Evangelion - Bloodlines Children of Project D Genesis 1:6 Deceived for Trusting A sigh slipped from a pair of bloodied lips, sorrow hung heavy in the air as a black bag was pulled from the alcoves of a medical room Another attack from the remaining SEELE personnel... If this was what they had planned all along... It was fortunate that they had been decimated when they had... People rushed about the damp corridors trying to pump the water out... It wasn't like they where unable to deal with this... It had been a surprise when they had flooded the base using an unknown amount of water... Bodies floated in some of the deeper areas that still had to be pumped... Most of the casualties had been people who weren't that important to the running of NERV... Some though... One or two brilliant people had been killed... Everyone who could be spared was helping with this one, even some people who worked in the more important areas had abandoned their posts to help... Even Gendo was helping out... The worst of this was that the majority of the pilots where now hospitalised and the medical facilities where nearby... Only Shinji and William where fit to pilot... Leona couldn't pilot yet as she hadn't been tested fully... She needed to have the implants before she was going to be tested for piloting skills anyway... It would be another couple of days before the implants that where needed where completed... Aside from that little problem she would be able to pilot... Until the parts arrived it looked like she would be wearing the cut down spying equipment... How she was able to use it was a mystery... Not one that they would be able to understand with surgical tools or with computer analysis... Since she had been here the magi had reported multiple disturbances... A couple of times the security cameras had been taken control of, and during the time she was at school... A reconnaissance satellite had stopped transmitting for a short time... A scream as another person found a loved one or family member dead, men and women dressed in bloodied overcoats ran about trying to identify some remaining bodies The way this had been carried out though... It was too precise and too well planned... Someone was leaking important information to an outside party, it seemed there was nothing they could do to stop this either... This was bound to happen again, it had done before and it looked likely to again... One of the times Kat had stopped one of the attempted attacks and taken a serious injury... Then there was the other matter to do with Kat... When they had tried to help him, they had found a large amount of sharp implements on his person, it seemed that he was the one taking anything sharp left lying about... Something would have to be done about him... If he didn't stop then he could become a real threat to other people with his attitude... More workers streamed into the corridor to take over from the current ones... Not all of them would leave it seemed... Some of the workers had to be dragged away... It was a hopeless situation, people lay trapped under rubble and when they got to them they where dead... The ones responsible had managed to get away... At least they had been caught on the cameras... Leona walked into the corridor followed by Maya... She looked at the bodies of the dead blankly before turning away unmoved... She looked at her watch and waited... Kaji walked along the corridor toward her... She walked toward him and in hushed tones discussed the attack... Kaji passed over a couple of documents and walked away Leona walked into the medical section, followed by Maya who looked more interested in helping than babysitting... Maybe Leona was completely uncaring? With the training she had received as a kid though, it was no wonder that any of them turned out like they did... Trained to kill before they could grasp the concept of morals or tell the difference between right and wrong... The reports had said the Leona had been the most sensitive... To counter this 'weakness' they had locked her in a morgue for hours on end... The reports on the children where still arriving... They sent a couple of documents on a regular basis... There where so many to read through... One of them told how they had managed to map the human genome ahead of schedule... A couple of years ahead... This was why they had been able to create the children... The military had sanctioned the creation of these children for a specialised army... One that had been capable of taking out any land based army... The project had been abandoned halfway through development, people had found out that the military had chosen a research organisation to make these children... An inside organisation that had a civilian front... When this was hear of SEELE had provided the funding to complete the project and raise the children... Seemed that they where unaware of the majority of this though... Blissful ignorance... Men dressed in black suits walked about the corridor brandishing their ID like a weapon... They asked the few witnesses about the incident... No one really wanted to talk... They just wanted to get this day over with and go home... Ritsuko sighed and walked into the medical area, despite all that had happened there where still other people who seemed more important... " Hey, Kat... How are you feeling now? " Leona asked as she sat on the end of his bed " Ok... I guess... " Kat smiled " You're still pretty badly hurt... " " I know... What happened outside anyway? " " Oh... People got killed in the latest attack... " " It was him again... " " Him? " " The one that killed Jonathon and Jane... " " How do you know? " " I saw him... He walked past this room... " " But the attack was from the outside... " " Doesn't mean they can't have an inside man... " " I suppose... Anyway... Anything happened recently? " " Asuka was brought in a day or two ago... Rei was taken to another place to recover on Gendo's orders... " Kat shrugged, this was all of no interest to him " I see... Maybe we mean nothing to them? " " That would explain the lack of people coming to see me... " " Not had many visitors? " " Misato... Ritsuko... Maya and Kaji... " " Four people? " Leona glanced at the documents that Kaji had passed her " Misato visited twice... " " Oh... Kaji told me to pass this on to you... " Leona passed the documents over " What is it? " " Something to do with an assassin... " " Ok... You know, the way you put Asuka in this place... " " Look, I'm sorry about that... " " Don't be... I couldn't have done a better job myself... " " You wouldn't hurt her though... " Leona smiled " Really? " Kat laughed " Maybe you would... You are the kind of person that would do that... " " You proved that you don't like being messed with from what I heard... " " I only acted in self defence " " Hospitalising her? " " Well... You know how it is... " Leona climbed to her feet and walked to the door " Going so soon? " " Yeah... Maya's waiting outside... I hope you get better soon... " " Oh... I will... It's not like this could finish me off or anything... " Kat smiled as Leona walked away, things where a little boring alone... It was no fun being alone unless you where the reason you where alone... Then you would at least be alone cause you had a killer personality Kat laughed and lay back, he never got bored when he thought of ways to kill people... Another day wasted in school had brought her nothing but boredom... People tended to avoid her after seeing what she had done to Asuka... Maybe today she would visit Kat... it had been a day since she had... Leona glanced at the remains of an angel that still littered the city, it was taking them a while to clear the huge diamond shaped structure... A shadow fell across her back... Leona span round sweeping the person before realising what she was doing, she dived under the falling form and caught them before they hit the ground... " Sorry Shinji... I didn't know it was you... " " I... " Shinji rolled from on top of her and looked amazed " If you could in future avoid walking behind me... " Leona blushed, the colour was barely visible though, pale red only served to make her appear healthy for a second " Are you ok? " Shinji gasped, still a little shocked from how suddenly she attacked him " I should be asking you that question... " Leona smiled " Why are you sitting alone? Normally during lunch we go up to the roof... " " I suppose.... " Leona climbed to her feet and yawned " You dropped this... " Shinji passed her a book up " Oh... " " What is it? " Shinji asked glancing at the cover " Trying to learn to be a little more social... " " Why? " " Well... It's just to try and fit in... " " I don't think it'll be easy to fit in after what you did... " " I know... " " So what have you learnt so far from that book? " " Not much... I don't think I'll need to say that I respect anyone or that I care for anyone... Maybe I'll just refer to them all as idiots? " " And you claimed to be 'trying' to be social... " " Well, maybe I'll have to refer to Misato as Misato-san from now on... " " Because of her position? " " No, because she's royalty, of course it's because of her position in NERV " " No need to talk down to me... " " You believe that you are of sufficient intelligence to stay on whatever level of language I might choose to employ with you? " " What? " Leona almost found the look on Shinji's face amusing " You think you can hold a conversation with me at my level? " " Well... I guess not... " " Anyway, I guess we should stop standing around... People are staring if you didn't notice... Shall we go and join the others? " Leona smiled " I can see why people don't want to make friends with you in a hurry... " Leona shook her head and walked away, Shinji sighed and ran after her " You finally decided to join us I see! " Aida greeted Leona cheerfully " Well... I would have liked a little more time alone... " " What's wrong? Don't like our company? " Toji yawned " I don't mind the company... Well most of the time... " " Most of the time? " Toji frowned " I just like some time alone sometimes... " Leona smiled " Is that dirt on you back? " Aida asked rubbing some off " Shinji decided to sneak up on me... I kicked him and had to catch him... " Leona growled, she pushed Aida away slightly and glowered at him " No need to... " Aida paused as Leona shook her head " Just give me some space please " Leona growled " If you say so... " Toji had seen what Leona had done to Asuka... Misato watched as the dejected form of William wandered down the corridors, he had been getting private tuition instead of going to school like all the other kid... He didn't seem to care about anything... Since he wasn't even a good pilot he tended to be overlooked... Was he the best they had to offer? The lights flickered overhead as faded... " Great... What a time to have power failure... " Misato growled, a torch beam flickered on and then faded " Fuck... That was fully charged... " William shouted " Hey wait there... " Misato ran to the dully illuminated form of William... The torch flickered momentarily before fading again... " What's going on? " William asked pulling a lighter from his pocket " I don't know... I think we should get to a safe place though... " Misato snatched Williams lighter and started to lead ahead " Don't you think we should... " " Don't argue with me... " Misato growled All was silent... The kids around her gasped as the power in the classroom faded... Something was wrong... Still, it wasn't of interest to her... People climbed from their chairs and walked to the window... A giant spider like creature was visible on the horizon... No sign of anything trying to stop it though... If the military where going to do anything about this then they should act now... Leona looked at her watch to see that it wasn't working... All the clocks and watches had stopped... Maybe the creature was responsible for this? If it was affecting electronics so badly then why could she see? Maybe what she was wearing was magnetically shielded or something... Leona watched as the kids started to run toward their shelters, she sighed and walked out of the school grounds, it was really annoying her... What ever this was... Leona paused, a black car was waiting for her outside the school gates... Men dressed in black suits climbed out and walked toward her... " Please come with us... " The men didn't seem dangerous... " Who are you? " " NERV officials... " " Show me some form of ID, and tell me, what are you doing here? " " We are here to take you back to the geo front " one of the men said showing her his ID " So you mean to say that they believe I am of some value to them? " Leona sighed " That seems to be the way... " The man replied coldly " So what if I don't want to come with you? " Leona flicked her hair back " We have our orders... " The man brushed his shirt back slightly to reveal a gun " I'm nothing but a frail kid... " " We know otherwise... We have been informed that if needed then we can shoot... " " I'm a lot more frail than you... " Leona narrowed her eyes The man reached for Leona, she backed away and reached behind her back, a shot rang out... A bullet tore through her shoulder, blood splashed around her... She barley flinched despite the pain, the man kept his gun trained on her... He had pulled the gun on her before she could react... A twisted smile crossed her lips as she considered the next move... She looked to one side, blood splashed up her cheek... Shinji was pushed into the car without protest... He looked out the window, concern etched on his face Her injured arm hung at her side lifelessly as she staggered forward A sigh before reaching behind herself again... Another shot rang out hitting her other arm... She was defenceless now... The men ran up to her, guns still trained on her... They searched her quickly before realising she was unarmed... " Shit, this is going to be really hard to explain... " One of the men placed his hand on the back of his neck, obviously trying to think of a way out... " Nice going... You think they will let you off with this one? " Leona rubbed her blood flecked face against her shoulder before smiling " Evil bitch... This was planned all along... " One of the men ran up to her and threw a punch, Leona could have easily dodged and countered - even in this state... She staggered back before collapsing on the ground, blood started to pool around her as she made one last effort to get up before lying still In the distance she could hear Shinji screaming, the men quickly climbed into the car before driving off... She was alone... Now it was safe she could go and get her stuff... Not that any of it was of any real use... She climbed to her feet ignoring the amount of blood she was loosing, she staggered into the classroom and grabbed her bag, but it wasn't really needed... She staggered out of the building and out of the grounds, fully aware that all of this was caught on the surveillance system that NERV had installed in the grounds... The road before her lay empty, evidence that the people here where afraid of the currently approaching menace, considering the way it was ignoring everything in sight though... Realising she was beginning to feel light headed she tore a few strips from her blouse to stop the bleeding, she had to tie it tight to cut the blood supply but... In this state her arms where of no use to her anyway... The distant stretch of road blurred slightly, shimmering with the abnormal heat of the day... When you lived in a cool environment away from light though... She smiled slightly when she spotted a group of men dressed in black being led by... " Jonathon wait! " Leona screamed, she started to run as fast as she could possibly manage, the men paused and raised their guns, seeing how she was though... The men lowered their guns again, she wasn't a threat... She ran up to Jonathon and pressed herself against him... " I'm sorry but... Jonathon is dead... " The man took part of his clothes off... The same man who attacked them before... The same man responsible for Jonathon's death... Now she could see his face he was obviously different... " You're that man who works for SEELE... " Leona smiled " Yeah... What happened to you Leona? " " NERV betrayed me... Obviously don't trust me... " " Join us then... " " Join you? Work for SEELE? They where destroyed though... " " SEELE wasn't destroyed... They only lost one branch... " " But the chairmen... " " ...Took orders from a higher official, I believe you know him... " " Who? " Leona glanced at the other men as they cleaned her injuries up " The man who created you... " " Oh my... " Leona backed away slightly " Don't worry... If you come back I'm sure he'll forgive you... " " You think? " " I know... He's still proud of you all despite what happened... " " Then... I'll come with you... " Leona smiled " Then we can abort this mission... " The man gestured to the other men he was with " Mission? " Leona looked intrigued " Oh... Nothing much... Blowing a few things up... " " Nothing of interest? " " No, Just the odd building... " " You never told me your name... You know mine so... " " I don't have a name... I'm just child Sigma... " " I'm child Iota... " " We better get back, those injuries will require surgery... " Sigma smiled and led her toward an armoured personnel carrier... Leona smiled, she was finally around people who would treat her right NERV had been gave four of the most advanced super soldiers and hadn't bothered to keep track of them, it was no wonder they only had one left... Jonathon and Jane, both dead... Bodies destroyed in an accident... Kat, severely injured in a terrorist attack... Herself... Traitor... Kat was the only one who remained, he was incapacitated though... Unable to do anything due to his injuries... NERV would be really pleased to hear about this one, their agents opening fire on her while she was unarmed had made her go traitor The real beauty of this plan was that she could go back to them if she wanted to, they would think she believed they where against her In reality there where a few flaws, she didn't care though, she could kill them at a later date... Nothing would really stop her in this one Leona chuckled slightly and closed her eyes, she didn't care if she died today now, the lives of the agents would be ruined for this... Shinji walked down a maze of corridors and emergency access tunnels, the men who had shot Leona and left her to die in the school grounds where also with him... He walked along various corridors at random trying to find a way out, the winding corridors seemed to stretch on below him to infinity... The men pointed to an access point, he climbed down into another corridor... He looked around and realised he was near the medical area... A click as one of the men placed his gun to the back of Shinji's head... " Sorry kid... We can't allow you to go any further... " One of the men said coldly " Are you from SEELE? " Shinji asked trying to keep calm " No... The Japanese self defence force sent us in... " " Then why are you going to kill me? " Shinji was almost on the verge of tears " You are a threat to everyone... Every time you get into that Eva... " " Why me? Why not one of the other pilots? " " Asuka and Rei are no threat when compared to you... " " What about the pilots of the other things? " " What other things? " " These big monsters... Similar to an Eva but... " " Who pilots them? " " I don't know... " " Tell me now " The man growled " I don't know... I think they are top secret or something... " Shinji cowered against the wall trying to put distance between him and the man A shape started to move in the darkness above them... The emergency lighting flickered for a second before going off... The screams of the men around him... Something trickled down his face in the darkness... The lights flickered back on... Shinji realised he was surrounded by dead men, their blood covered him and dripped from him as he tried to run, what ever had killed them had done it quick... They hadn't even been able to get a single shot off, even in a blind panic... A chuckle as the black form ran off above him in the access tunnels, Shinji didn't want to know who this was but... He was just glad he was spared... " Where the hell has Shinji got to? " Misato shouted angrily " Those agents should have brought him here by now... " Ritsuko sighed, her face bore evidence of bruising from the earlier attack " If he doesn't get back soon we'll have to use William... " Misato sighed, she looked at William standing there dressed in a spare plug suit " Didn't we have any plug suits made for him? " Ritsuko asked realising it was one of Shinji's spare plug suits " No... We didn't think we would ever need to use him again " Misato sighed " Hmm... Maybe we should... Just in case something like this happens again... " Ritsuko walked toward Maya as she tried to calm her sister " Miss Akagi, where's Leona? " Maya asked without looking up " She should have arrived by now... So should Shinji... " " Do you think something happened? " " I hope not... " " What are we going to do about launching the Eva? " " We have a few motors set up for it to be lifted to surface level... " " And how are we going to insert the entry plug? " " Motors again... " " And the power reserves? " " Internal batteries... " " Do we stand a chance? " " Maya, if we didn't have to rely on William then I would have said yes... " Ritsuko watched as Maya fell silent and tried to comfort her sister again Maybe she shouldn't have admitted that William wasn't exactly a good pilot... She turned to William, he stood there silently waiting to be ordered to do something " Miss Akagi? " William looked a little nervous " What is it? " " You said I'm not exactly a good pilot... " " Compared to the other pilots you are..." " Just tell me, am I that honestly that bad? " " Yes... " Ritsuko turned away as William was forced into the entry plug She watched as a group of people started to manually insert the entry plug into the Eva, The group where obviously having difficulties though... Gendo walked over to the group and started to help them... The plug was inserted and the platform was started to take the Eva to surface level... This could take some time though, the motor seemed a little slow to her... Leona walked down a familiar set of corridors, ones that seemed to be identical to the ones she grew up in... But she was in Japan now... A country that seemed to be every bit as hostile as Kat... Since she had arrived she had been captured, knocked out and shot at... That was without all the minor things... She looked to one side to see Sigma walking alongside without showing any sign of awareness of his surroundings... He seemed more than a little distant... A door loomed ahead of her set into the wall in such a way that it would be almost impossible to tear it out... Sigma opened the door and walked in ahead of Leona, he waited for her to follow before closing the door and standing beside it... " Well then, what do we have here? " It was obviously Maximilion's voice but he was sat in the darkness in such a way only the outline of his chair was visible " Don't you even remember me? " Leona smiled, Maximilion gestured to Sigma and waited for him to leave the room " Of course I do...I've never denied that you exist before " " Maybe there wasn't any need too... " " Maybe so, I wouldn't have denied it anyway " " Denied that I exist? " " Exactly, despite everything you've done I'm still proud of you... " " I have a question... " " First let me ask you, how did you get injured like that? Did Sigma... " " No... He's gentle... A little like Jonathon... " " What did you want to know? " " They called me Leona Akagi... Is it true that Ritsuko Akagi is my mother? " " I guess it was only a matter of time before you found out about that... " " We where told that our mothers died... " " We where going to kill them after you where all born... " " So why didn't you? " " It didn't seem right...We had a few promising people here who had been chosen for the project... A few of them where very young at the time... " " How young? " " Barely in the twenties region... " " So why didn't you kill them? " " They where people just like anyone else... No body was actually prepared to carry out an act of murder... They didn't like the idea of loosing their child either... " " I know how that can feel... " Leona blushed " They had to be gave extensive therapy and compensation for the emotional trauma caused by the loss of their child... " Maximilion sighed " What are you doing here anyway? " Leona asked, she didn't really want to know anything else about her past... " I'm here because I have to take over, I was the only chairman that didn't travel to see this new 'sample' they had discovered... With the way they described it... " " What did they say about it? " Leona asked rubbing her cheek against her shoulder " Oh... It's nothing to worry about... It just seemed a little... Familiar... " " What happened to make you the sole one then? " " You haven't heard? " " I might have... NERV are pretty secretive when it comes to informing me... " " An entity of great power appeared in the base shortly after the chairmen started their conference, what it was that was so urgent they all came to the one area... " " An entity? You mean like an angel? " " I believe that to be the case... NERV sent people to the shell of the building and stripped everything that remained... " " And what of this entity? " " I managed to get a picture from one of the cameras that was left after this 'thing' attacked and NERV took all the other footage they could find... " " So what was it? " " I don't know what it is, where it came from or why it's here, all I can tell you is that I have seen it before... It looks so familiar, yet... " Maximilion sighed " Maybe I can help? " Leona smiled slightly " If you find anything tell me as soon as possible... " Maximilion passed a picture across " That's what I'm looking for? I have nightmares about things like that... " " If it is what I'm thinking of then everyone has seen them in their nightmares... " " I'll see what I can find... " Leona sighed and walked to the door, she watched as Maximilion passed a note to Sigma He nodded and turned to face Leona " So where are we going? " " We? You're helping me? " " Yeah... Why shouldn't I help? " " Your nothing but a soldier... " Leona shook her head " I may be a soldier but I am able to adapt to do various tasks... " " I'm not really that adaptable... I can fight better than most... Only my strength isn't physical... I probably make you look dense... " " Dense? You mean to say that I am comparable to lead? " " In comparison to me... " Leona sighed " Well, that would be expected... All you children developed faster than is really possible in your strong areas... " Sigma sighed " What about you then? You're probably one of us... " " Not really... I wasn't made from the same materials as you... You four where the originals and as such you are pretty much obsolete... " " Obsolete? How could you say such a thing? " " You where born of a woman... I was born of a tube... " " But he said that... " " After you where born they found that a few unnecessary genes where causing the trouble, they stopped including them and I'm the end result... " " And what where these genes? " " How am I supposed to know? All I know is that you are obsolete, I am superior in every possible way to you... " Sigma smiled " What you're saying can't be right... " " They make more of us than you think... Everyone in this base is one of us... " " Everyone? Some of them look about forty... " " Grown to that age... " " That isn't right... No one should mess with genetics like that... " " I'm physically twenty... You know the saddest thing about you children? " " What? " Leona growled " You all have a shortened life span... " Sigma chuckled " You mean to say they only kept us for amusement? " " Exactly... I didn't think that you would be so gullible... " Sigma smiled " At least that shows that I have a trace of humanity... That's more than I can say for you... " Leona slapped Sigma, he didn't even flinch " Silly girl... You should have stayed with NERV... At least there you would only die from their incompetence... " Sigma slammed his fist into Leona He looked up to see that a security camera was watching him " Smile! " Leona chuckled despite the pain she was in " Ah yes... I heard that you have the ability to use electronics like that... " " Guess what the people on the other end think of this... " Leona choked " What? They think that I beat the hell out of you for annoying me? They wouldn't do anything about it... " Sigma was so laid back he was beginning to annoy her " They think that you just threatened to destroy this place with explosives just like you did to SEELE... They think that you threatened to rape me... " " I didn't do that to SEELE though... " Sigma started to look pale, he was almost the same colour as she was now... " They think otherwise... " Leona started to climb to her feet " You bitch... " Sigma grabbed Leona and slammed her head into the wall, he looked amazed when she didn't fall to the floor unconscious " Bye Sigma... " Leona chuckled as a gun was placed to the back of his head " I didn't say anything like that though! " Sigma shouted, Leona looked away as the man pulled the trigger, a hand fell on her shoulder... " You'll be ok... Maximilion saw the incident on the surveillance equipment and ordered that we killed him immediately... I guess he didn't want you to get hurt... " Leona looked up at the man standing to her side, he helped her to her feet and started to lead her toward her room... She looked back for a second and smiled slightly It was over... She was the one who had one... She knew what was going on here and didn't want to see it continue... It wasn't right creating her and the others in the first place, but this... This was playing god with the building blocks of life... One day they where going to make a mistake and create something that they couldn't control... She would happily wait for that day