Evangelion - Bloodlines Children of Project D Genesis 0:2 Love Lost Jane lay in bed, she was unable to sleep with Jonathon gone - there was a knock at the door but she ignored it " Jane? May I come in? " It was Leona but Jane remained silent Jane sighed as Leona knocked at her door persistently " Fuck off " Jane shouted after a while " Jane we really need to talk " " I said Fuck off " " Jane - this is urgent " " I don't care anymore, without Jonathon here... " " This is about him... " Jane sighed when she heard those words " Fine come in... " Jane sat up in bed, Leona walked into the room in her underclothes " They found him... " " They did? " " Yeah but... " " Is he ok? What's happened to him? " " He's dead... " " No he isn't... " " Jane you have to face it... Even he could die... " " But he was so young... " " He was attacked while he was alone... " " He can fight people off though " " They were terrorists... All of them armed... He didn't have time to draw a gun before they shot him... " " They shot him... Where? " " The back initially... " " Cowards... If I ever find them... " " Then when they tried to carry him off... " " He attacked them... Injuring him was never effective... " " After he had killed a few of them... They shot him again and again... " " Oh god... " Jane began to cry " They didn't kill him even then... " " How could they... He was just a kid... Just like us... " " They beat him for a while... He still hung onto life... " " I'll kill them... Slowly... " " They realised that they were up against someone who was a lot stronger than they expected... " " Murderous Bastards... " Jane continued to cry " They didn't stop beating him until he was unconscious " " No... This isn't fair... " " They found his body along with the security recording... " " He still does them? " Jane's eyes were red " He always did them... for this kind of incident... " " At least we know what happened... " " They found his body... Floating... " Leona sighed and turned away to hide the fact she was crying " They drowned him... He couldn't swim either... " " It didn't matter at that point... He was already unconscious... " " Without him we are weaker... " " Jane... I loved him too... " " I know... It didn't really matter anyway... " " They had a hard time identifying the body because it was so badly damaged... " " Oh my god... I'm going to make them pay for this... " " We don't know for certain if they are terrorists though... They kept talking about bombs and guns and things... " " Then I'll just have to kill anything that moves... " Jane said grabbing a gun from her draw " Jane - stop it, you know that you won't get far " " I don't care... " Jane pulled some fresh clothes on and grabbed a small bag full of other clothes, she threw a few guns in to fill the bag " Jane, I can't let you do this... " Jane looked at Leona " If you really care about him then you would let me do this... " " I can't let you... You know that from what we were taught " " Never let the other children die in vain... as a whole the four are strongest... " " You remember what they said then... " " Clearly... I feel so alone now he's dead... " " Jane... I can't allow you to do this... So you'll have to knock me out... " Jane nodded, she pulled her gun out her belt and smashed it into Leona's face sending her flying onto her bed " I'm sorry... I don't know what I'm going to do from here... " Jane closed the door softly Jane's footsteps gradually grew quiet as she walked down the corridor Japan: Misato sat at the table looking depressed, she had heard how Jonathon died and she was still blaming herself, open beer cans lay around her but she hadn't drank half of them " Misato, tell Asuka to stop picking on me " shouted Shinji " Misato, he started it! " They both stopped when they realised that she hadn't even took any notice of them " What's wrong Misato? " Asked Shinji sitting next to her " It's all my fault... " " You tried to keep him in line, how were you supposed to know he took things like that " Asuka said as she sat next to her " But I could have just ignored what he said... " " He was the kind of person who was destined to annoy someone, " Shinji said putting his hand on Misato's " But I let him go... I wasn't strict enough with him... " " Directly ordering him to get in the car? I think that you doing that to us would have worked... " Asuka sighed " But I didn't wait... I was so angry... At the time I thought that he could get killed and I wouldn't care less... " " I feel like that about Asuka all the time... " Shinji sighed " I heard that... " Shouted Asuka as she dived on Shinji " You two don't seem to understand... " Misato sighed, the phone rang " I'll get it... " Shinji said wriggling from under Asuka Shinji stood there at the phone listening for a second " Well bonehead? Who's it for? " Asuka growled " Misato... " Shinji passed her the phone Asuka and Shinji sat there for a short time as Misato listened to the person on the other end of the phone " Who is it? " Asuka asked Shinji " My father... " " Great... That's all we need... One person dies and now he phones... He phones us - what have we done? " " I don't know Asuka... It must be important if he's phoned up though... " " Must be... " Misato put the phone down without and slumped over the table " What was it about Misato? " Shinji asked softly " I've lost my job... Turns out that Jonathon was very important... Your going to be moved in with other people so you may want to pack your things now... " " They can't do that! " Asuka shouted " They already have... " Shinji sighed " You mean that they are going to split us all up? " Asuka shouted again " What else? " Misato said before slumping over the table again Shinji and Asuka walked away quietly, they weren't going o allow this to happen if they could help it England: " Halt who goes... " A silenced pistol shot went off, there was a short muffled cry as the guard fell to the floor " It's only a matter of time before... " Jane paused, she looked up at the alarm... Hadn't gone off yet... Jane straightened up her top before running down the corridor toward the landing pad, with a little luck she would be able to get the pilot to fly her over to Japan and she wouldn't have to kill him " Excuse me... Jane isn't it? " a guard had managed to get behind her " What do you want? " " Where do you think your going at three in the morning? " " Japan " " Very funny... I think I'm going to have to report this... " Jane turned around and punched the guard as hard as she could " Fuck... " Jane held her fist and started to run again... The alarm went off... Jane turned around to see the guard relaying all the needed details to the other guards, she quickly fired off a few shots hitting the guard a few times and leaving him unable to reach his radio... Jane walked over and crushed it before starting to run again Japan: Asuka watched as Shinji was drove away, they were being separated and kept apart despite how they had protested about it " It's not fair! " Asuka shouted, Misato was sat next to her " There's nothing that we can do about it... " " You shouldn't blame yourself for what happened you know... " " Yeah... I only let a kid walk alone in the dark unprotected... " Misato's attempt at sarcasm was lost on Asuka " Misato... I'm worried about you... We lived together for a few months and you never bowed in like this... You're just so... " " Lifeless... I failed in something really badly this time... Look what happened " " It's useless trying to reason with you, you're convinced that you're to blame for some young kids death when he was the one who refused to back down - No wonder they want to take us away from you! " Asuka stormed back into the apartment and walked out with her stuff " What are you doing? " " I was going to hold them up but now... " Asuka turned away from Misato and sighed " You what! " Misato shouted " I'm just going to co-operate with them instead " " No you're not... Were going to get Shinji... Then I'm going to demand that they give me my job back! " " Uh Misato... " " What? " Misato was worked up about the entire incident now " Their here for me... " Misato turned to see three men waiting for Asuka " A touching speech ex-major but you have nothing to do with this girl anymore, " said the nearest of the men " That's what you think! " Misato kicked the man between the legs, He sank to the floor holding himself " Misato! " Asuka grinned, the other men backed away as Misato and Asuka climbed into a sports car and drove away Maya sat at a terminal, the game Jonathon had gave her was well mad but it seemed a little big for what it was... " Let me see what this really is... " Maya tapped in a command only to receive an error message " A 601 Damn it... What is this? " Maya quickly ripped the data disk out and ran to one of the other people in the area " What is it? " Asked the man she had nearly knocked over " Peter, the magi can't analyse a simple game... One that Jonathon gave me... " " They can't analyse a game? " " No, I don't know why... I tried to look at it after I noticed that the game was a little big for the coding... " " Hold on... " Peter started to tap in a number on a panel " Well... " " Hold on a second... " " I don't know what this is but... " " Wait... Yes this is Peter sharp sir... " " Who is it? " " Mr Ikari, Miss Ibuki has found a fault with something... A game she was gave... Well it's a case of the game Is huge and the size of it for what it is... Well she can't analyse it " " What's he saying? " " He'll assign a person to it... Maybe it's got another function... " " A spy program? " " Maybe... " " Who's he assigned? " " Ayamie Ibuki " " My sister? " " Yes... Didn't she let you know that she joined? " " No... I wonder why... " " Maybe it's a case of her work load... " " Oh... I see... " Maya walked back to her console leaving the disk with the second in command England: " So where do you think the bitch went? " " Maybe she got out the grounds... " " Ok, let's see... " Jane was clinging to the underside of a tank, she was able to hear everything the guards said with a bugging device that she had planted as a young kid Jane smiled as the tank exited the grounds She started to slip... " Mustn't let myself slip... " Jane said to herself, the tank approached a river with no bridge " Let's wait for her to go past in the river " Suggested one of the men in the tank " Ok... " The tank drove into the river and stopped Jane still clung onto the bottom of the tank, she knew that without oxygen she would soon pass out though " How long shall we wait here? " " Just a few minutes... " Jane felt the need to breath settling in, she decided to risk it and escape but... She was trapped! Her clothing had got caught on the underside of the tank Jane started to struggle but she wasn't able to free herself, she started to feel an unfamiliar pain in her chest as the last of the oxygen in her blood stream was used up Jane slipped a knife out and started to hack at the clothing that was caught but underwater she was unable to do it effectively, she hadn't been trained to do this after all She felt her mind clouding as she forced herself to carry on... She hacked away at the last couple of strands and... She was free! But it was too late for her... Jane lost consciousness... all went black... A Man was fishing in the river when... The body of a young girl floated past... She was a pretty one but she was dressed up in combat gear... Probably from the installation up north... as she passed him in the pre dawn light a foolish notion entered his mind The man dived in fully clothed and dragged her out... She was still warm... The man started to perform mouth to mouth on her and... The girl choked " Where am I? " She said unaware of what had just happened " Are you ok? " " I... I guess so... What time is it? " " Bout... Three I guess... Maybe four... " " Then... I've been in there for either two or three hours... " Jane started to get up, the man helped her up " You need to rest and get dry... " " Sorry... If they catch up with me they'll do their best to punish me for this... " " For what? " " I just escaped... Well, I wasn't actually a prisoner but I just broke free... " " You're not a prisoner but... " " Well, I'm important to them... Some kinda soldier - Trained heavily " " I heard that they trained some really tough soldiers up there but a young girl like you... How old are you anyway? " " Fourteen... I know that I look a bit older though... " " We better get in... They probably have a few squads out for you... " " Probably... More like the entire compound knowing them though... " The man scooped Jane up in his arms and carried her back to his home Jane lay in the mans bed... He had been nice to her so far but... " Why are you helping me? " Jane asked as he walked past " Personal... Just say this much, a revenge case " " Oh... They hurt a lot of people... They sent my boyfriend off... To his death... Only a few days ago... " " Like what happened to my son... " " I'm sorry... I didn't know... " " I guess your one of them... " " One of what? " " The D Project children... " " What... How did you know? " " My son was the one who came up with the idea... " " So... I'm nothing more than... I'm a clone? " No... More a... Why should I have to explain what you are to you? " " They told me that I was just a kid... Pretty special kid but just a kid... " " Do you have any scars? " " Yeah... One on my left shoulder... " " Where you were 'grown' it's what they did to get you up to the stage to implant you into a woman's womb... " " I remember... They said that our mothers died in labour... " " They probably killed them... There are six of you right? " " Four " " Strange... Maybe the other two died... " " Other two? " " Never mind... They made to begin with six of you... " " What is it that you have against the place I come from? " " They killed my son after he was of no use to them... " " Oh... So that's what you don't want to talk about... " " No... I may as well tell you now I know what you are... They killed my wife... " " They sent Jonathon to his death... He was the strongest of us... " " So it's true what my son said... " " What? " " One of power one of speed... One of mind one of soul... " " He said that? Well Kat's the fastest of us... Jonathon was the warrior... Leona was the most intelligent... So I must be the 'one of soul' what did he mean? " " He said to me while we worked on you that there was a small thing implemented into you all... Each one of you would develop your own unique powers... " " Why do I find that hard to believe... Only Leona has anything different about her... She can interface with anything electronic with her mind... " " He never told me what you would all develop... He never even told me the genetic template that you were designed from... " " So were unknown? " " You need to rest... " " I want to know! " " You're going to have a hard time getting away if you don't rest " " What? " " You have to rest... I'll drive you to a place where you'll be able to escape when you wake up... " The man handed Jane a drink " I suppose it's drugged... " " Just to help get you to sleep " " Oh well... " Jane drank it and put the cup down The man watched as she slowly fell asleep Japan: Misato walked into Gendo Ikari's office, he guestured to a seat as soon as she walked in " What do you want Miss Katsuraugi? " Gendo was never one for pleasantries " I want my job back! I also want Shinji and Asuka transferred back to my care " She shouted, Gendo was expressionless " That will be all major " Gendo guestured to the door " That will be all? " Misato looked at him stupidly " You have your request... Now go " " Thank you! " Misato hugged Gendo before running out to tell Asuka " That's great, we can live with you again! " Asuka looked back at the office " What is it? " " Uh... You hugged him " " I did? Oh god... " Misato sickened by the thought England: Jane drifted through a dream world... No not a dream world... This was to real... " The sample is ready... Commencing test " Jane looked at some people who were barely visible through a red haze " The samples become aware... What should I do? " " Leave her... She'll remember nothing... " " Ok... So what shall we do? " " Sedate her " " Done... " Jane watched as everything faded out of sight... This time through someone else's eyes... Jane awoke sweating heavily It was unusually bright outside... the sun must be out " Where is she? " A voice rang out " I don't know " " You know all right... We read her tracking tag all the way here... " Jane looked at the only thing she held dear... The bracelet she had always had... " What's in the room back there? " " My bed " " Shall we see? " " Door's locked... Have to find the key " Jane listened as the people in the other room searched noisily... She pried the cover off the little gem on her bracelet... A bug... Jane placed the bracelet on the bedside cabinet and slipped out the window The door opened " Where is she? " " Who? Who is it you're looking for? " " You know full well... That's her tracking device... " " I found it next to the river " " You're lying " " I'm not lying... If she was here I would give her to you " " Really... " " Yes - you know about my track record " " Yeah... I guess we should check the area... " Jane ducked behind a tree and continued to listen The sound of a radio... " No sign of the girl yet... Checking the perimeter... Going to have to kill the doctor now though... " Jane waited for a second before looking around the tree... They had a gun to the man's head... " I can't let them kill him... " Jane realised that she was still weak from the drug " May as well... " Jane slumped to the ground noisily Three men ran along to see her lying there " Target has collapsed " " Then we don't have to much trouble getting her back... " " What the hell happened to her? She looks really badly... " The men picked Jane up and carried her toward the house She lay prone where they put her for sometime before... " Looks like you were telling the truth... " " I told you that I knew nothing " The men carried Jane out... As they got out side the leader spoke " Kill him... He lied to us " Jane opened her eyes and slammed her knees into the back of the person carrying her " Oh shit... " Jane froze, the guards walked up to her with their guns drawn " She posed a threat... We had to kill her " The leader said with an iron face Jane shivered A bullet tore into her leg sending her to the ground, Jane placed her hand against the wound Her eyes started to water, she was unaccustomed to this kind of pain " Ha, this'll be fun... " Another bullet tore into her shoulder Jane lay there sobbing gently to herself " If only Jonathon was here... " She said between gasps of pain " He can't help you now... " The leader levelled his gun with her head He squeezed the trigger slowly Jane covered her face... Nothing She looked at the guards to see... Torn bodies... Blood... " Oh my god... " Jane looked around to see... Nothing... " What could have done this? " Jane tried to get up, the bullet wound prevented this though " Hey - you shouldn't try to do that while your injured " The man ran out and scooped her up in his arms " They were going to kill you... " " I know... They kill everyone who they don't like... " Jane passed out in pain Japan: Shinji watched through the window of his new apartment as Misato's car pulled up " She's probably here to drop my stuff off that I left... " Shinji walked away from the window He lay on his bed and waited for a few minutes... Was that Asuka's voice? It was! Shinji ran to meet them at the door, the man who was looking after him blocked the way " You're not going anywhere " " Hey - They probably came here to pick me up " " I have strict orders not to let you go " The man cracked his knuckles " Move... Before... " Shinji started to shake with rage, the man backed away slightly before punching Shinji in the face " Or what? You'll hurt me? " The man laughed as Shinji tried to climb off the floor " He won't be the one... But I will! " Misato pressed a gun to the man head " Shinji? Are you ok? " Asuka dropped on her knees next to shinji " Huh? What the... " " Shinji? " " Asuka... What the hell... He hit me! " Shinji screamed, he climbed to his feet and swung at the man... Asuka tried to stop him, Shinji almost dragged her into the man with the force of the punch he threw " Shinji... I'll get him don't for this... Badly " Misato said slowly " I doubt it " the man grinned " Shut up... Shinji, get your stuff... Asuka help him " Misato stood there with the gun against the mans head as Shinji and Asuka went into Shinji's room " You know what they'll get up to now don't you? " The man said calmly " Shut up... Another word from you and... " The man fell silent Shinji walked out with his stuff, Asuka walked out and shrugged " We going home Misato? " " Yes we are Shinji... Didn't Asuka tell you? " " She did but... " " You didn't believe me did you! " England: Kat was sat alone... Jane had run away... Leona walked into the room " Kat? " " I'm ok " " I know... First Jonathon dies... Now Jane runs away and we have to kill her... " " I know... I don't know if I could cope though " " Killing Jane? " " We were raised together... Without the others I feel... Alone... " " You and Jonathon never agreed on anything... Just for the hell of it... " " And me and Jane... Well, she was kind to me... When I was upset she would come along and tell me everything would be ok... " " You know... When she was little... Jane asked Jonathon to help her bug all the tanks " " Mr modal soldier? Bet he said no " " Actually... He helped her... Every tank here is bugged... Every jeep and aircraft too... Jonathon never did anything unless he was going to do it properly " " They bugged every vehicle here? " " Yep, nothing got away from them that day... " " Knowing Jonathon they made a memory backup for each one... " " No... No back up or anything, this was before Jonathon got injured... " " Oh... " " Anyway... We have to go get trained... Jane can take us both out without trouble at the moment cause we don't match up to her " " I won't hurt her if I can help it... " " Kat... She will kill you without thought, you have to be able to defend yourself against her... " " Throw a punch at me " Leona quickly threw a punch at her to find Kat had used the momentum to throw her onto his bed " Shit... What the... " " You can't beat me like that... The only person who could beat me was Jonathon, no matter how much you hit him he wouldn't even notice it " " I know... They thought that it was really funny when he broke my arm " " They thought it was funny when he beat me unconscious " " I would still prefer him over anyone else in his place " " Yeah... The best thing was when we wanted to go drinking... " " Yeah - that was funny, never seen a bar keeper look so scared for refusing to serve a kid... When Jonathon found he wouldn't serve us... " " Anyway... Leona... I have to get the training over with... " " See you in a bet then... " Leona walked out of Kat's room... Something seemed wrong... She walked along the corridor to catch a glimpse of... " Jonathon! " Leona ran along the corridor to catch up with him but... Who ever it was... Was gone already " Fuck... That was Jonathon... " Leona walked back past Kat's room as she headed toward the recreation facility Leona pushed the door to the recreation facility... The door was jammed " Shit... She slammed he shoulder into the door and watched as it slid open slowly... Pools of blood and bodies lay across the ground " Who could have done this... " Leona recognised many of the people that she has worked with... " Oh my god... " Leona stopped next to a small teddy... It was soaked in blood but that didn't bother her... It was Jane's... The one Jonathon had got her for one of her birthdays " She left this when she ran away... " Leona knelt down putting her knee in a pool of blood " Jane... " Leona picked the teddy up and held it to her chest " What the fuck happened here? " Security walked into the room " I dunno... I tried to get in and... The door was jammed... I burst into the room to find... " " What's that? " " Jane's teddy... " " We need it as evidence... " " No... this is all I have left of Jane now... She's gone... Jonathon's gone... Without them I would prefer to be dead... " Leon walked out with the teddy in her arms, no matter what she wasn't going to give up this, after all - it was all she had left