Evangelion - Bloodlines Children of Project D Genesis 1:8 Cast Aside Misato watched as the recovery team lifted the two battle damaged units out of the ruined area of the city they currently lay in... Both without power now that the pilots had been recovered... Not even backup power remained to keep the life support running... She turned to face the red 'Assassin' that had defeated the angel without pilot or power, Ritsuko was currently trying to find what caused it to do what it did... So far they hadn't been able to discover what it was that drove it to kill the angel, it shouldn't have been able to move without power and a pilot... A bead of sweat ran down her face as the room she was in started to heat up... First a power cut and now this? What was going on? Ritsuko shouted for assistance as the assassin started to come online again, a couple of people shouted as they tried to shut it down but... It was awake... Misato sighed and walked out the room as the assassin was contained by falling hanger doors... How long could they contain it? Gendo watched unflinching as the creature started to look around the area it was trapped in, he said something unheard to Ritsuko who nodded... The assassin turned to face Gendo before three blades appeared in its wrist, it quickly grabbed one in a swift motion and slammed it into the screen protecting him... Gendo started to run as the blade slipped through the screen like water... Was it the same technology as they used to produce progressive knives? It couldn't be... They must have developed something else... An explosion as a charge was detonated on its back... For a few seconds it was still before... The assassin tried to reach for the blackened area on its back... It fell backward... The ground beneath it barely cracking as it slammed into it... A couple of the technicians muttered about the absence of one of the more able ones... Maya Ibuki... Where was she? It wasn't like her to leave her post like this... It wasn't like her to disobey orders like this... She was too much of a coward to do that... A friendly slap on her shoulder as Kaji walked into the room " So what are we up to tonight Major? " Kaji asked in his usual laid back tone " Nothing that concerns you, why do you ask? " " Oh... No real reason... I was only trying to find out if you where free tonight... " " I can't really leave Shinji alone like that... You know what he just went through trying to beat that angel... I should really keep an eye on him... " " Mind if I come round tonight then? " " You don't know when to give up do you? " " If there's a chance that... " Misato sighed " You know that I'm going to do a big meal soon, come round then " " Oh... Ok... " Kaji looked a little disappointed as well as a little worried... Ritsuko walked up to Misato, her hands covered with the oily black blood of the assassin, she wiped some of it off before pushing Kaji aside " You would think that they wouldn't make so much mess, wouldn't you? " Ritsuko smiled, she opened her eyes and looked at Kaji for a second " I guess its time for me to go " Kaji smiled " A little slow today Kaji? " Misato teased " Oh, I just wanted to stay in the company of you two lovely ladies a little longer " " Shut up Kaji " Misato blushed, she turned away trying to hide how red she had gone " I prefer handling the Eva's over handling him " Ritsuko sighed " Kaji can be a little persistent sometimes... " Misato growled " A little? " Ritsuko shook her head " What happened with that 'thing' in there? " Misato asked looking at the assassin " It was created cheaply, we used everything on hand and tried not to go for anything we could do without... A few flaws as a result... " " A few? What would you say is the most major? " " It actually has a basic mind... If we don't keep an eye on it then a few of the areas might reconnect and then... I don't really want to guess what would happen... " " I see... Should I tell Shinji? Should I tell William? " " No and no, there is no way we can really allow the others to learn about this... Need to know basis only Major " Ritsuko growled, Misato nodded " If that's how you say we have to do it then that is how I will do it " Asuka looked down on the prone form of Kat... He was so... Innocent... She stroked his cheek with one hand aware that this was probably as close as she would ever get to him... Close without risk that was... She sighed knowing that the moment would end in one of a few ways... The most likely way that this would end would be his death... A tear splashed off his cheek, she quickly wiped it off and put her hand to her face... Wet... With tears... She was the one crying... She just didn't... Asuka paused and looked out into the corridor... No one was around... She lifted Kat onto her bed and pulled the cover up in a loving was, she stroked his cheek again before running out into the corridor in only her gown Rei lay awake in one of the rooms... " What's wrong wonder girl? Can't sleep with all the noise? " Asuka teased " Kat woke me " Rei replied quietly " Did he? That's real nice but I have to go and find a doctor " Asuka quickly darted to one side and continued down the corridor, she didn't want to be the one to talk to Rei Asuka paused to lean against a wall, her vision was starting to blur... Must be the injury from Leona... She shook her head and started to stagger down the corridor Thoughts raced through her mind as it became more apparent that she wouldn't be able to find help in time, all the things she wanted to do but hadn't been able to do... All the people that she had wanted to make it up to but been too back down around... And Kat... How she wanted to admit her feelings to him but was scared... She was fully aware that he was capable of, and prone to killing people for what seemed like no reason to anyone but him... He might appear to be really evil and most people believed that he would kill them for no real reason but she was sure that she had seen through all this... Sure, he would kill people for little or no reason but in reality he was... Sweet... He would do anything for his friends, no matter what it was If he could do it then it would be done... The only problem was getting close enough to be one of these close friends, Kat didn't like to get close... He had lost people that had been close to him before... He didn't like to see the ones he loved and respected getting hurt, even worse was the fact that he had to deal with them getting killed... There was nothing to confirm Jonathon and Jane's existence... Nothing... Not even a headstone to say that they had lived and died... Kat had mentioned them in his sleep before... Asuka pitied him, even she had more of a family to fall back on when she really needed to than he did... He only had one person... Leona... Not that she would ever admit that she needed to fall back on this 'family' she had... Technicians raced down the corridor, the lights had been restored but failed almost immediately... Would they ever get this right? Kat's eyes twitched as he lay there... Despite the fact his body was gradually beginning to stop functioning he was dreaming... A twisted smile as he continued to dream... Was he as depraved as he thought he was in his dreams as well as in reality? No... Nobody could really be that sick... Doctors where beginning to return to their posts, they had Shinji and William with them, they didn't look like they had been hurt... " Hey, how about a little help in here? " Asuka shouted, one of the doctors ran into the room, Shinji and William followed unsure of what was going on " What happened? " The doctor asked trying to check Kat's pulse " He... " Asuka sighed and bowed her head, ashamed of what she had allowed " Is this what's wrong? " The doctor asked holding up the sedatives " Yes... " Asuka nodded " How many did he take? " " Six of them... " Asuka looked up to see William smiling " How long ago? " " I don't know... Maybe fifteen minutes... " " There's nothing anyone can do for him then... " The doctor took Asuka's hand " Don't touch me " Asuka growled " You two, help me restrain her " The doctor turned to William and Shinji " Don't you dare... " Asuka drew Kat closer " Now " The doctor shouted grabbing Asuka's arm, William grabbed the other and watched as the doctor quickly prepared a needle with something in... Asuka felt her eyes growing heavy... She was going to wake up strapped to her bed if she failed to fight this off... It was no use though... They could tell she was weakening... They where binding her arms already... She started to scream, she started to writhe about trying to break free but there was nothing she could do, she looked up at Kat as he lay there... A knife was hanging out of his top... She quickly wriggled free and slipped the cord over the razor sharp blade, she cord was as easy to cut as paper... The knife was suddenly in her hands, the doctor backed away nervously while William tried to reason with her... Either she was weak or his voice was faint... He stepped forward, holding his hand out for the knife... Asuka quickly slashed at his hand, he stepped back holding his hand in disbelief before bursting into tears She was definitely weak... She couldn't allow them to figure this out though... " Asuka, please stop this... " Shinji looked more concerned about her then the knife... " Why? He won't help Kat and you all did this because I won't take it well... " " This isn't the way to go about things... You can lodge complaints and... " Shinji paused as Asuka started to shake her head, she smiled and looked back up at him " The system doesn't work, remember that man who punched you? Misato said that something would be done about him right? Well, nothing has and nothing will be " " It doesn't really matter... " Shinji sighed " It doesn't? So what about him? Does his life matter? Is it right to just leave him to die when there is still a chance that he might live? " Asuka shouted " No but... " " But what? But he won't survive this? Is that what you think as well? " " No... " Shinji paused again as Asuka shook her head " Your all the same, you only care about yourselves... " " That's not true, I care about you and Misato, if something happens to you I feel like it happened to someone in my family " " You're not close to your family, no one ever calls for you and your dad only has you around for a purpose... Face it Shinji, you don't care if he dies " " That's not true though... " Shinji shouted " So what about you William? You care about his life don't you? " " No I don't, that bastard almost killed me... " William sobbed " See Shinji... Just because he isn't normal, because he was raised as a soldier, no one really cares about him... " Asuka staggered back and sat on the bed " But he doesn't have a chance Asuka... He took a fatal dosage of a fast acting drug " " See... You just... Don't... Care... " Asuka slumped over the bed " She's out... " The doctor sighed Maya stormed into Misato's office, her hair was matted and her uniform drenched in angel blood, she stood there silently for a moment before waiting for Misato to speak " What happened to you? " Misato asked, her voice showing genuine concern " What the hell is that giant red creature? " " Why did you abandon your post? " Misato was shocked " Tell me, what the hell is that thing? " " It isn't not like you to act like this... " " Is Kat the pilot? " " Is something wrong? " " Why aren't you listening to me? " Maya slapped Misato " You just... " Misato looked shocked, she waited for a second expecting an apology " What the hell is that giant red creature, the 'assassin' as you call it... Is Kat the pilot? Why can't I access the reports on it? " Maya growled " Need to know... " Misato sighed " I need to know cause that thing almost killed me back there " " It couldn't have... You're still here... " " I was close enough to get soaked with angel blood " " I'm sorry but... I can't tell you... I'll overlook you hitting me... " " The public know about the Eva series but do they know about the assassin series? " Maya dropped a camera film on the table " What the hell are you thinking? " " You've told the public that the Eva's are there to protect them but have you mentioned that the assassins are also there? " " How did you get that information? " " There was one file that I could access Major... Now, will you tell me about these things or do I have to go public? " Maya picked the film up and put it in her pocket " Give me the film and this will all be overlooked " " No... You've lied to me too much... Leona died in my care, Jonathon was forced to hide with me after Faking his own death... What's going to happen next? " " Maya, unless you give me the film... You won't even make it out of this place alive... I know that no one will really notice your disappearance... " " You think I'm going to let you threaten me like this? " " You have no friends or family that could really care if you simply... Vanished " " Major, does this look familiar? " Maya dropped a bulky pistol on the desk " It's... Jonathon's... " Misato gasped " Yes, once he demonstrated how it could put a bullet through a blast door... " " You know that if you shoot me you won't get very far... " " He made the gun himself... Only he can make the bullets as well... " " What are you getting at? " " You people are so unable to get things right that you have so far managed to kill all but one of the soldiers from England, how does that make you feel? " " Kat... He may as well be dead... They hooked him up to a life support machine... " Misato sighed, she looked up at Maya and laughed a little " You... First Jonathon and Jane... Then... Leona... And now Kat... I hope that makes you happy... " A tear ran down Maya's cheek It didn't matter, they where property of NERV... They all had identical scars on their shoulders... It was how we could tell they where our property... " " You people make me sick... " Maya wiped a tear from her cheek " I found out today that they where all part of a standardised series... We ordered five more of each... " Misato smiled " You are sick... I'm not going to work for people who treat human lives like that... " " Didn't you know? They weren't human? " Misato asked in mock surprise " Creations or not... They where still people... " Maya grabbed the gun and walked away, she pushed the door open and turned back to face Misato " I guess I'll be seeing you tomorrow? " Misato smiled " Two words... Fuck...You... " Maya turned away and walked out of the office Leona was alone... Sat alone in one of the halls where the others converged to eat... Because of who she was she was never really talked too... Only about... People nearby talked about her in hushed tones, all too scared to talk aloud about the 'original child' who was the 'creators personal favourite' They where all scared because she only had to click her fingers and they would be recycled... Converted back to raw material... All this really appeared to mean to her was that she would have few friends... Not that that really bothered her... she was used to being alone... A group of girls walked past, all of them chatting about something that they thought was important... A minor thing that would mean nothing in time... Her creator had promised that her implants would be sorted soon... He had said that it would be three days at the latest... Two of the security guards walked to her table and pulled chairs up, they sat opposite her and waited for her to give them her full attention " What do you want? " Leona asked sounding a little tired " The creator has told us to keep an eye on you, he said he was worried about your safety here with how few friends you have... " The men didn't trust her... " Fine... " Leona yawned, she slumped over the table and closed her eyes " You shouldn't go to sleep in a public place, it would be better for... " " Your supposed to be guarding me, why not now? " " It would be best for you to sleep in your room " " I suppose " Leona sighed and closed her eyes again " Then why not go there? " The man was puzzled " Maybe I don't want to? " Leona yawned " But there is a degree of danger... " " If someone wanted me dead then they would go for me in my room where I'm more vulnerable, not here where there are multiple witnesses " " We would be there to guard you though, that's the idea... " " For all I know you could be out to get me and as such sleeping in my room would be the most dangerous idea... " Leona smiled " The creator hand picked us two because he knows that we would do anything to protect you from harm " The man smiled " Really? Then stop this " Leona grabbed a knife and slammed it into her hand " It isn't our job to protect you from yourself, only from other people " " A little useless to me then... I'm the biggest threat to myself at the moment " " Not if what we heard was true... " " What did you hear? " Leona rubbed one of her shoulders " That NERV agents opened fire on you despite knowing that you where unarmed " " That's my problem " Leona smiled " It's our problem, we are here for you no matter what you say " The man smiled " No matter what I do or say? " " No matter, we where assigned to you and we don't believe in disobeying the creator, if he says that we are to guard you with our lives then that is what we shall do " " I don't care about you people following me and everything, just so long as you give me enough space I'm not bothered " Leona yawned " We'll try not to invade your personal space unless it is necessary " " Bye for now, I'm going to train... " Leona climbed from the table and walked toward the training facilities, the two men sighed and followed her A darkened room around her and a cold bed beneath her... Welcome to the best in medical care NERV had to offer... Asuka had finally awoken, she felt tired and disorientated... People rushed about in the corridor just outside the room... They where talking about... Kat... She struggled to get up but... She was strapped down... A person glanced into the room before running away, probably one of the people in charge of looking after her... Voices getting closer to her room... A medical team walked into the room followed by Gendo, Misato and Ritsuko Misato instantly ran to her side and tried to comfort her, Gendo talked with Ritsuko and the team of doctors that had entered the room " Are you feeling better? " Misato asked softly " I don't know... My body feels so... Numb... " Asuka sighed " You really put a lot of stress on the previous injury doing what you did... " " They didn't seem that concerned about that... " " They? " Misato looked puzzled, Asuka fell silent " How is she doing? " Ritsuko asked Misato " I don't know... I don't think she took what happened to Kat too well... " " Shall we tell her the news about him? " " If you believe it would help... " Misato stepped aside and Ritsuko took her place " Asuka? I know that you can hear me... I have some news about Kat... " " Tell me then, that's what you came here to do " " He's going to live, god knows how he managed to cling onto life... " " Will he be ok? " Asuka turned to face Ritsuko " There will be a lot of permanent damage... I don't know if it's the right thing to do to allow him to live... " Ritsuko looked away for a second " What about me? " Asuka enquired coldly " You didn't do any lasting damage to your injury and you should be out soon... " " I thought... " Asuka paused " You'll still have a lot to recover from when we release you, we decided that it would be best to allow you to go early though... " " Oh... " Asuka turned away " Is that all you have to say? " Ritsuko seemed annoyed " Leave it Ritsuko " Misato placed her hand on Ritsuko's shoulder and led her away In the background Asuka could hear Gendo talking about the staff that had been drafted in while he was away, he mentioned something about them being backup... How he could so easily decide if someone had a life in this place or not showed how cold he really was... Even Kat had more respect for people than he did... Kaji walked in and pulled a chair up, he smiled and put his hand on hers " What are you doing here? " Asuka asked sullenly " I thought you would like to see me... " Kaji seemed surprised " You could have picked a better time... " " You've grown up a lot in the past months... You used to be this little girl that chased me with some crush or other... " Kaji smiled " I found someone I care about but can't entirely trust... " " Kat? " Kaji looked bemused " Yeah... Why? " Asuka glared at him " Nothing... Its just what I found out about him and the other three that where here with him... " Kaji sighed, his face turning serious " What did you hear? " Asuka tried to sit up but the straps restrained her " I found out what made him act like he does... " " What? " " He was trained to kill before he could even grip the concept of morals... " " That's terrible... How could someone do that to a kid? " " An assessment I read detailed how he can sum up how to kill anyone he meets before he gets to know them well... " " How? How would he do this? " " He asks a few questions that don't raise suspicion but allow him to see that person in relation to others and as such... " " He knows where to strike... " Asuka looked shocked " The military provided the training... " Kaji sighed " What could make people do such a thing to a child... " " A substantial payment from SEELE made them property of NERV " " But NERV aren't part of SEELE any longer... " " This was a long time ago... " Kaji watched as the group walked away " Could you find out more about him? " " No... It isn't safe... What I know now is only through a source... " " Who? " Asuka struggled against the restraints " The person that betrayed Jane and Leona to NERV... His son died in an 'accident' after helping in the creation of them... " " Creation? You mean to say that he was a tailor made killer? " " I don't know... What I know is through a person I class as unreliable... " " Because he betrayed the two girls? " " Because he was after money... He gave me five of the fake documents that where released about them, all five are similar in some ways... " " So they are merely creations sent here to do the bidding of Gendo? " " I can't say... All I know is that Ritsuko is working on some secret project related to them in some way or another... " Kaji sighed " Then that explains the giant red and black creatures..." Asuka shuddered Kaji nodded and closed his eyes with a slight smile on his face " I'm just going to stay here and keep you company for a while " Kaji smiled " Don't you have... " Asuka started but was quickly cut off by Kaji " ...Anything better to do? No... Today is pretty slow for me... " Asuka smiled and allowed herself to relax " Glad for the company... Did you really think that I was being silly chasing you? " " Yeah, it was an inconvenience and I had to smile through it " " I'm sorry for that... I guess a lot of things have changed though... " " I bet your looking forward to going back to school " " What do you think? I'm stuck here and have nothing to do all day... " " They won't do anything in the way of entertainment? " " No, they keep saying that I'll recover better without 'silly distractions' around me " Asuka sniffed indignantly before the smile returned to her face Leona had been called before her creator, he wanted to talk to her about something that he had tried to make out as being very important... She walked along the corridor, the two men assigned as bodyguards flanking her, his office drawing ever closer... A device lay discarded on a bench... This was... Jonathon's... This was the music player that he had designed and she had aided in the construction of... A couple of optic disks lay around it... She picked it up and slotted one of the disks in, pressed the play button and turned it back up... Why did he always listen to it so low? Maybe it was so he could hear everything going on around him... He couldn't have dropped it here though... He had died too long ago and hadn't been here before... Something was wrong, something didn't quite add up... The soft music was gradually calming her feelings... He didn't always listen to this though... Another disk he liked was only marked with a number... She quickly slipped it in and pushed the volume up near top... An electric guitar came through so loud it made her scream and drop the player, she picked it up again and lowered the volume before putting the ear pieces back in The instruments seemed to be a little low pitched... Was he really interested in this kind of music? It was so... Unlike him... When she thought about it though, it made sense... He was always there for them, supporting helping or what ever was needed of him at the time... They had never learned about him though... He had never been in a situation where they had been able to learn what he liked and hated... The office loomed... The men behind her where obviously nervous... Her creator had probably made them think he was god or something... She sighed and knocked on the door, a mumble made her aware she was allowed in She opened the door and walked into the room, against the back wall, shrouded in the gloom was her creator... He beckoned to her and gestured to a seat She quickly sat before him, the years she had spent obeying him still making her obedient when he commanded her to do something He reached under his desk and pulled out a plastic bag containing what looked like a set of clothes in this light... He threw it on the desk before her " Go and put them on, there's a place that you can change into them just outside " Leona nodded and picked up the clothes before walking out of the office and into the changing room just outside, she looked at the clothes and sighed Why did he want her to change into civilian clothes? Did this mean he wanted her to leave? She quickly put the clothes on and returned to the office, her creator nodded and gestured to a chair, she quickly took the seat and sighed " Why do you want me to wear this? " She asked gesturing to the pale blue dress " I guess you know about me creating you by now... NERV would have seen to that... They are so... Careless when it comes to these things... " " Yes I know about that, but why the dress and trainers? " " The nearest to what a normal teenager would wear that I could find " " But I'm a trained killer " Leona stated coldly " I know... I feel guilty about allowing them to make you that way... " " I don't understand... What do you mean by that? " " I shouldn't have allowed the military to organise training for you, they merely wanted a few perfect soldiers... " Her creator sighed " Where does this dress fit in with that? " " I feel guilty about denying you the chance to grow up like a normal child " " It doesn't really bother me though, if I had grown up like a normal child then maybe it would have meant something to me... " Leona sighed " That's what I mean, I feel guilty about taking from you what you should have had " " You make it sound like rape... " Leona yawned " It's worse than that... I've taken away from you something that you'll never be able to have again... your freedom of will " Her creator turned away for a second " With who I am it isn't likely that I would have stayed free for long anyway... " " Maybe so, but at least you would have known what it was like " " Can I change back now? This fabric is making me itch " " Sorry... I forgot to take into account how sensitive your skin was, I guess it goes with living away from natural light for so long... " " I prefer the environment that we lived in... It's too hot outdoors and I can't tan because of how I was made... " Leona chuckled " You know... You and Kat share more than you would believe... " " I'm nothing like him... " " You have similar builds, similar personalities and you both have an evil streak " " His hair is naturally white and mine is auburn, it was red for a while... " " Cosmetic differences... Still, I view you as my daughter " " You do? Should I get worried? " Leona pushed herself back in the chair slightly " No, it just means... Oh never mind, you wouldn't understand " " I guess not... I have a question... Would you answer it? " " What do you want to know? I'll tell you what I can... " " What can you tell me about Ritsuko Akagi? " " Your mother? Well... I don't really want to talk about that at this time... " " When will you tell me? " " Well... I guess I could tell you tomorrow... " " Do you promise that you will? I know that you have kept promises before... " " I promise to tell you... Besides I can't really tell you anything at this time... " " It's only an hour since lunch... " " Exactly! I've been up for a long time trying to sort out various problems and assigning people to do various tasks and... " " I get the idea... " Leona sighed raising her hand " You know... NERV asked the old branch for some more of the people based off you and the other three... " Her creator paused and laughed " So what did you say? What's so funny about that? " " Well, I've decided that I'm going to send them some of the later models, not as good as you or the others... And... " He paused again " If I really cared the suspense would be killing me " " Boom! " He shouted so suddenly that it made Leona jump " You're going to kill them? Why? " " They really messed up with the utilisation of the most powerful soldiers on the face of this planet, my children... I'm going to make them pay... " " But Kat... " Leona wiped a tear from her cheek " He's as good as dead... I found from a spy that he is currently dying from a drug overdose... " Leona looked shocked, she wiped another tear from her cheek " So you're telling me that I'm the last? " " Yes... I want to see them pay for what they did... " " When will you carry out this plan? " " I can't tell you that... I don't know the date they'll ask for them to be 'shipped' " " What about Kat? " Leona asked scratching her shoulder " He'll be taken from them in whatever state he's in at the time... " " You'll try to help him? " " Yes, we have better facilities here and a better understanding of how his body works, if there's anywhere that he'll recover... " " I see... I really need to change now though... " " Oh... Ok... Come back through as soon as you've finished... I think I'll get them to make a copy of that dress in a suitable material... " " If you believe that'll help... " Leona walked back into the changing room She pulled the dress off and looked at herself... Covered in a rash now... One of the few times that she could get any colour on her body... She quickly pulled her uniform back on and walked back into the office " Are you ok? " He creator asked seeing her scratching still " A rash covering the majority of my lower body... Nothing major though... " " I'm sorry that I kept you so long... " " Its ok... I'm not really too bothered by a little discomfort " " Well, you go and get some rest, I'll tell you what you want to know about yourself tomorrow " He creator smiled and put his hand on hers " If you insist... " Leona sighed and walked to her quarters