Evangelion - Bloodlines Children of Project D Genesis 1:3 Aftermath Ritsuko surveyed the damage that had been done to the corridor... It wasn't that bad... One area had been damaged instead of the entire corridor, it wouldn't be easy to explain it though... She didn't know what had actually happened... The security camera that was supposed to have watched the area had been caught in the area that had been... Vaporised... The footage from the camera had been taken too a lab or a similar facility to see what could be recovered from it... She doubted that they would find much from it... Half of the camera was gone, so was half of the footage... Kim wasn't too concerned though... Her son had died in this accident and she didn't care... Some mother... She didn't know she had one for sometime and when she found out she wasn't interested... She never even tried to get to know him... Kat on the other hand... She may be his mother... She couldn't tell him as she had orders to keep this from him... She glanced into Rei's room, she wasn't doing too well... They had told her about the accident... She had tried to get up and they had to sedated her... She hadn't woken up since... That was a day ago... Kat wasn't doing well either... He knew that Jonathon had been killed... She had never seen someone attack people as savagely as he did... He had tried to get out of bed, ignoring his own injuries... The guards had tried to restrain him but... Nine of their security officers now lay in various rooms recovering from multiple injuries... Kat had attacked them so fast and savagely that he had managed to deal some pretty serious injuries... He now had a hairline fracture along his arm... One guard was able to avoid one attack and Kat's fist had slammed into the wall... The wall would also have to be sorted now... Shinji hadn't really cared about all of this... It wasn't relevant to him anyway... The D Project was a complete failure... All the children did was fight... No wonder half of them where now dead... The other half where either classed as insane or where constantly kept unconscious due to how dangerous they where... The assassins on the other hand... They had brought another child in to see if they could synchronise with the Eva series... He could but when he had tried to with an assassin... His mind had been completely destroyed... He wasn't able to speak any longer... He had been messed up so badly they had been forced to kill him... One injection had put him to sleep... One gunshot had put him out of his misery... She regretted carrying out Kim's orders... People always suffered when they where carried out... " Excuse me... would you mind moving... " A man dressed in a contamination asked " Why? What's with the suit? " " We need to check the area again, then we have to cleanse it... " " Oh... Fine... I think everything is sorted... " Ritsuko walked toward the assassins hanger Looked like they had to be scrapped... They where no longer usable... She glanced at Kim who watching the entire scene with a grim expression It was time to ask her what she knew... " What can I do for you? " Kim smiled " What do you know about... This... " Ritsuko gestured at the area in the corridor that had been destroyed a day previously... " As much as you do... Nothing... " Kim sighed " Are you sure? " " Very... All I know is that someone managed to get into the building... They fled right after the accident... They where caught on another camera... " " Hmm... So what are you going to do about the incident? " " Have a grave put up for the two that died... They can go among all the other mass graves... The two remaining... Well... I have a few thoughts... " " Like what? " " We had to kill all of the children that we received anyway... Once they where of no use... They will be disposed of when we haven't any use... For them... " " Do we really have to kill them? " " Yes... They pose more of a threat than you can imagine... " Kim smiled and walked away " I can't just stand by and help you kill the other two as well... " Ritsuko started to run, there was a girl who might be able to help her... Kat looked at the ceiling of the room he was being held in, there wasn't anything he could really do to escape... He wasn't being held prisoner though... They just didn't want to have to deal with him... They thought he was dangerous... He may be dangerous but he wasn't that bad... He wouldn't kill them just for pushing ahead in a line... Actually... He shook his head and turned to the door... Two men walked in with guns, another walked in with a pile of books... " Is that all I get? " Kat sighed " No... Later we'll get you a... " " Electrical appliance that displayed a frequently updated image that is so fast that... " " Shut up... We'll get you a TV if you stop describing it like that... " The guard sighed and walked from the room, the other two followed quickly... Did he make them nervous? Kat smiled and looked at the books, very little was of interest to him... Why couldn't they find something that he liked? He grabbed one on genetics and started to read it... He was going to be stuck in this place for a lot longer than he really wanted... Ritsuko walked into a room filled with men dressed in hazard suits... Something was going on here as well... " Excuse me, what are you doing with the subject? " Ritsuko asked the nearest man " We have orders to prevent her from ever reawakening... " The man sighed " I'll take charge of the subject... She's needed for something else... " " And who gave you the clearance? " " I am Doctor Ritsuko Akagi " " Like I said, you need clearance to override the commander of NERV in this matter... " " Look, unless she is placed in my custody then I will personally make sure you never work again, understand? " The man stood there silently " I thought I would find you here... " Kim growled, Ritsuko turned to face her... " Why did you order this? " " It is necessary to keep her from ever reawakening, she is so dangerous that she cannot be allowed to awaken... " " So what about the project? " " Like you, I believe that it has failed... That is why I have taken the step of making sure she never causes anything to happen... " " Let me take custody of her, we need all the pilots we can get for this time... " " No... Proceed with the operation as planned... " " I can't let you do that... " Ritsuko growled " You can't stop me... " Kim walked out of the room laughing " I won't let you kill an innocent girl... " Ritusko walked over to the sleeping girl who lay on the operating table... She was heavily sedated... " You have to leave now... " One man placed his hand on her shoulder " Please... If you have a shred of humanity... Let me take the girl... Kim will only have her killed at another point... " Ritsuko sighed " I... Can't allow that... " The man shuddered " Why not? Are you really all that cold? " " No... " " Then let me handle this, I'll take responsibility for my actions... " " Kim won't allow this... " " Kim is a moron... She doesn't know what she's doing... She doesn't know the value of another person's life... " Ritsuko turned to the man " If I let you take her Kim would have me killed... " " Then tell me, would you be able to live with yourself knowing that you killed a girl? " " No... " " You wouldn't? Well, you are about to take the life of an innocent girl anyway... " Ritsuko sighed and walked away, she wasn't going to win... " Take her... " One of the men sighed Kat looked around the confines of the small bleak room he was trapped in... He looked up... The ceiling wasn't that far up... It was just as secure as the rest of the room though... A nightmare to escape from... Kim opened the door and walked in, she glanced at Kat " Well, how are you doing? " She asked without trace of humour... " Oh, just fine... " Kat yawned " So how are you feeling today? " " Like killing anything that moves... " " How do you feel normally? " " Like killing everything that moves... " " I see... Why did you attack the guards like you did? " " They touched me... I am a superior form of life to them... " " No you aren't... " " Then explain why I'm more intelligent, faster and stronger than they are... " " Because you are an abomination created in a laboratory to perform a job... " " A creation that is superior to mere humans... " Kat growled " You really need to learn to respect other people... " " I would if they respected me... " " Why did you attack the guards " " They pushed ahead of me in a line... " " Seriously... " " They touched me... I hate being touched... " " You are so badly screwed up... I don't think they can help people like you... " " It goes with being a trained killer... Can I have my jacket back? " " Why? " " I like my jacket... " " I suppose... " Kim gestured to a man waiting outside the room, he nodded and walked away " When will you let me out? " " When we believe it is safe... " " Since Jane is gone, what are you doing about Leona? " " Her fate is undecided... " " What do you mean by that? " " We have no use for her at this time... " " What about me? " " You have no use at this time either... " " Hmm... So you mean to say that we are expendable? Merely playthings you to toy with for your own twisted ends? " Kat grinned " No... We only have you here to protect the city from angels " " No, it seems more like you have us to entertain you, after all it is obvious that some of us will fight with anything... " " No... You have the wrong idea... " " So why do you have us here? " " Like I said, you are guardians of humanity... " " Maybe I don't want to be a guardian of humanity..." " Then what do you want to be? " " Something else... Maybe a trained killer... " " You are already... " " I mean a professional killer... " " Oh... Well, I know that you can't be released then... " " You wouldn't anyway... You have something against me... " " No, I don't... If it weren't for your help then we would all be dead by now... " Kim turned and walked out of the room, she wasn't going to talk anymore with that one... He seemed to be able to get anything he wanted out of her... Little bastard... Why was he so gifted and the people who really should be not? He was one of the last people she would want to see gifted like that... Leona opened her eyes to nothing more than a blur... It turned peach and yellow for a few seconds before a voice echoed out... A distant voice... She tried to focus... Nothing was clear... She held out one hand... Another touched upon it gently... She closed her hand and felt another beneath it... It closed around hers in a way that seemed to comfort her... Someone was here for her... She smiled and closed her eyes... She didn't know what they had been doing to her but it had really left her tired... Probably drugging... The other person stroked her cheek before walking away from her... Leona didn't know what was going on but... It seemed that she was abandoning her... She climbed to her feet, nothing was really visible... She tried to walk forward... A blur of colour transformed to a blur of silver... Pain... Red covered her vision... The pain was dull but something told her it was serious... She must be bleeding... That was the only real thing that explained it... The other person rushed to her side and propped her up... She couldn't tell what was going on but... Now this other person was back she felt secure again... Normally they could remain sharp under almost any circumstances... She didn't know why her mind was so clouded... The other person's voice began to get closer, gradually closer but it seemed less distant... She tried to recall who the other person was... It wasn't clear... She couldn't really remember anything about where she was or who she was... It would come back... She hoped... If it didn't then she would be the same person without half of the personality or memory... Something she didn't want to be... Ritsuko watched over the girl who she was supposed to save from Kim... It seemed more a case of she wouldn't stand a chance... Leona didn't actually seem to be aware of the surrounding area... She wasn't really aware of the fact she was hurt... That cut was going to require a lot of attention... She sighed and started to clean the girl up, it was as if she was more a defenceless teenager than a tailor made super soldier... They all seemed to be so... Naïve... The only reason no one took advantage of this was probably cause of how dangerous they where... She didn't want to see what happened when they where forced to look after themselves... There would be a lot of trouble for all the people that tried to cheat them... They may be naïve but they could spot the trick within the next couple of seconds... That's what the papers on them led her to believe anyway... They where sharp under most circumstances as well... Rarely ever caught like this... Ritsuko sighed and finished cleaning Leona up, they never rested fully... Either that or something prevented them from doing so... She was amazed at how easily they where able to recover from all that happened to them... they could be injured seriously, then forced into action... The chances where that the injury would have no affect on their performance... Someone seemed to have messed up badly then... Nothing should be this powerful... Nothing at all... An unholy abomination from the depths of depravity... She was ashamed of her part in this... She had carried one of them while it was developing at some point... She didn't know what point it was but... She had helped create one... She saw that now... But... It no longer mattered, they where created to defend them... They where still people though... Nothing more... Nothing could really say otherwise... They had the same rights as her and all the other people in the base... Except... Other people didn't like the idea of them... They wouldn't grant them anything if they could get away with it... Kat staggered to the door, he grinned and dropped a blood stained knife... " My god... " Ritsuko gasped when she realised that Kat was injured " Oh... Don't worry... I'll live... " Kat grinned " What happened? " " I escaped... Got shot a little though... " " A little? " Ritsuko looked upon the numerous wounds, this was bad... " Yeah... I killed the guards... Broke free... " Kat sat next to Leona " She... " " Leona? " Kat looked worried " She's not with us... " " Can you hear me honey? " Kat ran his hand down her cheek " K... Kat... " Leona sighed " Honey? " Ritsuko gasped " Don't worry... I'm here now... " Kat wrapped his arms around her " What is it between you? " " We... Well... Jonathon and Jane where like this... " " Like what? " " Had a relationship going... Had to stop it cause of work... " " Work? " " Yeah... We promised each other that we would continue it when we could... " Kat sighed " You are almost her brother though... " " Not really... Genetically we are pretty different to each other... " " Then why? " " Why what? " " Why are you having a relationship with her? " " I'm not... " " But you just said... " " I didn't say that it was safe... " " Oh... I see... " " What happened to her? " " Blood tests show that she has still got a toxic amount of sedatives in her system... " " Hmm... " " She might not recover for a few days... " " She... " " Enough to speak that is... " " She... Is she going to live? " " Yes, she'll live... Unless... " " Unless what? What is wrong with her? " " Not with her... More like... Kim... She wants you all dead... " " Oh... for a moment I thought it was something serious... " Kat smiled " This is... " " What makes you think that? " " She can get her men to take you out... Besides... She was Jonathan's mother... " " Was she? " Kat looked bemused " Kat... " Leona grabbed his hand " I'm not going anywhere... " Kat put one arm on her shoulder and sighed Ritsuko sighed and walked back to all the papers and books she had out... Kat usually made things worse... This time he had managed to take out a group of people that Kim had probably assigned especially... If he had stay put for a little longer... " Kat... It isn't a good idea for you to stay here... Kim will kill all of us... " " She won't... I made sure of that... " " How? " " Put it this way... Someone is on the way here who isn't too happy about Kim... " " Who? " " You'll see soon... " Kat grinned " What have you done then? " " Just called on someone... Told them a little about what had happened recently... " " Who? " " You don't have to keep asking... You'll see who they are very soon... " Kat smiled and walked to the door, he paused to look back " Where are you going? " " I think it would be best that I get my guns first... " " But they where confiscated... " " You think that would stop me? " Kat flashed another persons ID card... One of the high ranking security officers cards... He had access to most areas in the base... " Be careful with that... " " Don't worry... I don't have any interest in the other things in this base... Only the weapons... I'll be back pretty soon anyway... " Kat sprinted off... " K... Kat... " Leona sighed, she tried to climb to her feet... She needed help... Seriously... It wasn't possible to give her help without giving away the fact she was here though... Ritsuko pulled a gun out of her lab coat and checked it was loaded... There was no way that Kim would just take the girl off her... Kat sprinted down the corridors toward what he hoped was an armoury... It looked like the one he was after... If it wasn't... He would just take some weapons and keep looking... He had to get some weapons soon... The door slid open without any problems as the card slipped through the reader... He walked inside the darkened room... It was so cold in here... Just the way he liked it... He quickly checked all the racks of guns to find his... The ones he had brought into the base where somewhere else... He looked around the room trying to see what he could take, a few guns took his interest but they where either too big or not reliable enough... One did take his interest... A familiar Uzi... It was Jonathon's one... He grabbed it and checked the area around... He located a belt and slipped it in, they even had a suitable set of body armour... He quickly slipped the armour on and grabbed a spare belt... He was going to defend Leona with his life if it took that... She was the one who would be able to sort this mess out... Nothing could stop her if she got into the magi... Jonathon did have that little 'game' that they where analysing currently... Did they know that it wasn't possible to crack the code and get the true answer as easily as they thought? If they actually managed to crack the code then they would be sorry... He didn't like people looking at his work... The last time some people looked at his work they realised it had taken out their network... At the last moment... He had found that funny, Leona had been a little disorientated for a while though... She seemed to be constantly in touch with the base computer to make sure she was going to the right location... Without this though... She wasn't very good at finding her way... Shame really... She was great when a computer could aid her but... Without them she was about as able as Jane was... Just about average in all areas... Still, she was the most intelligent out of them... Kat looked up from the guns, he walked to the door and sighed No matter what he did Leona was still going to suffer for this... That wasn't really fair... It wasn't right... He still had to do this though... Kat shook his head, he wasn't thinking right... He had to do this to defend Leona, if he didn't then she would be killed before she could help... They really needed her to help at this time... Leona opened her eyes to a world awash with a blur of colour... Nothing was visible or audible... It was eerie how silent the place seemed when you where alone... There was no trace of the blonde haired person... At least that was what she thought it was... With how little she could see at this time she didn't know what it was... A shadow passed across her vision, a big black form... Was it Jonathon? No... A fragment of a memory told her that he was dead... How and why she didn't know... She climbed to her feet and unsteadily turned to face the shadow... It seemed to be about Jonathon's size... It didn't seem to be him though... It ignored her and started to do something... Looking for something... She coughed trying to get its attention, it span round and placed something cold against her forehead... A gun... She started to whimper, she wasn't able to defend herself... The person took the gun away and fired a shot at another person... Leona dived to the floor and pressed herself against the nearest wall... Another person walked in... Red... No blood running down their upper body... They held... Something... Was it a gun? She turned away... This wasn't something she could watch... Kat burst into the room Leona lay in... No, she wasn't asleep, something else had a gun to her head... It spotted him and loosed off a shot... Searing pain racked his body as the bullet tore into his chest, he raised the Uzi and squeezed the trigger... Hundreds of rounds where sent into the other person... He didn't flinch... Kat continued to fire at the other person ineffectually, the bullets where stopped by his armour... Something about him was too familiar... He was as strong as Jonathon was... At least he was faster so he would be able to at least take him out... As long he was gave the chance to... The other man walked forward ignoring the hail of bullets, he turned to face Leona and dealt her a couple of savage kicks in rapid succession... Damn him... He was strong... Leona lay in the corner whimpering softly... Kat grabbed his knife and cast the gun aside... The spare belt was also of no use to him now... It joined the gun in a pile on the floor... The other man walked forward and swung for him, Kat was easily able to step to the side and punch him in the chest a couple of times... The man brought his elbow back at lightning speed slamming it into Kat's face Kat slammed the knife into the man... It snapped on his armour... The man lifted Kat by the neck and slammed him into the wall repeatedly He was dropped and kicked in the chest savagely, the man picked him up again and lifted him to head height... The mask he wore only betrayed the fact his eyes where red... A knee was raised into his chest sharply, he was slammed back into the wall and punched a few times... This man wouldn't be beaten... A gunshot rang out, Ritsuko was standing at the door... She fired off a few more shots annoying the man... He turned to face her as she tried to reload... Kat watched in horror as he advanced on her... He climbed to his feet despite the pain he was in... Kat ran at the man and dived over him, he pushed Ritsuko out of room and the sealed the door... It was best that he didn't let the man do any more damage... A quick punch from the man left him on the floor gasping for breath, he looked up to see Ritsuko hammering her fists on the door in a vain attempt to get into the room Another punch landed on his unprotected back slamming him into the hard concrete surfce that acted as a floor A savage kick to his chest... Something crunched as the foot connected with his ribs... This wasn't looking good... Leona watched as the black shape repeatedly slammed into the form that she could only identify as Kat... In this state she couldn't do anything... She was defenceless... She had to do something though... Leona climbed to her feet holding onto the side of the object that she lay against, she tried to look for a weapon... Nothing... Something had to be done about the black clad form... A grin spread across her lips, she may not be able to hear or see that well but... Distracting the black form may help... It wasn't easy for her to summon the courage to do this, she knew that there was nothing to stop this other thing hurting her as badly as it wanted to... She would just have to hope that Kat was able to help her... Ritsuko watched in horror as Leona who was still obviously not in any fit state to do anything, advanced on the black clad man... Leona wasn't going to stand a chance... She had to get help... But... That would mean Leona was dead... Leaving her would be the same... Helping would get her killed... Not helping would get her killed... Something had to be done about this... Kat looked up, the man had gave him a brief respite... He looked at Leona to see the man was taking interest in her... She wasn't able to fight him either... He watched as the man slammed his fist into Leona... That was it... He wasn't going to take any more of this... Kat flipped to his feet ignoring all the injuries he had accumulated, he brushed a wisp of silver/white hair from his face and charged at the man A fist slammed into his chest forcing him back a little, he wasn't going to allow such a feeble attack to slow him down though... A swift kick and he was still standing... He couldn't fall again, it would mean he was dead... The man grabbed him and lifted him to head height " Your both dead... " The man growled " Really... " Kat narrowed his eyes and slammed his fist into the mans face, he followed up with a lightning fast combination of kicks to the mans chest before he landed The man staggered back and pulled out a knife, he swiped at Kat who merely danced back to avoid getting hit... The man kicked Leona as she tried to get up, he turned on her and started to savagely beat her Kat growled, he walked forward A huge foot slammed into his face without any visible damage being inflicted Kat walked up to the man who was now panicking as he hit Kat repeatedly without effect Kat drew one fist back, he was going to show this man how to fight now... A combination of punches followed at such a high speed they where leaving vapour trails, Kats attacks where so fast that his arm didn't appear to move... Up until the elbow that was... From that point on it was just a blur of motion... The man slammed his fist into Kat's face sending him sprawling... He had lost... " You know something... " The man laughed " What? " Kat gasped, he was going to try and buy some time... " I killed Jonathon and Jane..." " You what? " " They where fighting in one of the corridors... I took them on and killed them both... " " But the area was destroyed... " " That's also my doing... When I killed them I blew the area up... " The man grinned " You... " " Ha, you're no match for me... " Kat glowered at the man who had murdered part of his family... The man had told him this to break his spirit... But... Kat climbed to his feet, he spat blood on the floor and looked at the man... " You killed him... " " Yeah, and you can't beat me... " " Looks like I have to clean up his mess again... " Kat growled " No, I have to clean up his mistake... " The man growled charging at Kat Kat watched as the mans tried to hit him... He stepped to the side and grabbed the mans arm, he brought his knee up slamming it into the mans arm repeatedly... A crunch as a bone gave way... It wasn't surprising considering he could no longer make out his own leg... He was attacking so fast... He let the mans arm go, it hung at his side limp and useless... " You killed him... " Kat growled " I... I never did... " The man panicked, Kat slammed his fist into the mans face " Then who did? " Kat laughed " Something happened... A black bubble of energy killed him... " " Really... " Kat kicked the man from his knees " I never killed him... They killed each other nearly... They nearly killed me... " Kat slammed his fist into the mans chest, the man slipped across the blood soaked floor, he slipped next to a panel... His fist hammered the button... The door opened... He ran out the door, pushing Ritsuko away as he did so Kat sighed and walked to where Leona lay She was all he had left and she didn't seem to be aware of who she was... He picked her up and placed her on a nearby table... Kat turned to face the door... He couldn't let the man get away with this... A stack of papers tore along a corridor following after Kat as he charged after the man... This time... There would be no mistake in killing him...