Evangelion - Bloodlines Children of Project D Genesis 2:3 Final Farewell Jane was sat in front of her mirror, gazing at her reflection, not through vanity but more because she was drawn mysteriously to her own eyes... The deep chilling blue often reflected her mood in ways words could not, the unspoken feelings she couldn't deny the existence of... The ones that governed who she was... Two days had passed since she and the others had moved in with Maya, a few NERV officers had stopped by this morning to ask how they where doing... They had asked Maya to talk in private with them, she had walked out shocked, saying it was their choice if they did something for them or not... She didn't seem that happy about what they had said... Jane had decided not to press the matter, it didn't matter to her what was said... She wasn't interested... Jane quickly applied some powder to her face and neck... A very significant change took place... She now had a skin colour... Her almost white skin annoyed her now... Before it didn't bother her that the people who worked around her actually had a skin tone, they never treated any differently to her than they really should have... The people around here though... They feared her, if she walked near them they would edge away uncomfortably if they could and ignore her... One person backed into a corner, he crouched down and started to shiver, cowering as if she was going to hurt him... She had to offer him her hand to show him it was ok... She sighed and walked out the room, Maya was stood there in Jonathon's arms crying... Jane suddenly felt out of place again... She walked around them... She didn't want to get involved, she quickly started to put together what would hopefully be their dinner... Jonathon had managed to persuade her to help out... Basically the agreement was that they did the majority of the things around the place if they could, his reasoning was this was Maya's home and they had to do their share Although he had taken on a lot of the work... Maya walked into her room, ok, so it was still Maya's home but... Maya had said this was her room, she had told Maya she didn't like to have people enter her space... Maybe she had a good reason... She turned to face Maya, she waited for a few seconds while Maya summoned up whatever courage it took to talk to people... Maya's shyness was a little bit of a problem at times... Jane sighed and folded her arms " Jane... Some NERV officers where here earlier... The where asking about you... " Maya shivered, it was like she was scared of all this... Maybe she was... " What of it? " Jane asked bluntly " They want to know if I can persuade you to pilot... They have a confirmed report of an angel sighting... Leona is still unable to pilot after you shot her... " " No... I'm not going to get back in that thing after what happened last time... " Jane shivered, she remembered clearly the way it had reacted to her... " I'll ask Jonathon then... Sorry to have bothered you... " Maya walked out silently Jane walked to the door, she watched Maya approach Jonathon, she wasn't even nervous about this, she was fully comfortable about this... She had spent a little time with Jonathon before it seemed... She was nervous at first cause she was unsure of how he had changed but he was just himself... Jonathon could tell from the way she approached him that she wanted to talk, he quickly pulled a chair up for her and rested with his back to the wall... Maya sighed and looked down, she started to play with her fingers nervously... Jonathon waited patiently while Maya tried to think of the best way to address the matter " What is it? " Jonathon asked softly, he knelt next to Maya and took one of her hands in his, Maya looked up and smiled slightly, she obviously didn't want to say... " NERV want you to pilot... There's an angel... Jane said no and Leona can't pilot yet... I don't want you to say yes just cause you asked but..." Maya shivered " I'll do it... Seems that I am the only person that can... " Jonathon hugged Maya, she relaxed a little and sighed, she obviously felt bad about having to ask... Jane sighed and stepped from the doorway, she walked up to Maya and Jonathon " I'll do backup if they need me, I'm not getting into that thing again unless I really have to... " Jane sighed, she turned away and shook her head Jonathon placed one of his hands on her shoulder gently, he could tell she was scared... He wasn't saying anything though... Maybe he just didn't want to cause more trouble... Maya walked to the phone and dialled up a number, she talked quickly with someone on the other end before telling them that they had agreed to help... She sighed and sat back down, she held her head in her hands and started to cry " What's wrong Maya? " Jonathon asked softly " I don't want to have to do this again, they should have just asked you themselves, if either of you gets hurt... " Maya shivered and continued to cry " Don't worry... We won't get hurt... " Jane sighed, she felt out of place again... " They'll be here to pick you up soon... You better get ready... " Maya sobbed " You better get some rest... " Jonathon sighed, he helped Maya to her feet and led her to her room, he stopped at the door and waited for her to go in... She paused... " Jonathon... I'm sorry about all this... " Maya wiped a few tears away " Don't worry... I'm going to have a few words with them about all this... They could have handled it in a much better way... " Jonathon stroked her cheek gently " Thank you... " Maya blushed and wrapped her arms around Jonathon's chest, she kissed him on the cheek gently and walked into her room, closing the door behind her Jane walked over to Jonathon, she shook her head gently and sighed " What is it Jane? " Jonathon asked confused " You need to be more careful when you deal with people, if you mess up today she's going to feel really bad about all this... You better not get hurt... " " I understand... If it gets to it then I'll tear then angel apart to ensure it is no longer a threat to myself of anyone else who may be at threat from it " Jonathon sighed There was a knock at the door, the people had obviously been waiting nearby for the answer... Jane opened the door, two agents where stood at the door " We have come to take you to the site of the angel, everything is waiting for you two " the taller of the two men said with almost no trace of feeling in his voice Jonathon walked into their field of sight, both of them backed away nervously, they had probably been told both of them where kids... Jane chuckled, the sight of a kid like him must be disturbing... He was taller than most adults and was built in a way that made everyone look pathetic... They both stepped aside, waiting for them to walk out... Or maybe trying to make way for Jonathon... She couldn't be sure... Jonathon walked out ahead of her One of the agents put his hand on Jonathon's arm, probably to guide him to what ever form of transport they where using, Jonathon didn't see this though... He quickly pulled his arm free and picked the man up by his neck, he lifted the man a few feet from the ground before dropping him... Jonathon didn't look too happy... " You two better not touch either of us " Jonathon growled, both of the men backed away The man who Jonathon had just turned on walked ahead silently, the other one walked behind Jane silently... Jane sighed, she didn't like them either... They quickly walked down to a large black car, Misato was stood beside it... " I trust you two gave them no trouble? " Misato asked quizzically noticing the way the two agents wouldn't go near either of them, she shook her head " They shouldn't have tried to touch me, its bad enough me doing this for you people after what you did to us... " Jonathon muttered Misato was trying to fill them in on the situation with the most recent angel in the car on the journey to the location... Jonathon wasn't interested... " Will you pay attention? " Misato asked as Jonathon turned his attention to the surrounding landscape again, she looked at Jane who had fallen asleep... What had happened to make both of them go from so willing to help to disinterested and aggressive? She had heard there was an incident but wasn't told any more... " Sorry... " Jonathon replied flatly and turned back to face her " What I was trying to say is... If we had spotted this angel when I first went to investigate we may have had a chance to capture it... " Misato sighed " So, what stopped you? " Jonathon yawned " The instrumentation that we used to get a picture of anything in the lava was destroyed by the pressure... We decided after analysing what we had there was no angel... " " What made you change your mind on the matter? " Jonathon poured a tiny drop of water from a bottle and splashed it on his face " Well... For a start the facility was destroyed by something, there was no volcanic activity either... " Misato sighed, she watched for a few seconds as he dried his face " Anything more than that to go on? " Jonathon yawned " Yes... We got some satellite images that show something... " Misato passed over a top down image of the volcano with one area highlighted " It looks like a picture of a volcano with something in the way " Jonathon stated the obvious, he passed the picture back to Misato and shook his head " We did a little work on the image... " Misato passed a second picture to him " It looks like some kind of B-Movie monster now " Jonathon passed the picture back with an obvious lack of enthusiasm, he yawned and brushes his short hair back " Why did you agree to help when you obviously don't give a damn about this? " " Maybe cause we don't want certain people to die cause of your mistakes, Jane had the right idea in saying no to begin with " Jonathon sighed " You seriously don't want to do this? " Misato looked shocked " No... I don't want to... " Jonathon frowned " What happened to make you hate us this much? " " Maybe it was waking up and getting attacked by armed guard for looking for my clothes, maybe seeing my sisters drugged in one of the rooms... " Jonathon growled " You're kidding me... Aren't you? " Misato asked nervously " No I'm not... Why do you think so many people died when we left to stay with Maya? I was gave no choice but to take their lives to protect my sisters " Tears ran down his face " Oh god... I'm sorry... I didn't know... " Misato took his hand in hers " Well, now you know why none of us really give a damn about you anymore... " Jonathon shook her hand away from his, he looked out the window again " Is there anything I can do to make it up to you? " Misato took his hand in hers again " No, but if you don't want to cause a situation then you can stop trying to touch me " " Sorry... " Misato sighed and took her hand away from his " What more do I need to know about this mission? " Jonathon asked tersely " Your assassins have been gave a temporary retro fit of high power, long use jump jets and heat resistant armouring... " Misato sighed " What if any of those components fail or are destroyed? " Jonathon turned to face her " You are either subject to the full heat of the volcano or... If the jets fail... You either lose manoeuvrability or you can't get out again... " " Why don't you have a safety line? " Jonathon inquired " Not possible really... you'd be hindered by it so we fitted you with six jump jets instead... " Misato sighed " Why six? " Jonathon's terse manner of speech remained " One on each foot, one on each shoulder and one on each elbow " " What purpose do the elbow ones server? " " When angled correctly and used in conjunction with the ones fitted on your shoulders and feet you can ascend very quickly " Misato smiled a little " A text book answer... " Jonathon yawned " You won't have any weapons while inside the volcano other than your wrist blades " " I see... I know as much as I want to... " Jonathon turned away " One last thing... You have a new high heat resistant entry plug to use... If you find yourself in a bad situation you can use it to eject from the volcano... " " Ok " Jonathon closed his eyes " I almost forgot... After the case of your assassins going berserk they added an internal power source for this mission as a test cause you can't use an umbilical cable... " " Leave me be, I told you, I'm not interested " Jonathon growled Ritsuko watched as the black car sent by NERV to collect the pilots pulled up at the site where the assassins where being kept on standby... Misato stepped out first, the two agents in the car climbed out soon after... The pilots didn't seem to be getting out... Misato started to try to get them out... She seemed pretty agitated... Her efforts to get them out soon degraded into swearing and a huge hand darted out and wrapped around her neck, Jonathon stepped out... He didn't look too happy... He slowly lifted Misato from the ground and glared at her, the agents didn't dare intervene... Jane stepped out and put her hand on his shoulder... Jonathon shook his head and dropped Misato, she landed badly, falling to the ground... Jonathon walked ahead, he approached Ritsuko, Jane close behind him " Ok... Let's get this over with... " Jonathon didn't seem to be enthusiastic... " Have you been through all the changes and situations with Misato? " Ritsuko inquired " No, she tried to explain it all to me but I made it clear that I don't want to know " " Then I'll go through it with you now... " " If you try then I'm leaving " Jonathon growled " What the hell is your problem Jonathon? " Ritsuko snapped " How's Leona? " Jonathon asked ignoring her " She's been stressed, woke up crying a few times and not eaten since she came to live with me " Ritsuko replied, obviously ashamed of herself for not being able to help " Maybe you should spend time getting her trust again " Jonathon turned away " What do you mean? " Ritsuko frowned " Not many people can authorise the kind of treatment we where given... I'm sure she has her suspicions about who authorised it... " Jonathan smiled slightly " It was Gendo... He told me to make sure we kept you there... " Ritsuko sighed " I didn't ask for you to tell me, I said I had my suspicions " Jonathon shook his head " Look, we need you to pilot now... " Ritsuko sighed " Ok... " Jonathon started to follow Ritsuko as she led him toward his assassin The black assassin towered above the surrounding area like a giant black statue, the lifeless stance that it was in made it seem as if all was quiet... It looked slightly larger than before due to the armour that had been added to it, the skull like head had been covered over with a protective helmet... The helmet made its eyes a light green glass like colour... Jonathon shivered, he didn't like the way they had encased it like they had... Jane was being suited ready in case she was needed to fight the angel as well, A technician approached him holding a schematics sheet... Seemed he wanted Jonathon to get into the assassin as soon as possible... Jonathon sighed and walked into a temporary changing area, even his piloting armour had been changed... It was a fully hazard suit it seemed now... He looked at the armour and sighed, they had even gone as far as putting a separate air supply in with this suit... They didn't want to leave any margin for error on their part... He quickly slipped off some of his clothing and slipped into the suit, he knew he would probably regret this once he was piloting but he didn't care... He walked out of the changing area, the suit not fully over him, some of the nearby staff ran over and finished dressing him... Why did they make it impossible to do himself? Jonathon sighed and gazed across the site, Leona was here... She watched silently, interested in the way people scurried about trying to get things ready... She smiled slightly and waved to him when she saw him being led away by the staff, Jane was being handed a similar looking suit in white... He was guided toward the entry plug and ordered to get in... He did so... Reluctantly... The entry plug was slowly inserted into the assassin, it was brought online... It was different to normal though... It was being forced to synchronise and so was he... He could feel its mind slowly becoming one with his again... The coldness... The emptiness that composed the assassins mind... It scared him... Always A communication channel was opened, Misato was explaining that he was going to be lowered into the mouth of the volcano and then allowed too fight how he wanted... He just mentally made the assassin cut the channel, he still didn't care... He just wanted to get the angel out of the way and get back to the life he now had... He watched as the ground slowly moved beneath him as he was moved toward the mouth of the volcano, he watched as a pulse of energy was fired into the volcano... It didn't really look like anything had happened but he was being lowered toward that point... Maybe that was to make it easy for him to get into the magma? The assassin stopped... A small distance from the magma and he could feel the heat of it already... The harness used to hold the assassin was cut and he was dropped into the lava Jonathon slowly sank into the lava... The immense heat was already threatening to overwhelm him but he knew he had to defeat the angel at all costs... " This really isn't my idea of fun... " Jonathon growled " But then, what is? " Another voice laughed slightly... It was almost eerie... " Who are you? " Jonathon demanded, trying not to let his voice waver through fear " I'm nothing... Just like yourself... " The voice sighed " Where are you? " Jonathon looked around... Nothing... " Right before you... " The voice groaned " I can only see the magma... " Jonathon frowned " Are you that short sighted that you can only see your own nose? " The voice taunted " Show yourself... " Jonathon shouted angrily " Do you not get what I am saying... " The voice sighed " Get what? Where are you? " Jonathon growled " Your not ready then... I will return later... " The voice fell silent Jonathon frowned, this had better not be Leona playing tricks on him... He sighed as he continued to sink... The heat was really starting to get to him... Something moved ahead of him... It slowly moved away from him... He activated his jump jets and started to follow it... This would be easy... Whatever it was it had noticed he was following it... It quickly swam away... Jonathon screamed in anger as his jump jets fully kicked in... This thing was still faster... Jonathon screamed again as the jump jets in his feet kicked in, then the ones on his elbows, this thing was aware he was chasing it... It just kept spiralling deeper and deeper... The pressure of the molten rock above him was starting to get to him... Sweat ran down his face... Stinging his eyes... It was getting unbearably hot as well now... It was beginning to hurt him... The angel quickly turned and darted past him, smashing into him as it passed... He felt the heat resistant armour buckle under the impact and cave in... Molten rock came into contact with the assassins bone armour, slowly burning into it... He could feel the immense heat... He had to finish this soon... Or he... The angel had turned around again... It charged at him and slammed into him head first, continuing along with him... Slamming him into the wall of the volcano... One of the jump jets on his back exploded, obviously damaged by the angels attack... he had to keep at least two jets though or he wouldn't be able to get out... He slowly attempted to grab the angel, it didn't seem to be easy... The environment he was in hindering his every move... He was too sluggish... The angel obviously knew this... It backed away and swam around him slowly... Not really caring much for him... He was no longer a threat... More an annoyance... The angel swam above him quickly in circles, Jonathon smiled grimly and armed his wrist blades... He took careful aim and fired one up... Missing... The angel had seen this one coming and had changed its pattern while swimming... The ground crew watched in amazement and shock as a superheated object burst from the volcano and tore though the atmosphere and vanished into space... Jonathan's battle with the angel was underway... They could only pray he won... The angel slammed into Jonathon again, this time he grabbed hold and attempted to punch it... Too slow... No force in the impact... This was impossible... The angel was unstoppable in this environment and he was severely disadvantaged... The molten rock against his assassins' body was unbearably painful... At least the damage was healed as soon as it was incurred... " If I get out of this one alive... I'm going to make sure that anything that threatens those I care for never gets near them... " Jonathon groaned The angel backed away slightly... Thinking of how to destroy him obviously... Why hadn't NERV taken into account the fact he couldn't fight in this environment? They had tried with just about everything else... Maybe he should try to shoot another blade at it... That might give him a chance... Jonathon smiled a little as the blade launcher was readied, he took aim and fired at the angel, this time it didn't manage to dodge aside... Sparks appeared in the molten rock around the angel and where dampened immediately after, there was nothing more than a slight scratch to the exterior of the angel... Hadn't these blades torn any other angel apart with ease? What was so different about this angel? It was... Unstoppable... The angel opened its mouth and charged at him, taking his left arm away with a single attack... The pain... Jonathon shuddered as he fought to control it... Maybe if he fired a blade into its open mouth... If he could do that then he could probably kill it... Well, at least he could hurt it like that... The molten rock burned the exposed stump of the assassins' arm, despite this he took aim and readied a blade, the angel charged at him, ready to take his other arm off... It opened its mouth... He fired... The angel continued forward taking the assassins other arm off... He cried slightly... The pain was getting too intense for him to bear... He had to escape... He was defenceless now... He quickly activated the remaining three jump jets and started to ascend as quickly as they allowed... The angel constantly keeping nearby, circling him... Ready to strike... He needed more speed... Why couldn't he do something too boost his speed? A slight smile crossed his face, he concentrated on trying to override the power control that the assassin had built into various devices... If only he could... He looked at his depth reading... was he really that far down? He watched as the reading indicated that he was gaining speed... Finally... The angel was still with him though... One of the jets on his feet shorted... He watched as the angel swam behind him, it slammed into his back... His final jet wasn't enough... The angel slammed into his foot, the jet imploded under the force of the attack... He started to sink into the magma... The pain from it burning didn't matter anymore... He had failed... The angel was simply unbeatable in this location... It followed him down as slowly as he sank, not attacking anymore... Observing... It knew it had defeated him... He couldn't regenerate fully... The magma had damaged his assassin in such a way that he couldn't do more than resist its heat... He simply couldn't grow his limbs back in here... A quick attempt at kicking his legs about in the hope he could swim failed... He couldn't get anywhere... The angel grabbed his assassin by the waist in its mouth... Was it going to finish him off? Or... Maybe it was going to take him deeper... The angel sharply dived... It was taking him deeper... He couldn't stop it either... Intense pain from burning magma, intense pain from injuries... Would this never end? Jonathon wiped a few tears from his cheeks, he was crying simply through pain... Jonathon shuddered at a thought, if he didn't find a way to defeat this angel soon they would send Jane down to battle it as well... She wouldn't stand a chance either... There was nothing he could do though... He was unarmed and unable to regenerate enough to even swim out alive... The pressure from the depth was getting to him again... Going deeper still though... It was getting hard to breathe... Not just cause of the heat... Maybe if he could make the assassin go berserk... Maybe that would allow him to regenerate and defeat the angel... That might work... Jonathon allowed his mind to wander into the recesses of the assassins' own emptiness... The key to controlling its berserk fury was in there somewhere... Something was wrong... There was no response from the assassin in that respect... They had found a way to remove this 'flaw' already... He was almost unable to breathe now... he didn't know how deep he was in but he had to stop this... Now... He sighed and scanned his controls... He tapped in a command sequence... A self-destruct screen appeared with a count down reading five seconds... Four... Three... Two... One... Zero... Nothing... Something had obviously prevented that from working or maybe it had never been there in the first place... There was another way... Jonathon closed his eyes and concentrated on the assassins power source, he mentally started to obstruct it... No... That wouldn't work... If he charged the assassins body fully with power and then caused a chain reaction of some kind maybe he could make it explode destroying the angel... That possibly could work... He smiled and started to concentrate on charging the assassins' body with as much power as it would hold... This was it... His last chance If he didn't take this chance then he wouldn't have another... Jonathon could feel the pain from the magma fade as the assassins' body gradually became charged with power... He frowned and concentrated harder... He really had to increase the speed at which he was charging the assassin, the angel was taking him too far down for him to survive... A tickling sensation as blood ran over his lip, his nose bleeding from the pressure and he was almost unable to breathe... Power started to saturate the assassins' body... Jonathon screamed in anger and tensed up, the level of energy inside the assassins' body was starting to become painful... But that's what he had to do... He closed his eyes and continued to allow the assassins body to overflow itself with raw energy... He started to black out... Shaking his head he quickly regained his senses This was getting too close... He feared that he was going to be unable to bring the assassin to the desired state before the angel was able to destroy him... He quickly punched the inside of the entry plug, feeling the metal buckle under the impact of the blow, he had to keep himself from passing out... No matter what A warning flashed up saying how the assassin was going to explode within ten seconds... It recommended that he ejected the entry plug... He refused... He smiled slightly and concentrated on controlling the raging level of energy within the assassin, he needed to keep it from detonating a little longer... A thought dawned on him... What if he could channel this energy directly into the angel? Wouldn't that be enough to vaporise the angel instantly? He smiled and waited for the energy level to hit its peak... He looked at the angel and smiled, he burst out laughing... The assassins' body started to glow... This was it... He had the power to destroy the angel... Or had he gone too far along with the power and had more than enough? No matter... A cruel smile crossed Jonathon's face, he closed his eyes again and folded his arms, drawing his legs up to his chest and curling up in a ball... The ground crew watched the readouts from the volcano that they where able to get... Something had happened and the assassin and the angel had been destroyed... Something was wrong though... The power of whatever had done it was immense... Jane looked at the volcano, she shivered and burst into tears... She could feel that Jonathon was no longer with them... Why did he have to die? Tears ran down her cheeks, the makeup she was wearing washed away by her tears, she fell to her knees and looked at the floor... Why couldn't someone else died instead... Neither of them where natural, neither of them had the right to exist being what they where but why should they be classed as expendable? Leona put her hand on Jane's shoulder, she sighed and bowed her head silently " This leaves just me and you to fend off Kat... " Jane sobbed " I know... We both owe Jonathon so much for the way he's been there for us, the way he has always done his best for us... " Leona sighed " Now he's no longer with us... I don't know if I want to continue... " Jane sighed " We have to... If not for them then for him... " Leona closed her eyes " But he's dead... " Jane shivered " That doesn't mean we should just forget trying to help... Without him to guide us we have to guide ourselves... Jane... We have to do this... " Leona growled Jane shook her head sadly and turned away, she didn't want to know... She hated herself for being too weak to protect Jonathon in return for everything he had done... Without the one guiding light in her life she had only darkness around her...