Evangelion - Bloodlines Children of Project D Genesis 1:4 Evil Innocence Kat followed a trail of blood that led along a corridor he wasn't familiar with, he knew that he was on the right track though... He kept catching glimpses of the person he was after... The blood created a winding trail like a pathway leading to death... Another persons death Kat grinned and charged on, he wasn't really bothered by the past wounding he had suffered while fighting with the large man... He wasn't even bothered by injuries he had taken only a few days ago... They had no idea that he could recover so quickly... No one really knew but the people who created him... The trail of blood abruptly stopped... Kat looked up... A ventilation duct... He knew this trick... The bastard would be waiting just up the top... Kat pulled a small object from his belt and threw it up... It was thrown back down... Just as he had expected... He grabbed a small explosive off his belt and threw it up, a small explosion followed by a cry of pain signalled him that now was the time He grabbed the vent and swung his body up into the vent... The man was crawling along the vent trying to get away... Kat darted along the vent toward the man... He stopped when he noticed something... The vent was blocked... The only way out was back... Kat slowly advanced on the man, he pulled the sole remaining knife out of its hidden location in his jacket... Time to kill the bastard... The man glanced back before slamming his fist against the blocked end... It opened... That's how he got in unnoticed... Kat darted along the vent, he climbed up through the vent and looked around... Two people ran away from him... The one similar to Jonathon was now with a woman who looked similar to Jane in build... " Jonathon and Jane are alive... " Kat gasped, he flipped to his feet, maybe it was them? Leona looked at the blonde haired woman confused, her sight was returning but she still couldn't hear anything unless it was loud... It seemed that she was deaf... The woman tried to talk to her again... Nothing was audible... " I can't hear you... I think I've gone deaf... " Leona sighed The woman tried to talk to her again... She held up a piece of paper and started to write on it... Leona watched as the woman tried to ask her what was wrong... " I don't know what's wrong with me... " The woman continued to write things... " What's your name? " Leona asked The woman started to scribble down more questions before putting down her name... " Dr. Ritsuko Akagi... " Leona looked up to see another woman standing at the door... The two women talked about something... Probably her... They continued for some time... " I wonder if they have a computer here... " Leona sighed, she smiled... They had " Excuse me... Can you help me? " Leona asked Ritsuko " She's deaf... " Ritsuko ignored her, still speaking to the other woman " Not entirely... " Leona smiled " You can hear me? " " Yeah... I tapped into the camera there... " Leona pointed to a security camera " Oh god... Kim will know that we came here then... " " Is that a bad thing? " Leona was starting to get agitated by the sound quality of the camera " Yes... She wants you and Kat dead... " " What about Jane " " Her and Jonathon died together in some accident a few days back... " " Jonathon died a lot further back... " " No... He was forced to fake his death... SEELE came after him... " " He was alive? Damn...We only came here to avenge him... " " I better go... " The other woman sighed " Ok... Misato, one last thing... Remember what I said about Kat... " " Yes I will... " Misato sighed Ritsuko turned back to Leona " How do you do that? " " Do what? " " Interface with technology... " " It's just... Natural... I don't know why you can't do it... " " We can't do such things... They aren't natural... " " It is for me... Anyway... Doing it like this allows me to hear you... " " Hmm... I wonder... " " Whatever you may be thinking... Don't even... " Leona smiled as Kat walked back in " Hey, Leona... You're finally aware again... " Kat hugged her " I'm still deaf but... I got around it... " Ritsuko looked at the way Kat and Leona grinned at each other She had never seen Kat look this way... They were both so warm and loving toward each other... Kat threw his arms around Leona and laughed softly, he grinned and let her go Ritsuko stepped back confused " Why did you stop chasing the person who attacked us? " Ritsuko asked " I think it was Jonathon... " " That's impossible... " " He faked his death before... " " Not this time... " Ritsuko held up the tape that had been recovered from the camera " Then why did he seem to be Jonathon... " Kat slumped on the nearby table " You mean you just let him go... " Ritsuko was shocked, she thought Kat was ruthless... " You have to understand something... Kat could never bring himself to harm any of us... We could never harm him either... " Leona sighed " Blood is thicker than water... " Kat sighed " You're a fool " Leona laughed " Shut up... " Kat smiled and turned to face her " Why? " Leona looked at him innocently " 'Cause I said so " Kat laughed, Ritsuko looked outside the door... She was sure there would be trouble soon... Kim wasn't as stupid as she seemed... No one could be that stupid... " Leona... You know you hacked the camera... " " Yeah? " " Can you do anything else? " " Like this? " Leona stopped for a moment and an alarm went off... " What are you doing? " Ritsuko shouted " Oh... Nothing... " Leona smiled as armed guards ran past the room " What did you do? " " I made the magi believe that there where some terrorists... " " You what? " " I messed up a sensor so it's going to feed them some false reading for a while... " Leona looked a little tired... Kat grabbed her shoulder, steadying her " I'm fine... " Leona tried to smile " No... You may be able to piss them off by messing their systems up but you never had the stamina to keep this up... " Kat replied with an ashen face " I did something to the way the sensor was working... " Leona smiled " Then how long before they correct it? " Ritsuko butted in before Kat could reply " As long as it takes for them to figure out what's wrong and fix it... " The alarm faded... " Looks like they have a good idea of what you did... " Kat growled, the armed guards walked back to were ever they had started out from " Hmm... Then they'll think that there's a fault with the magi... " Ritsuko mused " Not really... " Leona looked at the floor " What is it? " " If you have the tape Miss Akagi... They all know there has been a person in here... " " Damn... " Ritsuko walked out of the room " Where are you going? " Kat ran to her side " You two stay here... I'm going to delay Kim... " Ritsuko growled " That won't be necessary " A mans voice echoed in the corridor behind her " Gendo... " Ritsuko turned to face the man " That is correct... " Gendo was stood there with an expressionless face " Do you know what happened? " " I overheard that Kim has messed up everything she can since she arrived here... " " Where have you been? " " Since the new children where here I was gave threats by SEELE... They wanted Rei and Jonathon so they could create an almost perfect hybrid... " " What for? " " You know what they where both created from... " " Why not Kat though? " " Jonathon was a much purer hybrid than Kat or the others... " " What did they want him for? " " To create another life form... " " But being what they are... Wouldn't they be incompatible? " " Not if they where made compatible... " " You mean they would... Genetically... " " Exactly... They wouldn't stop at that though... " " Create the resulting being themselves... " " That is what they planned... " " Wasn't it a little dangerous to have Jonathon as Rei's bodyguard then? " " No... His DNA was dormant and only became usable in certain circumstances... " " Hmm... I knew that part but... " " There is nothing on this earth that could really trigger off this activation... " " I see... What about the two children we have remaining? " " Continue to build their units... They will still be of use to us... " Gendo turned away, he started to walk toward his office... " Kim's taken over the office... " Ritsuko sighed " Has she? " Gendo turned back to face her " She's been doing her best to have these children killed as well... " " Then I will take Kat with me..." " She'll kill him " " I know what I'm doing... " Gendo gestured to Kat He waited as Kat climbed to his feet and walked to his side " You want my help to do what? " Kat asked as they walked toward the office " I need you to help distract Kim... " " Why? " " So I can kill her... " " Kill? I can do that for you... " " That will not be necessary... " " Oh... if you say so... " Kat sighed and limped along " What to the other two children? " " Oh... Jonathon and Jane where killed... Some thing vaporised them... " " Hmm... I will have to look into this... " " Maybe I can help? " " No... I hear that the program Jonathon left is still being worked on... " " Yeah, they haven't cracked it... I can do it but... " " But what? " " It would only take the magi offline doing so... " " Hmm... That dangerous... Then when I have control again I will have to order they stop it... " Gendo walked into a lift and waited as Kat followed him Kim was working in her office for once, she rarely had to do work with the amount of people she had to torture by assigning them the work... This wasn't one she could assign another person though... A little too sensitive for that... The D project... A complete waste of time and money... Project D actually stood for... She looked up when she heard a knock at the door Who ever it was... She was going to make them pay for disturbing her... Gendo walked into the room followed by Kat... At least that little bastard child was hurt... What was Gendo doing here? The security force should have stopped him... He wasn't the commander anymore... She was the commander and he was trespassing... " What are you doing here? " Kim snapped " I am here to take control again... " Gendo walked to the desk and pulled a chair up Kat walked to one side and started to examine the room... " Hey, watch it you little... " Kim turned back to Gendo " What do you want? " " I told you already... " " I can't allow that... I am the commander of NERV and there is nothing you can do about it... If you have a complaint file it in the usual way... " Kim clicked her fingers... Two men walked from the shadows in the room... " I didn't give you the choice to resign... " Gendo climbed to his feet " Take them away... Kill the white haired kid... " Kim looked back at the papers She listened as the men started to attack Kat... Last time he hadn't put a fight up... He wasn't going to win this time either... She looked up to see Kat burst into an unexpected blur of motion... The men both fell to the ground dead... Kat stood above them like a hunter... He smiled at Kim before advancing on her... She smiled and pressed a button under the desk... Armed guard flooded into the room... " Kill them... " Kim smiled and pointed at Gendo and Kat... " No... Kill her... " Gendo was as calm as ever... " Kill Gendo... I am the boss here... " " Irrelevant... " Gendo walked forward, he stopped when a gunshot rang out... Gunfire arced across the room... Machinegun fire ratted off the walls as the guards opened fire... A grim smile spread across Kat's lips... Kim was no longer... He hadn't even needed to lift a finger... Gendo walked to his desk and scattered the papers that lay on top Kat caught one as it fluttered across the room... Project - D... He started to flick through it, laughing as he saw a picture of himself as a child " What's so funny? " Gendo asked seeing him with the paper " This picture of me... " " That is none of your interest... " " Actually... " Kat started to read the document more seriously " Give the document back... " " Hold on... " Kat started to read down a little more... " Take it from him... " Gendo said aloud, the guards grabbed the document from him " Hey, I was reading about Jane then... " Gendo flicked through the document before dismissing Kat... What was the project about? He was just about to get to the section that told him as well... Kat sighed and walked out of the room, he wasn't going to bother now, it concerned him but they still wouldn't think it safe to tell him... Leona looked at Ritsuko as she pace back and forcth... She was worried about Kat and Gendo taking on Kim like they had... They wouldn't be able to sort out such an evil woman without help... Would they? She smiled as Kat walked into the room, he didn't return it... " What's wrong? " Ritsuko asked seeing an expression of hatred on his face " That bastard... " Kat growled, he looked at Leona and shook his head " Hey, calm down Kat... We haven't done anything to you recently... " Leona giggled " Shut up " Kat snapped, he turned away and took his jacket off " Kat? " Leona was a little confused... " I'm not staying here anymore... " Kat dumped his jacket along with his ID card " You can't leave now... We still need you as a pilot " " Don't even try to stop me... " Kat growled walking out of the room " Kat... " Leona walked over to Kat and put one hand on his shoulder " Don't try it... I'll kill you if you do... " Kat walked away leaving Leona shocked He had actually meant to carry out this threat... Ritsuko looked at the pile of discarded items, she picked them up and placed them on one of the tables... He had left all his weapons as well... " He isn't armed... " Ritsuko sighed in relief " He is always armed... Never caught without at least a knife... " Leona shook her head " But he left his knife as well... " Leona looked at the weapons... He was unarmed... She shook her head again and sighed " What is he trying to do this time? " Leona sighed William watched as Kat stormed past him escorted by armed guard... What had he done this time? He ran to Kat's side... " Hey, what have you done? " " Fuck off... " " That's no way to speak to someone as intellectual as me... " " Ok then... Fuck off you faggot " Kat wasn't in the mood for this... " That's no way to speak to someone like me..." William growled " That's it... " Kat stopped and started to shake " Oh, have I upset you? " William teased " You... " Kat clenched his hands, blood ran from one... " Oh... The little baby started to bleed... " William laughed " If only you knew what was in this hand... " Kat growled " What was that? " " My hands bleeding cause I have a sharp metal object in it... " Kat snapped " Like what? " William didn't believe him, Kat wasn't that bad if Asuka liked him... " A pen knife.... " Kat smiled he dropped a bloodied penknife and walked away William looked at it... It was his one... Kat had taken it from his pocket without him knowing... Bastard... " You bastard... " William grabbed the knife and ran at him " You never learn do you... I may be injured but I'm not weak... " " I'm going to make sure you never rise from your grave again... " " I may be pale skinned... That's from living underground all my life... " Kat placed his hand on the wall smearing blood down it as he did so " You are so pale they wouldn't notice if you where dead... " William smiled " You think? What about nervous twitches from having an advanced state of neural development? You think I can sit still for five without shivering? " Kat's snapped " You... You're just trying to throw me off guard... " William growled edging forward " You take fighting this seriously? I only do it for fun... " Kat pulled a knife out " Where do you get them all? " William wasn't sure how one person could always have a knife on them at all times... " I take them when I see them lying around... I also have access to them... " " You are... " " Sick? Well, as of this moment you have pissed me off so much that I want to rip your chest open and slam a needle into your heart " " You need help... " " No... You need the help... You must do if you think that I'm going to let you live every time you piss me off... " William backed away a little, Kat was starting to really scare him... " You think that you're so tough? " William growled trying to challenge Kat " I don't think I'm hard... " Kat hung his head... " See... At the end of the day you get scared... Just like all of us... " William smiled No was the time... " I don't think I'm hard... I am... " Kat flicked his head back and roared William turned a pale shade of white... Kat didn't look too happy... Kat flicked his head back forward, it stopped with a click he brushed a strand of white hair back before advancing on William... " You... keep away from me... " William backed away before finding himself trapped in a corner... He didn't like the way Kat's eyes had darkened... They where now blood red... " Unto death we all must flee... " Kat swung the knife at William... " Stop it! " Asuka shouted " Keep out of this... " Kat growled " You aren't like this Kat... You're gentle and Kind... " Asuka smiled " Really... " Kat slammed his fist into William making him double up in agony " You never killed anyone out of malice like this... " " Times change and people come and go like dust on the wind... " Kat smiled " You've changed... I never want to speak to you again... " Asuka turned and started to run, tears splashing around her as she did so " Fine... Now then William... Were where we? " Kat smiled evilly... No more distractions... A click... Next to his head... A gun... " Hello Leona... " Kat smiled dropping the knife " Kat... I can't allow you to do this... " " How did you find me? " " Security cameras... " Leona gestured to William to run " Ah yes... You always were the freak... " Kat grinned evilly " How can you say that... " " Easily... Your also a slut and a whore and... " Leona slammed the gun into Kat's head " You bastard... You're not so perfect yourself... " Leona growled " More so than you... I inherited the survival instinct and the will to do what I wish... " " You turned out as nothing more than a monster... A failed creation grown in a laboratory... You don't even know that we are the prototypes... " " What are you saying? You still got too much tranquilliser in your system? " " Kat... There is no way I'm going to let you carry on like this... You are seriously imbalance... Ritsuko can help you if you let her... " " Maybe I don't want to be another project for someone to receive awards over and to hold dinner parties over... " Kat shouted " You are so bitter... " Leona shook her head " You are so stupid... " Kat chuckled, he turned his back to her and started to walk away " Completely screwed up... Wonder what they fed him... " Leona sighed She smiled for a second and squeezed the trigger A short yelp told her she had hit... Kat limped down the corridor holding his leg... Wasn't he supposed to be the one who had the random bouts of violence? A smile crossed his face as he decided on a new course of action... Psychological war fare... The best way to take out groups of people with minimal effort... But... It wasn't as much fun as some of the other ways he could think of... Maybe it was time to rethink the way he tackled people, after all, he was getting stopped all the time when he tried to play the classic evil person... Maybe he should just kill them first? It would save him a lot of time... " I'm definitely going about this the wrong way though " Kat sighed He looked at his watch and sighed, he was going to have to see Ritsuko soon... He didn't trust all the other people to help him when he was injured... No matter how little the injury may be... But... Every time she looked at him there was a trace of guilt and anguish etched on her face, it was as if... She was ashamed of something related to him... Maybe she had done something to him that she felt guilty of? Messed up while fixing him up maybe... Whatever it where... He was going to find out what it was and manipulate her with it... He chuckled a little and started to limp down the corridor again, the injury was really starting to bug him though... it was time for him to get it sorted... " Prototypes... Huh, what has she been on this time? " Kat sighed, Leona was really messed up... And she claimed that he was... She knew nothing... They may have been created in a lab to begin with... They where nothing more than genetically engineered soldiers though... They where not prototypes... Kat sighed and fished a piece of paper out of his pockets... It was getting to be a little bit of an unconscious habit to steal things for no reason... The paper was a note to Ritsuko... From Kim... It was saying how they had all been created in a lab but had mothers anyway... Kim was one of the mothers... Jonathon's... Ritsuko was one as well... Most likely... His... He screwed the note up and started to run as fast as the injury would allow him, Ritsuko may not know who was the mother of the other two... She still hid this from him... He wasn't going to be lied to any longer... He was sure that they had said that the mothers where all dead... Was that just another lie? The office loomed ahead... Ritsuko was sat at the desk with Leona... " Bitch... " Kat shouted as he burst into the room " Hey, get out " Leona sprang to her feet holding a gun " Going to shoot me again? " Kat challenged her " If it is required..." Leona growled " You never told me that you where my mother... " Kat growled looking at Ritsuko " I wasn't allowed to tell you... " Ritsuko sighed " How could you hide this from me? " " Orders... I guess you know about Kim... " " Kim was Jonathon's mother... " " Not entirely accurate... " " Huh? " " I did further analysis on it recently... just got the results back... " " And they where? " " Leona is actually my child... " " What? " " And Jane is actually Kim's... " " So why did you make such a big mistake? " " We found that all of you are very similar genetically... You were all tailor made... " " Oh... That's nice... " Kat yawned, he didn't seem to care about the gun Leona had pointed at him either... Kat was just so random and unpredictable... Maybe he was stressed? " Kat, maybe you should relax more? " Leona sighed " Fuck off " Kat snapped " You seem really stressed... " Leona wasn't going to leave it at that... " I told you in two words last time... " " You may not want to hear this but... " " Shut up, I was trying to talk to Ritsuko " Kat shouted, Leona fell silent " I'm sorry that I wasn't allowed to tell you... " " Huh? " Kat looked puzzled " I'm sorry that I wasn't able to tell you that I was supposedly your mother... " " Oh... Sorry... Little distracted... " Kat smiled " Kat? " Leona looked at him for a second before shaking her head " I guess you want some time alone... " Kat sighed looking at Leona and Ritsuko " Thank you... " Ritsuko watched as Kat shook his head and walked out of the room An endless stretch of corridors lay before him as he wandered the NERV facilities looking for something to do as means of entertainment... So far nothing had presented itself to him... A soft whimper... Round a corner... Kat edged along the wall and glanced around it carefully... A group of men from SEELE where there... They had some of the staff hostage... Kat weighed the situation up... They hadn't seen him yet... Too busy trying to keep the hostages in line... He could take them all out with ease... He would be regarded as a hero if he saved them... Kat sighed and walked off, they where of no concern to him, he couldn't care about them if they where blood relatives, he didn't care if the place fell apart without them... At the end of the day he would just be taken back and gave further training, then sent into another organisations custody to work for them... He mattered about as much as they did... Misato stood before him... " Where are you going? " She asked " Getting help for the poor bastards that SEELE took captive... " " Huh? " " Just around the corridor... " " And you didn't help them? " " No... I did my good deed for the year by telling you about this... " Kat pushed past and walked down the corridor before stopping and turning to face Misato again " Kat... I... " " You need my help? " " Yeah... " Kat sighed and walked back to the junction, he paused and glanced around the corner... The men where still a little distracted... Kat grabbed a fire axe from a wall and ran toward the men, one of them started to fire at him... They where a little off guard... They couldn't aim straight... Kat slammed the axe into one of the men and dived over the prone form of one of the hostages, he slammed the axe into another man and tried to pull it free... Stuck... A burst of fire slammed into his chest knocking him to the ground in a shower of bullet casings and blood... This wasn't funny anymore... Kat growled and flipped to his feet, anything they did to him he could probably recover from... He wasn't going to let past injuries slow him either... The mans eyes opened wide in fear as Kat dived across the gap that separated them, he grabbed the man around the throat with one hand and slammed him to the ground A flurry of well aimed punches and the man was no longer moving... Seemed he wasn't breathing either... A lift door opened... Two more men ran out with guns... Kat wrenched the axe from the fallen body of one man and walked toward the two newcomers... They both started to shiver... It wasn't everyday a person walked toward you soaked in blood, riddled with scars and wounds from being shot... Carrying an axe... The men turned and ran back into the lift... They had another weapon in the lift... Something like a... Like a... " Shit... " Kat turned and ran as armour piercing rounds tore into the walls around him, he rolled around the corner and pulled a fire extinguisher from the wall... " What are you going to do with that? " Misato asked putting her phone down " Throw it at them... " Kat ducked around the corner for a second before rolling back... A shower of foam covered the floor... " What was that for? " " You have really cheap fire extinguishers you know... The ones back home would fill the entire corridor when you did that... " " And you thought that we would have the same resources as you? " " You did make the Eva series... " Kat grabbed Misato's pistol and dived around the corner, he flung himself forward onto the sea of foam and started to take random shots at the men... Both of them where unable to handle this unexpected technique... Kat climbed to his feet dripping blood over the ground... " That wasn't very nice... " Kat staggered back into Misato's arms and laughed " Kat... You're hurt... " " Really? I thought that this red stuff was paint... " Kat placed his hand to his chest " This isn't a good time to joke... " Misato grabbed her gun and dragged Kat back into the main corridor, he wiped one hand and placed it to his back... " That's one hell of an exit wound... " Kat sighed " An exit wound? " Misato gasped, she put her hand to Kat's back and heldit to her face soaked with a crimson liquid... " This was... Fun... While it lasted... " Kat smiled and closed his eyes... " No... Don't die on me... " Misato whispered Kat opened his eyes and shook his head " If I die... I'll be replaced... if I live... they'll kill me anyway... I think I'll die though... " " You think this'll kill you? " Misato wiped a tear from her eye " Yes... I still feel pretty sharp though... " Kat laughed " How could you find this so funny? " " All the people you asked me to save ran as soon as the fighting started... They ran to save themselves instead of risking their lives to help me... " " That's just them being cowards... " " No... It makes perfect sense to run... Let the idiots who come to save you die... It's what they are there for after all... " " It isn't like we train people to die for us... " " No... People train for you to order them to their deaths... It's always the way... " Misato looked up to see a group of medics running toward her followed by armed guards... Maybe Kat still had a chance... Maybe Ritsuko would help? She shuddered when she noticed them bringing a body bag along... She just hoped he wasn't right about them wanting him dead like that...