Evangelion - Bloodlines Children of Project D Genesis 1:7 Hopeless Struggle The head of Unit-03 rose over the edge of a concrete road, it continued to rise slowly until it half of the body was in view... It was taking a long time to rise... A group of people brave enough ran to the side of the Eva as it rose from the depths, most of them where not really going to be of much help but... The Eva needed to be equipped to take on the angel... William looked down on the people as he breathed the LCL in the entry plug... It was taking too long to get this done... The power shortage must have crippled NERV... Various weapons where dropped from planes above him and clattered to the ground, most of them taking chunks out of the concrete as they landed A selection of knives guns and explosives lay before him... He had received some training on how to use each of the items he could see but he wasn't entirely sure that he would be able to use them effectively He quickly decided to grab two of the guns... The only thing that stopped him from taking the progressive knives was the fact he had one mounted in each shoulder... Now to wait until he was allowed to power up the Eva, grab the guns and attack the angel... He knew he didn't have much of a chance... He could control the Eva well enough, the only thing that could be any trouble was his clumsiness while trying to control it... The form of the angel was barely visible on the edge of the city... Apparently it was responsible for the loss of power... It didn't seem to be moving much though... It didn't seem to be moving at all for that matter... A flare in the sky signalled that he was to start his assault on the angel, he powered the Eva up and picked the weapons he had chosen up This might be easier than he thought... He willed the Eva forward, he was going to fight this angel even if it was the last thing he did... If it was... No one would be around to hate him for it... Shinji ran along the corridors away from what ever it was that had killed the people who brought him here... What ever it was it was now after him... It was too dark... The emergency lighting was fading slowly... The corridors seemed a little closed in... Sweat ran down his face and his lungs seemed like they where about to explode with the pressure he was putting on them... What ever it was following him followed at an unknown pace... Sometimes it seemed to be ahead of him and others behind... Once or twice it had been right beside him, breathing down the side of his neck... What ever it was he was scared of it... He paused, hadn't he passed this place before? This was the medical area... The thing chasing him wasn't chasing him... It was keeping him in the same area... Shinji sighed and ran into the medical area, it was just as dimly lit as the other areas he had recently passed through... He ran down the corridors, the thing chasing him wasn't following... It was waiting outside the area... Something in here scared it... Shinji paused for breath, by now his lungs seemed to be on the brink of collapsing... A familiar face in the room nearby... The dull light illuminating their face like something from a horror movie... Rei Ayanami... He walked into the room unsure of what to do if she woke up, right now he felt safer with her than he did running from the unseen thing... The light reflected dully off her hair as she turned to face him... " Shinji? " She seemed slow, weakened by the time she had spent in bed... " Rei... I... " Shinji didn't know what to say " I'm glad you're here but... I think an angel's attacking... " " One is... Something's stopping me from getting to my Eva though... " " Something? " " I don't know if it's a person or a monster... " " The only monsters are the angels... " " But this person is stopping me from getting there... " " Then get help... " Rei smiled and closed her eyes, she rolled back and ignored Shinji's attempts to get her attention again... " Where will I get help around here? " Shinji sighed He paused to listen as a stream of verbal abuse drifted down the corridor, it contained very few intelligible words but the gist of it was Kat hated the dark... Shinji cautiously walked back into the corridor... This person chasing him could have followed while he was in Rei's room... He edged down the corridor nervously, unsure of what lurked in the next room or around the next turn... Kat was situated nearby, luckily for him... Shinji checked the corridor one last time in a bout of paranoia that seemed to be perfectly justified by the situation... He slipped into Kat's room trying to make as little sound as possible... Kat opened his eyes and looked directly at Shinji, the reflection of the emergency lighting in his eyes made him look truly evil... Shinji shuddered and walked to his side " Kat... You have to help me... " Shinji didn't really want to ask for help off Kat " What's in it for me? " Kat chuckled, the injury he had taken evidently not hurting him " Nothing... I don't have anything to give you... " " Shame... " Kat rolled over " Kat... Please help me... " " Please? " Kat turned to face Shinji again " This person's after me... " Shinji was on the verge of tears " I guess I can help... " Kat sighed, he climbed out of bed and pulled his clothes over his hospital robe, he checked all his pockets looking for something... " What's wrong? " Shinji asked trying to help " I can't find anything that resembles a knife... " Kat sighed, he looked about the room quickly before realising there wasn't anything he could use " Why do you kneed a knife? " " No real reason... " Shinji walked into the corridor... The person was following... " That's the person that's been following me... " Shinji pointed the dark shape in the distance out to Kat, he watched in amazement as Kat sprinted after it... He sighed and started running back toward his original destination... William Walked toward the angel, his power reserves where beginning to run a little low... He waved to a passing transport jet and watched as a generator was pushed out... He held his arms out and caught the rapidly falling object, it wasn't really a generator... More... A battery... He pulled an Umbilical cable out and plugged it into his back... The angel was close... It still hadn't moved though... He cleared the last of the buildings and walked to the angel... It wasn't moving at all... He raised a gun and started to aim at the main body of the angel... Eyes covered it and it looked like... A giant spider... He shook his head and pulled the trigger... The angel opened its eyes and raised its AT field... He was in trouble now... He didn't know how to fight... One of the huge legs of the angel slammed into his chest sending him flying into a nearby building, he staggered forward and raised the guns again... Another swing of a huge leg and the angel knocked the guns from his hands... He started to scramble up the side of the building in a desperate attempt to get away from the angel... He felt a weight on his back stopping him... The generator! He quickly released the umbilical cable and climbed onto the top of the building, the angel slammed its legs into the side of the building... It didn't seem to like the way he was getting away... The building started to give way... William was thrown to the ground right before the angel... It loomed above him something dripping from one of its eyes... What ever was dripping from its eye was burning through everything it touched... William slammed his fist into the body of the angel and quickly kicked out to get free... This angel wasn't going to be defeated by him alone... Didn't look like they where going to be able to help him either... Kat walked down the corridors without noise, the person chasing Shinji was obviously scared of him... They tried to keep out of sight... As he passed a tray of operating tools he quickly grabbed a few and slipped them into his jacket, there was no way he was going to be defenceless... Not in this condition... Not in any condition... A cruel grin spread across his lips, he quickly broke into a sprint despite the fact it was beginning to hurt him... The other person tried to escape but... Kat dived on to the person... " A woman? " Kat seemed a little surprised, a badly aimed punch skimmed his face as he tried to pull the persons mask off... " Get off me... " The woman growled, there was no way that she could be much older than he was... She seemed to be his age easily... " Not until you tell me who you are... " Kat tried to pull the mask off again unsuccessfully, he paused for a second before pulling out a scalpel " What... What are you going to do with that? " The woman was obviously nervous " Take that mask off... Unless you take it off yourself that is... " Kat watched as the woman took the mask off... " There... Now let me go... " " Not until you tell me how you could see so well in the dark... " " You smashed my night vision goggles when you tackled me... " She gestured to a broken pair of goggles that lay nearby " Oh... Shame... " Kat looked at the scalpel for a moment and sighed " You're going to kill me aren't you? " She was starting to panic... " Don't go anywhere... " Kat slammed the scalpel into the woman's shoulder pinning her to the floor, he quickly ran part of the length of the corridor... No sign of security... Kat turned to see the woman trying to prise the scalpel from her shoulder... He sprinted back and placed one hand on it, he sighed and pulled it free " What the hell are you doing to me? " The woman was obviously terrified of him... " I think you should seek medical attention... That stab wound looks like it could be a problem if left unattended... " Kat yawned " And where will I get help like that? " " Try looking for it in the medical facilities... " Kat yawned and walked back to his room, what happened to her and the others because he let her go didn't matter... He wanted a pair of night vision goggles and the only ones he had got access to where broken... He looked at the girl one last time and walked back to his room Poor girl... She was obviously terrified of something... He chuckled and glanced at into Rei's room as he passed... Sleeping... He walked into the room and shook her... This was pretty urgent... " What is it Kat? " Rei asked sleepily " Good night " Kat smiled and walked out He started to walk toward his room, he paused when something dawned on him... " Gotta go and see Asuka... " Kat sighed and changed direction Standing around was a more appealing prospect than seeing Asuka... He walked along the corridor, the woman he had attacked crawling along, probably dying from the stab wound... Not his problem... Kat smiled and waved as he walked past... It was almost like nothing had happened... As far as he was concerned nothing had... Nothing of interest anyway... He sighed and ignored his surroundings, he knew where Asuaka's room was so well he could get there blind... He closed his eyes, time to test that theory... Time seemed to pass slowly as he walked along the corridors... No bumping into walls though... He was getting good at this... " Kat? What the hell are you doing walking around with your eyes closed? " Asuka made him jump, he opened his eyes and smiled slightly " Nothin' just testing a theory... " " What was this 'theory' that you decided to test then? " " That I could walk here with my eyes closed... " " You probably peeked... " " No... I don't think I would... " " Is that... Blood? " Asuka was staring at his hands... " Maybe " Kat wiped his hands on his jacket " It is isn't it? " Asuka looked a little concerned... " I think so... It smells like it... " " Are you hurt? " Asuka looked a little more concerned... " No... It isn't mine anyway... " Kat licked some of the blood from one of his hands " That is... " " Disgusting? It doesn't matter... I don't know the person... " " You don't know a lot of the people that you kill... " " Didn't kill her... " Kat pulled a chair out, he knocked a pile of Asuka's clothes off the top and picked up a small packet from the top before sitting down " Hey, that's not fair... It'll take me a while to sort my clothes out now... " " I'm not worried about the clothes... What the hell are these? " Kat held up the packet, it was some kind of medication... The silver foil on the top glinted as he held the pack " Sedatives... " Asuka sighed, Kat didn't feel that she was telling the truth though... " Really? Mind if I take one? " " Not really... Just one though... " " Actually... With how ineffective they are on me it'll take about... Six... " Kat pulled six out and swallowed them... Asuka looked really worried now... " They aren't just plain sedatives... One could knock out just about anyone... " Asuka grabbed Kat's hand, she squeezed it tightly... " Yeah... And how long do they take before you get knocked out? " " Fast acting so with them about... A minute... Less I think... " " Yeah... So why where they really? " Kat yawned " Sedatives... I already told you... " " So why the hell... " Kat shook his head, he started to curse before slumping on the floor " Kat? " Asuka climbed out of bed wearing only a hospital gown, she knelt at his side and tried to pick him up... No use... She quickly rolled him over... Luckily he was still breathing... Just... Kat opened his eyes, he struggled trying to sit up, he held out one arm and opened his mouth slowly as if to say something, Asuka struggled to catch what he was trying to say " Fuck... " Kat slumped in Asuka's arms " Oh my god... " Asuka cradled Kat in her arms, she knew there was something she could do to save him but... Her mind was blank... The giant spider like angel continued to attack William remorselessly... He could feel pain almost constantly as he tried to defend himself... William backed away slightly, the angel followed immediately... He started to lean back... The angel swung one of its giant legs for him... It barely missed.... He continued to lean back, the angels sweeping attacks getting progressively closer... The world started to spin as the angel slammed a leg into his side, he put his arms out to try and stop himself from falling but... Wasn't the ground supposed to be closer? A crunch as the Eva impacted against the ground... The armour was giving way as the onslaught continued... The umbilical cable was gone... The internals of the Eva where severely damaged... His power reserves where dropping three times faster than normal... They where almost... William sighed as the last of the Eva's power supply was consumed... The angel loomed above him... Poised to strike... He covered his eyes as the leg of the angel descended... He opened them again to see the angel chasing another target... One of the transport jets had dropped a few small explosives on the angel it seemed... He watched as the angel ran toward the jets and destroyed them one by one... It wasn't going to take long before it reached the last one... No matter how distant it was... Maybe that was their plan? Lure it away and bomb it? He last transport exploded as the angel smashed it with its leg... The angel seemed to be satisfied with the fact nothing could harm it now... It was heading toward the centre of the city... Ritsuko watched as the entry plug was inserted into Unit-01 Shinji had been found just outside running along the corridors... He was terrified of something... They hadn't been able to spare much time to question him either... He had babbled incoherently about some of their security agents shooting Leona outside the school, he had talked about someone chasing him and killing the agents... What had worried her most was that he had told them Kat had chased off the other person... If that was so then he was probably at full strength... A dangerous man running loose in these conditions... At first she had thought Kat might have gone back to bed... That wasn't like Kat though... He was more of an active person... If it was true that the security agents had indeed shot Leona though... Gendo wouldn't be happy... They needed to have both Kat and Leona as the bare minimum for Project - D to succeed... Jonathon and Jane had been the ideal candidates but Leona and Kat where also valid for the project... The two with the pure DNA where gone... All that they had remaining was two with only a fragment of the DNA of a fallen god... The fraction should be enough though... She glanced at Shinji, he didn't know what the other children where... Even she didn't know exactly what they where... It was as if... They weren't from this world... She still didn't know what to believe though, every time Gendo explained something about the kids, one of them would do or say something that made her doubt it... Everything she had read about them she doubted the authenticity of... She was going to monitor Kat to see what she could discover... " What are you thinking about? " Misato asked, not as cheerful as usual " Nothing much... Just those damn kids running riot... " Ritsuko sighed " Asuka and Shinji aren't like that " " I was referring to our psychopathic friend who we currently have in our medical facilities... Maybe you know him? I believe you where going to care for him once... " " Don't rub it in... " Misato turned to face Unit-01 " How is Asuka doing? " " She's ok... They increased her dosage of sedatives... " Misato turned back to Ritsuko " What for? " Ritsuko tried to look like she was genuinely concerned, at least this lack light of light concealed the fact she didn't really care... " Leona seriously injured her when she attacked her... She doesn't seem to be herself when she takes the sedatives though... " " That would be one of the side effects... As soon as she stops taking them she'll be a lot better... Until then she'll have impaired judgement... " " Do you think you would like to come over some time? " " Why? " " I don't know... Maybe I could cook for everyone or something... " " You? Cook? Well... I suppose I could spare the time... " " I guess I could cook for a couple of the others... As long as they are still around and not in hospital... " Misato turned to face Unit-01 as it started to power up " I'm currently trying to figure out why the men Gendo sent opened fire on Leona like they did... Shinji mentioned that she was obviously unarmed... " " She was unarmed? " Misato looked shocked " Yes, not only that they left her in the school yard... " " They'll need severe disciplining when they get back... " " You're either not very well informed, stupid or you just didn't pay attention when Shinji was telling us about what happened... " " I couldn't understand him... " Misato was getting defensive... " Just drop it Major... " Ritsuko shook her head " Excuse me, Miss Akagi? " Maya quickly stepped between them " What is it? " " I heard that Leona... " " I'll give you any news when it arrives... " " Thank you... " Maya walked back to the main group of people The giant hand of an Eva slammed down into the concrete surface of the road causing extensive damage as it did so, A head started to protrude from a gaping hole Eva Unit-01 was slowly getting there, it was running off reserve power alone and didn't have anything in the way of weapons to defend itself Shinji sighed, he only had half a minutes power remaining after the climb out... He vaulted over the lip of the shat and sprinted toward the position of a backup battery pack, buildings where in the way though... They where slowing him up... Ten seconds... The battery was now in sight... Five seconds... Damn it, he was so nervous he was fumbling his attempts to put the umbilical cable in so he could actually use the battery... Three... Two... One... The Eva powered down as the last of its power was exhausted... Sudden powering up... The umbilical cable had slipped in at the last moment... Shinji breathed a sigh of relief and picked the battery up, he didn't like how close that one had been... Today couldn't really get much worse... He turned to face the angel, it didn't seem to be that concerned that he was around... He started to run toward it, it was just another annoyance in yet another bad day... He commanded the Eva to side step as the angel attacked him, he effortlessly stepped to one side dodging a flailing leg, he quickly slammed his fists into the angels leg Ineffective... The angel might not have an AT field raised but it was going to take a weapon to take this one down with the time he had... He paused for a second when he noticed the prone form of Unit-03 lay just outside the city outskirts... Obviously ran out of power... He ducked under another leg and sprinted to the side of Unit-03, he grabbed a generator as he did so and slammed the umbilical cable into the back of the Eva... Nothing... The battery was out of power or... Shinji cursed when he realised why the battery wasn't working, it had been damaged in the fight at some point... Half of one side was torn open... The ground rushed up and slammed into his face as the angel attacked him from behind, he rolled over and drew a progressive knife... He was still burdened down by the battery... He quickly ejected the umbilical cable and climbed to his feet... The angel was watching his every move... They where learning by fighting them... A warning as the Eva started to rely on its own power source again... He looked back to see that the cable had just been cut... A progressive knife had been discarded in some rubble and was protruding in such a way that he had sliced the cable while moving around it... The angel took advantage of the distraction and slammed him against the side of a building before hammering him through it with two legs... This angel was really getting to be a problem... If only there was a way to get near enough to attack it... They hadn't even the decency to drop another weapon... The angel slammed its legs into him again smashing him through another building, it was times like this he wished he didn't feel everything the Eva did... He watched as another leg descended on the Eva's chest smashing into its armour and forcing it across the floor into the side of another building Shinji forced himself to get up despite the pain he was in, he slowly looked up to see the angel raising another leg to finish him off... The leg darted toward his head but not quick enough to hit him, he quickly threw himself to the ground and watched as the angel smashed its leg through the building... He watched as the leg sped upward, glinting as the light caught it... The leg started to descend again... The building behind him slammed down on top of the angel... Must have cut through it completely when it tried to kill him... At least the angel was dead now, he wouldn't have been able to defeat it himself... That one had been too powerful for him to cope with... He turned and started to limp away, he was running low on power and had to grab another external battery if he was going to get back to the geo-front... A little rubble fell from the body of the angel, the building was so heavy that it wasn't able to stay in one piece... He turned and watched as the top section broke lose... That was going to take some cleaning up... A giant leg swung toward him and slammed into the Eva's chest making him stagger back... Another leg moving faster than the others took both legs off at the knees... Shinji screamed as he hit the ground, the angel couldn't have survived that, it shouldn't have been able to survive a building falling on it, the angel looked so frail as well... One of the Eva's arms was severed in a similar manner, the angel slammed its leg into his remaining arm crushing it, Shinji was defenceless and the angel was still going... A massive leg slammed into his chest... The Eva powered down and the angel walked away... The pain of the attack subsided... It was all over... He had failed and so had William... Jets circled above them now the angel had left... A fresh battery was dropped for William and manually plugged into his Eva... There was still a chance that the angel could be stopped... William watched as the Eva powered up, he grinned and slipped the battery over one shoulder, he still had a chance now he could fight again... He walked over to his progressive knife and picked it up, weapon or no weapon he would try and take this angel on for the insult to his honour... He slowly walked along behind the angel, hiding in the shadows of buildings as he approached the angel from what he hoped was a blind area... The angel was trying to find a quick way to attack NERV it seemed... He climbed onto the top of a nearby building using the progressive knife as a climbing tool, he hopped to the next building and regained his balance... He wasn't doing so well... A bead of sweat ran down his forehead as the effort of piloting started to take hold... At this rate he wasn't going to least much longer before getting exhausted... He hopped over another gap, almost slipping as he tried... Maybe this wasn't such a good idea? Maybe he should have tried to run toward it? The angel seemed oblivious to his presence... He steadied himself before jumping... The angel suddenly turned and smashed him out of the air with a single swipe of its legs... The Eva was embedded in the side of a building... He couldn't move... He was out of power and there was no way he could eject with the position he was in... He was doomed and the only thing he could do now was pray that the angel would leave him alone... It didn't seem to be interested in that idea though... A leg slammed through his Eva and the building behind him, he struggled for a second before the last of the battery power he had was drained... Finished... Both of them where finished because he was a failed pilot... If only he had been stronger... He would have been able to beat the angel... Humanity was finished because of him... He sighed and watched as the angel started to dissolve the ground... Going straight for NERV it seemed... An acidic liquid dripping from an eye on its underside... It was going to take some time... He may as well sleep through it... William closed his eyes and allowed himself to drift into a deep sleep... Maya blinked as the natural light outside the facility assaulted her eyes, she had gone against all her orders and decided to look for Leona... She gasped when she saw the remains of Unit-01 near her... Seemed the angel was powerful... She looked around for Unit-03... Limp and lifeless... It was hanging from the side of a building... She fell to her knees and hung her head, it was all over... A giant red form dived over her head and toward the form of the angel... Unit-02 was repaired already? Asuka was fit to pilot? No... That couldn't be one of the Evangelion series... It must be that other... Thing... That Asuka and Shinji had mentioned while being debriefed... She started to run after it as quickly as the technician uniform would allow her too, the giant red creature was circling the angel in the distance... It dodged various attempts waiting for an opportunity... She continued to run... She was getting tired... It would be dangerous to get too close anyway... The angel darted forward, its legs flailing at the giant red thing... The red creature merely stepped to one side before moonsaulting into the air... The angel reared onto its back legs trying to keep sight of the thing, it slowly started to fall backward... The red thing landed behind it and watched as the angel toppled... Maya gasped and started to throw up as the red creature tore the angel open and started to eat it... What could possibly drive it to do something like that? She recalled that it used an umbilical cable... She looked up for a second to see there was no cable... Was this the same creature that she had been told about? She turned away as it ripped the angels core out and smashed it against the ground... This creature was ignoring the Eva series at least... Angel blood splashed over her as the creature wildly tore the angle apart, It had to be something to do with Kat... He had to be the pilot... He was brought into the base for some reason, he was actually allowed to get away with attempted murder with nothing more than a slap on the wrists... There was something wrong with him... He killed people for no reason was what she had heard... He had even discussed what he would do to kill Misato and the others... He hadn't threatened Misato at any point... That was what had worried her the most... The report she had filed had classed him as a psychopath who needed to be locked away as quickly as possible... From what she had read about and heard, Kat was more of a threat than the angels were... She was glad that Leona seemed to be normal... Unlike Kat... If something could be done to annoy or inconvenience someone then the odds where that Kat would go out of his way just to make sure it would happen... Maya looked up to see a light glowing dimly above her... Power was restored... Maybe this nightmare was going to end? A confusing world around her and a job that couldn't offer her any safety... Maybe she should have worked for a big corporation instead? Maya sighed and shook her head before walking back toward the emergency access tunnel she had climbed from, all she wanted to do now was have a shower... She didn't care what Gendo or Misato had to say about this, she was going to tell them she was taking the rest of the day off so she could try and forget this incident... Enough was enough... Maya was severely pissed off about this...