Evangelion - Bloodlines Children of Project D Genesis 2:2 Inhuman Rage Kat chuckled as he watched the two helpless assassins' edge away from him and toward each other, Jonathon and Jane... Neither could stop him... He looked at the black assassin, a blade through its good arm meant it was unable to fight so effectively... Jonathon was the pilot and he couldn't do much to fight now... The white assassin... It was staggering around dazed... Maybe how he slammed it down had affected the pilots' ability to think... No matter... It was Jane... Jane was never really able to outclass any of the others... Jonathon was stronger, he was faster and Leona was smarter... Anything she could do they could do better... They didn't stand a chance... The armour on his assassin was too tough for them to even scratch yet they where willing to lay down their lives to save the city... Pathetic... They where nothing more than an annoyance to him... Still... He was going to toy with them for a while before he killed them... Just for a little fun... The armour of the white assassin was damaged... Seemed the bone structure had cracked in a few areas... He would have to exploit that little problem to his advantage... Jonathon's face appeared on his communication screen... " Kat, why are you doing this? Why not help us and protect the people of the city? " " I don't want to " Kat growled " But they need people like us... " Jane sighed " They are weak and we are strong, they should bow down to us as their masters " " Kat, you're insane, how could you expect them to bow down to us? All we are is genetically engineered children... We have no future " Jonathon sighed " We may be engineered but you know what makes us so special? " Kat smiled " What? What makes us special? " Jonathon looked up " We are made from a fallen angel... We are demonic in nature and that means we are evil... We should rule this place how we like " Kat chuckled " Just because we are made from the DNA of a fallen angel doesn't mean we are evil, look at me and Jonathon... We are more human than you realise " Jane smiled " You are weak... You should take the city by force if you have to " Kat growled " I could take this city by force Kat but I don't like the idea of people being under my command only cause they fear me " Jonathon sighed " Then despite that immense power you have you are weak, you use it for what? " " I don't like to use it, I just want to be a normal child like the rest of them " " Pathetic... I see you have been infected with human morals and ideals... " " Better than being cold, cruel and evil " Jane shouted suddenly " Dear sister, I hate to say this but... You are weak as well, you don't even have the advantages of the rest of us... We have something that makes us special... " " Don't tease me Kat... I'm not really in the mood for more shit from people like you... " " Jane, don't let him get to you, he's power crazed now he's got that thing... " " Sorry Jonathon but he's really pissing me off... " Jane growled " No need to swear though... He knows that he's upset you now... " Jonathon sighed " Sorry... But... Fuck you Kat you ignorant little prick, I'm going to take you apart piece by piece as soon as I get the chance " Jane shouted angrily " Dear me sister, you seem to forget... I am the one with the say on what the future holds for you and your brother there... " Kat chuckled and stretched " You are sick Kat... You need help... Serious help... " Jane growled " Oh, you mean like them trying to lock me away in a straight jacket? " " Exactly... You should be put in one and left to rot " Jane snapped " Been done, I got away and they couldn't stop me " Kat chuckled " I'm sure if you stop now and come with us NERV will welcome you back with open arms... Kat... Please... " Jonathon sighed " No, sorry but I came here to destroy NERV... " Kat yawned " I'm sorry it must be this way then... " Jonathon and Jane said in unison " Farewell my family... After I kill you nothing can stop me... Then again even with you around there is nothing that can stop me anyway... " Kat chuckled Kat watched as the white and black assassins took combat stances again, he chuckled and checked his blade launchers... Two shots left... One each would be good enough... The black assassin stepped forward so that the white one was behind it... Seemed Jonathon didn't really want to let Jane get hurt... Kat chuckled and started to walk forward slowly, he was going to have to take the white one out first... As far as he could tell it was stronger... The black assassin charged forward and slammed a punch into his chest without doing more than scraping some of the red pain from the assassins armour... It flipped backward, kicking him in the chin as it did so and landed back a few steps away from him... That could have hurt if he was in a weak assassin like they where... Kat yawned and watched as the assassin threw another punch at him... He raised his arm and stopped it effortlessly, he snapped the black arm off and cast it aside... Now he only had the arm with the blade stuck though the back of it... Kat quickly kicked the black assassins legs from under it and slammed his foot into its chest sending it flying into the side of a building... Pathetic NERV models... The white assassin was stood there shaking visibly... Jane was scared... Jonathon had fallen without slowing Kat up and she was next... Kat chuckled and watched as she backed away from him, he kept a steady pace up so he slowly gained on her... A blue hand grabbed his foot... Seemed one unit had managed to survive what he had inflicted on it... No matter... Kat turned to face the blue unit, he waited for a scan to finish and... He slammed his hand through the blue armour and pulled out the entry plug with the pilot inside it... He quickly shook some of the blue eva's internals from his hand and smiled A cruel laugh escaped his lips as he threw the entry plug into the air, he grabbed the positron rifle that lay nearby and opened fire on the entry plug... The first few shots missed but he hit it easily... The entry plug exploded as if it had been caught in a Nē mines blast and hadn't been shielded... Jonathon's screams where audible over the communications line as he saw the plug explode... The black assassin started to pull itself free of the building... Kat sighed and walked back over to the black assassin, he grabbed the umbilical cable and pulled on it taking the black assassin from its feet... Simple to do... He looked at the plug that held the cable in place and started to kick it till it looked like it wasn't possible to remove it anymore... Good... Nearly done... He snapped the cable without any trouble and kicked the assassin aside... If he remembered correctly Jonathon now had only thirty seconds of power left... He chuckled and kicked the black assassin along the floor again, he picked it up and started to charge toward a nearby building... Better make sure it was out of the way... Kat leaped into the air and embedded the black assassin headfirst into a nearby building, he stepped back and watched as it struggled for a few seconds... The assassins' movements slowed down... Running out of power... Slower still... And finally... They stopped... Jonathon was out of the way... Now to take Jane out... The white assassin stumbled backwards making it obvious Jane was terrified... Kat raised his blade launcher and fired a shot off hitting the damaged spot on her armour, he watched as it caved in and the blade tore through her... The assassin staggered backward holding the gaping wound, it slammed into a building and slipped down slowly... Kat sighed as it continued to try escaping... He sighed and looked at the body of the black assassin... Seemed it was already decomposing... NERV weren't so clever at making them after all... He turned back to the white assassin and watched as it clambered to its feet... He sighed and slammed his fist into it embedding it in the building... Where was the fun in fighting something so pathetically weak? It wouldn't even try fighting back... He kicked it and watched it fall from the side of the building... Kat reached down and grabbed the white assassins head, he lifted it up and slammed his knee into its face... He dropped it and watched it roll around holding its face... If he couldn't have some fun then at least he was going to torture the person to death... At least that way he would get the feeling of a job well done... The white assassin quickly swung its legs out trying to take him down... He made no effort to stop it... No point... He watched as its legs stopped against his... At least Jane had made the effort to fight... He quickly grabbed its legs and snapped one of them, he grabbed it by the shoulder and sat it up... The blade launcher popped up... Kat placed his fist against the white assassins chest and fired a blade through it... He watched as it tore through and removed the umbilical cable from its back... He sighed and walked away, time to get on with NERV... Nothing could stop him now... Unless... The sound of rubble falling from behind him... Jonathon lay inside the powerless assassin, embedded inside the building Kat had forced him into... He groaned and sat on the top of the entry plug... Without power to maintain the antigravity field that was possible... As long as you where upside down... Like he was, well, he was right side up but the plug was... No, no... Yes? No matter... He was stuck and Jane was next in line for Kat's treachery and hatred... Kat was going to kill Jane... He never really cared much about anything... Only himself... He hurt others so he could further his own goals, he didn't really care who he hurt as long as he got his way... Self centred as hell... Jonathon groaned and stretched before climbing to his feet and checking on the communications set... It had its own power source to run off... He listened intently... Silence... But... He could hear sobbing... Jane was crying... Begging Kat not to hurt her... Her soft voice barely audible... Jonathon coughed and wiped a trace of blood from the side of his mouth, the impact through the building had shorted the antigravity and... His head hurt... Kat's chuckling was constantly coming though... He must be about to attack Jane... Jonathon opened his mouth to speak but was unable to say a thing... He was scared... The cracked interior of the entry plug was allowing liquid to seep into the plug... it dripped over him... Sticky and... Blood... The assassins blood... He growled and grabbed onto the seat that was in the plug before swinging himself up and using part of the fabric from his armour to tie himself to it... At least the armour was good for something... He stared forward and started to concentrate on making the assassin move... He had no chance but... If he could to the impossible and make it go berserk he would have a chance... But it was just that... Impossible... Jonathon didn't have a chance of making it go berserk... He screamed out as his rage consumed him... The air of the plug was getting hot... Not again... He continued to scream as it got hotter... He slammed his fists into the sides He growled and started to speak aloud, he was alone and nothing worked so why not? " God damn piece of shit, what is it that stops me from getting you to work apart from repairs and power huh? " Jonathon growled " What is it that stops me from using you as a part of myself and saving my dear sister from being tortured to death by that sadistic bastard? " He growled louder " You god damn piece of shit, work for fucks sake, damn fucking junk " Jonathon shouted and slammed his fist into the controls... He growled and folded his arms " If you won't work maybe you would care to explain why? " Jonathon sighed The NERV symbol flickered on a screen for a second before fading... " Right... One last try, then I give up and I'm never going to bother with this again " Jonathon growled and put his hands on the controls... He waited for a second before screaming angrily and imagining he was the assassin... He could feel the tight confines of steel and concrete around him... The building... His body disintegrating now it was too damaged to sustain itself... The pain that he felt was immense... He pushed at the building... He felt himself slowly slipping free, jagged metal tearing into his sides now he had no armour... He screamed and forced the building apart slightly so he could climb out... Kat was stood near the beaten and fallen body of the white assassin... Jonathon lumbered forward, his body one with the assassins, he watched as Kat retrieved a blade and slipped it into the launcher... He took aim and fired... The blade impacted against the assassins' remaining armour and tore into his body... The pain was greater than before... Jonathon placed a hand to the blade and tugged it free He dropped the bloodied blade on the floor beside him, he lifted his arms into the air and roared in anger, the assassins roar sounded bestial... Just like his could... He allowed his arms to fall down to his sides, he stared at the red assassin that Kat piloted... Jonathon growled again and started to advance on Kat... Kat dived forward and slammed his foot into Jonathon's chest making him stagger back, he grabbed his feet and started to swing hi around... It got faster... And faster... If Kat let go at this speed it would be fatal... Maybe... Jonathon felt Kats fingers slipping as he got ever faster, he slipped from Kat's grip and slammed through a couple of buildings before finding himself embedded in another... He pushed himself free... One arm was broken... He watched as it regenerated in front of his eyes... He smiled and started to run back toward Kat... The buildings he had one through marked the trail he had to follow... Kat was waiting... he seemed amazed to see Jonathon return... Like he was confident he had won... Jonathon ran forward and grabbed the red assassin, he slammed it down against the ground and started to slam his fists into its chest... His blows seemed ineffectual... The red monster was just too powerful... If he didn't stop Kat everything he cared about, everything he held dear, everything that held any meaning... It would be destroyed... Kat was insane... Jonathon staggered backwards and slammed into a building, Kat had regained his composure and has recovered from the initial surprise... He put his hand in the way and attempted to block a kick from the red beast, he screamed in agony and watched as the force of the kick dislocated his assassins shoulder... This wasn't good... He stepped back and watched as the shoulder healed itself... Kat seemed a little unsure still... He knew that he was healing... A red hand darted forward and grabbed the injured arm before it had fully healed, the red beast turned away and slammed its back into him... The pain was immense... Jonathon screamed in agony again as the red machine pulled on his arm, he couldn't stop it... He whimpered as it tore the black assassins arm off and cast it aside... Why couldn't he even slow Kat up anymore? A couple of missiles slammed into the armour of the red assassin, it turned to face a couple of tanks that had been sent to aid Jonathon... They didn't stand a chance... He watched as Kat dropped him and turned his attention to the annoyance, he charged at the tanks and effortlessly scattered them before destroying each of them in turn... Jonathon looked at the destroyed forms of the Evangelions and the Assassins... Tears ran down his cheeks, he shook his head... So much senseless violence and killing... When would they learn, all they would really accomplish like this was suffering... Pain... Did they really think that turning on each other was going to help? He forced himself to climb to his feet, pain coursing through his body as he tried to push himself on... He had to stop Kat... He was the only person that could... Kat turned to face him, he was probably smiling but it was impossible to see that... The red machine was stood there... Waiting for him to make a move... Jonathon growled as more tears ran down his cheeks, he put his remaining hand to currently regenerating stump that had been his arm... He had never felt pain so intense... Kat was obviously getting impatient, he crossed the short distance between them and started to lay into Jonathon's assassin again... How much more could he take? A trickle of blood ran down his upper lip, he put his hand to his face and wiped some of the blood away, he closed his eyes and coughed...Kat had stopped... He opened his eyes again, Kat was stood above him with one fist raised... Kat was waiting for him to make a move... He feebly tried to push Kat away... The red beast shook its head ... Kat knew he had beaten Jonathon, he wasn't even able to put up a fight... He cast the defenceless assassin aside, uncaring... Jonathon struggled to climb to his feet again, he couldn't allow Kat to win... The red beast turned to face him and quickly slammed him into a building... He couldn't move... He was unable to get to his feet... The assassin was defeated... utterly... It just couldn't take anymore damage... He had lost... Jane screamed in anger and frustration as she watched the black assassin fall again... This time it didn't seem to be getting up again... What was wrong? Couldn't Jonathon continue to fight? Was he hurt? She watched as Kat walked away, heading toward the main NERV facilities... The red creature was superior to them all... They didn't have any way to stop it... Tears ran down her cheeks as she tried to get the white assassin to move... Without power she couldn't do a thing though... She sighed... Nothing would work... The red machine turned round to look at the carnage it had caused, it looked at the damage it had incurred... It was nothing in comparison to the damage it had dealt... Jane continued to try the controls, tears continued to run down her cheeks... Nothing was working though... She couldn't do anything to help... " Jonathon... " Jane sobbed, she hammered her fists on the controls and watched as a communications screen opened... Blank... No picture or sound... She watched it for a few seconds before continuing to cry, nothing she said or did was going to make any difference anyway... She was a failure... Only Jonathon was kind enough not to remind her of that if they did something, he always tried to make things fair between them... She had failed him now... He needed a person capable of combat, not someone that would freeze through terror... She screamed in anger and hammered the controls again The white assassins started to respond... But it was different to before... She could feel everything a lot more intensely... Her back hurt... She started to climb to her feet... Kat had obviously noticed this, he turned to face her, he raised the blade launcher and took aim, two blades where loaded... She could tell that much... He must have been looking for them... Jane started to move away from Kat slowly... She watched him carefully and waited... He took careful aim... A blade was fired... She put her hand out acting on instinct, the blade stopped a tiny distance from her palm... The blade glowed as all the energy in it dissipated... It was super heated... How much energy did that thing put into the weapons it used? She took the blade in her hand from mid air and concentrated on it... She was going to teach him... He had hurt the one person who she really cared about anymore... Her brother... The blade started to glow again as she continued to get angrier, she threw the blade... Missing... She growled and watched as a barrier or energy appeared deflecting it... The blade slammed into the red assassins back before it could do anything to stop it... Was she doing this? How was this possible? She didn't care though... As long as it would allow her to protect Jonathon then she didn't care... Kat ducked down and grabbed the prone form of the black assassin, hiding behind it... his face appeared on the communication screen... " You want me to kill Jonathon do you? " Kat growled " Leave him alone... " Jane screamed " Then stop attacking me... " Kat shouted back " Let him go... " Jane growled " Yeah, let me go " Jonathon's face appeared on a separate communication screen " What the hell? You shouldn't be able to... No matter... " Kat was confused... " Let me go or... " Jonathon closed his gentle blue eyes " Or what? You'll die on me? " Kat chuckled " I'll tear you limb from limb " Jonathon opened his eyes again, they had returned to their original crimson... Jane smiled and nodded " You don't scare me... You're unable to move... " Kat chuckled " That's what you think... " The black assassin slammed the red one backward and turned to face it, it grabbed it and lobbed it toward the white one " What the hell? " Kat screamed " From the depths of hell... " Jonathon smiled grimly " To the reaches of heaven... " Jane smiled and hammered the red assassin back toward Jonathon... This seemed so familiar... And yet... " And into the darkness... " Jonathon slammed his fist through the red assassins chest " And back into the light... " Jane dived at the red assassin taking its arms off, she smiled as Jonathon dropped Kat and allowed him to get to his knees " You two are insane " Kat screamed out in anger " And into the waiting arms of death... " They growled in unison, both assassins dived forward and kicked him in the chest... He sailed backwards into a building... He had to go... He couldn't beat them both... He wasn't able to... " Farewell for now... Next time I'll be ready for this... " Kat growled and started to run... " Farewell... Until our paths cross again... " Jonathon growled, his eyes blue again... The black and white assassin's staggered away from the scene of carnage, the damage they had taken was minimal due to the rate they where healing at... This was going to end up as a huge debriefing session... How could the 'budget' assassin type so easily defeat the obviously advanced one that Kat was piloting? What ever it was they where going to need to rely on it again... Kat was going to come back... He would be ready for them this time... Rescue crews where rushing about aimlessly, obviously unsure of what to do... Jonathon knelt next to the ruined body of the blue evangelion and placed his hand on it... He bowed his head for a second before guiding his assassin back toward Jane... Why did he think of it more of an extension to his body than anything? Jonathon smiled and allowed his assassin to power down, he ejected the entry plug and quickly jumped out, Jane followed close behind and dived into his arms... He staggered back weakly and fell onto his back, Jane smiled and hugged him before rolling off and helping him to his feet, she smiled and squeezed his hand gently Jonathon picked her up and sat her on his shoulders, he smiled and started to walk back to the NERV facility, he didn't care much for all the people... As long as Jane was safe... A few of the rescue crew drove along side in a pickup truck, Jonathon took Jane from his shoulders and gently put her in the back, he smiled a little and jumped in with her Jane shivered as the air rushed past them coldly, it wasn't that the weather was cold... It was that the air felt cold at this speed... She cuddled up to Jonathon... Still cold... " I'm cold... " Jane sighed after a short time " You are? Oh... " Jonathon quickly slipped his armours top half off, he held it over to Jane and watched as she slipped it over her armour " Little better... You must be cold now... " Jane smiled " I'm not bothered... this isn't all that much colder than the place we grew up in... " Jonathon pulled Jane close and closed his eyes, he just wanted things to be ok... With Kat on the rampage he was scared his sister was going to get hurt soon... He looked at her, she was already asleep... Piloting took a lot out of them... It was unpredictable with the amount of energy that it too from them... He yawned and closed his eyes again, he couldn't help it... he needed to sleep... Jonathon opened his eyes to find himself lying in a hospital bed surrounded by armed guard, one of them looked at him, noticing he was awake... The butt of a rifle was slammed into his forehead, obviously an attempt to knock him unconscious... He growled and pushed it aside, a shout... The guards where alert... Around thirty people where suddenly pointing weapons at him... He sat up and yawned, he was dressed in a hospital gown... " Where are my clothes? " Jonathon enquired politely No answer... The men sat there with their guns trained on him " If you don't tell me... " Jonathon growled and clenched his fist The men where silent... No sound from them other than the odd squeak from their shoes slipping on the polished surface of the floor... " Fine... I'll just have to find them myself... " Jonathon climbed out of bed " Hold it... Or we open fire " One of the men shouted " If you insist... " Jonathon started to check the nearby cabinet... Nothing... He turned to face the guards, they started to open fire upon him... The sting of the bullets impacting against his body was sudden, the force of them wasn't even enough to slow him though... Sudden pain... He staggered back... Jonathon instinctively put his hand to his shoulder, he drew it back covered in blood, a lone man was stood there with a heavy weapon, shivering nervously... He growled and walked over to the man, grabbing him and slamming him into the floor with ease, the rest of the men scattered in terror, not wanting to face his wrath... Blood soaked into the hospital gown as he walked along, a nurse tried to stop him, only to be pushed aside, she pressed a keypad nearby and an alarm was sounded... Orderlies ran out and started trying to restrain Jonathon, he slammed one of them into the wall and punched another lightly in the chest... Neither of them seemed to be breathing A dart bounced off the back of his neck, he turned to see an orderly standing there with a dart pistol... He was going to be next... Jonathon grabbed his hand and crushed it with ease, slamming him against the wall as he screamed in agony and then repeatedly punching him in the chest... The body slipped to the floor... Jonathon looked at his bloodied fist, tears running down his cheeks... He continued to walk forward, tears hitting the floor as he did so... More orderlies approached him, this time holding some form of rod, he couldn't focus on it though... He could barely see through his tears... One of them stepped forward and slammed the rod into his chest, an electric charge ran through his body without effect... A quick chop to the back of his neck... Another person dead by his hands... He continued to walk along the corridor, no one daring to approach him, tears now streamed down his face... He staggered into one room, seemingly at random... Jane and Leona where both here... Both of them where unconscious, both of them lay there silently... A man ran past Jonathon armed with a blade of some kind, he screamed something at him before swinging for Jonathon's throat... The blade snapped... The man staggered back holding his wrist screaming in agony... He had obviously forgot to take into account how powerful Jonathon was... Jonathon grabbed the man by the neck and lifted him from the floor, he looked away as he started to squeeze... He dropped the body when he felt something snap... He walked over to the beds, Jane and Leona lay there silently... Jane opened her eyes slowly and put her hand on Jonathon's cheek... He smiled through his tears... At least she was going to be ok... Jane was obviously drugged though... The speed of her moves and the weakness... They had gone too far... She looked scared when she noticed his tears running over her hand, she slowly sat up, putting her arms around him... He pushed her back and gently kissed her cheek He walked outside the door, a group of people armed with heavy weapons had gathered... The men where all too close for their own safety... Jonathon stamped slightly as he crouched, he pushed both arms forward into one man and swung them back till they smashed into the wall behind him... The numbers had dropped sharply... Only three remained... A quick kick to one side, a darting elbow to one behind him and a chop to the remaining ones chest... None remained...Most of them where dead... he quickly removed some of the uniforms from the dead ones and walked back into the room, he slipped on what would fit him... He dumped the rest on a chair next to the beds... Jane held her hand out and gently rested it against his shoulder... She looked worried... Even through whatever drugged up haze she was in he could tell she was worried... He held her hand gently and passed her some items that looked like they would fit... Leona was awake as well now... He must have disturbed her... She groaned and gently pulled herself up... Obviously in the same state as Jane... " What the hell is going on? " Leona asked clearly, her mind wasn't affected but her body was... Why did things have to affect them all differently? " You're hurt... " Jane put her hand next to the wound on his shoulder " What do they want with us? " Leona shook her head and blinked a few times " Why don't you let me see to that? " Jane smiled softly " Why the hell did they drug us? " Leona frowned " Could you two shut up... Please... " Jonathon sighed, he needed to think... " Sorry... We'll get dressed now then... " Leona sighed " What's wrong? You're not yourself... " Jane cuddled up, shivering a little through fear " I'm trying to think of a way to get us out of here safely... " Jonathon sighed " I'm sure you can do it Jonathon... " Jane smiled, closing her eyes as she did so " We don't have anywhere to go... We have to stop Kat as well... " Jonathon shook his head, tears running down his cheeks and forming a wet patch on the stolen uniform " Forget the humans... Why should we protect them? " Leona growled " Cause if we don't then we are just as responsible for their deaths as Kat is... " Jonathon sighed, he wiped his tears away and looked at the bloody patch on his shoulder... It was visible even through his stolen uniform... He was hurt pretty badly... What kind of weapon had they used to do this to him? He looked up to see Maya standing in the doorway, she was alone... Unarmed... " Jonathon? They asked me to come talk to you cause they don't know of anyone else that can come talk to you... " Maya stepped forward slightly " She's been monitored... " Leona shook her head " What? She's been sent to spy on us? " Jonathon growled " They forced me to wear it... " Maya sighed " Not to worry... They won't hear anything of value to use against us while I'm around... I'm going to make sure of that " Leona smiled slightly " What does she mean? " Maya asked confused " If I knew I would explain " Jonathon shrugged and smiled a little " Why are you doing this? They only want what's best for you " Maya sighed " Armed guard trying to kill me for looking for my clothes is in my best interests? " Jonathon laughed, he shook his head and smiled " What are you talking about? " Maya looked confused " Do you believe everything they tell you? Look at Jane and Leona, Jane's obviously not herself cause of drugging and Leona at least hasn't had her mind effected " He sighed " Maybe there was another reason to sedate them? " Maya shrugged " Me and Jane where fine, I suppose they tried to sedate me as well but didn't realise that its not always successful... " Jonathon stretched slowly " Why did you do all this? " Maya shook her head, obviously not believing him " Why did they do this to me for looking for my clothes? " Jonathon slipped his clothing away showing a gunshot wound to his shoulder " Oh god... You need medical attention Jonathon... " Maya shivered " Not really... I'm fine... " Jonathon sighed and straightened his clothing " You really want to get away that badly? " Maya walked over to Jonathon " Yes... If I could find a way out that guaranteed Jane and Leona safety... " " I can help you get out... " Maya smiled a little " How? How do I know that I can trust you? " Jonathon frowned " I can say that you three have agreed to pilot still if you can live with me... " " Maybe I don't want to save this sorry race from death " Jonathon growled " Then everyone will die simply cause you are bitter about them doing this to you... " " Maybe they don't deserve to be helped for violating our rights like this " " I read some of the official files on you... A SEELE representative gave them to me... I know who and what you are... " Maya sighed and shook her head " You want to talk to us still after finding that we aren't what we thought we where? " " You have no rights... You don't exist officially... " Maya frowned " Then I'll just cause NERV and SEELE a headache by causing trouble " " Please... I've moved to a bigger apartment, I have enough space for you three to move in and I would really like to see you and Leona again... " Maya sighed " So... this isn't cause you want to help them... It's more cause you want company... " Jonathon looked bemused, he fell silent for a few seconds before nodding " You'll move in with me? " Maya smiled " Yeah... But if they try anything... I'm not going to hold back this time... I've easily killed them before... I don't want to... I don't like to... But I have to... " " Don't worry... They won't try anything... " Maya smiled a little " I want my clothes back first... And I want them to have their clothes too " Jonathon frowned and pointed to Jane and Leona " Sure thing... I'll go sort this out... " Maya smiled and walked out the room Jonathon sighed, he pulled the chair away from Jane's bed and sat next to Leona " How do you feel? " Jonathon enquired " Like shit... Why did they have to do this to me? " Leona slurred " Cause we are valuable to them... They don't want us to leave cause we are so valuable to them... If we get hurt then they are short of their 'saviours' " Jonathon sighed " I see... How's Jane doing? " Leona looked sleepily toward Jane " She seems to be doing alright at this time... I'll keep an eye on her... " " What about Maya? Can we trust her? " Leona asked trying to think back to the school " Maya is... I don't know... She can't really do anything to me... But Jane... " " They agreed to give you your clothes... " Maya walked in smiling " Ah... Good... " Jonathon quickly passed the clothes around " There is one small catch... They agreed to allow two of you to live with me... " " What? I thought you said all three of us " Jonathon raised his voice slightly " Yeah... But... " Maya sighed and shook her head " But what? " Jonathon growled and folded his arms " Miss Akagi wants her daughter to live with her " Maya sighed " I see... Who is her daughter? " Jonathon looked at Jane and Leona " Leona is her daughter... Haven't you been told yet? " " I may have been informed... Doesn't mean I can recall it... " Jonathon shrugged " So... Will you allow that Leona? " Maya knelt next to the bed Leona was in " Yeah... Sure... I don't really care as long as I get out of this place " Leona seemed pretty indifferent about it... Like she didn't care about where she went... " Ok... that's settled... I'll leave you three to get dressed " Maya walked out the room " I'll leave you two to get dressed before I do " Jonathon quickly followed Maya " What are you doing? " Maya asked Jonathon when she realised, she shivered slightly, obviously afraid of him... Who could blame her? He was a lot bigger than she was " I'm allowing the girls to get dressed first " Jonathon shrugged " I see... I'm sorry about all this... " Maya sighed and walked to the other side of the corridor, she stood against the wall and shivered nervously " Don't worry... I'm not going to hurt you... " Jonathon smiled softly and walked to Maya's side, he put his arm around her shoulders and sighed " What's wrong? " Maya asked, obviously more comfortable now than she was a few seconds ago... She looked up at him and tilted her head to one side to get a better view " I'm worried about Jane... I'm worried about Leona... I don't know how either of them will cope... " Jonathon sighed, he paused for a few seconds before shaking his head " Don't worry about them... They don't need to rely on you, you're just being over protective of them... They'll be fine " Maya smiled slightly " I guess... But... I'm not going to let them control out lives... " Jonathon frowned " Its ok... They can't really do anything to you cause you are vital... " " Hey, get dressed Jonathon, you're holding us up now " Jane laughed as she walked out of the room, Leona followed her... They both seemed a little slow still... " Sure thing... " Jonathon laughed, he was glad to see that they where at least doing ok... He would still be happier to know that this was all over though