Evangelion - Bloodlines Children of Project D Genesis 1:9 Disposable Children Leona lay asleep in her quarters, she was one of the few people that actually had their own, even the other girls had to share quarters with each other She was dreaming, she was dreaming of the time when she was around half her age... A time when she was only seven, something about this time still haunted her... The corridors of the base surrounded her in her dream, they seemed warped but they where still clear in their route... If only this didn't scare her... She felt more like she was her current age yet she looked seven... The developed mind from a girl of fourteen trapped in the immature body of a girl of seven... Familiar people drifted past her in a nightmarish form, some of them she had only met briefly but still remembered them all clearly... Some of them long dead... She walked past a few guards without getting more than a glance from them, they knew her and she knew them, she had higher security access than all of them too... She had never thought of any of this being suspicious due to growing up around it... Nobody ever talked much about the outside world to her either... A sealed lab door lay in front of her, locked by a security level she didn't hold Why did this seem so familiar? Jonathon walked out of room beyond the door, he was being escorted by a few of the security guards and looked pretty sick... She smiled and waved to him only to get a quick glance that showed he wasn't feeling well in return... The guards pushed him on without concern... She quickly ran up to him and started to walk along side, he barely glanced at her before guards asked her to leave him alone... She merely ignored them Jonathon smiled slightly and yawned, he hadn't been allowed to sleep recently due to the level of his training, he was beyond them in every way... " How are you feeling? " Leona asked, her voice sounded as high pitched as it had then... " Fine I guess... " Jonathon's voice was barely audible, he looked so different... At this point he had been around their heights and builds... " You don't look well, are you ill? " " I'm fine... " Jonathon's eyes looked a little sore " Have you being crying? " Leona asked trying to figure this out " No... My eyes just burn " Jonathon sighed " What's happened then? " " I'm not allowed to tell you " Jonathon growled, this was also the first time she had ever seen him get angry, he was usually so laid back and cheerful... " No need to be nasty to me " Leona started to cry, kids where so sensitive... " Will you just leave me alone? " Jonathon snapped, the guards pushed her aside and continued to hurry Jonathon along to some room he was wanted in... They wanted to see him so often these days... He was rarely ever around anymore... He used to spend all his free time with them but all he did now was sleep... Leona sighed and turned back to face the lab door... It was still open... She walked into the room and looked around, there was nothing but a few documents lying around... She picked up one labelled Project-Deadlock It detailed something about human evolution... If this was so important why didn't she remember this now? Did something happen to make her forget? A black skinned hand that's fingers ended in claws fell across her shoulder, she turned to face a beast with deep red eyes, it growled and threw her across the room She landed across a table, the creature loomed above her... It had to be at least eight feet tall... She gasped when she looked at its face, it had human eyes... This thing was a human? Its eyes where red though... They where pale instead of white and where they would normally have another colour they where a deep crimson... The creature paused a second when it noticed that her eyes where red as well... Could it be possible that they where related? She heard Jonathon shout, he must have come back to collect something... The creature turned away and looked at Jonathon, besides being different in the obvious ways this thing looked human... It growled in a bestial way and walked toward Jonathon Jonathon started to edge away as the creature closed the gap, he picked up a knife and held it in both hands, waving it a little as the creature grew near... Leona looked away as the clawed hand struck Jonathon, she whimpered and turned back... The creature had pinned Jonathon and was tearing into him... He was fully conscious as well... She started to shudder as it left him for dead and walked back to her, blood dripping from the talon like fingers It caressed her cheek before slinging her under one arm and walking toward the door Jonathan stood before it holding himself where he had been injured, his eyes glowed softly in the darkness, he slammed his fist into the creature, it staggered back He smiled evilly and ripped Leona from its arm before putting her aside gently, the creature took advantage of this opening and attacked his back He stood up and screamed in anger, not in pain before slamming his fist into the thing again before it could react, he stood there gasping as the thing recovered... It walked up to him and picked him up by the neck, it started to slice him up savagely before slamming him against the wall repeatedly and dropping him in a pool of blood Leona gasped and backed away from the thing as it reached for her, she kicked out in terror, she wasn't so much as inconveniencing it... Jonathon slowly climbed to his feet soaked in his own blood, the creature span round and kicked him in the side of the head... A snap and Jonathan slipped to the floor... His neck wasn't strong enough to survive the impact of the creatures' foot... It turned back to Leona, a smile crossed its face as it reached for her, she backed away under the table and started to shiver as it swept all the content above her onto the floor The table cracked as it slammed one hand into it, another pulled part of the top away, the fact it was bolted to the floor didn't seem to make much of a difference now... Jonathon climbed to his feet again, how he had survived the kick was beyond her... He flicked his head back and grabbed his neck before doing something that made it click... He smiled, blood running down his chin as he did so, the creature roared and slammed its fist into his face... He didn't so much as flinch... It tried again to no avail... Jonathon grabbed its arm and slammed his knee into it, a bone audibly snapping as he did so, he glared at the creature as it backed away, it was as scared as she was... He walked forward slowly until the creature had backed into one of the corners of the room, he raised one fist and slammed it into the creature making it double over He waited as the creature whispered something to him before nodding and slamming his fist through its head... Leona started to run to the door before slipping in some blood... Her head had hit the floor before her mind could register the fact she was falling... She had woken up a few days later in hospital, Jonathon had already started to get bigger when she had recovered... He had done something that should have been impossible... It had been to save her as well... She opened her eyes, the dim surroundings of the SEELE base around her... A new set of clothes on the chair beside her bed... Same dress, different material... She quickly washed and dressed before walking to one of the canteens... The visage of the creature burned into her thoughts... Why hadn't they told her before? Could Jonathon still recall this? If he could, why hadn't he told her about it? Where they trying to protect her by not telling her? Or was there another reason... What had caused it to have eyes like the ones it had? When she thought about it, Rei had eyes like that... She had been created in a lab as well... She still had to read the record on Rei... If she was able to get to them... She looked up briefly as the two people assigned to guard her rushed into the room, they didn't look too happy about her going off alone without them to guard her... " You know that you shouldn't go off alone " The first one snapped " It isn't safe to do so... Someone could have just walked in and... " The second one shuddered, they both pulled a chair and sat beside her " Why do you need to get so close? " Leona asked suspiciously " So we can grab you if you try to run " The first one replied " What's with the dress? " The second one asked staring at her " Would you be so interested if you knew I was blind? How about if I was to tell you I was deaf as well? " Leona growled, she didn't really like the attention " It doesn't bother me, after all, a few others that where created after you suffered similar setbacks " The second one shrugged, he seemed to be telling the truth though... " Similar? What do you mean by that? " Leona yawned " Oh... Things ranging from being blind to being crippled, it's only affected people who have other skills to rely on though... " The first one butted in " What kind of skills? " " Nothing as major as the one you have... Not as powerful either... " The second one smiled, he yawned and looked at the breakfast menu " You seem to able to see and hear pretty well to me... " The first one growled " Look at the camera over there " Leona pointed to a camera that was trained on them " I see... So it was true that you have that power... " " I wouldn't really call it a form of power... " Leona smiled " I don't believe her... " The first one growled " Ok... " Leona closed her eyes and started to undo his body armour " Hey! Stop that immediately " The man tried to slap her but she effortlessly dodged it and punched him in the ribs, all while facing the second guard " Believe me now? " Leona turned back to face him " So you got lucky... " The man growled " I don't have to take that from you... " The first one looked shocked for a second " You could have asked the creator for someone else... " He smiled " You people have me viewing professor Maximilion as merely 'my creator' now... " " So, tell me... I have an allergy, what is it? " The first one was really bugging her... " Look, I don't like to sit here entertaining peoples whims, are we going to see him today or not? " Leona snapped at them angrily, they both looked a little surprised " He'll be asleep still... " The second one laughed nervously " Great... I'm made to be a 'perfect soldier' and my creator seems to sleep twice the time I do... Eight hours is how much a person normally need and he sleeps ten minimum... " " Why don't you give him a chance... He's had a lot of work lately... " " Like what? Creating more abominations in his spare time? " The two guards fell silent A minute passed without sound before one of the guards finally decided to speak " If that's how you view what we are... " He stopped and turned away " Look, I'm sorry... I didn't mean you... It's... Something I dreamed about... " Leona cradled her head in her hands and started to cry " A dream? " The second one put his arm around her shoulders and tried to comfort her " Sounds more like a nightmare to me... " The first one laughed " I'm going to go and train... Why don't you go and do something more interesting? " Leona sighed, she pushed the table back and carefully stepped over the bench " In that thing? The standard uniform was designed for all that... " The first one shook his head and climbed from the table " I'm Iota Two-One-Zero " The second one smiled " I'm Iota One-Nine-Seven " The first one corrected the table " You mean to say, you where both named after me? " Leona laughed " What's wrong with that? " Two looked confused " Males logic I guess... " Leona sighed " Shall we go then? " Two asked slowly " If you insist... " Leona smiled " I still reckon that you fake all this stuff... " One smiled " Maybe so, but if I where you, I would seek medical attention if anyone sprayed you with an aerosol... Could be fatal not to... " " Hey... How did you know that? " One stopped " You tell me... " Leona smiled and walked away " How did you know? " He shouted, he waited for a minute before running after her Shinji lay in his room, he looked up at the ceiling without thought for a short time before Misato walked in, she threw his school uniform over him and walked out She was going to cook tonight... Maybe it would be a good idea to get hit by a car or something? Probably more healthy... Even he could cook better than she could... Shinji started to climb out of bed, he wiped a few beads of sweat from his forehead and started to complain aloud about the heating being too high Misato walked back in, she quickly took his temperature and walked over to the phone mounted on her wall, she tapped in a number and waited for a second... After a short time had passed she started to talk with someone in hushed tones, she put the phone down and walked over to him again " You're not going anywhere like that " Misato sighed " I don't have to go to school? " " No, you're obviously not well " " Oh... So what about dinner tonight? Are you going to end up calling it off? " " No, you can help me prepare it " Misato smiled " Are you sure that's a good idea? " " You'll be past your contagious stage now " Misato walked out with a slight smile Shinji sighed and curled up in bed, he didn't really want to have to do this... William was sat in class, school had just started and Hikari was arguing with the teacher about the removal of them bowing before working He didn't really care, it was just an added annoyance, Toji and Aida ran past the teacher and to their places, late again... At least this teacher didn't seem to mind... Toji turned around, looking for Shinji, he turned to fade William and paused " Unless you have something to ask, would you mind getting out of my work space? " " Where the hell has Shinji got to? Have you seen him? " " No, I don't really care either... " " Your attitude is really annoying me... " " You want to make something of it? You know what happened last time... " " That was last time, you got a lucky hit in while I was open... " " I'll take you any day... " William sighed " We'll see... " Toji sighed A small handpicked task force where being briefed on a plan devised some years ago by Kat, the original plan had been revised and brought up to date for the current mission... The idea was to take a group of hostages and ransom them off one by one for various things of value... They would keep a few of the more important ones till last... They would be used as insurance just in case the other side tried anything... The original plan was an evil work of genius, the details on how to execute it where amazing... The new objective on the plan was to attack the school... They could execute one or two of them when they where bored, ransom the important one and in the end, they would be in a position of power over NERV... All this had to be kept to a schedule, once they called for backup they only had a short time to get everything out of the area... Five minutes maybe... Leona looked out the window of the van, why they had chosen this was obvious, inconspicuous and easy to get into the school grounds... She quickly checked her body armour and weapons... All in order... She was in charge of the operation and she had to make sure that it all went according to plan... There was a small list of things that she was to ask for and a small list that she wanted... They would have to list or... Leona paused, the van ground to a halt and the driver started to argue with a security agent... One of the NERV ones... Another walked around to the doors... A burst of gunfire tore into the hapless man as he opened the doors, he slammed into the ground and another gunshot signified the other agents demise... The main body of people poured out of the van and headed toward the school, NERV agents tried to slow them but where felled before realising what they where against... Leona walked toward the school, one or two kids had been killed trying to escape... Not that that really bothered her... She walked to the door and looked at a stream of blood Never was clean doing a hostile action like this... She walked into her old classroom and looked at the kids with a smile on her face, she listened as gunfire signified the deaths of all the kids of no real value... All the important ones would be herded here soon... One or two would be hiding still... All of this had been achieved in just over a minute... Toji and Aida looked up from under their tables in shock before trying to approach her, they where both beaten to the floor and left before her " Leona? You're going to get us out of here right? " Aida asked still not aware that she was the one leading the attack " Is Shinji here? " Leona asked kneeling next to him " No... He didn't turn up today... " Toji sat up and smeared blood across his face " Hmm... Did William show up today? " " Yeah... That's him hiding at the back " Aida pointed to William " Thank you... " Leona walked over to William and kicked him " What do you want? I never did anything to you... " William backed into a corner " Maybe not, you are valuable though... " Leona pushed the teachers body from his chair and sat on it, she put her feet on the desk and sighed " How did you survive being attacked? " Toji asked looking at her shoulders " It was easy... They shot me and I found help... Still, if you ask too many questions... " The door opened and a few more children where herded into the room, the main group of them was pushed into one corner and placed under armed guard A helicopter flew overhead... Armed police slid effortlessly down a cable and where gunned down by the people Leona had brought in Obviously didn't know what they where up against... Leona yawned and adjusted the top of her body armour, one of the men she brought with her walked in and mumbled something about NERV... " NERV have turned up to bargain with us... " He mumbled " Ok... " Leona walked to the entrance and kicked open a door opposite so she remained in cover, she passed a megaphone to one man and gestured to the crowd outside " What do you want with the kids? " One of the NERV agents shouted " Well, we will do you a deal... Some of the kids will be traded in return for some of the things that we want... " The man glanced at Leona " Sorry but we can't do that... " The NERV agents started to talk among themselves... " Grab Hikari and let her go... " Leona smiled " A gesture of good will? " " No, rig the bitch up with a couple of sensitive explosives... " Leona smiled evilly " I see... " The man passed the command on to a few of the men behind him, a couple of minutes passed before Hikari was brought out strapped with explosives " Your going to burn in hell for this " Hikari sobbed " If I actually care about that I wouldn't have done this " Leona smiled " Hey you fucking asshole agents, here's the class representative to say that we mean business, oh, and if I where you... Well... Don't mess with her clothes " Leona watched as Hikari was kicked out the door, she smiled and turned to another man " Keep an eye on all the kids we send out... With a sniper rifle of some kind... " The man nodded and ran into the classroom Leona watched as Hikari ran sobbing toward the NERV agents, they quickly grabbed her and disconnected the bombs, they slipped the bombs in with their heavy weapons... " They put the remotely detonated bombs with their heavy weapons... " " If they try anything, press the big red button " Leona chuckled " Looks like they want to speak again... " " Then see what they have to say... " " What do you people want? " The agent asked calmly " We want Kat to be brought here right away! " The man shouted " We have no person by that name " The agent shouted in return " Mention me... " Leona sighed " So what about Leona? Did you have fun shooting her up? " The man smiled " We don't know... We'll have to talk with Mr Ikari, would you wait please? " The agents started to talk among themselves again, Leona sighed " Bring another kid out... One of no importance... " " Ok... " Leona watched as another kid was brought out, she knew that this one was in her class but couldn't recall his name... She smiled and gestured to the door The kid started to walk out... " Tell them they have until he makes it half way... " Leona chuckled " You people have until this kid makes it half way to promise Kat's delivery " Leona was sure that one of them said they where bluffing... The kid was almost half way already... " Shoot him... They think that we're bluffing " Leona smiled, she watched as one of the agents raised the loud speaker to his mouth... A gunshot rang out and the body of the kid fell to the floor " What the hell was that for? " The agent shouted angrily " You took too long " The man smiled " What's stopping us from storming the place and taking the kids back? " " A couple of well placed explosives, a couple of proximity triggered ones around the back... " The man watched as the agent quickly gave a command through his radio... " If you give us another kid then we'll get Kat for you " " Same as before... Shoot the kid half way... " Leona smiled " If you insist... " The man sighed " They didn't say that they wanted the kid alive " Leona smiled She watched as another kid was pushed out and told to run, he reached roughly the same area before a gunshot stopped him from going any further " What the hell do you people thing you're doing? " The agent shouted angrily " We have plenty of kids here still, what's the big deal? We still haven't seen any sign of Kat... When we see him we'll give you two of the kids " " Ok... As long as you promise to let them get though alive " " We promise, the only thing that could jeopardise the lives of these kids is your action, or rather, inaction " The man turned to face Leona " I think I'm beginning to understand how Kat thinks " Leona chuckled " Are you sure we should kill them all like that? " The man looked a little nervous " Are you questioning me? " Leona growled " No... " The man was silenced by a slap " Then do what I tell you " Leona turned back to face the NERV agents One of the men started to talk at length into a radio, Leona concentrated, trying to hear them... They where talking about... Kat... They where discussing what to do... The agent was talking to Gendo... He was being told that Kat could be brought here but due to his value he had to be recaptured once all the kids where safe... They knew that Shinji wasn't around though... They knew that Leona had William but they didn't know it was her though, all they knew was someone was keeping out of sight They where talking about the kids being valuable but wouldn't mention why... The man stopped and grabbed the loud speaker again, he sighed and turned back to face the school, he straitened his shirt and passed on Gendo's message to the others... " Kat will be brought here shortly, now will you release those two kids? " " No, not until we have Kat with us " The man shouted back " How can we trust you to keep your word? " " We haven't killed many of the important ones yet, that could change... " " What's your name? " Leona asked quietly " Delta five-two " The man smiled " Well then, I'll just call you five for now... " " If it helps... " Five smiled " Seems that all of you are based off us then... " Leona chuckled " They seem to be talking about something again... " " They won't let us keep Kat... They have orders to make sure that he doesn't stay with us... I guess there's something about him they want... " Leona sighed " Well, I guess there's something about all of us that they would want... " " We are superior in many ways to humans... " Leona corrected her helmet " I guess so... " Five smiled while clearing dust from his visor They both watched as a helicopter became visible on the horizon, it was obviously a medical one... Leona smiled and turned to face the classroom " Kat's here... Now all we have to do is make sure he stays with us... " " Ok... How do we get him in though? " " I have an idea... " Leona edged into the class room and picked Toji and Aida up " What do you want? " Toji asked nervously " Oh... I've decided that if you want to go... " " You'll let us go? " Aida looked amazed " How do we know that you won't shoot us? " Toji laughed " You're nervous aren't you? Well, if you want to know... We want you to drag Kat into the building... Then you can go free... " Leona smiled " You mean Kat's out there? " Aida looked out the window " He will be soon... " Leona smiled " Ok... I'll do it even if he doesn't want to... " Toji sighed " They want two people in return, Aida better go with you... " " Hey, I was going to say I would " " I have one last question for you two... " Leona turned away " What? What do you want to know? " Aida seemed a little unsure " Did you two really find me attractive? " Leona turned back " I don't really think that this is the time to ask that... " Aida sighed " Oh... I only wanted to know... " Leona looked upset " Great... Our captor is nothing more than a hormonal schoolgirl " Toji sighed " How did you get these people to help you anyway? " Aida asked looking at the men " You answer my question and I'll answer yours " Leona shrugged " Well, we did and still do think your attractive, you have the same hair colour as Asuka but your nothing like her, a lot kinder... " Aida smiled " Well, I think that you're pretty attractive... I've got Hikari though... " Toji smiled " You two would say anything to save yourselves... " Leona sighed and led them back to the entrance, she watched as Kat was wheeled out of the helicopter... " Right, tell them to take Kat half way and the people we promised to release will be sent out to bring him back before they go... " Leona smiled " Right... " Five quickly passed the message on, Leona watched as the agents pushed Kat into the middle of the school ground before retreating to a safe distance Toji and Aida quickly sprinted out and grabbed the medical trolley, they quickly wheeled him into the entrance and waved to Leona before running out to safety Five pulled Kat inside and pushed him toward the door of the classroom, Leona walked over to the trolley and manoeuvred it into the class... Leona smiled as two men grabbed the trolley and started to see to Kat At least they had the intelligence to make sure they had given her the right person... She watched as the agents talked into the radios they carried again... She could clearly hear what they where saying now... She never knew how she did this though... They where theorising about the numbers of 'terrorists' and the relationship they had with the 'children' inside the building... They where getting this all wrong... They thought that Leona had fifteen trained men when she only had eight... They thought that the kids where now getting their trust... They paused when a gun went off Leona walked into the classroom to see William writhing around on the floor in agony, a gunshot wound on his leg now clearly visible, she turned to the man responsible " He was trying to sneak out... " The man stated, Leona shrugged " Just as long as you don't needlessly kill them " She smiled and walked back to the entrance, five picked up the megaphone and waited for an order " What shall I tell them? They'll want to know what that shot was for... " " Tell them that one of the kids was being an asshole, he'll live though " Leona chuckled " Ok... " Five smiled and relayed her message The agents on the other side started to talk among themselves, Leona sighed and ordered some of the men she had to bring out another kid and shoot him The agents watched horrified as the kid was thrown out and shot to death, their leader picked up his megaphone and shook his head " What the hell are you people doing in there? You keep killing the kids needlessly " " If you didn't try to keep what you where talking about so secret then we might not have done that " Five shouted in return, he turned to face Leona again " Trust me on this one... " Leona yawned " I suggest we try and get some of their documents out of them... " Five paused " What is it? " Leona put her head around the door and sighed " I didn't know that Ritsuko Akagi did house calls " five scratched his chin " My mother... What the hell are they thinking bringing her here? " " Let's find out " Five waited for a second as the agent passed the megaphone to Ritsuko " Leona, I know you're in there, I'm sorry I never had the time to try and get to know you... I'm sorry about hiding things from you... " Ritsuko wiped a tear from her cheek " She really seems to have convinced herself that I care " Leona chuckled " What shall we tell them? " " Dunno... Maybe she wants to speak? " Leona shuckled " Do you wish to speak with your daughter? " five asked calmly " Yes, why do you think I'm here? " Ritsuko shouted back in tears " Ah... I'll go out and talk with her... If they shoot me or seem to be trying something funny, we have insurance... You chose what to do " Leona smiled " Are you sure? " Five looked really unsure, he watched as Leona thought for a second " Yeah... Tell them I'll be out when I get cleaned up... " Leona smiled " Ok... Cleaned up? " Five quickly relayed the message before turning back to Leona " Beat me up a little, a few cuts and bruises will make them think I'm unwilling... " " Oh... You want me to do that? " Five flicked a knife out " If you would... Cut me up so it looks bad but does no real damage... A few hard kicks to my legs so I limp... That kind of thing " Leona pulled her helmet off " Ok... " Five started to carefully hit Leona, he watched as bruises started to become visible and started to cut her carefully, he stepped back after a short time " That'll do... " Leona gasped, she held one hand out and limped out of the building Ritsuko burst into tears when she saw the condition Leona was in and ran half way to meet her before the agents could stop her, she held out one hand as Leona neared " Mummy " Leona sobbed, she stumbled into Ritsuko's arms and wrapped her arms around her shoulders, Ritsuko patted her on the back unsure of what to do " What happened? " Ritsuko seemed scared to ask " They know what I am... They made me plan this and... " Leona sobbed " They beat you? They said you where getting cleaned up... " Ritsuko was shocked " I have got cleaned up... " Leona half smiled, she held one of her arms when she realised it was hanging limp at her side, she patted the ground before sitting down " Are you going to be ok? " Ritsuko asked holding her hands " I would feel a lot better if it wasn't so dark... " Leona sobbed " It isn't dark though, dear " The last word seemed artificial " Then why is everything so black? " Leona grabbed Ritsuko's shoulder " Are you sure you'll be ok? " Ritsuko brushed a few auburn strands from her daughters' cheek, she pulled a corner of her lab coat up and wiped some blood from her face " I'll be fine if they don't hit me anymore... I feel really tired though... They make me talk to all the people in class and they make me think for them... " " I'll see if they can get you out of there... " Ritsuko sighed " No... don't... " Leona looked terrified " Why not? Don't you want to escape? " Ritsuko asked confused " They'll said that if they try anything they'll kill all the children, they'll kill me as well " Leona wiped a few tears from her eyes and hugged Ritsuko again " Then what can we do? " Ritsuko asked trying to hide the fact she was crying " I don't know... I love you mummy... " Leona burst into tears as one of the men signalled her to return, she climbed to her feet and uneasily walked back Ristuko walked back to the group of NERV agents in tears, Leona was a little surprised when she saw Ritsuko lash out at the first one that tried to comfort her Five grabbed her and pulled her inside, he smiled and sat her on a fallen locker " So, give me the gist of what just happened " He smiled " She thinks that I'm in this against my will, she was really upset when I made it seem like I was just a little girl who was bullied into this... " " She really thinks that you are innocent? " " I made her think that you would kill me as well as the kids if they tried to do anything, now that was something she really seemed upset by " " She thought that we would kill you? If anything, we would give our lives so you could escape! People are stupid... " Five chuckled and watched as Ritsuko was led away " I just wish I didn't bruise so easily... " Leona sighed as she mopped blood from her face " They want to talk again... " Five chuckled " Let them... I'm listening... " Leona picked her helmet up and place it to one side " Return Kat and allow the girl to go free and we'll let you go free " The agent obviously thought they where stupid... Leona shook her head " No, the girl and the boy stay with us, if she tries to escape then we'll kill her " " What do you want for her and the boy? " " They aren't up for trade... Who do you want out of the kids left? " " We want them all, what are you asking for in return? " " Ask them for the Project-D records... Also see about the assassin records... " Leona smiled as she put her helmet back on, she tucked her hair in and yawned " Ok... Why those records? " Five looked bemused " If our creator knows how much they know about me and Kat... " Leona smiled " I see... Ok... " Five relayed the message from Leona " I'm sorry but we can't do that " The agent replied " Ok... Then we'll just have a couple of your key staff " " We can't do that either " The agent was stalling... " Kill two more kids... " Leona shrugged Five quickly grabbed two of the unimportant Kids and threw them outside, a hail of machinegun fire quickly cut them down before the shocked NERV agents " What the hell are you people doing? " the NERV agent shouted " You're the ones who will have to tell all the families that a few papers where worth more than the lives of their child " Five shrugged " You bastard... " The agent was visibly upset " Does your kid go to school here? " Five asked glancing at Leona " What's it to you? " The agent growled " If he does then we might allow him to go " Five smiled " She does, her name is... " " I don't want to know her name, it'll be easy enough to see how many girls are left alive " Leona yawned and watched as Five relayed a couple of commands to the rest of the men, they quickly brought back a register split into two columns, male and female " I could take it out to them " Leona smiled " Are you sure that's safe? You have just about recovered from the last time... " " Give me another beating, they'll think twice about running in to save everyone " Leona smiled, she quickly removed her body armour and put her arms behind her back " I hate doing this... " Five started to punch Leona, he was obviously pulling his punches but they where still enough to make Leona stagger about " Ok... Tell them I'll take the list out... " Leona gasped " We have a list of names for you... We have someone to take them out " Five stepped aside and handed Leona the list before kicking her out the entrance Leona started to crawl along with the list before she was able to climb back to her feet, she looked up to see the half way mark blurring before her... She slipped but was unconscious before she hit the floor... She opened her eyes again, she hadn't been out long... Had she? The sky was darkening above her... How long had she been out? She started to get up only to find something restraining her... Ritsuko's face loomed above her showing signs of concern... Leona smiled softly and closed her eyes " How are you? " Ritsuko asked holding her hand " Fine I guess... " Leona realised she couldn't feel anything... " Then the pain killers are helping... " " Why should they be? " Leona seemed confused " They broke a few of your ribs with the punishment they gave you... " They did? " " Either that or the fall did it... Probably both... " Leona struggled slightly as Ritsuko ran her hand through her hair, she relaxed a little when Ritsuko stopped " You don't like being touched? " Ritsuko enquired " I hate people touching me, I allowed someone to get close once... " Leona turned her head away, Ritsuko walked around to face her again " Everyone makes mistakes, when I think about it, allowing them to use me to carry you while you developed was a mistake... You shouldn't have been born " " I guess... Toying with nature is a bad idea... " " Toji and Aida heard what was going on up there and wanted to speak with you, shall I... Let them talk to you? " Ritsuko asked uneasily " If they want to... " Leona sighed, she watched as Aida and Toji where allowed past a couple of armed guards to get to her, They knelt next to her looking a little surprised " How are you feeling? " Aida asked pointing a video camera at her " I don't film well " Leona smiled " I hear that they really treated you bad to make you do what they wanted but this... " He looked at Leona and gestured to some bloodstained bandages " I really thought that you where with them, you must have convinced yourself though... I guess it was so you could survive... " Toji pushed Aida aside " Probably the nicest thing you ever said to me " Leona closed her eyes for a couple of seconds before looking at the sky and bursting into tears " What is it? " Aida asked trying to stay calm " They'll kill all the other kids now I'm not there " Leona sobbed " You haven't heard what they did... " Toji sighed " What they did? " Leona shook her head trying to get rid of her tears " They put explosives on every kid to make sure that they didn't try anything... They said that if they don't get you back by midnight then... " " Then what? " Leona struggled to sit up... The straps where too strong... " They will send a kid out every five minutes and detonate the explosives on them... " " That's terrible... " Leona shuddered " The agents agreed to give you back as soon as you where in a good enough condition, I guess that means that you'll get killed... " Aida sighed " I don't want to go back... " Leona burst into tears again " They said that you would have to... They did make them promise not to hurt you though... " Toji stroked her cheek " They... They did? " Leona attempted a smiled " They said that they would try to cut the amount they hit you... " Toji sighed " I don't want to go back, I don't want to go back, I don't want to go back " Leona burst into tears again, Ritsuko quickly ran over and moved Toji and Aida away " I'm sorry... They want you to go back so they can get the rest of the kids back... They said they would try and think of a way for you to return though... " " When do I have to go? " Leona asked nervously " In a short time... They know that you're awake now and want you back soon... " " When this is all over... What's going to happen to me? " Leona turned to face Ritsuko " They'll probably keep you in hospital for a while, see what damage this has done psychologically and try and repair the damage that they can... " Ritsuko sighed " I hate hospitals... " Leona sighed, she slipped one arm out of the straps and weakly grabbed Ritsuko's hand and closed her eyes again The pressure of the straps around her chest loosened and she was sat upright by a couple of orderlies before being handed the jacket to her bloodied uniform Leona shook her head and climbed to her feet " Why don't you want that jacket? " Ritsuko asked softly " I want my old one... I have a spare hanging up in Maya's home... " Leona siged Ritsuko nodded to an agent and turned back to Leona " What's the difference? " She asked Leona softly " The new one is a grey camouflage one that is the new SEELE standard uniform, my old one is a standard green British military one " Leona smiled " Purely sentimental value then? " " No, I hate the clothes they wear... To me they only symbolise oppression... " Leona quickly adjusted the sleeveless black T-shirt she was wearing " I see... You feel that you would cope better in your old clothes? " " Exactly, I feel stressed in their uniform... " Leona stood up slowly " Well... I want you to take care... I'm sorry I wasn't able to be a good mother... I'll make it up to you when this is all over... " Ritsuko started to hug Leona " Mum... Aida's filming me still... " Leona flicked her middle finger up at Aida " Then I want a copy of the tape " Ritsuko smiled, still hugging Leona " I told him I don't always turn out good on film though... " Leona sighed " Who does " Ritsuko chuckled, she led Leona to the medical tent that had been put up to deal with any possible injuries... So far there had been very few injuries... She quickly pulled her T-shirt off and changed her bandages, Leona pulled her T-shirt back on and watched as Ritsuko passed her a pack of pain killers " I hope I don't need these... " Leona sighed " I do as well... How strong are the people your with? " " They are pretty strong... They could easily beat the agents you have here in a fight... " Ritsuko helped Leona walk out of the tent, an agent thrust her jacket into her arms, in her current state she couldn't steady herself and ended up on the floor She quickly put the jacket on and climbed to her feet, Ritsuko grabbed one of her arms and helped her walk to the front of the crowd of agents One of them whispered something to Ritsuko about Maya... Ritsuko nodded The agent walked off into the crowd and came back with Maya, she looked a little tired and a little less cheerful but she was the same person... Maya started to mumble something that Leona couldn't make out, she blushed when she realised this and started again, seemed to be a little hyperactive though... " I didn't know that you survived what happened to you! You look pretty healthy, well apart from the cuts and bruises... " Maya smiled and blushed again " Out of uniform? Not like you... You always keep it on in work hours " Leona yawned " I don't work for them any longer, they lied to me about one thing too many... " " I've lived with that all my life... " Leona looked ashamed " I guess we all do, its nothing to be ashamed of though " Maya smiled " Where's the jacket they gave me? " Leona asked aloud " Right over there " Ritsuko pointed to a jacket on an empty table, Leona quickly grabed it and pulled a small device out of it, she handed it to Maya with a selection of disks " It's the music player me and Jonathon designed... it uses optic disks and its own special music format... I guess you should be the one to have it... " Leona smiled " I couldn't take this... " Maya Sighed " If you don't and I die... There'll be no one around to figure out how it works " Leona placed it in Maya's hand and waved to Ritsuko, She turned to face the school building It was time to finish the jobs she had set out to do... She walked toward the school building again, the darkness of night starting to close in around her, two people ran out from the school building and waited for her half way She stopped before them and smiled " They bugged me " Leona chuckled " If you say that then they'll hear... " Five was one of the men " They can't hear what I'm saying because of my nature... " " Then what can they hear? " Five asked looking puzzled " They can hear me begging you not to hurt me and you telling me to be quiet " Leona smiled and lifted her arms so they could search for the bugs " Where are they? " Five asked when he couldn't find anything " Just keep looking... You nearly have them... " Leona sighed " Got one... Got two... Is that all? " Five crushed the bugs under the butt of his gun " Yeah... They only put two on me... " Leona chuckled " So what now? " Five scratched his face " Hit me with the butt of your gun, grab me by my arms and drag me into the building " " As you command " Five slammed the gun into her chest and picked her up by one arm, the other man grabbed her free arm and helped as she was dragged back to the school " I never thought someone would have to drag me into school " Leona chuckled despite the pain she was in, she watched as the agents started to plan something... They where obviously thinking of getting her out of there alive... Leona put her hands out before her when she realised that five had decided to drop her, the other man caught her and dragged her into the building She climbed onto the fallen locker she had been on before and closed her eyes " Are you ok? " Five asked softly as he knelt next to her " I'll be ok... " Leona yawned " I saw the way you collapsed out there a while ago... " " I have a low tolerance to pain " Leona shrugged " It scared me... " Five sighed " I woke up wondering where the hell I was... " Leona opened her eyes again " Really? Did it really disorientate you that badly? " " Yeah... They think that I'm in this only because you forced me to plan this " " Shall we disarm the kids? " " Yeah... Let them sleep... We'll nee a few people to take watch though... " " I'll sort out a sleep roster... I know you'll need to sleep more though... I'll give you eight hours so you can recover from what we did to you " " Thanks... I think I'll need it... " Leona closed her eyes " Where did you get that jacket from " Five asked pointing to her current jacket " It's my old one... From when I was in England... " Leona pulled her jacket around her and allowed herself to fall asleep, she was going to need to be alert tomorrow... One last thing suddenly started to bother Leona, Five and the others all had blue eyes... A pair of red eyes in the darkness of the night, a sigh as Misato sat next to her... Rei hadn't questioned Misato on why she had chosen to come here... It was best not to ask why she did some things, Misato would tell her if she really wanted to let her know... She had left Shinji with Kaji and come to Visit her alone " Are you still awake Rei? " Misato asked quietly " Yes Major " Rei sighed " I suppose I should tell you that an angel has been spotted in the middle of a crisis... we might need you to pilot... You haven't even recovered yet... " " The angels are attacking pretty frequently " Rei whispered " I know... We have repaired all the damage to Unit-00 and Unit-02 but then Unit-01 and Unit-03 had to go and get damaged... " Misato sighed " I heard... " " Luckily he angel will take a few more hours to get around here... " Misato sighed " So you want me to pilot " Rei started to climb out of the hospital bed " Yes... We haven't been able to assess the angel yet but we can tell you that the angel is currently in orbit... Might make it hard to destroy... " " Defeating the angels is my job " Rei sighed " I know but... I can't trust Shinji on this one because of what's happened at the school... I even had to call off the dinner I was making because of it " " Who's involved? " Rei asked while pulling her dress over the hospital robes " SEELE are to blame for the school... Seems they have Leona working for them... " " I though she was dead " " We all did... Every time one of those damn children has something happen to them everything goes to hell here as a result... " " So I noticed... So what's going to be done about the school? " " The way they took hostages is pure evil, like something Kat would think of I guess... If we delay or raise suspicion they execute a couple of them... " " Can't someone sneak in and free them? " " They have a couple of things up to stop us doing that... " " Who's been taken captive of importance? " " William has... They released the class representative, Toji and Aida where also allowed to go... Probably annoyed them too much... " " What have they asked for? " " All the details involving some Project-D and the assassin series... " " Like Kat pilots " " How did you know that? Never mind... They asked for Kat as well... Probably going to make another assassin series and get him to pilot... " " Do we still have the ones that they where going to pilot? " " Yes... All four of them are unfinished though... " " Can't we pilot them? " " No... They where made in such a way that only they could pilot them... " " Could they pilot evangelions? " " No... They where unsuitable... When I think about it though... Kat might have been able to pilot one... He did seem to possess something that would allow him... " " Shall I start to prepare for the angel? " " It would be a good idea... It'll help to be ready... When we get some information on the angel we'll try and tell you how to defeat it... " Misato climbed from her chair " Ok... I just hope that the school is dealt with soon... " " I do too... " Misato turned and walked out of the room Kat opened his eyes to a bright morning... He was going to kill Asuka for allowing him to take the sedatives... Well... Kill wasn't the word he was looking for... More... Disembowel, after beating, torturing and insulting her to the verge of tears, then he would kill her for that... If she resisted he would have to add to the punishment... He rolled off the bed he was on and realised he was in his class room, he started to pinch himself but he could barely feel it... He slammed his head against the wall Kat staggered back unable to focus, he was definitely in his school and this wasn't just some bad dream... Maybe there was something going on? He looked around the classroom and paused, voices outside the room... He drew one of the few knives he had left and started to edge toward the door... Men with guns where taking a register of some kids... He put the knife away and walked out smiling evilly, these kids didn't matter because he could just make a deal to get out of here anyway " Kat! " A familiar girl threw herself into his arms crying, he staggered back confused, not knowing who it really was... Maybe it was Asuka? " I'm sorry but I can't remember who you are... " Kat looked up into her face... She was really familiar but could barely remember his own name... " It's me, Leona... Are you feeling ok now? " Leona brushed her hair back " Yeah... Why am I in school though? " Kat watched as the kids where all herded up and taken back into the classroom, he smiled and turned back to Leona " We took this place yesterday when we decided on using one of your old plans, we managed to get you back using it at least... " " If this is the plan I'm thinking of... There are too many flaws in it... " " We sorted that out... It took a group of men hours to find them though... " " Ha, I could have easily made you a better plan than this! " " But we didn't have you to make the plan... " " That is a little problem isn't it... " Kat chuckled and looked at William through the door " Well, I'm currently trying to get a few documents that they brought in but won't give us due to the nature of their content... " Leona sighed and sat on a fallen locker " Maybe I could help... " Kat chuckled " How? " I'm not wearing one of your uniforms yet, you could chuck me out and start to shoot at me... That way I can get to their lines and grab them for you... " " They think I'm here against my will " Leona chuckled " You're learning quickly... " " I've surpassed you now... You need to learn from me " " We'll see... I need a few people to shoot close as if they want to stop me... When I get the documents I sprint back and give them to you... " " Ok... We'll try this... Just make sure you don't get hit... " Kat smiled and watched as a man who looked familiar relayed the plan to all the men " I didn't know Jonathon was alive " Kat pointed to five " That's five, he's based off Jonathan I think... " " Oh... Ok... " Kat started to run out the school at an above average speed, nowhere near as fast as he could normally go but enough to close the distance He held his hands up as the NERV agents pointed their guns at him, he quickly ducked as a bullet slammed into the side of a car, He rolled behind it and sighed " What the hell... this is Kat... " One of the agents growled " He's supposed to be with them... " " I didn't really want to be part of what they are doing... Even I have morals " Kat gasped " Really... So why did they want you so badly? " " They wanted me? " Kat looked surprised " Yes... They also wanted documents concerning Project-D and the assassin series... " " They must want to do something about the assassins themselves then... " Kat looked at the documents, he looked thoughtful for a second after checking them " What is it? " One of the agents asked noticing this " I've just had a thought... " " What was this 'thought' you just had? " " I'm going back " Kat started to sprint toward the school building again holding the documents, he watched as bullets flew past him but nowhere near him The door opened and he was pulled inside holding the documents Leona checked them and hugged him again " Thank you Kat! You've just saved us a lot of trouble " Leona smiled " Why did you check them first? " " Had to make sure they where the right ones... " Leona smiled and pulled out a pocket radio, she switched it on and watched as the NERV agents monitored her frequency " Time to go home I guess... " Kat quickly sat on the locker " We need picking up now, we have completed everything we set out to do " Leona smiled, she watched the agents trying to decipher her message... They could swear that she just ordered a pizza... One with a vegetarian topping and a couple of different dips to go with it She smiled and put the radio down, those agents just didn't get it did they " What shall we do about the children? " Five asked keeping watch on the agents " Rig the building up with explosives and detonate it when the agents try to save the kids... Rig each kid one as well... " Leona pushed Kat aside and joined him on the locker " You know... There is a way of doing this more effectively... " Kat smiled " I don't want this done effectively, at least this way they think they are dealing with people who are random and prone to unnecessary killing " " I see... Maybe I should add you to my list of most hated people, its not everyday that someone manages to do better than me at this kind of thing " " You really think I'm doing better than you? " " Yeah, I would have just got me and killed the rest of the kids for the hell of it " " I see... So you're telling me that I have more integrity than you? " " I don't know what it is that you have, but what ever it is you definitely have more of it than me " Kat chuckled, he watched as William was brought out strapped with explosives " He wishes to speak with you " Five mumbled " Isn't he the one that picked on Rei... Yeah he is... Jonathon gave him a warning but he isn't here to enforce it now... I think he might have picked on Rei recently as well... " " Kat, leave him alone... He managed to get the courage to come and speak so he doesn't need you sitting there talking about that subject " " Oh... Sorry... Can I kill him later? " " No... He'll be traded or... " " Boom! " Kat shouted " Leona... Please let me go... I know that you don't really like me... " " Try grovelling some more, she might let you live " Kat chuckled " And I know I did something to upset your dead friend... " " Let me kill him, no one talks about Jonathon without at least some respect for him " " I know that I didn't really even bother to get to know you, I know that I should apologise to Kat... " William was almost on the verge of tears " Get to the point already " Kat yawned " Let me go, please " " That was the point? Damn... That was more of a request " " Kat, shut up... Hmm... Shall I let William go? " Leona pondered aloud " Just leave him here, the transport is almost here... " " Ok, Bye William " Leona pushed him back into the classroom " Lets get the hell out of here " Kat chuckled, they watched as an armoured VTOL landed in the grounds next to them, a hatch opened and more people in SEELE colours emerged Leona smiled and started to run toward the jet as a firefight broke out, how this jet had got to them without being spotted was a miracle... Maybe an angel had been spotted? She watched as the SEELE marines started to open fire on the NERV agents, the agents where falling like flies and they still had the trap... Leona quickly detonated the explosives in the heavy weapons truck while swinging into the Jet, Kat and the others followed as the Jet took off... She laughed and closed her eyes