Evangelion - Bloodlines Children of Project D Genesis 2:0 Immortal Arrogance A rescue team scoured the rubble doubting they would find anyone alive, the force of the blast from the school had been enough to destroy it... Utterly They where thankful that so far they hadn't found any of the children... If any of their bodies had survived that was... Poor bastards, they didn't stand a chance... The work was slow... The agents refused to believe that everyone had died and continued to make them look... The rain started to fall... The rain was cold and heavy, it stung with the force that it came down at... Still, the agents told them to work on... It was getting harder now the rubble was wet... One of the workers slipped and cut himself on a jagged piece of metal, another worker ran to his side and helped him to a nearby medic... Hours passed slowly and an alarm was gave out... an angel was attacking... Ritsuko was asked to remain by one of the agents and nodded sadly, it wasn't like she had any real choice when she had already been ordered to remain at the scene An explosion rocked the area following something streaking down from the sky... Not only was the angel late but its aim was off... Half of the workers ran, not wanting to get killed during this incident, the rest continued to dig away the rubble out of fear that the agents would kill them... A few minutes passed and another explosion rocked the area, a woman shouted something about uncovering an arm... A few more people ran to her side and helped her shift a couple more chunks of rubble... a man lay beneath the rubble... Poor bastard must have been killed when the building collapsed on him... He was even still bleeding from a small cut to his forehead... Still bleeding? The woman that found him quickly checked his pulse and stepped back in amazement as his eyes opened... How he had lived was beyond their comprehension... He muttered something weakly and started to struggle free... A few of the workers stepped back in surprise as he managed to lift a large block from his legs and throw it to one side, he slowly climbed to his feet... A giant of a man... He looked around before falling to his knees in tears, calling out the name of a girl... Probably his daughter... A man quickly passed him his jacket The rain was getting heavier still... The woman that found him quickly took his hand and led him to a shelter that had been set up, how he had survived this was unknown... One person praised his god for sparing at least one life in the incident... The woman quickly reported to Ritsuko about the mysterious man and ran back to the ruins of the school to get back to work... Ritsuko walked into an almost empty shelter that had been set up in case they found any survivors, a man lay under a couple of blankets shivering and crying She waited for a second as he called out the name of a girl... The worker had mentioned something about this... She had thought it was his daughter or something... Ritsuko sat next to the man and waited for him to notice her... The man was familiar... Very familiar... " Excuse me Miss Akagi, have they found her yet? " " Found who? " Ritsuko was surprised that he knew her name... " My sister, Jane " The man smiled " Your sister? What's her surname? " " You know better than anyone that we don't have a surname Miss Akagi " " Who are you? " She demanded " I thought you would remember me of all people... " " I'm sorry, you look familiar but I can't recall who you are " " Jonathon... Or according to the records the Delta child of the D-Project " " My god... But... Your dead " " I should be, but I'm not... " " What happened to you? " " I can't say... You wouldn't believe me anyway... " " Try me... " " Look, I don't want to speak about it until I see Jane... " " Was she with you when... " " The building exploded on me as soon as I appeared... She was by my side at the time... Got knocked out... It hurt like hell... " " I'm sorry... There's pretty much no chance that she lived it... " " Then there's no reason for me to stay... " Jonathon climbed to his feet and carefully brushed down the shredded remains of his standard issue vest " You need to rest... Maybe she'll turn up later? " " Sorry... But we had a lot of time together and we got real close... it got to the point where I could tell how she felt as long as she was within a kilometre... " " You could feel her presence? " " Not just that, I could tell what she was feeling - I knew when she was lonely or hungry, upset or hurt... I can't feel her around now... " " I didn't know... " Ritsuko hugged him gently " What are you doing Miss Akagi? " Jonathon asked surprised " Comforting you... You know better than anyone that she... is no longer with us " " All I want is to get washed and dressed... I'm half starved and I'm tired... " " It obviously hasn't sunk in yet... " Ritsuko sighed " Miss Akagi... I'd prefer it if you didn't keep on about this... " " If you wish... For now we should go and get you some new clothes... " " We? What do you mean, we? " " We as in me and you, you'll need my help to get around considering you are property of NERV " Ritsuko smiled " You can't prove that " Jonathon chuckled " Retinal scans, finger prints... DNA if we have to... You are the property of NERV " " Lets just do those tests now then... " Jonathon smiled " We have to get back to the main facility to do that but... " " But what? " " There might be some trouble... We officially classed you as dead for a second time... " Ritsuko sighed " Second time? Oh yeah... I remember... " " From now on you'll have to be called something else... So SEELE don't know your are back... They seem to want the D-Project children... " " What shall I call myself then? " " Anything you want... " " How about... Screw them, I'm sticking to my name... If they want me they'll have to fight me... And they don't want to do that " " Why not? " Ritsuko looked puzzled " You ever tried to hold back someone who's upset? " " Yeah... It's almost impossible for a group of people to do that... " " Add to that my strength... " " I see... They'll have trouble but they'll sedate you... " " Pass me a sedative of some kind Miss Akagi " " Ok... But why do you want one? " Ritsuko passed a syringe from a medical kit along with a bottle f some form of sedative " Just watch how I react... " Jonathon quickly measured out a large dose and injected himself with it, he watched Ritsuko's shocked reaction " When that takes effect you'll be out for a long time... " She gasped " And how long will it take? " " Not long now... " Ritsuko started to place blankets around him, she watched as Jonathon tensed up and started to glare at her He climbed to his feet and tensed up further, sweat started to run down his face as he struggled to control himself, he smiled at Ritsuko and sat back down " It's not a pretty sight doctor, trust me... they used to think that they could sedate me when I lost it back at the base... " Jonathon smiled " And what happened when they tried? " Ritsuko asked placing a blanket around his shoulders and checking his temperature " I often smashed the place up, they had to resort to shooting me that wasn't very effective by that point either... " Jonathon looked at her directly for the first time " My god... Your eyes... They changed colour " Ritsuko stammered " My eyes can't change from their natural crimson colour " " Crimson isn't natural... They went... Blue... " " Blue? Let me see... " Jonathon started to look around the shelter " Here... try this... " Ritsuko quickly passed him a mirror " Damn... They've turned blue... That can't have happened... " " Well, we better get you to the facility... I want to run some tests... Besides... You need some more clothes... What's left of them won't do you much good... " " Ok... One condition though... " " This better not be anything major... " " You buy me a decent meal, I haven't had anything decent in a long time... " " Ok... It's a deal, you come to the lab and I buy you a decent meal " Ritsuko climbed to her feet and watched as Jonathon slowly climbed to his Ritsuko smiled when she noticed Jonathon had fallen asleep, he was probably half starved by now... She would have to give him something to eat to keep him going He wouldn't really be much good to work with if he wasn't able to stand upright... The driver pulled over to the side of the road and gestured to his accomplice who pulled out a gun and pointed it at her " We where hoping the man would fall asleep, now, Doctor Ritsuko Akagi, you are coming with us to help work for the new SEELE order " " What? No... I won't work for you people... You did killed the children in the school... How could I ever work for people like you " " It doesn't matter what you think... " The man pointed the gun at Jonathon and pulled the trigger, Ritsuko watched in shock as Jonathon sat upright holding his head A thin trickle of blood ran down his forehead and dripped off the end of his nose, tears ran down her cheeks, how could they shoot a sleeping man... " Fuck...Ouch... Fucking bastard... Who shot me? " Jonathon moved his hand revealing a tiny cut where the bullet had been deflected by his skull " My god... " Ritsuko gasped " How the hell... " The man with the gun looked amazed, he pulled the trigger again and watched as a bullet slammed into Jonathon's chest ineffectively " You better hide Miss Akagi " Jonathon kicked the door open and grabbed her by the waist before sprinting away and dumping her in a small stream Jonathon turned back to face the men, bullets skimmed past him... These men where good shots but Jonathon didn't seem too bothered Ritsuko watched as he calmly approached the men as they reloaded their guns, one of them pulled out a machine gun and sprayed him with bullets... Jonathon fell back and hit the road, he rolled to one side and climbed to his feet, he didn't seem to be badly hurt... How did he get so strong? One of the men pulled out a large pistol and started to fire at Jonathon, every bullet making him stagger backwards a little Jonathon stumbled and ended up on his knees gasping for breath, he spat a mouthful of blood out and climbed to his feet again The men both opened fire on him as he tried to keep his footing, Ritsuko watched in horror as he slammed into the surface of the road again... This time he was bleeding... He rolled to the side again and climbed unsteadily to his feet, one of the men had pulled out a large gun... Ritsuko's eyes widened in horror when she realised what it was... an anti tank rifle... She watched as a bullet tore through his shoulder, he roared in pain and put his hand to the injured spot, another bullet slammed into his leg She sobbed as three more bullets where sent through his body without hesitation, blood running down the road like a stream from his injuries... The man walked over with the rifle and placed it against his forehead... Ritsuko jumped up from the ditch and ran toward the men screaming for them to stop, they turned to face her and kicked the lifeless form on the ground She fell to her knees and tried to wipe away some of the blood with her lab coat, Jonathon opened his eyes and smiled, he stroked her cheek gently... His arm landed lifelessly in a pool of his own blood and his eyes closed as he breathed his last... Ritsuko's tears ran down her cheeks and splashed off his face He had gave his life trying to protect her... One of the men slammed a gun into the back of her head and all went dark... She opened her eyes after an unknown time staring at the night sky, paramedics surrounded her... Misato was by her side... " What happened? " She asked softly holding Ritsuko's hand gently " SEELE tried to kidnap me... Jonathon tried to save me but they shot him... " " Jonathon? You mean the English soldier that was killed a while back? " " Didn't you see his body? " " I was one of the first here and all I found was you and the two mutilated bodies of the drivers... We found that they where connected with SEELE... " " They killed Jonathon... He tried to save me but they kept shooting at him... " " Ritsuko, no other bodies where found, all we can find currently is the limbs of the two men... What ever happened to them... " " What? " " Someone had a big firefight here... Very one sided, they even fired off an anti aircraft missile that pretty much destroyed the area... " " A missile? " " Yeah... Only the area behind what was hit was untouched... And that includes where you where lying... " Misato sighed " And what happened to Jonathon? " " Ritsuko, he's long dead, he can't have been here... " " We found him in the wreckage of the school though... " " No one could have survived that blast... " " He kept asking me about Jane... " " Jane's also long dead... " Misato sighed " Excuse me, Major? " A man approached Misato " What is it? " Misato sighed " We found this dog tag... " The man passed a half melted dog tag to Misato " Ok... Thank you " Misato put the tag aside " Aren't you going to see who's it is? " Ritsuko yawned " Oh... Ok... " Misato held the tag in front of her face and turned pale " What is it Misato? " Ritsuko asked trying to stay awake " That's... Jonathon's tag... It has the exact details... " Misato stammered " I told you... But they killed him... He died before my eyes... " " Damn... This is going to end up with a full inquiry... " " Why? " " Jonathon is still our property... Gendo's going to want him back... " Ritsuko nodded slowly and allowed herself to drift into a deep sleep... She didn't want to have to deal with this right now... It was too much for her... A pair of crimson eyes glinting in the darkness of a maze of corridors, a cruel chuckle drifted down the ventilation system sending shivers through everyone... Kat was training yet again... He was going for psychological warfare this time... Why he needed to learn more about scaring people was beyond everyone, he already knew how to do it with ease - just talking to someone was intimidating... It wasn't that he was big or scary like that... he was skinny and as such not very impressive... It wasn't his appearance alone either... his features where cruel though It was his voice and his body language, he stood in such a way that he was always open to attack but always ready to defend himself if someone made a move He could easily read the way someone acted to see how strong they where in comparison... The one person that could stop him was his creator... The only person he would really listen to without too much bother... His voice while it was natural and relatively normal was always filled with pure hatred for anything that moved, he couldn't speak without showing contempt He sometimes chuckled in a manner that really scared the hell out of everyone that heard it... It wasn't nice to know he was watching you either... Many people had been watched by him and panicked when he wasn't intending to do anything... Others had done nothing when he intended to do something... Kat - A remorseless killing machine, barely controllable and efficient enough to take out anything he is ordered to... The most accurate summary of his abilities... Yet... Despite being evil, vindictive and pushing other people so that they would believe killing was fun... He was sometimes almost human... He actually cared about a handful of people... Leona sighed and put Kat's file on the desk next to her as he climbed out of the nearby ventilation duct... He smiled and pulled a chair up " What's wrong? " He asked confused " Shouldn't you be training? " " I'm taking a break... Besides, I have some news... " " News? " " Yeah... they haven't got this on file cause they don't want you to hack the database and find out before they want you to know... " " What is it? " Leona yawned " They found Jonathon " " They what? He's dead though... " " I heard this while I was crawling through the restricted area... " " You got in? " " Yeah, easy when you have the right tools... " Kat smiled " They found Jonathon? " " Yeah... He killed two of the agents after they shot him up... They where intending on taking Ritsuko at first but they left her when they saw Jonathon... " " Shot him up? " " Yeah... All I caught was that they hurt him badly with some very heavy weaponry... He actually got back up and killed them before collapsing... " " So were is he? " " I didn't hear that... I think he'll be in the restricted area... " " But the Delta type are there... We can't get past them... " " What about that one you know... I think you called him Five... " " I'll see if he can help... " Kat looked bemused when Leona pulled out her cell phone, he noticed that Five's name had a little heart next to it... She had even taken the time to put the name five and not just the number... " Well? " Kat sighed when Leona nervously waved her finger over the button " Sorry... I can't... " Leona put her phone aside " I will then... " Kat grabbed the phone and tapped a button " Hey! " Leona looked shocked " Hi there sweetie " Five obviously talked with her before... " Sorry, I'm not your sweet... " Kat raised an eyebrow and chuckled " How did you... What do you want? " " We heard that Jonathon... I mean the original child Delta was brought back here... We want your help to get to him... " Kat smiled " I'm sorry but I don't know what you're talking about... " " Oh... Its simple, we need to get into the restricted area and you can get us in there " " Put Leona on please " " Will you help us? " " Please... I want to talk with Leona " " Fine... " Kat casually passed the phone over " Sorry about him... He grabbed the phone while I wasn't looking... " Leona sighed " Ask him Leona... " Kat growled " Ok... Will you help us with this please? " Leona sighed " Well? " Kat asked seeing her fall silent " He said yes... Now, will you go? I want to talk in private... " Kat sighed and climbed back into the vent, he smiled and scuttled along toward the restricted area again... He was going to see if he could find out anything new... Shinji walked with Misato into the medical facilities, he had been told that it would be best if he went with her to pick Asuka and Rei up... He started to think about the most recent angel... They hadn't needed to fight it... The technicians had managed to take control of one of the assassins' and had been able to get it to take the angel out for them... One shot from a blade mounted in its wrist and the angel had been knocked off course... A second shot wasn't needed... The angel was doomed... The assassin had something about it that allowed it to destroy an AT field without effort... The blade was able to keep that property as well... The angel had tried to drop itself on them being a living bomb but that one shot had made it land in the ocean without power... They had already sent a team out to recover the body of the angel and bring it back for research... Asuka was standing at the door already dressed and ready to go " I see you had to bring this idiot along " She sighed when she noticed Shinji " Asuka, he dropped everything just to come and see you today " Misato sighed " Is it true what I heard about the school? " Asuka frowned " Depends on what you heard " " That it was blown up, all the kids in it died " " I'm afraid so... SEELE are the ones responsible for this... " " SEELE? Didn't they get destroyed? " " That's what we thought... They obviously have someone new guiding them... " " Are you ok Asuka? " Shinji asked picking up the bag with her things in " I'm fine, just extremely bored of being able to do so little " " Is Rei ready yet? " Misato yawned " She's ready, she's sitting on her bed waiting to go " " Oh... Can you tell her to get moving, we have to get going already " " She's coming with us? " Asuka looked disgusted " Why not? I actually had Shinji go to some trouble for you returning " " What? " Asuka looked confused " You'll see... " Misato sighed Asuka quickly ran back into the room and muttered something to Rei, Rei looked up and nodded before walking out holding what little she had Asuka sighed, she knew this was going to be a long day... Kat scuttled along the ventilation ducts and through the restricted area, he quickly checked every room he passed hoping to find something new... One room was darkened... Someone was in there but the room was without light... Kat peered in hoping to catch a glimpse of what lay inside... All he could make out was a large shape... A man... But that was all... The room was too dark... Way too dark... He quickly judged the situation and removed the bolts holding the vent cover in place, he made sure that one bolt was in at least to hold the cover... He slipped into the room without a sound, fluidly and without error... He was almost like liquid in a way - If there was a gap he would get through it... The large form turned to face him, obviously it was more accustomed to the gloom around it, it had been in the room longer... Something was wrong though... it was different to Jonathon... Kat edged forward to see a clawed hand swipe at him, he staggered back holding his chest and drew a knife from the remains of his jacket... The thing stepped forward and swiped again, Kat effortlessly ducked and plunged the knife into its wrist... It didn't even flinch... It grabbed him and lifted him to head height, its red eyes glinting with malice only matched by his own, it brought one knee up sending him flying... Kat arched through the air and landed on his back, he coughed and brought his hands up to his chest where it had hit him... It walked over to him slowly and picked him up by the neck, it started to squeeze slowly... Kat kicked out a few times helplessly before it slammed him into the wall The creature paused to think, without letting him go it walked to another wall and slammed him into it repeatedly, the wall starting to give way under the pressure... The creature slammed him into the wall one last time letting him go as it did so, the wall crumbled and Kat fell onto the cold corridor walkway What ever it was it was strong but now he had light... If only he could get up... It stepped through the hole in the wall, now he could see just what it was he wished he had remained in the dark room... It wasn't pretty... It was human in shape but that was it... It had red eyes, just like him but it was heavily built... Overweight even... its skin was leathery and blackened... Why the hell was it dressed in the remains of a lab coat and ripped trousers? Kat weakly grabbed on to its foot as it walked away, it turned to face him and grabbed him again... this time it slung him over its shoulder... The corridor beneath him swayed unsteadily as the creature carried him along the walk way, armed guard tried to stop it but where batted aside... A door opened and a the thing dumped him on top of a work surface of some kind... He watched as it walked toward... Jonathon... He was unconscious and strapped to a table of some kind, people where taking various readings from him... They looked at the creature and ran... They obviously knew not to fight with this thing... It broke into a fast paced run and slammed its shoulder into Jonathon's chest causing him to groan in agony and wake up, he struggled weakly to break the restraints... The creature started to attack him with its claws, it knew he couldn't fight back and was taking full advantage of this vulnerability... Kat noticed a gun just outside the door... It belonged to one of the guards that had tried to stop this thing... He slipped from the table he was on and crawled to the door His hand fell across the gun... A large pistol of some kind, he knew what it would be normally but he couldn't recall at this point... He crawled back into the room and took aim... he squeezed the trigger slowly... The creature turned to face him when the gun went off, he had hit it but hadn't even hurt it again... It turned back to Jonathon and dug its claws into his chest Jonathon opened his eyes slowly and struggled to break the restraints, Kat could swear that Jonathon's eyes had turned blue... Kat took aim again, this time at the restraints... He sighed and dropped the gun, he couldn't keep it steady... he would only hurt Jonathon more... The thing continued to assault Jonathon while he was unable to fight back... Kat grabbed the gun and took careful aim... Jonathon shuddered as the bullet hit his arm, it didn't even penetrate his skin... How strong was he? He was still unable to break the restraints though... Kat climbed to his feet and staggered toward the door, an intercom system was set up here... He quickly tapped on it to find it wanted a pass code... He smiled and repeatedly tapped in the wrong code... An alarm was activated and footsteps could be heard in the corridor... He smiled and steadied himself Armed guard in light body armour burst into the room and looked at the creature before requesting that backup was sent... The familiar face of five was among them... He grabbed Kat and picked him up before carrying him outside and resting him against the wall " Are you ok? " Five asked pulling out a first aid kit " Just peachy " Kat smiled " Anything broken? " " Only my concentration " Kat coughed " What where you doing here? " " Looking for something to eat " " Are you going to co-operate at all? " " No " Kat chuckled " I really should help them hold that thing off... " " Then help them, I'll watch... " Kat smiled, a scream was heard as well as gunfire... Five climbed to his feet and ran into the room with his gun drawn, he fired off a few shots and backed out again... the thing was after him... Kat tried to trip the creature as it passed but it merely kicked him aside... He could hear Jonathon pleading with the remaining guard to let him go... He actually thought he could take this thing on... A few more gunshots where heard from the direction of five as he tried to hold the thing back, it was still advancing on him relentlessly... Kat pulled out a knife and threw it at the thing, it slammed into its back... The thing turned around and started to walk back toward him... Kat watched as it pulled the knife from its wrist and the knife from its back and cast them aside, five dived onto its back and wrapped a wire around its neck... The thing turned its back to a wall and slammed five into the wall repeatedly... He let go and slipped to the floor, still conscious but unable to fight... The thing stood before him and started to reach for him... A war cry from the other room and a man dived into the creature slamming it into the wall The creature cast the man aside with ease, it turned back to face Kat... A massive man walked from the other room... Jonathon... He stood between Kat and the creature, blood dripping from the wounds he had taken Kat was dragged backward by one of the men who was still able to do anything, the man started to administer first aid to him again... Jonathon roared in a bestial manner and dived onto the creature pinning it to the ground, a barrage of punches followed in a frenzied attack... The creature tried to fight back, it hit him across the face and he stopped Jonathon drew one fist back while breathing heavily and slammed it into the creatures' chest, the creature shuddered and lay still... Jonathon drew his bloodied hand from the creature and climbed to his feet, he raised his hand and roared again, the guards backed away uncertainly... They where obviously even more scared of him than they where of the thing he had just killed... What had changed to make him this strong though... Jonathon walked toward Kat slowly, in such a way that he scared him... He was too powerful to take on and he was approaching in an ominous manner... A feeling of dread overcame him as Jonathon neared and he scuttled away as quickly as he could... Jonathon had cornered him though... Jonathon thrust the bloodied hand forward, outstretching it to help Kat to his feet... " I'm sorry, I didn't know I scared you " Jonathon smiled " I thought... " " I know, I would have thought the same given the circumstances " Jonathon smiled Kat lifted his arm slowly and allowed Jonathon to grab hold of it, he was quickly but gently pulled to his feet... Jonathon smiled and started to walk away Some of the SEELE guard tried to stop him... Jonathon batted them aside in such a manner that they where killed instantly... Five walked to Kat's side and grabbed his shoulder " That's the man we where based off and we can't even stand up to him in anyway... " " Live with it, we can't either " Kat chuckled " We have to keep him here... And he just killed two of the people that tried to stop him without even batting an eyelid... " Five sighed and sat down " That's cause he is the real thing, you're nothing but a clone based off him " " He's been engineered too " Five growled " Only as so far as been an individual, he's no clone... " Kat yawned " We have to report this to our creator... " Five sighed " Go ahead " Kat chuckled and limped away Misato, Shinji, Asuka and Rei walked up to Misato's apartment carrying various bags of groceries and a few packs of beer to replenish the dwindling stock... Asuka had been even more silent than Rei the entire journey... Maybe she was a little uneasy about going back to day to day life hearing that all her school friends where pretty much dead... All that remained was Hikari, Toji, Aida and Shinji... A few other kids had probably been traded but they where the only ones of real noticeable or significant value... Misato felt a little sorry for Ritsuko, only now did she know what her daughter truly meant to her and she couldn't do anything to save her... Leona had been the thinker behind the entire incident but she had been very unwilling... The photographic evidence clearly showed her injured... She had been used as an expendable messenger as well, despite the fact she had been the only thing that had gave them an edge... The beatings... Misato cringed when she thought of the amount of damage such a young girl had sustained and fought through... Asuka tapped her on the arm and gave her a concerned look, Misato smiled and continued to walk toward her apartment... A young girl was stood at the door... She was familiar yet... The girl flicked back a couple of strands of blonde hair and turned to face Misato, she walked forward and smiled a little as she closed the gap... Misato stepped before Shinji, Asuka and Rei and put one arm out to prevent them from getting past her, she reached inside her uniform and pulled out her gun The girl stopped smiling and stopped where she was standing, Misato advanced on her still pointing the gun at her... Misato quickly searched her... Unarmed... The only thing of any significance she found on her was a locket with Jonathon's picture in it... It looked like one of a pair... Misato continued to look at the locket for a minute before the girl got agitated and snatched it off her, Misato placed the gun to the girls' head " I'm the one with the weapon here " Misato snarled " Keep your hands off my locket " the girl sobbed " What do you want? " " I want my brother back... " " Brother? " " Yeah... he means everything to me... " The girl glanced at Rei " Why do you have a picture of him? Why not a boyfriend? " " I'm just worried he'll go with her... " The girl glanced at Rei again " Who are you anyway? You're really familiar but... " " I'm usually referred to as bitch " " What's your name? " " Jane... " Jane smiled slightly " But you and Jonathon are dead... " " That's what you thought... " Jane sighed and started to lean against a nearby wall " How did you survive? " Misato asked putting her gun away " We didn't " Jane chuckled " Stop messing about, I want to know how you survived and how you got back " " If I really knew then I might tell you... " " Where were you? " Misato asked opening the door to her apartment " I don't know... For a while we lived near a beach of some kind... " " That really helps... " " I don't think we where in this world anyway... " " You don't? " Misato watched as the other children walked into her apartment " No... we can't have been... I was stronger than Jonathon was... " " Maybe he was weakened? " " I mean it as in, I could pick him up and throw him, then catch him without effort " " That doesn't sound possible... " Misato looked surprised " Why not? " " Do you know how much someone like him must weigh? " " He's heavy, I know that much... " Jane smiled, she was still standing outside the apartment... She quickly placed the locket around her neck and sighed " You may as well come in... " Misato stepped aside allowing Jane to walk through " Have you heard anything of Jonathon? " " Yeah... He saved Ritsuko's life but he was hurt badly... " " He's alive? Where is he? " " I don't know... I think SEELE have him... " " Isn't there anything you can do to get him back? " " SEELE have turned into an unstoppable elite force recently... " " Give me a chance to get in there... I'll save him... " " What can you do? From what I have been gave to read you where a failure in comparison to the others... " Misato sighed " I am no failure... " Jane growled, Misato stepped back in surprise " Then why are you weaker than the others? " " Cause my speciality lies in another area... " Jane smiled " What area? " Misato glanced into the kitchen to see Shinji trying to sort out lunch " I don't know how to explain it... " " If you say so... Do you want to stop for something to eat? " " No thanks... I don't want to impose... " " Come on, I had Shinji sort out something for Asuka and Rei leaving hospital... " " I have to find Jonathon... " " Can't you stay for a while at least? You look like you could really do with something to eat... You look half starved... " " I'll live... " Jane sighed " Why won't you stay? " " Need to save Jonathon... " " I see... If you stay for a while then I'll have someone drop you off wherever you want... Save you walking it... " " I guess... I'm not very good company though... " " Shinji, set an extra place for our guest would you? " Misato shouted " Guest? You where pointing a gun at her earlier... What are you thinking? " Shinji whined, he walked out and looked at Jane for a few seconds " I made a mistake... I thought that she was a threat... " Misato smiled " Oh... Ok... " Shinji sighed and walked back through " You want to get freshened up or anything? " Misato smiled at Jane " No... I'm clean and alert as it is " " Oh... If you say so... Need new clothes or anything? " " Stop trying so hard to be nice, I feel really out of place as it is " " I was just trying to help you... Your clothes do need replacing... " " Just cause they are a little shabby doesn't mean they need to be replaced, anyway, this is body armour that I'm wearing... " " Body armour? " " Yeah... The material on it doesn't matter... " Jane smiled and ripped the arms off her jacket showing two shoulder pads under the fabric " I see... So that's just a layer added to make the armour look like clothing... " " Exactly... When it needs to be it can be replaced... " Jane yawned Misato walked to one side of the room and sat on the sofa, She gestured to the other place when she noticed Jane hadn't moved " Come on, with the speed Shinji is going dinner will take a while longer... " " Oh... I guess... " Jane sat in the vacant place and folded her arms " How did you live on a beach and not get a tan? " Misato was surprised to see that Jane was just as white as ever... " Cold climate... Just how I like it " Jane smiled " I see... So you where raised in a cold environment... " " Yeah... Very little heat... Was kept that way to keep the computers cool... " " Oh... Do you like the sun at all? " " No... I hate it... I can't burn cause of my genetic makeup but I'm not really that heat tolerant... Almost passed out once when I went in the sun... " That's bad... You should really be able to enjoy yourself... " " Doesn't bother me... Enjoying myself isn't really needed... " " So what about if you get stressed? " " Stressed? " " You haven't been stressed or frustrated? " " Frustrated? I'm sorry but I don't know what you mean... " " You ever been annoyed with someone? " " All the time... Kats' always annoying me... " " How does he annoy you then? " " He just doesn't understand that you want space of your own... Jonathon always respects your feelings and gives you space when you want it " " Jonathon's too... Nice... he's always polite to everyone... " " That's his nature... He's always like that... " " Little creepy if you ask me... " " You find it creepy? " " Yeah... He's always ready to drop what he's doing if you ask him to... " " If you ask him he'll usually do anything just about... If you order him to do the same thing then he tends to get offended cause he would do the same if asked... " " Jonathon is easier to work with if you just ask him to do something? " " Yeah... He'll do anything more happily if asked to... " " So what about the rest of you? " " Kat's psychopathic and emotionally unstable according to something I read... He's actually more stable than you would believe... He's just evil... " " Kat's a little bit unstable... " " Leona is a little weird... She has no interest in people unless they are intelligent and interested in computers... Just like her... " " Leona was a nice enough person... " " She did try I guess... " " So what about you? " " I don't like to talk about myself... I've made more mistakes than the other three put together... Jonathon makes very few because he learns from his... " " You don't learn from them? " " Well... I do learn from my mistakes and everything but I just don't take note of them and try to learn from them... Make the same mistake again and again... " " I see... Where you happy with the way you lived before? " " Yeah... I miss where I was brought up... " Jane smiled slightly " Oh... I see... " Misato sighed " Why do you ask? " " So we took you from where you lived and forced you to... " Misato sighed " It doesn't really matter anymore... " Jane sighed " Why not? " Misato held one of Jane's slender hands gently " At the rate people go we'll all be killed cause no one can really get anything done " " You don't have much faith in people do you... " " No, why should I have faith in people that are just as fickle as me? " " Not everyone is that bad you know... " " Really? So why do people kill each other over petty disputes? " " That's called being human... " " I don't want to be human... " Jane growled " It's better than being an animal... " " At least an animal knows where its place is " " True... What about the lower level of intelligence they possess? " " Who cares, if I where less intelligent then I would probably be happier with myself " " Tell me one thing that's wrong with you that is really serious " " I don't have time to choose one... " Jane smiled " Don't give me that, everyone has flaws but there is always one that stands out above all else, to know yourself you have to know your weaknesses " " Wow, you almost sounded intelligent then " Jane chuckled " Don't mock me girl " Misato growled " Come on, lighten up, its not often I get to joke about anything without getting punished for doing so " Jane sighed " You get punished for joking about things? " Misato looked shocked " Yeah... Why do you think we have trouble with other people? " " I didn't know... " Misato hugged Jane " Don't touch me, I don't feel comfortable about it " Jane growled " I'm just trying to help " " Please... Don't try to help me like that... All I want is Jonathon... " " We'll help you find him as soon as you've eaten... " Misato watched as Shinji walked up to her with a meal on a tray, Asuka did the same and passed Jane a tray " You call this food? " Jane poked the noodles with her fork " It's better than what we normally eat " Misato smiled " I'm not used to food like this... " Jane picked away at the noodles " Just eat it, it isn't like its dangerous... Want a beer with it? " " A beer? " Jane looked surprised " You don't know what beer is? " " I'm just surprised you are trying to offer me something that would dull my senses to go with a meal that I don't like the look of... " " What ever you say... Misato walked into the kitchen and grabbed two beers from the fridge, she walked back into the room and put one next to Jane " I didn't say I wanted a drink " Jane sighed " Oh come on, it's a social drink " Misato grinned " What are you trying to achieve by this? Are you trying to get me drunk? " " Oh... Nothing much, just trying to get you to tell me how you stay so pretty " " Oh... I... See... " Jane turned deep red as she blushed " I was joking, just eat up, you look like you could do with a good meal " " Oh... Ok... I'll try and eat it... " Jane smiled slightly Jonathon staggered down the corridors of the SEELE facility, he slammed into a wall and fell to the ground, he watched as the concrete below him cracked under his weight He rolled over and started to climb to his feet, Kat and Leona ran up to him along with someone who looked similar to him cause of their bodies proportioning... " Are you ok? " Leona ducked down by his side and helped him to his feet " Fine... " Jonathon gently pushed her away and watched as she flew backward knocking over the other man, Kat grinned and walked up to him " I see you got stronger in your absence " Kat grinned " Yeah... " Jonathon swung for Kat and watched as he effortlessly ducked the punch, he quickly flicked his foot out and took Kat's legs from under him Kat looked surprised, he sat up just as Jonathon kicked him in the chest... Five and Leona caught him as he flew down the corridor Jonathon turned away and turned a nearby corner, a group of men where stood there with various weapons, they all took aim the second they saw him Jonathon smiled and advanced on them, they opened fire sending him staggering back, the sheer amount of bullets had pinned him to the wall... He gasped as the odd high-powered bullet slammed into him, usually causing a small cut as it either fell from his chest or grazed his side Above all the noise he heard one of the men order them to aim for his eyes... Jonathon rolled aside and lay against one of the walls gasping, he listened as the men ran toward him shouting orders at each other... Jonathon sprang to his feet and ran into the crowd, most of them dived to one side but a few were slammed into the wall trying to stop him... An elevator lay before him... Jonathon ran into the elevator and hit the controls... Nothing... The elevator had been deactivated... Jonathon looked up and spied a maintenance hatch, he jumped up and punched it... Nothing It had been welded on and had something placed on top of it... He sighed and watched as the men slowly advanced on him Jonathon smiled and jumped again, he flipped in mid air and placed his feet to the top of the elevator, he sprang off the roof and slammed through the floor of the lift Jonathon rocketed downward, he had already managed to reach terminal velocity, he tried to grab onto a cable but it was just out of reach... He groaned as he slammed into the bottom of the shaft, he unsteadily staggered to his feet and climbed out through one of the nearest doors... He staggered along a darkened corridor and into a nearby room, he flicked a light switch and waited... Nothing A team of people with flashlights ran into the room and pointed their guns at him " Either you come with us peacefully or we open fire " The people where dressed in full biological hazard suits... " Can you help me up? I can't feel half my chest... " Jonathon groaned " How did you get here? " " I fell down the elevator shaft... " " How did you get here? " " I have about forty armed guard who will confirm my story if you want to take me to them... And tell them I didn't enjoy them shooting me so much... " " They shot you? You don't look that badly injured " " Shoot me in the chest then " " We can't without reason " " Ok... " Jonathon climbed to his feet and picked up a desk, one of the men shot him in the head, Jonathon dropped the desk on his head and stood there holding his head " He's still standing... " " That hurt... Damn it... It fucking hurts " Jonathon shouted holding his head " My god... How do we kill someone this powerful? " One of the men whispered " Unless you want to try another antitank missile I don't have a clue " Jonathon growled, he took his hand away from his head and licked the trace of blood off it Jonathon staggered forward and watched as the people stepped aside, he paused and turned back to face them he looked at the suits again and smiled " What do you want? " the closest person asked " What is this place? " Jonathon asked looking around " This place was evacuated because of a toxic chemical leak " " Oh... I see... so why no electric's? " " The chemical reacts quicker when it's exposed to unfiltered light " " I see... can I have one of your torches? " " No, sorry but we only have the ones you see here... " " Oh... Ok... " Jonathon turned away and walked out of the room and through the darkness of the corridors around him, he leaned against a wall and sighed What way was the way out? Better yet, how long would it take him to get out? He yawned and quickly picked a direction that looked likely, the only real reason he chose it was cause he caught a glint of light from a sign on the wall... The sign was just visible in the darkness... It said... " Restricted area - Chemical storage " Jonathon read the sign out aloud, he looked around and sighed... No sign of a door or anything... Unless... The door to the storage area must already be open... Jonathon slowly walked into the room, trying to make out anything that would obstruct his progress... It was too dark... Nothing was visible... Something cracked under his feet... He quickly felt the object... Night vision goggles? What where they doing here? Maybe they had feel out of something... A quick feel around revealed an open crate... Another pair of night vision goggles lay within easy reach, he quickly put them on and activated them... Also inside the crate he could make out the shape of a battery pack for the night vision goggles... These ones where a little dim... Maybe he should change them... He quickly grabbed the battery and replaced the one already inside it, he put the goggles back on and tapped a button on the side... A power reading came up Fully charged battery... This was the most vital thing sorted... His sight... He went back to the crates contents and pulled out a few items that resembled body armour... A few arm and leg guards where the first items he found that would fit him, he quickly put them on and pulled out a pair of armoured combat trousers... The vest had to be in there somewhere... He fished out the vest and took the other items off, from the way they felt they must have been designed to go on top... The way the vest fitted him was familiar... The feel of the material... It was familiar but he couldn't quite figure what from... Still, it was better than no protection... He quickly slipped the rest of the suit on and tapped a few of the other buttons on the night vision goggles... A message flashed up telling him to connect them to the suit Jonathon quickly reached around the back and grabbed two lose plugs that where dangling from the goggles and plugged them into the most likely feeling point... A read out appeared on one side of the goggles... Everything about his body's current condition was visible on the read out... He was a little hot according to this though... Nothing that would worry him though, it was all within the acceptable limits Seemed they had designed this entire suit with him in mind... He quickly looked through the remaining items in the crate and pulled out a few handguns... Nothing major but they would save him time and effort... No extra ammunition though... No clips or lose bullets in the crate... Not that he was bothered... Now it was time to get out of here... Why where these items in a chemical storage area though? Maybe they had been put there to keep them safe? The power to the area returned and the lights automatically activated blinding Jonathon for a second before the goggles deactivated themselves Maxamilion was stood at the entrance to the room along with Leona and Kat... " I see the giant finally awoke... " Maxamilion was pointing a handgun at him... " Why do you bother to come here armed? " Jonathon smiled as he pushed the goggles upward, revealing his now blue eyes " Because I heard that you might be a threat... " Maxamilion growled " Your no match for me, not even with a weapon do you stand a chance " Jonathon smiled and stretched, the black armour holding perfectly... " I see you found the new version of the piloting suit... " " So that's why this was familiar... Like the one NERV gave me... " " Not quite... It's a lot more advanced than the one that the fools at NERV provided, I'm sure your aware of that after all... You put the goggles in... " " I just thought it was a little odd to have such a nice item lying around... " " Jonathon, please... Join us... " Leona smiled " Yeah... With you around it'll be like old times again... " Kat chuckled " It'll never be the same... Even if Jane where to join you then it would never be like when we where young again... I've changed too much... " " You haven't changed that much you're still the sweet boy we knew before " Leona walked toward Jonathon, she dropped all her weapons and hugged him " I'm sorry but I'm no longer one of you... " A tear rolled down Jonathon's cheek and dripped onto the concrete floor, soaking in and vanishing within seconds He pushed Leona away and walked into the doorway before pausing and turning back " What is it? " Maxamilion growled still pointing the gun at him " Tell your men to allow me to go without hassle... If one of them causes any trouble... I'll kill everyone in my way before I leave " " Leona... You can take him away from here... Get someone to drop him off as near to the NERV facility as is safely possible... " Maxamilion sighed " Yes sir... I'll do it myself... " Leona saluted and walked to over to Jonathon, she grabbed his hand and started to lead him toward the surface... Misato watched in amazement, Jane was helping the other children clean up after the meal they had just eaten and she hadn't even been asked to She had already cleaned her own plate and washed and put away all the utensils she had used in the meal... If she had been allowed to take Jane instead of Shinji... Shinji wasn't that bad but... He was a little to uptight about his own manners and he wouldn't even take a drink because 'it wasn't right' Jane had complained about having a drink because she was worried about it dulling her senses, unlike Shinji who was just to strict about being 'right' Jane had been uneasy about the entire meal but once she had started to relax she had been fine... Shame Shinji and Asuka had decided to stay in the kitchen Jane walked back into the room and sat down next to Misato, she yawned and smiled a little before falling asleep, resting against her arm Misato smiled and gently slipped aside, she walked to the phone and tapped in a number, a few seconds later and a man was asking her what her security details where Misato gave the agent her details and waited for him to verify them " I need a few people to perform a simple search and recover type operation " " What are the objectives? " The agent was straight to the point " We need to recover Jonathon the Project-D child and bring him to my apartment " " Why to your apartment? " The agent asked suspiciously " Because his sister is hear and she wants our help to find him, if we help maybe they will both pilot for us in return? " Misato sighed " Maybe? You don't have a definite answer? " " Do you want to be the one that tries to pressure her into something she might not want to even consider doing? " Misato glanced at Jane " No, you might be able to ask the Project-D child if he will though " " Lets just wait until we have them both before we ask, how do you think they will react if we put a condition on them getting to see each other again? " " I see your point Major... I'll have a few of our men look for him immediately " Misato sighed as the agent cut the call off, where they trained to intimidate the staff or something? Or where they just trying to keep a reputation? Kat walked along the corridors of the SEELE base waiting for his next orders to come through... He should have got a mission today... Maybe it had been cancelled? No... they had probably been delayed by all the damage Jonathon had caused to the place... He may as well go and train for a little while longer then... Kat quickly sprinted down the corridors toward the training facilities, someone was blocking the way... About his height only... No problem... He placed one hand on the mans shoulder and vaulted over them without slowing up, he landed and rolled, diving at the end to get back on his feet No problem... He was past them and he had barely slowed up at all, the training facilities weren't that much further away either... Kat slowed to a jogging pace as he reached his destination, the area looked pretty full... They must be training in case Jonathon came after them Kat grinned and walked into the room, he looked around and noticed that just about everything was taken up already... Only a few jogging machines where available Hadn't he been banned from them already? Something about how they weren't supposed to reach the kind of speed he was trying to force them to work at? What ever it was it didn't matter, he needed to find something to do before he got bored and started to break all the rules he could to amuse himself One of the women in the area was trying to get someone to spar with her... No one would... They all looked scared of her for some reason... Kat quickly slipped on the sparring gear that was waiting, the woman smiled and started to throw a few punches his way, they where fast but nothing major... Kat dodged the punched effortlessly, the woman didn't look that impressed either... She started to throw faster punches at him... She was fast but still not fast enough... The punches continued to get faster and the woman started to look annoyed... Kat yawned and continued to dodge the punches, the woman was still holding back though... She shouted something and started to throw punches as fast as she could Kat grinned and dodged the punches, to everyone else this probably looked like a blur... He continued to dodge her punches, this wasn't really that fun... One of her punches almost brushed his shoulder as he continued to dodge, he sighed and started to fight back, the woman staggered back as he attacked her Kat watched as the woman lost her balance and fell, she rolled to one side and backed away, Kat slipped the protective gear off and climbed out the arena A couple of people clapped as he climbed out, he didn't care though, it wasn't even enough to be a warm up... He wasn't going to be able to get much done today... Maybe now was a good time to go off and find someone to annoy? Always worked when he needed something to do... And the other person normally got annoyed... Maybe if he did it to one of the people in here he could start training? Kat grinned and walked over to someone who was training with a set of weights... Jane opened her eyes in Misato's apartment... Still in the place she fell asleep... Misato was sat next to her watching TV, unaware she had awoken... Jane yawned and sat up, one of Misato's hands had been resting on her shoulder Misato turned to face her, smiling as she did so " Damn... I should have gone looking for Jonathon " Jane sighed " Not to worry, we sent a few people out looking for him... " Misato smiled " But he'll avoid them or kill them, he won't go with anyone he doesn't trust " " He's pretty big, I don' think he had anything to fear " Misato chuckled " I better go and look for him " Jane sighed " If you really have to go then you might want to say bye to him " " Bye to him? He's here? " Jane looked around the room " Yeah... He was tired when they found him and when he got here all he wanted was to get cleaned up and get some rest... " Misato looked at her watch " How was he when he arrived? " Jane was beginning to look excited " He was in pretty good shape for someone who's been tag with bullets all day " " What? Is he ok? " Jane looked shocked " Yeah, he's just fine, nothing wrong with him apart from a few cuts " " Where is he? Is he in one of the bedrooms? " Jane around again " No... He fell asleep in the kitchen... Just after finishing his meal... " " Sounds like what I did... " Jane smiled " Yeah... Only Rei was strangely talkative... " " Huh... Just like her... " Jane looked disgusted " Just like her? That's very odd for Rei... " Misato looked surprised " Never mind... I just want to see him... Shall I wait until he's woken up? " " He'll probably sleep through until morning... " " Oh... I see... " Jane looked out the window and stared at the night sky " You two are welcome to stay for a few days if you want to " " I'll talk with him about it in the morning " Jane smiled " He's already said that as long as you want to then he would love to " " I see... Ok... I suppose we could do with a few nights in a secure place " " Secure? This place can be described as many things with Shinji and Asuka constantly at each other... I wouldn't say it's secure with them about " " Ok, you've got me there, I know what two fighting teens is like " Jane chuckled " Yeah... Sometimes they both sit there quietly and then one of them suddenly starts them off fighting again... Very little peace " Misato smiled " Kat's a little like that... always one to cause trouble... Mainly when he's bored " Jane smiled and scratched Pen-Pen's head as he got near enough " Kat seemed ok... Sometimes... " Misato smiled and started to make a fuss over her pet as well, she smiled a little when it rubbed up against her hand " He can be a really nice person sometimes, you just have to avoid giving him any stimulation at all " Jane chuckled " Any at all? And what can that cover? " Misato pushed the penguin aside and grabbed her beer, she picked another up and passed it to Jane " Anything from saying hello to giving him anything with sugar in... and that's minimal stimulation, annoying him is a bad thing... " Jane sighed " I see... At least you and Jonathon are nice enough people " Misato smiled " How can you be sure? Jonathon will commit murder if ordered to and I was willing to kill everyone because I thought he was dead " Jane sighed and opened her beer " You often do the most for the ones closest to you " Misato smiled a little " That I can understand... If I didn't have Jonathon then I would have gone insane... He did his best to help me... I might go join him in a few minutes anyway... " " Yeah... You should get some sleep... I have to arrange so home tutorials for Shinji and Asuka it seems... I'll have to talk with Gendo about it soon... " " I envy the home situation you have here, you all seem happy and secure living here, I wish I had somewhere like this to return to every day... " " From what I saw of your records I don't know if you'll need tutorials but if you want them to pass the time... I'll see what I can do... " " I would prefer to work in my spare time... Maybe have a few days to look around, Jonathon told me about how pretty the area you live in looked without people... " " He did go walking about during an angel attack... " " The only thing that Jonathon's scared of is losing me and the others... He cares about all of us dearly... I think its sweet! " Jane smiled and blushed slightly " You look very tired... You should get some sleep... " Misato smiled a little " I'll finish this beer, wake Jonathon and get him to go to bed properly " " He's fine as he is isn't he? " Misato looked puzzled " I suppose... I would feel better knowing he was sleeping in a proper bed though " " You worry about him like that? " Misato looked even more confused " And why not? No one is fully invincible... Even he's got his weaknesses... " " I know that, but worrying about day to day things? " " Jonathon's a great friend and a great warrior but he can't take care of himself, we all help each other with the flaws like that... " Jane blushed " So what about the others? What kind of flaws do they have? " " Well, Kat tends to go over the tope trying to make other people's lives hell... Jonathon always does his best to stop him... " Jane continued to drink her beer " And Leona? What does she seem to lack? " Misato brushed her hair back " Leona tends to forget that people have feelings... Due to her nature she tends to only 'Interact' with people when she wants to... " " And you? Jonathon forgets to look after himself, Kat's psychopathic and Leona is antisocial according to you... " Misato sighed " I'm very bad at organising things, I tend to try and tackle things as one big situation instead of trying to break it down into smaller situations I can handle " " I see... So you all lack the ability to deal with life as it is... You rely on each other to get through life smoothly... I know a few people who should take an example... " " I should really go to bed... " Jane sighed and finished her beer " Yeah... Ok... See you in the morning... " Misato hugged Jane and watched her go to wake Jonathon up, there was a groan and a thud... Jonathon must have fallen off the chair... Misato smiled as Jonathon walked through the door and into the bedroom followed by Jane Jonathon obviously needed sleep but Jane looked fine... Maybe she didn't really need to rest? Maybe she wasn't tired... What ever it was she looked alert... " Where do you think you two are going? " Misato growled when she saw Asuka and Shinji trying to leave without letting her know " Oh come on, the school was destroyed yesterday and you want us to sit around the house after losing all our friends? " Asuka snapped " I arranged for you to be taught by someone last night... " Misato sighed " Yeah, but it'll be weeks before they can start so you may as well let us go " " They'll be able to teach you in an hour... standard school times " " That's not fair " Asuka shouted, she turned to Shinji for moral support " Actually Asuka, it sounds like a good idea, we have to get an education... " Shinji paused when he noticed the expression on Asuka's face " You have to get an education Shinji but you all seem to have forgotten that I have graduated from college already, I don't want to learn your language " Asuka sighed " Asuka, you're under my roof and you can't do anything about that and as long as you are you have to learn cause I said so " Misato snapped Jonathon walked out of Shinji's room looking tired still, Jane was with him and she looked tired too... Jane was holding onto Jonathon's arm... Shinji backed away slightly when Jonathon looked at him and allowed him to walk past without any further delays, Jane walked over to Misato's side and waited " Do you two want to go to the schooling these two are going to? I can arrange for you two to join in if you want " Misato had a slight smile " Yeah, sure, I will if it's ok " Jane smiled and looked at Jonathon " Yeah... Something to do really, I could do with something to do " Jonathon yawned " Ok, that's settled, they'll go happily, why won't you two? " Misato turned back " Maybe we're not freaks like them " Asuka snapped " Freak huh? " Jonathon smiled and climbed from his place, he walked over to Asuka and smiled, he knelt down a little and smiled again " What do you want? " Asuka was obviously getting worried " Hit me as hard as you can, don't worry about hurting me, I've been playing tag with bullets recently, I'm not going to put you through the wall in return either... " " Ok... But you asked for this... " Asuka punched Jonathon in the face as hard as she could and staggered back holding her hand " What's wrong Asuka? " Shinji looked surprised " When I said hit me as hard as you can I thought you would throw a good punch... " " That was a good punch but you have a hard head " Asuka whined " Maybe you should put some ice on that... And get a doctor to look at it " " Didn't that hurt you at all? " Asuka shouted " No, not really " Jonathon stood up fully and stretched " Now you know why Jonathon hates violence Asuka, he hates seeing other people hurt themselves " Jane sighed, she turned to look at Jonathon and smiled " Well, that'll teach Asuka to get worked up enough to hit someone... That's pretty funny actually... " Misato chuckled " Want me to enforce them coming with us to the tutoring Major Katsuragi? " Jonathon stretched again and yawned " Yeah... If you would, we need to get you two some suitable clothing though... You can't go there in your current clothing... " Misato chuckled " What's wrong with our current clothing? " Jonathon asked gesturing to the body armour Jane was wearing and the form of armour he was clad in " Oh... Nothing major... Just not suitable for the schooling session... " Misato smiled " I see... so you want us to wear a uniform like they have to? " Jane sighed " If you would... I could probably manage to get you in without the clothes but... " " Ok, if you want us to wear them then we will " Jonathon smiled " But Jonathon, they wear shirts and... " Jane sighed when Jonathon stared at her " Nothing wrong with that, we don't need to wear armour at all times anymore " " I guess you're right... If anything happens then they are the ones that fight not us " " Exactly, we don't really need to worry anymore " Jonathon put one of his hands on Jane's shoulder and smiled a little, Jane smiled and nodded " Ok... I'll wear the uniform then " Jane smiled and turned to face Misato " Thank you for this you two, lets go and pick you out something to wear " Misato smiled and opened the door, Shinji and Asuka walked out first not wanting to wait Seemed that they didn't want to have to be the ones that got in Jonathon's way... A bullet ricocheted from the wall as they walked down the corridor to where Misato's car lay... The person was after Misato... Jane dived and took Misato to the ground Shinji and Asuka ducked down and cowered next to a support together, Jonathon was still standing up... He looked around checking the nearby buildings... Another shot rang out and Jonathon staggered back holding his forehead, he took his hand away revealing nothing more than a red mark... Jonathon glanced at one building quickly before diving off the side of the open corridor that lead to Misato's apartment... It was a good drop though... Jane quickly grabbed Misato's pistol before she could stop her and peeked over the edge of the corridor wall, she quickly stood up and let off two shots and ducked again Jane stood up again and fired one more time and cursed, she ducked and shook her head and started to think, she knew that a pistol wasn't good enough... The sniper was located too far away to hit easily... And they had a better gun... She quickly stood up and took careful aim before losing off a few more shots... Jonathon was charging at the building without slowing up... He crashed into the side of the building and slammed his fist into the wall, he raised his other hand and repeated the action... Climbing to the sniper no doubt... The sniper quickly looked out the window they where situated at and fired off one shot at Jonathon causing him to fall from the wall he was situated on Jane fired another shot hitting the sniper in the shoulder... The way they cried in pain and their appearance... Leona was the sniper... But what did Leona want? What was she trying to kill Misato? Jonathon watched as the rifle embedded itself into the ground next to him, he picked it up and ran around to the entrance of the building and waited... Jane watched as he charged into the building and through the back exit holding onto Leona by her jacket... She was wearing the one she was raised with... Jonathon quickly threw Leona over his shoulder and started to run back toward the main building, he didn't appear too bothered by what she had just tried... Jane passed the pistol back to Misato and ran down a few flights of stairs, she wanted to see Leona and make sure that Jonathon was unharmed... Misato started to run after Jane, Shinji and Asuka followed her not wanting to be left alone, they pushed each other away when they realised they where holding each other Jane reached the foot of the stairs to see Jonathon sitting a short distance away trying to clean up the injury Leona had taken... She was crying... Jonathon quickly put her arm in a rough sling made from her jacket and picked her up, he sighed and waited for Misato and the other two to catch up with them Jane walked to Jonathon's side and sighed, Leona had passed out... Probably through the pain of her injury... Jonathon growled as blood tricked from the cut on his head He rubbed his head against his shoulder but was unable to reach the cut Jane smiled a little and ran her hand over his forehead, wiping some of the blood away, she turned to face an amazed looking Misato and smiled again It was now plainly obvious even to the least intelligent person around that Jonathon and Jane were different... They had changed too... Misato backed away from them slightly... In their absence they had both became stronger... Jonathon was the most obviously changed, he was much more resilient and powerful than before... Jane though... What ever had change within her wasn't obvious but it could felt... She seemed to emanate some form of aura that gave the impression of vast power... But neither of them seemed to care about their power... It was there and it was unused unless it was needed... They didn't want to be different... But to see them... Jonathon was cradling Leona in his arms to make sure she was safe and Jane was standing by his side, she looked worried about the girl... It was like they where normal in a way... They where vastly different and they only wanted to know their friend would be fine... If Gendo found out about this he wouldn't care about the person inside but more about what they could do... And she had to tell him all this... She felt really bad knowing she was going to betray them like this but she had to... Maybe if she got lucky Gendo wouldn't believe her... Then they would be safe...