maybe I should have thought of that? " Jane laughed as the two men quickly moved to some spare tables and glanced back nervously " Don't worry about it... Would you like a drink? " Maya smiled " Yeah... Just what will you allow me to have though? " " Depends on what you want, as long as its non alcoholic then there's no problem with it, if you want something like that then I'll let you have some at home... " " I'll just have mineral water then... " Jane smiled Kat rocked back and forth impatiently as his mission parameters where explained to him, he didn't really care what he was told to do... He wasn't going to do it... All he really had to do was take out the security force and capture Jane and Leona, as long as he got at least one of them then this mission would be successful... Jonathon would have been a better target but he wasn't here, obviously had over arrangements to deal with as usual... Probably assisting in some other area... That made it easier for him then... No Jonathon equalled an easy assignment... All he needed to remember was that he had to run around the corner once finished... Backup wasn't available but they where at least providing an armoured transport for him to escape in... They had provided a 'driver' so he could get away quickly... Kat quickly slipped on his body armour and took a selection of guns that where all basically pistols... There was no real use for a knife but he took four anyway... He quickly slipped a trench coat on, he just wanted to see their faces when they saw him slip it off and reveal the arsenal he was carrying... The person reminded him one last time that he was to take any important NERV staff hostage if he could and waited for him to climb out of the armoured vehicle Why couldn't he have been dropped with a parachute? He could have done a stylish entrance that way... No matter... He could do a good one anyway... Kat quickly walked round to the front of the building and noticed two agents waiting by some parked cars... He quickly rolled behind one of the cars and crawled along... This was going to be a problem for all of ten seconds... One of the agents was more restless, he was actually patrolling while his partner read something... Kat ducked under one car and waited for the man to pass before rolling out, grabbing him and snapping his neck... Easy... Out of sight too... Quickly pushing the body under the car and pressing his back to it, he needed some way of distracting the other agent or finding a way to dispose of them... He grinned as an idea hit him... The agent had no idea what he was most likely... He pulled the body of the other agent out and ran round to the other one... " Can I help you kid? " The agent wasn't interested... " Umm... Your colleague fell over or something, he looks like he might be hurt " Kat blurted, trying to appear like some regular kid who had nothing to do with this... " Huh? " The agent quickly stood up and ran round to his partner to find him lying face down on the road, he quickly checked his pulse and looked at Kat " Is he ok? " Kat looked at the agent innocently " He's dead... I better inform the others... Don't move... " The agent turned only for Kat to dive forward and snap his neck with ease " Damn... That was no fun... Too easy... " Kat sighed and walked into the building " May I help you young sir? " This was probably an expensive place... They had a person at the door... Kat grinned and turned to face him " No, not really " He pulled out one gun and shot the man point blank People started to scream and run about in a blind panic, Kat grinned and started to gun them down with ease... The agents in the room sprung into action... A bullet slammed into his chest, failing to penetrate his body armour but still knocking him down, he quickly sprang back to his feet and discarded the trench coat He quickly opened fire on the agents as he rolled behind an ornamental wall of some kind, he quickly looked over the edge and squeezed off two more shots... A scream of agony told him that he had successfully managed to hit the person he was after, he grinned and rolled along to another area and popped up again... This was actually fun... He hadn't had the chance to have a gunfight against so many professional agents before... The NERV pilots where also here... Kat chuckled and stood up fully, in a blur he quickly gunned down almost all the agents and ducked down again... One agent left... Time for an automatic of some kind... He pulled out a sub machinegun and rolled from cover, the remaining agent fired off one shot hitting him before he tore them apart with a burst of gunfire... He stood up and limped through the carnage... One of the agents had got a lucky shot in somehow and injured his leg... Misato climbed up from behind a fallen table and pointed a gun at him, he raised his gun quickly and shot the gun put of her hand, injuring her hand in the process... Misato backed away cradling her injured hand and found herself against a wall, Ritsuko stood up holding a gun in both hands... " Drop the gun Kat... " Ritsuko growled " You drop your gun, if you don't then I'll open fire on the children " Kat grinned and pointed his gun at the cowering forms of Asuka and Shinji " You bastard... " Ritsuko gritted her teeth, refusing to drop the gun " Stop it Kat " Jane shouted as she climbed up from behind one of the tables holding a gun, she pointed it at him and glared at him coldly " Leona, Stop her " Kat ordered " Yes sir " Leona tackled Jane and knocked the gun from her hand " Leona... How could you? " Ritsuko gasped " Leona is with us Miss Akagi... " Kat grinned " You bastard... You bastard! " Ritsuko screamed in anger " Drop the gun " Kat glowered " No... I'm not going to let you get away with this... " Ritsuko grimaced Kat smiled as Leona walked over to his side, armed with the gun Jane had held " If you want to live then drop the gun " Kat chuckled " I'm sorry... " Leona looked at Ritsuko sadly " How could you Leona... " Ritsuko wiped tears from her cheek " I'm sorry Kat... " Leona placed the gun to his chest and pulled the trigger, Kat staggered back into a wall stunned but unhurt... Leona walked up to him and placed the gun against his chest again and repeatedly pulled the trigger, she didn't stop when she ran out of bullets... Kats gun dropped from his hand and he slipped down leaving a smear of blood, staring forward, unblinking and without expression... Leona was still pulling the trigger slowly, shivering and staring at the smear of blood where Kat had been stood, Jane walked over and knelt next to Kat She put her hand on his forehead and ran it downward, closing his eyes... She stood up and took the gun from Leona, putting one hand on her shoulder gently " I killed him... " Leona shivered, tears dripping from her chin " You had to... I thought that you where with him for a second... " Jane sighed " He's not dead! " Ritsuko screamed, Jane turned to see Kat climb to his feet in pain, he pulled another gun out and pointed it at her, grinning despite the pain he was in " How the hell did you survive that? " Jane backed away, protectively standing between him and Leona... Kat smiled and shook his head " You of all people should understand that... " Kat spat blood out and slowly started to back away, still pointing the gun he had at them " You need medical attention... Let us help you... " Ritsuko pleaded " The only reason I'm sparing you is cause I've found out something that the creator will be pleased to know... " Kat grinned and continued to slowly back away " And what might that be? " Ritsuko looked confused " Leona is a failure, just like Jane " Kat chuckled and staggered out the door