Evangelion - Bloodlines Children of Project D Genesis 2:1 Property of NERV Jonathon was sat inside the cavernous room that Gendo called his office... Gendo was sat before him, they where only separated by his desk... Ritsuko was stood behind Jonathon, her hand on his shoulder The schooling session was still going on but he wasn't there... Jane was still, Gendo wanted to see her next... Alone... Jonathon wouldn't allow that though He didn't trust Gendo as far as he could throw him, thinking of it, he could probably throw Gendo some distance... Better say he was confident he would drown in the desert He was definitely incompetent... Just look at his son Shinji, he had turned out ok... if you could forgive him for being a waste of space with no spine who whinged too much... But that was more Gendo leaving him in other peoples care... He would have hated to see how Shinji turned out if Gendo had raised him himself... Gendo was just sitting there staring at him... He did that a lot to people, probably trying to intimidate them or something by using timing to his own advantage... Ritsuko squeezed his shoulder gently and smiled a little, trying to comfort him... " Are you ok sir? You don't appear to be moving or speaking much... " Jonathon asked casually, he knew he had ruined what ever Gendo was trying to accomplish " I'm fine 'Jonathon' I was just thinking of how to deal with you best " Jonathon sighed, he didn't like the artificial nicety that had been tacked onto his name " If you say so sir... So how are things? Are the angels giving you much trouble? Is Leona doing ok in the medical area? " Jonathon smiled " 'Things' are fine, 'the angels' are under control and 'Leona' will recover from her injury " Jonathon didn't like Gendo's tone of voice... He was definitely incompetent " Are we done yet? I've been here over half an hour already... " Jonathon sighed " 'We' haven't even begun yet, I have yet to finish with you " Gendo's glasses glinted " Sorry sir but I can't be bothered to sit here and be ignored, I'll be back in half an hour, just off to get something to eat for me and Jane " Jonathon climbed from his chair " You dare leave when I am talking with you " Gendo wasn't asking... He was stating " Unless you're going to talk I think that's a little off... " Jonathon smiled and walked toward the door, he paused to look back... Ritsuko was following him Gendo was sat at his desk shaking his head, he didn't look too pleased about this... " Half an hour and no more " Gendo pulled out a few forms and started to fill them out " You know that was very lenient of Gendo to let you go like that " Ritsuko sighed as she watched Jonathon eating something from a vending machine " If he had tried to stop me... " Jonathon smiled a little and continued to eat " Why did you pick chocolate? " Ritsuko asked trying not to look too confused " Couldn't be bothered to eat sandwiches... too messy " Jonathon mumbled " What do you mean too messy? " Ritsuko looked confused " I mean, I try to hold them and take a bite and I end up losing half the filling... " " Oh... I see... not that your too messy, more that you can't control your own strength " " I can control my strength, its more that I can't keep a decent grip with the size of my hands in comparison to the sandwiches here " Jonathon chuckled " Hmm... Ok... " Ritsuko pulled out a clipboard and a few forms " What are those forms for? " Jonathon asked as he put the wrapper in a nearby bin " Nothing much... Could you sign here? " Ritsuko passed him a pen and the clipboard " Hmm... Ok... Let me read this first... " Jonathon started to read the form, he chuckled and signed it before passing it back to Ritsuko " You agree with that? I wouldn't have... " Ritsuko shook her head " Oh come on... It provides me with a place to live and some form of income... " " Yes, but you have to pilot to get that income... " Ritsuko sighed " Is there a problem with that? I get paid a certain amount each time I train and another amount if I participate in the battle against an angel... " Jonathon chuckled " You're strange... " Ritsuko sighed " Come on... I'm going to be asked to do this anyway in an emergency and I would say yes to that... So why shouldn't I take this on like that? " " I guess... Do you think you could do something for me? " " What do you want me to do? " Jonathon stretched and yawned " Well... We need to see if Jane will be a pilot as well... Do you think that you could see if she would pilot? Coming from you it might be easier for her to decide " " Hmm... Ok, I'll ask her but I'm not going to pressure her to do anything either way " " Thank you, if you would give her the form to sign... " Ritsuko passed a form across " No... I'll ask her for you but I won't get her to sign the forms... I'll tell her to see you about that if she really wants to pilot for you " Jonathon smiled a little " I see... thank you anyway... " Ritsuko sighed " I better get back to Jane... She doesn't like to be left alone for too long " " Jane isn't alone, she's with Shinji and Asuka " Ritsuko shook her head " Ok... She doesn't like being away from me for too long, she often gets insecure " " Oh... I see... Ok... I'll tell Gendo that you have other things to deal with " " Thank you Miss Akagi " Jonathon smiled and started to head back to the class " One last thing Jonathon... Do you have identification on you? " " No... We haven't been provided with the appropriate items " Jonathon sighed " Ok... I'll bring you some cards at the end of the schooling session, if security... " " ...Stop me I'll ask them to check with you, if they refuse I'll do my best to make them aware that they have to check with you for their own good " Jonathon chuckled " Don't hurt them too badly " Ritsuko smiled " I won't hurt them... Much " Jonathon smiled and started to walk toward the schooling session again, he didn't really agree with NERV or its ethics or morals... But at least this way he would have some form of independence... He couldn't really use the account he had before now either as it was an account belonging to SEELE... In fact... He didn't really agree with anyone who tried to claim they where the saviours of human kind or had the power to run peoples lives like this... That was wrong... he hated the way that NERV where able to just 'take' people and use them as they pleased to provide human kind with the 'protection' they sought after... Knowledge was dangerous and he was thinking in a way that could only lead two ways... Him giving up thinking or him taking NERV out for the way they acted... While he was at it he better take SEELE out... They where breaking the laws of nature by creating the entire 'elite' force they had... He may be one of them but he knew it was wrong to create another being for any purpose other than for the benefit of mankind... And he wasn't really going to be a benefit Then there was Rei... He didn't understand his feelings for her but he knew that there was something between them that he couldn't explain... His feelings for Rei... Where they love? Where they pity? Or was there some kind of bond between them that neither of them would be able to explain? Now he was confused... Why was he thinking all this? He had never before had any thoughts like this... So what was it about her that could change him like this? He put his back to the wall and sighed, he slipped down to the floor and pulled out a combat knife, he sighed and embedded it in the ground before getting up again The people in class would wonder where he had got to... He better get back before Jane killed them or something for trying to get too close... Jonathon sighed and walked into one of the supply offices that lay on the corridor, he looked around and waited for one of the people to walk over to him " How may I help you? " The woman was obviously busy... " Oh... Sorry, I'll come back another time when you're not so busy " Jonathon smiled " No problem... This is the main supply office so we are always busy " " Ok...Well... I want to place an order for some electrical parts " " What parts? " The woman pulled a notepad and pen from her belt " I have a list of them... " Jonathon passed over a scrap of paper with the parts on " Ok... We can provide them now... Do you have clearance or are you a guest? " " I'll have a card by the end of the day hopefully... Miss Akagi can confirm this for me if you wish to check? " Jonathon looked at his watch " I can check now if you're not in a hurry " The woman walked over to a phone " Hmm... I can spare a little time... I better get back to the class soon though... " " Ok... this will only take a few minutes... " The woman tapped in a number... Jonathon had already lost interest though... He looked around the office and watched as the other workers raced around trying to get their jobs done... Maybe he wouldn't bother in future... He didn't know what number player this one was... He didn't even have any music disks left... At least he hoped he could record some... If he was in luck then they would have some of his disks around... Maybe he dropped some or maybe he had left some at... Maya's home... he had forgotten all about her The woman walked back smiling, she passed him a package with all the parts in " Thank you... " Jonathon smiled a little " I have one question... Some of the parts you asked for can be used for explosives but no explosive on file uses the parts like that... What are you making? " " I'm trying to reconstruct a music player I designed that uses optic disks for data storage... Pretty simple when you think about it but it's hard to make... " " Ah... I don't really understand that much about this... Ritsuko was worried that you where planning on making an explosive... " " I could make an explosive out of a few of these parts if I wanted to... Not too hard but then I wouldn't get my music player " Jonathon chuckled He smiled and walked out, today wasn't turning out so bad... Kat sighed and rocked back and forth in the straight jacket that he had been put into... A matted lock of hair encrusted with blood fell over his face... He blew it back and sighed again... Why did everyone think he was the threat? Jonathon was ridiculously powerful and he was trusted... So why not him? Sure, he had just killed a group of people for being too friendly, sure, he would happily do it again but he felt stressed... Leona hadn't returned yet... Leona was the one person in this goddamn place that he trusted... He hated being treated like he was insane... He was pretty sane as far as he cared... He may have a few screws loose in their eyes but he was fully sane, he knew what the implications of his actions where and he knew what he was doing... So what was so insane about that? He knew what he was doing, why he was doing it and what the outcome was as well as what was going to happen because of his actions Maybe this kind of clarity on life was classed as insanity? He hadn't even repeatedly stabbed them or anything... Just one or two fatal slices to whatever area was easiest and then onto the next person... It wasn't his fault he was a trained killer, he was just a kid and he was capable of murder without a thought... Pretty funny when he was gave the chance to demonstrate... The door to the makeshift cell opened and one of the people based off him walked in... A woman... He didn't recognise her... Didn't care either... She was holding a bowl of water and a cloth... She was going to clean him up... Kat sighed and edged away, he didn't trust anyone when he couldn't at least kill them for touching him... The girl merely continued to edge toward him till he was cornered She put the cloth to his forehead and started to clean the dried blood away... She didn't seem to be bothered by this... No revulsion or anything... Kat struggled a little and tried to put more distance between them, the woman merely grabbed his shoulder and continued to clean him without showing a shred of emotion He quickly rose to his feet and flipped over her, he landed on his feet and staggered back into her arms, she quickly pushed him forward and took his feet from under him The floor needed cleaning just as much as he did... He sighed and started to try and work an arm free... They had tailored this one for him alone it seemed... Not even his extensive training would allow him to get out of this jacket with ease... The girl pulled him upright by his hair and smiled like he did... She was staring into his eyes... Maybe he could use this to escape? Maybe not... Not likely she would help... She edged forward and kissed him... He pushed her back and growled... It was sick... She was essentially him... He might like his own appearance but not enough to do that The girl looked offended but wasn't put off... Like all the people here she looked like him only... She wasn't... It wasn't that she unattractive... She was attractive... It was just... Kat pushed her back again, she was determined to kiss him for some reason " What's wrong? Why are you struggling? " The woman brushed his hair back gently " You are me essentially and I don't agree with people forcing themselves on me like that... You want me? Well, let me go and if you can stop me then you can " " I won't fall for that... " The woman chuckled like he did... " Seriously... If you can stop me then you can have me... " Kat chuckled " Ok... You better not try to trick me though... " The woman started to undo the jacket... She moved back in front of him and waited for him to slip the jacket off... He smiled and climbed to his feet... Unarmed though... They must have searched him well... Kat ducked to one side and then rolled to the other before diving over the girl, she grabbed him and brought him down, she grabbed his wrist and pulled him back A smile darted across both of their faces, Kat broke free and kicked the girl away from him but she sprang from the wall and landed on top of him again... Kat quickly caught her using his legs and flicked her across the room... She slammed into a wall and lay on the floor breathing shallowly... He walked toward the door, the girl wasn't even a match for him... Her hand lightly fell across his leg without hindering him... He paused to look at her... A tear ran down her cheek... It wasn't one from the pain he had inflicted either... The girl was genuinely upset... Another tear ran down her other cheek... Kat knelt down and kissed her once on the lips before snapping her neck and walking out of the cell they had placed him in... Something about this bothered him... Where was security when you... Kat's eyes widened in fear... They had planned this all... So they had reason to dispose of him... They where almost as sneaky as he was... He quickly climbed into a nearby vent and paused... It was already undone... He climbed out and walked down the corridor... Muffled voices from nearby... They where waiting to ambush him... He turned and walked to the only other way out... More voices... He was trapped... The only other way was the vent... Kat looked around and thought for a second before bouncing off the walls to reach the ceiling... Maybe he could... The light fell on top of him leaving a hole... Kat grinned and bounced off the walls to get to the hole he had made, he climbed in and crawled around keeping his weight on the metal supports of the ceiling cavity... He smiled when he heard the people below cursing about his escape... They knew where he had gone but none of them wanted to go up here alone with him... They where all scared... A mob... No real will to act alone but enough numbers and they would do what all cowards did... They would stick together and fight... As soon as you narrowed the numbers a little though... What mob? All you had was some gibbering fools begging for mercy... Kat was glad he wasn't Jonathon... Jonathon would have mercy on them and tell them to get on with their lives and do good deeds... They would usually try to get back at him but he would beat them again... It was sickening how he could be so... righteous... He would let them go again and again... He always thought that maybe this time they might listen... His own approach was better... Kill them, their family and their friends... No one left to seek revenge and no problem dealing with him or her again... Simple Jane was different... She was like him in a way... she would kill you if you got too close... All she ever wanted was space so she could improve on herself... She didn't mind Jonathon invading that space cause he would always listen to her... Leona sometimes bugged her though... Jane and Leona had fallen out once or twice... She had always kicked Jane's ass in a fair fight... Jane hadn't really had many fights either... Normally Jonathon was there and stopped her from getting hurt... More than one person had broken their knuckles on Jonathon's chin... A junction loomed in the darkness... left, right or forward... Kat paused to think and looked up... There was a way up... A very easy climb in the darkness... No light up that way though... At least where he was currently gave him light through the gaps and cracks in the ceiling... Not that it was much light... A few irate shouts drifted from underneath him... Some people complaining about the food... He was right above one of the areas that prepared the food for the majority... Kat shook his head and sighed, he just didn't have the time to poison everyone for a laugh, besides... He was covered in blood so if they saw him... Jane was stood alone in Gendo's office... Jonathon hadn't been permitted to go in with her... She shivered slightly... The room seemed cold... She was used to cold environments though... So why did this room seem cold? Maybe Gendo was keeping the temperature down for a reason... No matter... Jonathon had warned her about Gendo not taking any notice of her until he had a clue about what he was going to say to her... Seemed he was right... Gendo turned to face her fully, his brow furrowed in concentration... He stared at her for a few minutes and turned away again... " If you don't fucking talk to me now I'm leaving " Jane shouted irately, she didn't feel comfortable in the room alone with him... The door behind her splintered as Jonathon crashed through it... He had obviously heard her... He walked across the office floor until he was next to her and stopped... Jane looked up, the immense figure of Jonathon towering above her with his arms folded... He looked calm... the calm before the storm... Jane moved back in her seat to see that not even Jonathon's eyes gave away anything that he was feeling at this moment... He clenched and unclenched his hands... Gendo looked at Jonathon calmly and put his hands in front of his mouth and rested his arms on the desk before him... He waited for a second more before speaking " Leave us now, we haven't begun the interview yet... " Gendo sounded smug... Like he thought he had power over Jonathon that could be exercised any time... Jonathon didn't reply... He put both his hands on the desk before him, the desk creaking as he put his immense weight onto it... A slight smile crossed his face... " I don't think you want to order me around like that 'sir' " Jane didn't like the way Jonathon practically spat the last word at Gendo... " I own you and I can have you terminated at any time... Once you out live your usefulness you will either be terminated or put to another type of work " Jonathon leaned back and took his original position, his arms folded... Gendo smiled, it was obvious even with his hands in the way... Jonathon yawned and stretched, he lifted his arms into the air, a couple of clicks where heard as he did so... He smiled slightly and brought one hand down on the desk... Jane pushed her chair back in surprise... Jonathon stepped back from the wreckage of the desk and smiled again before taking Jane's hand and leading her out the office Gendo was sat there looking at what little had survived the impact of Jonathon's hand... The desk was supposed to be well made as well... Destroyed in one hit... Jonathon let her hand go outside the office, she wrapped her arms around his waist and rubbed her head against his chest gently, she smiled and let go again... " Thank you... I really hate being asked to sit around like that... " Jane smiled " I know you do... that's one reason why I burst in like that... " " Are you sure it wasn't cause of what I said? " Jane smiled again " Well... You know me... " Jonathon blushed and started to walk back toward the tutoring session... Jane smiled and ran to his side, she didn't like to be away from him Jane walked into the makeshift class only slightly ahead of Jonathon, she turned and watched as he ducked under the doorway, he was too tall... Misato was in the room, talking with Shinji and Asuka... Something about a possible angel sighting and she was going to go investigate... She wanted them to be ready... She looked up to see Jane standing in the door way, Jonathon's hands on her shoulders preventing her from running away... She looked scared... Ritsuko had said Jonathon was possible to order around as a pilot... That he was willing to help them fight the angels but Jane... Jane still had to be asked... A tear ran down Jane's cheek as she struggled to break free of Jonathon's grip unsuccessfully... She turned as best she could to face him... Jonathon loosened his grip on her, she instantly started to hit him in the chest, all the while she continued crying... Maybe she knew he was a pilot... No effort was made by Jonathon to stop her hitting him... Asuka had hurt her hand punching him so it wasn't really surprising that he didn't try... Jane fell to her knees crying, she hid her face behind her hands but tears visibly fell from her cheeks, Jonathon knelt down and put his arms around her to comfort her... She wrapped her arms around his chest and continued to cry... What amazed Misato most was that Jonathon didn't make any effort to hide the fact he was upset too... A single tear ran down his right cheek... Misato turned back to Asuka and Shinji... Shinji looked disgusted by the way Jonathon acted... Just like a kid... He despised the warmth that Jonathon was showing... Asuka though... She smiled a little, her arms folded and pressed against her waist... Seemed she wanted something to do with this... Maybe she just wanted to help... Toji, Aida and Hikari where the only other kids in the class... No other kids had been allowed to come into the class... Probably cause they had already left the area... They seemed to have been distracted as well... Toji and Aida looked scared... Of who it was uncertain... Hikari just sighed and continued with her work... Jonathon allowed Jane to climb to her feet, he walked with her back to her desk and pulled his one up next to it despite the tutor shouting that he couldn't... Not like the tutor was going to be able to enforce that upon him... Toji whispered something to Aida... Jonathon obviously heard it with the way he reacted... He snapped the lead off a pencil and flicked it... Toji held the back of his head gasping as it impacted against his skull... He gasped a few more times and turned to face Jonathon... He stared at him... Jonathon yawned and started to bend a metal ruler using only three fingers... Toji shuddered and turned away... Jonathon wasn't scared to demonstrate his strength... Misato walked over to Jonathon's side and sighed " What did he say that made you react like that? " Misato whispered " He made a sexual comment about my sister " Jonathon replied without a thought " He did? And that was why you did that to him? " Misato looked surprised " I don't think that it's a good time to talk about how you intend to 'pull' her when she's in this state... " Jonathon turned to face Misato, he blinked and turned back " Oh... I see... Well, can you try not to hurt him like that please? " " Hmm... Ok... I'll try not to hurt him like that... " Jonathon sighed Misato walked out the class, it was hell trying to keep kids like that in order but she had to go... Work and duty called... Mainly work She had to investigate the possibility of an angel being found and try to figure out how was best to deal with the angel in question... Damn angels... So far they had caused enough trouble and here was another one threatening to destroy humanity... Maybe if they asked them nicely to leave them alone? Maybe not... The only rational thought the angels seemed to have was probably about wanting to destroy Shinji... Who could blame them? Shinji could be a pain... She shouldn't think like this but... Seeing how Jonathon and Jane where happy to show they cared and that they where people... To show they where truly caring... They showed their humanity and it disgusted Shinji... Shinji was a biased antisocial kid at times and was prone to whining... But she still had to care for him... It was part of her job to care for him... She had agreed to take him in and look after him... But... Why couldn't she have Jonathon and Jane? Sure, there was something obviously different about Jonathon and something was odd about Jane too... But... Other than all the obvious differences they where perfect... Jonathon was happy to allow other people to take their anger out on him, with how dense his muscle mass seemed it taught the other person not to take their anger out on others... Jane was a sensitive and insecure child... Jonathon was always doing his best to be around her all the time to support her and make sure she was alright... Jonathon seemed happiest around Jane... Like being with her reassured him... Maybe he didn't have the confidence to act unless someone else was around to guide him... Rei walked past accompanied by Gendo, obviously going to the schooling session as she was in uniform and not her plug suit... Rei never really spoke to anyone... Misato sighed and continued down the corridor trying not to think of anything else to do with her life and other people's lives... This was going to get out of hand eventually... She sighed and continued along the corridor toward her car... The faster she got this sorted the faster she could relax... Damn angels... No consideration for others... Maxamilion walked into his office accompanied by two guards, he had heard how they had failed to dispose of Kat... this was bad... Kat was dangerous... Two silenced gunshots and two thuds... His guards lay either side of him dead... Kat stepped out of the shadows and chuckled, he put the gun away and gestured to a seat Maxamilion sat down not knowing what to do... Kat smiled and pulled another chair up, he sat down and smiled again, his pale white skin glistened with sweat... " I see you've been running around like an idiot again " Maxamilion sighed " I'm the one with the weapons here so I wouldn't be offensive if I where you " for the first time ever Kat was speaking without his usual hint of humour in his voice " Don't sound so happy Kat... Are you mad at me? " Maxamilion teased " You set me up... Trying to kill me cause I had a little fun are we? " " Not at all... I had nothing to do with this " " Don't lie... I'm not in the mood for your lies... You know what sickens me most? " " What my child? " Maxamilion relaxed a little... " I felt something for one of your creations... I kissed her and took her life yet... I wish I hadn't... It's your fault... " Kat growled and pulled the gun out again " If you shoot me then I won't be able to create her again... " Maxamilion started to sweat visibly, he felt truly scared now he could see Kat didn't see this as a game... " Then I'll just go and join NERV... They'll welcome me back quite happily... " " But what of this... What of what you are? You're another one of my creations... " " You may have created me but I'm superior to you in every way " Kat growled " So what about the fail safe... You think I would make you without one? " " There is no fail safe built into any of us, you're just trying to buy yourself time... " " True... I never made you with one... I didn't want to... " " Shut up, I don't want to hear this right now " Kat snarled, he was getting more angry by the second... If he got much angrier he would probably kill him... " I'm sorry you feel upset about this... " Maxamilion sighed, sweat dripped from his chin " The purity of my body has been befouled by the kiss upon your creation... How could you do that? Tempt me to touch something that isn't pure like me? " Kat shivered angrily " What do you mean by purity? " Maxamilion pressed back in his seat slightly " You mean you're not fully aware you created me and the other three from the DNA of a fallen angel? You created all of us from the one strand I know for a fact... " " You know then... You four are almost gods... if only you could unlock the sleeping power within you all... You would be unstoppable... " " Hasn't Jonathon already done that? Look how powerful he is... But why include human DNA within us like you did? It doesn't serve any real purpose... " " You saw the creature in the lab didn't you... " " Yeah, it almost killed me before it went after Jonathon... " " He happens to be a co-creator of you and the others... He didn't get killed like everyone thinks... There was an accident and he was infused with the DNA we made you from... " " So what happened to make him look like that? " Kat folded his arms " His DNA isn't filtered like yours was... In you we kept the best of the DNA... we used the human DNA for your appearance and the angel DNA for your strength... " " I see... So what made you make the others here? " " They are merely humans who have been grown to be like you without the angel DNA... Why do you think you are all way superior to them? " " But what about Jonathon... Answer me that... has he unlocked this 'sleeping power' that he seems to poses like you claim? " Kat growled slightly " He hasn't... He's changed in some way... his human DNA has been destroyed by the angel DNA and been replaced so he looks like he did... " " I see... Give me a reason not to kill you... " Kat snarled and placed the gun against Maxamilion's head, he placed his other hand on his neck and pinned him to the chair " I've made a version of the assassin that is far superior to the versions NERV have... Not even half as organic based as the ones they made... " Maxamilion stammered " Show me and I'll consider letting you live " Kat placed the gun in his belt " Ok... Right this way... " Maxamilion walked to door followed by Kat, he walked a short way down the corridor and opened a door... A darkened room... The lights flickered and activated, the room slowly started to illuminate... Maxamilion walked past all the things in the room and opened another door... Kat walked into the room and stared at the four coloured beasts that lay within the room... Each one was coloured like the ones NERV had possessed... " Let me see... Black and White... Jonathon and Jane... Blue and Red... Me and Leona... " Kat turned back to face Maxamilion " That's right... If you want to test it now it is ready... " Maxamilion backed away " What weapons does it have? " Kat turned back to face the Assassins... " The weapons haven't been added yet... They have only just been finished... " Kat stared at the Eva like machines and smiled, no organic armour like the previous Assassins... These ones may have it but it would be under the metal... Curved metal plates covered the bodies of the machines... The only thing that looked the same was the heads... They looked like skulls again... Four coloured helmets lay nearby, obviously waiting to be added to the waiting beasts... Kat looked to one side to see a more advanced suit than the one he used before... A few other items lay next to it... All tailored to fit him... " Hmm... Very nice... " Kat turned back to face Maxamilion " If you want to test this thing out... Why not attack NERV? We can drop you there... " " Why not... I could do with a little fun... " Kat still wasn't smiling... Longest ever without a smile... He walked over and picked the suit up... A changing room lay nearby Kat walked into the room and quickly put the armoured suit on, he walked out clad entirely in red and black... He walked over to a ladder and climbed up... A form of entry plug was the piloting system again... Yet another antigravity based way of keeping the pilot from getting throw about... He climbed in and the plug was inserted into the beast, he was going to have some fun... This thing must be way superior to the Evangelion's... The boot up sequence flashed past him and the assassin came online... Kat shivered as the thing synchronised with him! The NERV ones you had to do that to! He smiled as he felt himself become one with the creature... He could feel the tight metal armour around him shielding him from any attacks that could be launched... Maxamilion opened a communications channel with him and his face appeared on screen... He smiled and waited for Kat to pass attention to him... " What do you want? " Kat chuckled as he stretched inside the Assassin " You see the red helmet on the floor? " Maxamilion smiled " Yeah... What about it... Don't it need to be fitted and welded or something? " " No... All you have to do is put it on and force the Assassin to fuse with the helmet... " " Oh... I see... " Kat picked the helmet up and placed it on the assassins head, he concentrated on making it part of his armour... Didn't seem to do anything... He reached up and tried to remove it... Stuck... Seemed it had worked after all... " Is it secure? " Maxamilion asked looking up at the Assassin " Yeah... It's well secure... How about a few weapons to go with it? " Kat smiled " Sure... " Maxamilion tapped in a command and a few items where lowered from a ceiling cavity... The items looked like some form of arm guard... " What are these supposed to be? " Kat asked bemused " A blade launcher... Put them on and they will integrate themselves with your Assassin... needs to be done with a pilot you see... " " Oh... Ok... " Kat reached out and slipped each of the items over his arms... A warm feeling spread up his arm... Nothing much else... " Now... Open them and arm the blades... " Maxamilion commanded " Ok... I'll give it a go... " Kat smiled and watched as two areas raised... Three blades darted slightly forward from each of the launchers showing that they where ready... " Very good... Now... Are you wondering about the lack of umbilical cable for power? " " Not really but now you mention it... " Kat looked around... No cable... " That is because we have a Dą organ fitted... It allows for you to operate without a cable... A generator that works off your own will power... " " Works off my will power? How do you mean? " " The more you try the more effort is returned... Getting hurt will of course make it harder in some cases... But, with this machine... " " I'm unstoppable... " Kat grinned " Now... Are you ready to go and battle them now or do you want to have some time to test it before you go to the NERV headquarters? " Maxamilion waited for Kat to reply... " I'll go now... This seems a lot easier to control than the other ones... " " That's cause you already know how to pilot and it was made for you alone... " " I see... Ok... So will I have backup or anything? " Kat smiled " Do you want backup to help you? " Maxamilion looked at a read out " Not really... I think I can handle them all alone... " Kat smiled " Ok... It'll take... Quarter of an hour to get you there total... " " Good... I'll take them all out and get Leona back... They better not try to stop me though... They don't have a chance " Kat grinned " Do not fail me... This is more advanced than the ones they have and I don't want them to get their hands on the model we made... " Maxamilion growled " Yeah what ever... You really have no faith in my ability do you " Kat chuckled A couple of NERV guards men watched the radar as a jet of some form approached... A missile battery was raised and a couple of volleys fired... The missiles slammed into the jet destroying it utterly... another object appeared at the same height as the jet... Something large was falling from it... A huge red machine landed a mile or so away on the outskirts of the city... It looked up and started to approach the base... It looked like... An evangelion... An alert was sounded and more weaponry was raised from the depths of the NERV base... The sound of gunfire ripped through the air... The machine stopped for a second, its head tilted to one side and it shrugged and continued to walk forwards... The gunfire wasn't even slowing it down... Another alarm was sounded and the guns where brought back inside the base, a red evangelion and a blue one where launched from one area... A giant purple one appeared near to the red monster... Units Zero, One and two Shinji, Asuka and Rei chatted over their communication lines trying to figure how to deal with the red machine... It didn't seem to be making any hostile movement... Asuka was suggesting that they killed it now while Shinji was trying to figure a plan... The red machine folded its arms and waited... " Some on, lets kill it now! " Asuka yelled " But we don't know what it is... What can it do? " Shinji shouted back " I don't care, we have the stronger machines and the advantage of numbers! " " What if it's stronger than all of us put together? " Shinji whimpered " How can it be? Look at it, it isn't even as tall as we are! " Asuka grinned " But what if... " Shinji was stopped by Asuka " Either you're with me or your not, help me beat this think or sit back and watch " The red Eva dived forward with its progressive knife drawn, she started to circle the red thing slowly... It made no effort to watch her... " Hello my friends, I see you decided to kill me before you knew who I am " Kats voice cut into their communication lines " Kat! Its you! " Asuka sounded excited, her Eva stopped and the knife was lowered " Yes, 'tis me indeed Asuka, but if I where you... I wouldn't stand still " Kat snarled as he finished what he was saying, he raised one arm... A launcher of some kind sprang out of his wrist and a blade was fired through Asuka, the blade tore though her Eva and embedded itself in a mountainside The purple Eva darted forward trying to slam its knife into the red things back while it wasn't looking... If he could hit him like this... Kat effortlessly threw Unit-01 over his shoulder and snapped its arm without even pausing for a breath... He kicked the unit aside and walked forward... Rei watched as a Positron Rifle was brought up to her from an armoury building... She grabbed it and opened fire on the thing... The shots scattered without effect... She continued to spray the thing with gunfire without effect... It was closing in on her fast... It darted forward and slammed its fist into her... The blue unit fell to the ground, blood spraying from a gaping hole in its chest... Kat grinned and walked over to the mountainside to get the blade... Easy... Unit-01 was standing again... No matter... It couldn't face up to him... Kat dived forward and floored the unit again without effort... He slammed his fist into it and grinned as the power to it started to fail... A few jerking movements from the unit before it lay still... it shuddered and its eyes dimmed... Kat grinned and turned back to face Asuka's unit... It was still sitting there... Trying to climb to her feet... Kat walked over and grabbed the Unit's head before smashing it into the side of the building it was using to aid it... He smiled and slammed its head through the wall of the building, the unit lay still... A growl from behind him... He turned to see the purple unit on its feet again... Seemed to have gone berserk... It lumbered forward... All the damage regenerating... Kat sighed and took a combat stance, he hated people that didn't play by the rules... If he hurt you then you where done for... He never left people capable of fighting... The purple unit charged forward and threw a wild punch at him, he easily grabbed its arm and snapped it again, he kicked the unit back and fired three blades into it... The unit climbed to its feet and regenerated the damage... The blades had gone through and where now lying in the ground where it had fallen... Kat grabbed the unit and threw it aside, he grabbed the blades and quickly put two of them back into their launcher... The other was in his hand... Who needed a progressive knife? These blades were a hell of a lot better... He had never seen such a powerful weapon that was merely a blade... The purple unit lumbered back into his field of view... He sighed and waited for it to get close... He grabbed it by the neck and dragged it toward the city... It struggled to break free from his grip... No chance... Kat smiled and slammed it against a large building... He started a massive combination of kicks and punches and watched as the unit was slowly forced back... He stopped and thought for a second before using the blade to tear it open, he slammed his fist into it and watched as it shuddered... All three units where no longer a threat... He smiled and placed the blade back inside the launcher... Two thuds from behind him... Kat turned to face two more Assassins... A black one and a white one... " Hello brother... " Jonathon's voice came through his communications line " Hello Jonathon, I see you two are Gendo's lap dogs as well... If you step aside then I will spare you two now... " Kat chuckled " Never... We swore to protect the people of this city when we saw what you did to the Eva's... " Jane growled, both the Assassins put their umbilical cables in... " I see... that's just too bad... You see... This is the next generation in Assassin types " " I don't care how strong you are... We swore to protect them... " Jonathon growled " You don't stand a chance... " Kat grinned " We'll see... " Jane growled and aimed her blade launcher at Kat " Too bad... I would have liked for you two to be on my side... " Kat sighed " Shut up traitor... " Jane growled and fired off the blades, she stepped back and gasped... None of them had even scratched him... The red assassin's head tilted to one side and it started to walk forward... It fired one blade at the white assassin... The black one dived in the way and grabbed it... He fired another while the black one was on the floor... it tore into the white one and sent it staggering back... He fired another and grinned evilly... The black one was hit this time... It staggered back and collapsed... " Well, let me see brother, sister, do you wish to join me now? " Kat grinned " Never! " Jonathon and Jane shouted in unison " Too bad... " Kat kicked the black assassin aside and picked up the white one, he slammed it down and grinned... No chance of them winning... The black assassin climbed to its feet and tore the blade from it... It turned to face him and raised its launcher... Kat fired another blade hitting the lancher... The blade bounced from the launcher and hit a building... No matter... it wouldn't work anyway... Seemed it was defective... Kat chuckled as a blade tore though the back of the black assassins' arm, it was sticking out of the elbow joint... Looked pretty funny and left him disabled... Kat advanced on the helpless machine... This was going to be fun...