Evangelion - Bloodlines Children of Project D Genesis 1:2 Creation A bright yet artificial light illuminated the room in which he lay... Blinding and brilliant... The light made it impossible for him to focus despite looking away... A sigh emanated from his lips... echoing in the confines of the room that seemed to be bigger than it could... A simple trick of the light... Clinical white was the only colour that he could see... The walls, the floor, the blinds and even the furniture and bed clothes where this shade of white... A sterile room... One that reminded him of a room you took the dying and the dead... A morgue... A place to store the dead... Yet this wasn't a room like that... it was a room for a person to recover in... not a room for them to die in... Why was it that he still felt terrified of this place? Only time would tell... Another sigh escaped his lips, he turned over in his bed and watched as things became clear again... Damn light... While the light ultimately was the sign of good and what humanity looked to when they needed to be saved... He preferred the dark... a place where he could hide and feel secure, where he could see to a degree that gave him an advantage over most... A place that was historically the place of evil... What could make people so wrong? They where dark soldiers... Trained to kill to protect humanity... This had become all too apparent in the recent events that plagued his thought... People who killed where evil... They did so out of the urge to do so... Soldiers and spies... Assassins and hit men... All of them shouldn't be allowed to continue... There where people like him as well... trained to kill as soon as they could grasp the concept and before they had fully developed their morals... That was the most evil thing he could think of... If only they didn't make him the way he was... He was an intellectual psychopathic murderer... those things didn't have a good end result... A strong person was scary... A smart one was to fear more... They had the way to get the muscle to work for them... What about when the muscle was more intelligent that expected? It couldn't be ordered around like wanted... It was harder to work with and effectively flawed... Something of no use... Jonathon sighed Kat had gone and so had Shinji... But... He was further along the road of recovery than they where... There wasn't any way that they would recover before he did... Kat looked as Jonathon had what he could only explain as a bad dream... He seemed to be having a few of those recently... Shinji glowered at him but seemed a little concerned about Jonathon too... He had finally got Misato to forgive him about the incident... Asuka was pretty intelligent and was able to see his side and forgive him as well... Now to get the last one to forgive him... No, he wasn't the last one... There was William as well... William didn't matter to him... If it weren't for that moronic little bastard he wouldn't have had this problem in the first place... Seemed that there wasn't really anyway that he would forgive him... That wasn't really a problem to him... Jonathon ran down a myriad number of corridors... Where was he? He slammed his fist into a wall and watched with a morbid fascination as blood seeped from the crack he had placed in the wall... It seeped like thick treacle... Very thick... From the wall... " What is it with this place? " Jonathon mused as he wandered the place his own twisted psyche had used to entrap him... He watched as shadows flickered as he walked around the corridors... Shadows that would be able to hide in the darkness... Be gone in a moment's notice... never to be seen again... Not until the next person... The shadows that fed on the unwary people who strayed from the light that held them so dear... The light that shunned him... Him and the others that where like him... A world without meaning in which people where in a constant cycle of birth procreation and eventually death... A cycle that seemed to stretch like infinity but at the same time was only as finite as the race that continued the cycle... True infinity wasn't something that could ever be achieved by anything living... There wasn't anything, no span of time that could be gave a numerical value that would even manage to come close to infinity... Infinity was the only true constant that this world seemed to hold... That and Death... The vast infinity of death... Jonathon shook his head to see the shadows starting to creep up on him, a bright light sent them back into the depths that they occupied... What was the light coming from? A person... A female... Jonathon started to sprint toward the light that streamed like water toward him... Water was the only thing that he could think of that could bend light off hand... He stopped when he realised he was wrong... it wasn't a person with the light... Well... It had been a person one time... Now it was only a shade of its former self... He reached out for a dog tag that hung from the frail body that lay there with the torch in its hand... Jane... The worn tag was that of Jane's... Jonathon hung his head for a moment in respectful silence of his first love... She was finally returned to the planet that she was born from... Only her soul would roam this place for eternity if she didn't get at least a proper send on to the next life... Jonathon carried the one time loves body from its resting place and walked out of the corridors into a cavern filled with trees... He walked over to a lake that illuminated the cavern and used a flat stone to scoop the soft earth from a nearby spot... A tear splashed against the damp earth as he did so... Jane had always loved natural beauty... He lowered the withered body into the hole and placed his cross on it... The one that she had got him one day... his most prized possession... He filled the hole and placed a large stone in the place of the headstone before chipping with another stone her name... A form shifted between two of the trees... He sprinted at it... A female... It wasn't able to run as fast as he was... He dived at the fleeing form and grabbed it by the waist slamming it to the ground It struggled and turned to face him... Leona... " Jonathon... " The emaciated form of Leona giggled " What happened to you? You look so... Malnourished... " Jonathon placed his hand on her cheek and tried to smile " Those bastards from SEELE mounted a surprise attack against us and killed almost everyone... " Leona sighed rubbing her face against his chest " They... " Jonathon turned to the lake " They killed Jane... I would have buried her myself but... I was too scared to go in there alone... " Leon sighed " Scared of being alone? " " No... The shadows in that place seem... Alive... " Leona smiled " I noticed... " " Where have you been these past years? " " Years? I thought that I had only been out for... About a month with how this place looks... " Jonathon shook his head... This place didn't look right... " A month? Have you hit your head or something? " Leona placed her hand against his head and looked at him puzzled " What is it? " " I can't feel any real temperature... " Leona replied looking of concern " That's good isn't it " " It would be if you had a pulse... " Leona shuddered " A pulse? " " And you actually where warm... You're just so... Cold... " Leona backed away slightly, she looked at Jonathon for a second before shuddering " What is it? " " You're one of... Them... " Leona grabbed a rock and threw it at him, it slammed into his head forcing him to close his eyes in pain He opened them to a brightly illuminated room... this time Kat and Shinji where sat next to him... They both looked concerned... " Hey... What's wrong with you two? " Jonathon yawned, he placed his hand to his head and brought it back with a trace of blood " Jonathon? Are you ok? " Kat asked trying not to look concerned " Yeah... Just fine... " Jonathon groaned " I better let you rest... " Kat sighed before walking back to his bed " What happened to you? " Shinji asked not sure what was going on " I'll tell you when I know... " Jonathon shook his head and layback in Bed Asuka stormed in and started to curse Shinji in German... Seemed she wasn't too happy about him not being there to do his share of the work and Misato had assigned them to her as a result... " Beruhigen Asuka " Jonathon chuckled " Yeah Asuka, Calm down " Kat smiled " Wieso machte du lernen Deutsch? " Asuka replied " While I was bored... " Jonathon shook his head and carefully daubed blood from his forehead with the corner of his top " Dies can't sein im recht..." Asuka sighed before turning to Kat " Don't avoir l'air de près de me comme que " Kat snapped " ello est malo para zumbon una dama... " Jonathon sighed " I'm teasing her cause she looked at me funny " Kat yawned " I was only saying it was wrong... " " Next time make sure that you use the right words when have to speak Spanish... " " And you do the same if you have to use French... " Jonathon growled " Hey you two... Calm down... " Asuka stepped between them facing and turned to Face Kat, she sighed and shook her head " Hey, he was trying to put across his godlike morals to me... " Kat growled Asuka turned to face Jonathon who had now turned pale red " What's wrong with you? " She asked looking a little confused " Please don't place your behind so close to me in the future... " Asuka turned bright red before slapping him " You pervert! " She shouted before running out of the room Jane was sat in the corner of the room nursing her teddy, the only thing she currently owned... They had stripped her of everything but her clothes She didn't know how long she had been here or how long she would be but... Things didn't look too bright for her future... She hadn't seen Leona or Kat around recently... Leona had been classed as a serious threat to security recently for hacking anything electronic... Kat was still working for them to the best of her knowledge... She sighed and turned to face the one way window that looked into her room... She knew that they where always watching... Out of all the kids she hadn't shown any trace of anything that was abnormal... She had never been able to do anything like Leona... She wasn't as resilient and strong as Jonathon was Kat was able to run rings round her with his speed... She was just better than a human was... Nothing else... She was the failure out of them... Jonathon was often referred to as the failure out of them all due to the way he tended to be destructive... She smiled, if she where as resilient as Jonathan then she would be able to break her way out of this place in a flash... No problem breaking out... Bullets... They would merely enrage her... She smiled again, she had seen Jonathon get shot before... He wasn't too happy... The person that shot him was hospitalised on an indefinite basis... Still, they all had something that she didn't... Leona combined her ability to talk with Computers with a much higher intelligence score than the others... Even Jonathon seemed to possess a much greater score for his intelligence than she did... It wasn't fair... It wasn't right... She slammed her fist into the wall and started to swear, men ran in armed with various weapons escorting in a doctor... They where going to sedate her again... A gun was placed against her head as she pulled her arm away from the man She still wouldn't let him... " Stop that... I hate needles... " Jane growled " You need this to keep you from having any other traces of aggression from been in this form of captivity... " The doctor sighed " No... I won't let you... " Jane backed away from the doctor and the guards " You have to... " The doctor smiled " You sadistic... " Jane watched as an angry girl walked past swearing in German... She was calling Jonathon a pervert... Jane looked at the doctor and steeled herself " Are you going to co-operate or are we going to have to use force? " He sighed " Force... " Jane flipped over his head and kicked one of the guards in the chest She dived under the next ones legs before he could take aim... A quick flick of her foot and he was sent flying into the wall... She flipped to her feet and paused... Bastards! Two guns where placed against her head... One either side... " Now... You will take the injection to help cut down on... " Jane dived forward, one of the guards pulled the trigger sending the other to his death... She rolled out of the door and pressed a button... The door sealed behind her... The red haired girl stood before her dumbfounded, she raised one hand and gasped " Where is Jonathon? " Jane snapped " He... He's in hospital... " The girl was starting to shiver... " Who are you? " Jane growled " Asuka... " " Why did you call him a pervert? " " He... Looked at my... Behind... " " Hmm... " " Hold on... Your Jane... " Asuka had obviously seen her somewhere before... " How do you know that? " " I saw you and Jonathon in a picture... He had his arm around your shoulders... " " Hmm... Take me to this hospital... " Asuka paused when she said this... Jane span round and slammed her fist into a mans face, she turned back to Asuka, now holding a gun " You... " Asuka looked at the gun and at the man... She wasn't expecting that... " Take me to the mother fucking hospital " Jane shouted Asuka wasn't going to argue, Jane seemed a little unhinged to her... Kat looked at Jonathon... He had been lying in what looked like a coma for the past few hours... He hadn't moved much at any rate... Shinji glowered at him trying to get on his nerves... " Stop that Shinji... I can't be bothered with all this crap from you... " Kat was in worse shape than Shinji but he would still beat the hell out of him... " What are you going to do in that condition? " Shinji chuckled " Beat you to death... " Kat growled, Shinji was unimpressed... " I would really like to see you try... Only you don't seem to be able to get up at this point in time... Maybe you should go easy on things? " " When I listen to your advice hell will freeze over... " Kat snapped " Really... So why aren't you doing anything about me being cheeky? " " You really enjoy this don't you... You really enjoy making me feel so bad about living... About ever thinking of helping you... " " What do you think? " " ...About ever coming here and trying to be a good person... Maybe I would be a lot happier in a world that you don't occupy... " Kat shouted " I don't think that you can rid this world of me yet... " " I didn't say that I had to kill you... Maybe life was a big mistake for me in the first place? " Kat reached for a knife hidden inside his clothes Shinji watched as Kat retrieved a knife from inside the clothes that lay on a chair next to him... " What the... " Shinji slipped out of his bed and backed against the wall " Hey Jonathon... I think I'm just going to kill myself... Make sure Shinji doesn't steal my stuff, ok? " Kat placed the knife to his wrist... " Don't do it Kat... " Jane growled " Don't think of stopping me... " Kat looked at Jane, Asuka was with her... Pale as he was... Jane had a gun to her back... " If you die then you'll never get a chance with Asuka here... " Jane smiled pushing her forward " Ha... You think that I really care? " Kat smiled at Asuka who was still very pale... " You kill yourself and I'll kill Jonathon while he sleeps... " Jane grinned " You wouldn't... " " Really? " Jane placed the gun to Jonathon's head " You wouldn't kill him... He means more to you than you will admit... " " I somehow doubt that... " Jane started to squeeze the trigger " I wouldn't do that if I where you... " Rei walked into the room... " You must be that girl... Rei... The one he ran off with... " Jane growled placing the gun against Rei's head " He didn't 'run off' with me though... He came to me at his own accord... " " Jonathon would never do that... " Jane flicked a strand of hair back " Why not? " " He promised me that he would resume our relationship when it was possible... " " Maybe he didn't want to have a relationship with you again... " " You whore... " Jane grabbed Rei and slammed her Knee into her before she could react to stop her Rei fell to the floor holding her chest and started to choke... Jane had put a lot of ferocity into that hit... " I am simply telling you as I see it... " Rei whimpered Jane grabbed Rei by the hair and pulled her to her feet " Leave Rei alone! " Shinji shouted angrily Jane swung the gun back and fired off a shot, Shinji dived to the floor and cowered under his bed... She had barely missed him... " Well then Rei, we'll soon find out if true love is immortal... "Jane placed the gun to Rei's head and smiled " Jane... Don't do it... " Kat growled " I don't think you can stop me... " Jane smiled " He can though... " Kat sighed A pair of huge hands fell on her shoulders, she was quickly turned to face... Jonathon... He didn't look too happy... " You... " Jonathon looked devastated " She stood between us... " Jane wrapped her arms around Jonathon and rubbed her head against his chest, he didn't seem to back down... " Jane... You know I will never hit you without being ordered to do so... " Jonathon sighed, he pushed her back a little " It's because you love me... " " But today I feel very tempted... " Jonathan growled " You wouldn't hit me though... " Jane smiled " Yeah... But she would... " Jane turned round as Rei threw a punch at her Jane staggered back into Jonathon, she was taken aback by the ferocity that Rei was able to put into the punch... Jonathon didn't make any effort to catch her as she fell... She ended up on the floor holding her mouth... Blood... She spat out a mouthful of blood and climbed back to her feet... Rei was going to die for that insult... Jane growled and jumped into the air, she span her body slamming one foot into Rei's chest and brought the other round slamming it into her leg as she descended... Rei wasn't able to defend herself against this... She was now defenceless... On the floor she was vulnerable... A hand fell across her shoulder... Jonathon... She turned to face him... He didn't look happy still... But she had beaten the other girl... The way it was supposed to be to win him back... " Jane... I'm probably never going to forgive you for that... " Jonathan sounded dead... He walked over to Rei and picked up her up Jane watched as he cradled her in his arms... He was only dressed in a T-shirt and shorts... He walked out of the room despite this... Rei hadn't been in very good shape either... " You know that you can't avoid the feelings you have for me forever... " Jane shouted after him, the only reaction she got was a middle finger salute... Kat chuckled " I knew that you would mess everything up between you again someday... " Kat shook his head and chuckled again " Shut up... " Jane growled, she walked out of the room discarding the gun in a waste basket, it didn't matter anymore... She had messed up again... Jonathon carefully lowered Rei onto a bed in an emergency room... She shouldn't have been up... She wasn't in any condition to be active... Some bodyguard he was... He couldn't allow past loyalties to cloud his judgement any longer... He was his own person... A nurse walked in with his clothes and placed them on the chair next to him, he pulled them on quickly and checked inside the camouflage jacket... The knife was still there... A hidden compartment inside the thin armour coating that was supposed to be there to protect him... He watched as a doctor started to examine Rei... From the way he was reacting it didn't look that good... Jonathon watched for a few minutes, the doctor looked more and more concerned... " What is it? " Jonathon asked eventually plucking up the courage to ask " Well... All her old injuries have been stressed... She shouldn't be about like this... It's amazing that she will go on ignoring them all... " " What? " " She'll stay here until she has healed properly for once... Apart from that... A fracture to her shin and a few cracked ribs... " " Damn... I'm going to kill her... " Jonathon looked down the corridor... Jane wasn't there... If she where then she was doing a good job of hiding herself... He glanced at Rei... She smiled slightly at him and closed her eyes... The doctor walked away and sighed " She should be fine... " The doctor sighed, he had just sedated her... " I hope so... " Jonathon walked to the door, Ritsuko was walking past... " Hello Jonathon... What are you doing up? I was just on my way to see you... " " Jane attacked Rei... " Jonathon growled " What? " " She's in here... " Ritsuko walked past him and up to Rei's side " I'm... Going to... Be all right? " Rei asked drowsily " You'll be fine... " Ritsuko smiled, she turned to the doctor and started to make a note... She wasn't long about it either... The doctor looked at the note and nodded, he walked out of the room and toward the staff area... " What was that? " Jonathon asked unsure " I just gave him an order to make sure that they do everything they can for her... " " Oh... Taking no chances? " " Exactly... Maybe you should come with me... " " No... Jane did this... She might come back... " " Hmm... Jane's escaped... Right, you stay with Rei... " Ritsuko started to run down the corridor... Something had her very worried... Jonathon looked at Rei again... Sleeping... She looked so calm and innocent like that... Like an angel... Not one of the angels that had been plaguing them recently but one from mythological records and stories... He shook his head, what good was it for him to daydream over a dying person? Time to get armed... It would take a lot to stop Jane getting at Rei... She was actually the best at being stealthy out of them... Jane was a threat to Rei's safety... Doctors flooded into the room and started to plan the best course of action with her... One walked up to him... " Would you mind leaving this room? " He wasn't really putting it like a question... More of an order to get him out of the way... " No, I wouldn't mind leaving the room... " Jonathan replied without any emotion " Then go... " " I wouldn't mind leaving the room but, I am here to protect her from the one that did this to her... She is likely to attempt to harm her again... " Jonathan growled " Oh... Then would you mind keeping out of the way? " " Will you lend me a cell phone? I need to request that I have weapons for this... " " As long as you promise to keep out of the way... " The doctor handed Jonathon a cell phone and walked back to the main group... Jonathan tapped in a number and waited as he was connected to a security officer " What may I do for you? " Asked the woman on the other end of the phone " I need to request arms... " " What for? " " Well, Rei Ayanami has been injured recently and I am need to protect her... " " Hmm... Do you have clearance? " " Ask doctor Ritsuko Akagi about this if you have to... " " I will do... " " I need to have my weapons back... " " Yours? " " Yes... They where confiscated when I first came here... " " What ones are they? " " I only need... Twin Uzi-SMG, Night Vision goggles and carbon-titanium alloy body armour... As well as four belts of eight thousand rounds for the Uzi's " " What the hell? Are you planning a war or something? " " No... Just planning to take out a super soldier... " " What the hell? " " Just check to see if I can have the clearance... " Jonathon waited while he was put on hold... They had elevator music playing in the background... This was really not the time... The woman came back... " You have been granted clearance... You may collect them now if you wish... " " I need someone to bring them here... If I leave then the person I have to guard isn't protected... " Jonathan listened as the woman sighed and agreed... Now to make sure Jane didn't get to Rei... He walked back to the doctor and handed him the phone back before sitting next to the door... To get to her now Jane would have to get past him... There was no way he would allow that while he was alive... Asuka wrapped her arms around Kat and hugged him making Shinji stare at her enviously, she smiled and looked out the door... Armed guards walked into the room... " What the hell? " Kat looked at them confused " What are armed guards doing here? " Asuka seemed a little confused by the presence of them as well... " I don't know why they brought them here... I didn't do anything... " " Jane did... " " Yeah, she's after Rei though " " But she may find that she can't get to Rei and come after you... " " She wouldn't... " " That's what you think... " " Stop being stupid... " Kat rolled over and closed his eyes, sleep would get him out of this conversation... A man walked into the room that Rei and Jonathon shared currently... He was carrying a few items... Guns, ammunition and body armour... He dropped them on the chair after getting confirmation from Jonathon and walked off without sound... People here where different... Jonathon grabbed the guns and connected the belts to them, this wasn't a thing he really wanted to do but... He slipped the belts over his shoulders, he just hoped that he didn't fire without taking the belts off... That would hurt... The remaining belts he left on a chair... One of the doctors who had remained late to look after Rei glanced at him and finished the thing he was doing... A blood sample... The doctor walked out... Last one gone... Jonathon slipped the armour under his jacket and connected it to the existing armour, the night vision goggles lay on the chair still... He flicked the switch... A little glow emanated from them for a split second before fading slowly... Perfect... He had the advantage... He switched the light off and looked at all the possible ways that Jane could get in... The door was the only real way that she would get in this time... She was good at sneaking when aided by the cover of darkness but now... That wasn't any real use to her... He had night vision... He waited for what seemed like eternity before looking at Rei... She wasn't aware of all that was going on around her... He looked back at the corridor outside the door... The last of the lights gradually dimmed... Jane was near... She had made the circuit go gradually... He waited for a few minutes... The only sound that he could hear was the barely audible sound of Rei's breathing... Gunfire... Flashes in the darkness illuminating the corridor... She had got as far as Shinji and Kat then... That wouldn't hold her for long though... He waited... Footsteps... Could it be Jane? Rei moaned in her sleep... She was having a bad dream... The footsteps stopped for a second before running away... Hmm... What was she playing at? He waited for a few minutes... The goggles where starting to steam up... Off for a split second to wipe them and then... Jane was standing at the door... She couldn't see him though... Silently he manoeuvred behind her and raised the guns, the belts slipped from his shoulders and clattered against the ground Jane quickly ducked and span, she slammed her foot into his leg expecting him to be knocked to the floor... Jonathon slammed the gun against the side of her head, she was sent sprawling by the impact... Jane blinked unable to see him... He quickly put the guns inside his jacket after removing the belts... They clattered to the floor... Jane dived at him... He grabbed her and threw her to one side, this gave him the time he needed to remove the jacket and armour he was wearing... Jane started to choke... She was in pain... " Jonathon? " Jane moaned softly He walked over to her and grabbed her by the shoulder before throwing her against the wall again... He didn't care if she was defenceless... He was going to get revenge for Rei Jane stumbled trying to get back up... She grabbed a chair and threw it at him... Missing was pretty easy when you had no way of seeing in darkness... She edged along one of the walls and grabbed another chair... She paused... She still couldn't see him... She had sharp senses though... Jonathon charged at her and tried to slam his fist into her, she slid to the side in a fluid motion and slammed the chair in his face... He couldn't see... Things had turned against him... He tried to catch a glimpse of Jane as she moved about the room... The goggles feel off as he snapped the strap holding them on... " Jonathon, where are you? " Jane growled " Right here... Leave Rei out of this... " " No... " " Then at least kill me first... " " I can't see you... How can I? " " In the corridor then... I'll fight you there... " Jane slipped past him and into the corridor... He followed and looked... Still couldn't see much... Jane screamed and ran at him, he raised an arm instinctively to stop her attack... She slammed her fist into his chest... It would help if he could see her attacking... He grabbed his guns from inside his jacket and tried to fire... No ammo... It was all in the room that Rei was in... He threw the guns at what he hoped was Jane... A short yelp as he hit her... He should have thrown them harder... Jane hit the floor, she groaned... Jonathon walked over to her, he was just about able to make out a flash of silver... A knife hit his leg piercing the thin material of his camouflage jeans... He roared in pain and backed away, blood seeped from his leg Jane laughed slightly... Jonathon's eyes glinted in the darkness as he tried to figure out where Jane was... She had a weapon... So did he... Jonathon ripped the knife out of the hidden compartment in his jacket, he turned to face Jane... Her position was gave away by the glint of her blood stained knife... A dull red glint reflected by the little light that remained... Jane dived at him again slamming the knife into his chest where his jacket didn't cover... She drove the knife through his top... Blood gushed out from this injury... Jane had managed to slam the knife in deep... She wriggled the knife, the blade stuck in his bone... She wrenched free part of the knife... The part that didn't have a blade anymore He tried to grab her, she slipped away without any real trouble She was in her element... Was it possible that she could see in the darkness? No... He couldn't so she shouldn't be able to... Maybe she was able to see better in low light than he was? That was probably it... He placed his hand over the injury and pulled a small cylinder off his belt... Closing his eyes he pressed the button... Jane screamed A flare of some sort... Now it would take her a while to readjust at least... He walked forward still unsure of where she was... He swung the knife in his hand, he must have grazed her... There was a trace of blood on the end... A swift kick at her and she was sent flying into a wall... Being strong had its advantages... When you could implement this strength... Jane gasped for breath, he had hit her with some force though... The lights flickered for a second... In the split second he saw her Jane was lying next to one wall... Injured... A shadow started to move nearby... Jonathon slammed the knife into this thing as the light faded... It barely flinched... With speed that only Kat was able to use and strength like he possessed it slammed him into the wall and executed a blistering combination of punches on him Blood trickled down the side of his face... He was weakening... He shouldn't be... He was the strongest person in the area... The thing continued to slam its fists into him without letting up... Wasn't it wearing night vision goggles? Jonathon slammed his head into the face of the thing, a crunch and a groan... The thing couldn't see anything either now... Jane groaned and climbed to her feet... He tried to recover from the furious assault that had been executed on him... It wasn't easy to breathe now Jane had stabbed him and the thing had managed to rob him of what little strength he had remaining... There was a gasp as the thing turned on Jane... The lights started to return... A black clad man stood before him, he was completely hidden by the clothing that surrounded his body... He had Jane by the throat... Jonathon lurched forward and slammed both of his fists into the mans back, Attacking from behind may be wrong but... The man span round throwing Jane into him as he did so, The knife was still protruding from the mans chest... It was ripped out and casually cast aside, the man walked forward and grabbed Jane again... She was pulled to her feet and slammed into the wall... Tears now poured down her face... Jane wasn't a warrior... She was more likely to run when in trouble than stand and fight... She just wasn't able to match up to anyone... She staggered forward and grabbed the man, he casually cast her aside as he advanced on Jonathon... Jane slumped against a wall, she wasn't going to win... Jonathon climbed to his feet and steadied himself, he growled and began to charge at the man... The man tried to stop him but... Jonathon didn't even break pace as he slammed into the other man... He was actually picking up speed... Jonathon slammed the man into the wall, he drew his fist back... The man dodged the attack easily and rapidly countered but... Jonathon had embedded his fist in a layer of concrete and steel... Jane screamed as a solid black shadow enveloped her, it expanded taking Jonathon too... The other man started to run... That shadow stopped and faded... A huge crater replaced the area it had filled... His job here was done... Jonathon and Jane where no longer...