Evangelion - Bloodlines Children of Project D Genesis 1:1 Chaotic Mindscape Misato was sat with Kim and a few of the staff relevant to this operation... It looked bad from where she was standing... Shinji had managed to take out the only thing that would have been able to beat the angel... As usual they had messed everything up and now there had to be a cleanup crew to pick up the pieces... Just her luck... Kim was droning on about something to do with the structure of the angel... They all knew that it was a perfect diamond shape already... Maybe Kim didn't know what she was doing? Diamonds where the hardest thing on the planet or something... Kim definitely didn't know what she was doing... Ritsuko stood up and started to quote figures about the 'assassin' that she had developed and how if Shinji hadn't cut its power they wouldn't be in this mess... She sighed and climbed to her feet, it was time to say what she intended to do to stop this angel... It seemed that the only way was to hit the angel from outside its range with a sniper weapon and penetrate its AT field and core with a single shot... That is, if they could find a weapon that could penetrate the angels' AT field... A man walked into the room holding a clipboard " What can we do for you? " Misato asked trying to sound cheerful when she was sure that there was no way out of this... " We recovered the entry plug for Unit-00 but... " " But what? " Misato asked not sure that she wanted to hear this " She is injured... It'll be at least two weeks before she recovers enough to be able to pilot again... " The man walked out of the room " Great... Now we have only one pilot that we can trust... " Ritsuko sighed " Who? " Misato asked not sure what she meant " Asuka Langley Sohryu if you didn't already know... " " But she hasn't been found... " " She has now... " " She has? " " Yes... She was found with Kat... " " How could she do that... He tried to... " " ...Trying to look after him now he's in a hospital bed... " Ritsuko sighed " He's in what? What happened to the little bastard? " " Something tells me that Kim will tell you more... " Ritsuko glowered at Kim " What's she talking about Kim? " Misato asked not sure what Ritsuko was trying to imply about the entire incident " I had some of my men teach him a lesson for being too nosy... " Kim said without hint of remorse only... Pity " Oh... Ok... " Misato turned back to face Ritsuko " Is that all you can say? " Ritsuko growled " Yes, what happens to him isn't my concern... After what he did... " " Don't you know that Jonathon is worse? " " He never tried to kill me " " But if something minor annoys him he can just... Flip... " Ritsuko dropped a picture of two men who had been killed... Both sported the SEELE logo... " He did that? " " Yes... He hasn't been confronted about it as they are from SEELE and we can't tell what they are still doing around... " " You haven't asked him? " " No... Rei told us that they appeared to want to kidnap him... " " And I thought Kat was bad... Where did he kill these? " " Just a couple of hundred feet away from this room... " " Oh... " " I think you should take the time to go and apologise to Kat for this... He doesn't have the ability to control himself in some situations... " " I know but... " " It's something he isn't proud of... Anyway, we need to find out where we can get a weapon that can penetrate the angels' AT field... " " Ok... I get the point... " Misato sighed before walking out of the room A room filled only with the inky blackness of night lay around him... Jonathon wasn't sure where he was... Maybe he was safe? Maybe they had just recovered him and thought that it was best that no light got to him? Footsteps... A door he hadn't previously identified opened Rei walked in She was bandaged and didn't look too healthy... " Rei? " Jonathon sat up to see that it was really her " You're safe now... It's would be better if you got some rest now... " Rei said running her fingers through his short hair " I can't rest while an angel is attacking... " Jonathon growled " It'll be handled... I'm not in a good state to pilot so it's up to Asuka and Shinji to save us... " Rei smiled slightly and placed her hand on his " You think so? " Jonathon wasn't too sure... " Well... If they fail we all die anyway... " Rei smiled sadly " Then we have to hope they don't fail... " Jonathon sighed " If they do fail then we will have eternity together in the next life... " Rei sighed " I don't believe there is a next life for people like me... " Jonathon laughed " There must be... What would people live for? " " Greed and corruption " Jonathon laughed again " Well, all that matters is that you are safe... " " How did they save me? " Jonathon asked, something was still not right " They managed to get a few men to break you free... " Rei ran her hand down his chin and smiled slightly Jonathon smiled and closed his eyes again before falling asleep, Rei was sat next to his so he knew that for now he was safe... Misato walked up to the room Kat and Maya lay in, Maya had tried one or two times to get out of bed to help but each time she was just returned Kat wasn't sleeping like she had hoped he would be... She sighed and walked into the room " What do you want? " Kat asked after seeing it was Misato... he seemed to be waiting for another person... " I've come to... " " Finish me off while I can't fight back " Kat snapped before rolling over " No, I'm here to apologise... " Misato sighed " Maybe I don't care about that... Maybe I don't care about piloting ever again after what Kim did to me... I only beat an angel for you... " Kat sighed " You shouldn't have attacked me though... " Misato growled " Has it ever occurred to you that maybe I didn't actually have control? I was only trained to kill on sight for fuck's sake " Kat shouted " You would say anything to get out of... " Misato growled, she wasn't able to finish the sentence when Kat pulled a gun out from under his clothes " Maybe I could just shoot you in return for what you did to me? You only left me with twelve scars from a clip of thirteen " " But... " Misato started to shiver " Maybe you would like to bear the thirteenth scar for me? " Kat growled " I just proves that I was right... " Misato was on the verge of tears " Maybe because you ripped me from my life and made me something I am not I don't care about either of out lives " Came an anguished reply " You are supposed to be so clever yet you all act so stupid... " Misato laughed " I wouldn't find that funny if I where in your position " Kat's voice was so calm it made her shiver " You are nuts... " Kat smiled and shook his head as tears poured down her cheeks " No... You are the one who's mad... " Kat smiled and threw the gun to her feet " It wasn't loaded... " Misato looked up at Kat in disbelief " What makes you so sure I would take another persons life when in control? " " But... " " You really misunderstand me... " Kat laughed " You little bastard... " " By the way, I wasn't lying about the scars... You gave me twelve scars with a clip of thirteen... I think you hit the same spot twice... " Kat smiled " I'm starting to regret that now... " Misato laughed " Don't worry, Jonathon could do worse if he wanted to with his hands alone " " I don't think he could... " " He is very strong... I can beat anyone in a fight due to the fact I'm so fast... " " Yeah... " " He can beat them due to his strength... " " Yeah... " " He can beat me cause he can take an injury and not notice it... I end up exhausted by the end and he is able to hit me... " " It must hurt with how big he is... " " No, he normally just tickles me... More of a gentle giant than anything... " " You're ticklish? " " Yeah, all of us are... Well... " Kat turned red " All of you are ticklish? " Misato grinned evilly and started to tickle Kat " Hey, stop that... " Kat Pushed Misato back trying to stop her from touching him " Why should I? " Misato stepped back " If you don't I'm going to lodge a formal complaint about you " Misato laughed " I don't think it'll get very far, I can just picture - can you do something about Misato for the grave offence of tickling me? " " Ok... I get the point... Just watch where I got hurt... " " Where did you get hurt? " Misato asked looking at Kat " Oh... A few places... " Kat sighed dropping his top to show very little of his chest had escaped bruising " And you didn't fight back? " " No... if I did they would be dead... " " Jonathon killed them... I think... " " Thought he would... " Kat sighed " Oh god... " Misato closed her eyes and sighed " What is it? " " Jonathon was... He was fighting the angel... " " He's dead? " " If he isn't then he will be soon... " Misato sat next to Kat and tried to comfort him " Are you ticklish? " Kat asked after a seconds thought " You'll never know... " Misato grinned as she walked off Jonathon opened his eyes... he looked to one side to see Rei sat next to him... Sleeping... She looked so lifeless... Jonathon was worried by this thought so he shook her, she moaned slightly and sighed before settling back down " Kat... " Rei sighed in her sleep " Kat? " Jonathon looked disgusted, he climbed out of bed and pulled on his clothes, he wasn't going to hang around if Kat was the one she really loved... The door slid open without noise as he approached it, it closed as he passed through leaving Rei behind Kat was stood there... Injured still... Something snapped, Jonathon swung for Kat He wasn't ready but he was still able to dodge... Kat dived out of the way and looked at Jonathon in shock... He had just attacked him for nothing... " You... " Jonathon withdrew his fist from the wall and turned to face Kat again " Jonathon, calm down... What have I done? " " Rei... " Jonathon growled and swung for Kat again " I don't know what you're talking about... " Kat dived out of the way again only to see Jonathon's fist slam into the wall with the same effect as before " You and Rei... " Jonathon's grabbed Kat and picked him up " There's nothing between us... " Kat whimpered " Put him down " Rei shouted as she walked out of the room, Jonathon dropped Kat and fell to his knees... What was he doing? " Kat? Are you ok? " Rei asked softly, Jonathon looked up to see Kat and Rei kissing... " No... This can't be... " Jonathon grabbed Kat and slammed him into the wall Crimson ran down his hand... " Jonathon... " Kat laughed slightly " I'm going to kill both of you... " Jonathon growled " After all I did for you... " Kat sighed, Jonathon raised his hand and started to squeeze on Kat's neck... Harder... Kat started to look scared, it was only inevitable that he would... Breathing was getting harder for him as the pressure increased... Rei started to hammer her fists into his back as without effect " You never did a thing for me..." Jonathon growled as he put more pressure onto Kat's neck, finishing him off " You... " Rei started to cry over Kat's now lifeless body, she kissed him once on the cheek before looking up... " It was too good to be true... " Jonathon pulled out his gun and levelled it with Rei, a single press on the trigger and she was in the next life... Jonathon walked away from the scene, he had killed the only person he had ever really loved and the person he regarded as his brother... He walked down the corridors holding the gun he had killed Rei with, he looked down at it... Soaked with blood... He laughed and broke into a sprint, he would kill them all now... Ritsuko looked at her watch... Kat was supposed to have come to meet her... He may have been injured but... Not that badly... Asuka and Shinji where sat in the briefing room, Shinji was getting told off again for what had happened last time Asuka just chuckled and lay back, she was used to getting told off herself... seeing Shinji in trouble for once was a welcome change... One she could get used to... She watched as he protested that he wasn't to blame despite the fact he cut the other things umbilical cable... How could he not be? Rei even told him that he wasn't to attack it... Where was wonder girl anyway? Asuka sighed as Misato turned to face her, she was being told about how things where going to depend on her now that they couldn't trust Shinji Looked like the incredible Shinji was going to be protecting her this time... She was going to shoot the angel while Shinji protected her from the angel with a shield or something... This was her big chance to prove that it was she who was the better pilot and not Shinji like they always made out Asuka sighed as Misato continued on various things that she was supposed to do... It wasn't like she was going to be moving or anything... " It's not like I'm going to be moving or anything " Asuka growled " Yes, but you still need to make sure that you are able to get this right... " " How am I supposed to do something wrong when I only have one way of failing? " " I guess... " " All I can do is miss... If Shinji moves then I won't be able to hit it anyway... Maybe you should brief him? " Asuka snapped " Oh... Ok... I guess I'm just worried that you'll mess up with such a large amount of responsibility resting on your shoulders... " Misato sighed and turned to face Shinji " Shinji, you know what to do, right? " " Yes Misato... All I have to do is stand between Asuku and the angel and hold up some shield... " Shinji sighed " Wrong " Misato shouted making Shinji jump " What? " Shinji almost stuttered through surprise " You have to protect Auska and make sure that she has the time to kill the angel, if you fail we all die " Misato shouted angrily Shinji pressed himself back in his chair to put distance between him and Misato, it wasn't that he was scared... Actually it was, he hadn't seen her get this angry with him before... " Ok... I get the point... " Shinji whimpered " Good... We'll have everything ready soon... " Misato smiled and walked out A knock at the door... A large shadow fell across the desk in Kim's office A welcoming smile, a hand extended in greeting Jonathon stepped into Kim's office his hands covered in innocent blood She raised an eyebrow in surprise before merely offering him something to clean himself up with Quickly removing the blood from his hands he spied more on his clothes... With what there was already he didn't think that anyone would notice... Kim looked at him with suspicion before gesturing to a seat, Jonathon sat down and looked at Kim with a slight trace of remorse in his eyes " What is it? " Kim asked trying to look like she cared " You don't want to know... " Jonathon smiled weakly " Come on... You can tell your mother can't you? " Kim smiled sweetly " Mother... You can't be my mother... " Jonathon growled " Oh but I am... " Kim laughed softly " There isn't anything to say that you are... " Jonathon snapped " Apart from this... " Kim threw down a paper detailing how she was his mother " Lies... " Jonathon's eyes narrowed as he tried to figure out what Kim's plan was " If I where lying I would have chose Kat as it is possible to drug him " Kim sighed " I am actually susceptible to drugging... It's just a case of finding one that has the desired effect on me... " Jonathon laughed slightly " So I hear... " Kim sighed as she cleared the papers away " Sorry to say this but in a few hours you'll all be dead anyway so none of this matters... " Jonathon laughed and started to lean forward " Excuse me? " " I left a little present for you... " Jonathon grinned " You mean what by that? " " A little... Bomb " Jonathon climbed to his feet and walked away " They where right... You lost your mind when you where recovered from the SEELE base... Why did I ever admit I was a mother? " Kim reached for the intercom " Go ahead... Warn them... If they tamper with the bomb it'll go off anyway... " Jonathon said turning to face her, His eyes glinted despite the lack of light " Right... Hold it there... " Kim levelled her gun with Jonathon " I wouldn't try that if I where you... " Jonathon laughed seeing the gun was nothing more than a pistol " You do have a weak point though... " Kim smiled pointing the gun slightly up... " A head shot would take my mind from my body and make me go out of control... Do you really think it is worth the risk? " Jonathon smiled " We'll see... " Kim hesitated for a second before squeezing the trigger, the bullet clipped Jonathon's shoulder as he sprinted toward Kim " Nice try... " Jonathon grinned and ripped the gun from her hands, he slammed his fist into her face sending her sprawling Kim landed across her desk, breathing still but otherwise no threat " You... Won't get... Away... With this... " Kim gasped " I already have... Tell them and see what they can do about the bomb... " Jonathon smiled and walked out of the room Misato watched as Shinji and Asuka where inserted into the Eva's and synchronisation began, she watched as they both hit borderline It was time to sort this angel out... They both moved their Eva's onto the waiting platform leading to the surface, she looked at her watch... Almost time... Kim's voice rang out suddenly behind her, she turned to see Kim stagger into the room injured, she slumped into a chair and sighed " What happened to you? " Misato asked ducking to her side " Bomb... " Kim gasped " Bomb? " Kim nodded " Get help... " " Who did this to you? " Misato asked trying to figure out what had happened to her " Didn't see... Face... " Kim gasped " You didn't know them or you don't want to say? " Misato wasn't so sure... " Big person... " Kim gasped before passing out " Great... Misato quickly tapped a command into a console setting off the alarms, people started to rush around looking for the bomb... If the angel didn't kill them then the bomb would... Jonathon walked out into the battlefield without a care, getting out of NERV was easier than he thought it would be... He walked back to the assassin that had now been dragged clear of the angel and climbed into the entry plug, they had pulled it out to get him free... Asuka looked at the prone form of the black creature... She could swear that something moved by it... Somehow they had pulled the thing clear of the angel and its entry plug was half out Asuka watched as Shinji walked ahead of her with a giant metal shield, it was upto him to stop her from getting killed... A giant rifle of some kind lay before her... it was... Connected to hundreds of power sources she had been told... It would be able to hit the angel and penetrate its core if it hit directly she was also aware of... The problem was getting the time to hit it... She looked up for a second, a beam of energy came from the angel, Asuka dived down the hillside that she was perched upon and slid down to the rifle Shinji slid down ahead of her and took his position holding up the giant shield Asuka grabbed the rifle and took aim, power started to flood into the gun as she waited for the all clear to fire... The angel fired again, this time it aimed directly at Shinji who stood between them The flash of light that resulted from the angels' attack almost blinded her She gritted her teeth as the power level in the gun rose to about mid point... It was slowing down now as the generators that continued to feed it with power heated up... Asuka watched as the purple Eva slipped back slightly from the power of the angels attack, she looked at the power reading... Still too low... She took aim at the angel... she had to be ready... Shinji was crying through the continued pain from the attack... The shield must be red hot by now... Unit-01 dug its feet in before her, it pushed the shield forward slightly and tried to hold it away as it grew even hotter... Power was almost up to the level she needed... The purple Eva started to slip back further, it wasn't going to hold the shield much longer... She had the gun fully charged... Asuka took aim for the angels' core... She started to squeeze the trigger " This ones for you Shinji... " Asuka pulled the trigger, her Eva was thrown from its feet by the force of the gun A bolt of energy streaked toward the angel, it impacted against the angels' AT field without doing anything... Asuka watched as Shinji fell, the strain of keeping the shield up was too much... She started to run as the angel concentrated on killing her, the beam was now so close she could feel the heat from it... She ducked behind a building as the angel stripped it away with the unstoppable power it seemed to posses... Asuka looked around... The black creature was nearby... An umbilical cable lay near it... She grinned and started to run... She glanced back at Shinji and the building she had been hiding behind... The purple Eva was lying there with its armour melted... The building was no longer there... She ducked behind another building and stopped to see if the angel relented... It didn't... It was determined to kill her at all costs it seemed... It was still drilling through the armour to get to NERV... Misato had guessed that this would happen and had allocated them more time to compensate... Asuka dived to the black thing, she pushed the entry plug into it and slipped the umbilical cable into the back She started to run again... The black this didn't move... It wasn't going to work... Wait... A red glint came from the eyes of the creature as it activated... The angel stopped targeting her and aimed at the black thing... It didn't move as the beam engulfed it... It just... Stood there... A few seconds later the black thing flipped out of the way of the beam, it landed on top of a building gracefully The angel traced the black thing unable to hit... Another flip and it was on another building... Was it her or did it look unsteady on its feet... It was as if... It wasn't quite in top condition... The angle clipped the black thing as it tried to avoid the energy beam again, the umbilical cable fell away as the angel cut it... Asuka grabbed a positron rifle and tried to distract the angel... It didn't seem to notice as she loosed off a couple of bursts from it... Ritsuko looked at the display as security searched for the bomb that Kim had warned them about... It wasn't going to be found by the look of it... She slammed her fist on the panel spilling her coffee over the floor, the mug shattering brought her to her attention Why where they looking in the most obvious places... The bomb could be right under their noses... She quickly ran to the super computers that ran the city... She looked around... No trace of any bomb... Where else would a bomb be hidden? Ritsuko sighed and sat back down... She just hoped that they found the bomb before it detonate... Who ever planted it must have made sure it was a strong one... Ritsuko's hand shot to her face, she knew who planted the bomb and where it was She quickly called for a few of the most skilled bomb disposal experts in the base and told them where to meet her... Ritsuko disappeared into the darkness trying to get to the bomb before it was too late Asuka watched as the black creature slammed to the ground smoking and without power... Seemed that it only had a thirty second power supply... She sighed and turned to face the angel... She was going to be the next one to go She had failed and wouldn't be able to live to regret it... Another one of the creatures appeared from the place she came from... It ran toward the angel without an umbilical cable and threw a small device at it... There was a huge explosion and a blinding flash of light, when she was able to see again she saw both of the creatures where gone... Wasn't the one that just appeared the same colour as her one? A single blade lay next to her glowing slightly... Asuka picked it up and threw it at the angel, it looked like the black one had dropped this one and it was the only real weapon she had on hand... Asuka looked at the angel in amazement, the blade was stuck in it... It had passed through the angels' AT field as if it wasn't there... A single shot rang out tearing through the angel and destroying it... The heavily damaged form of Unit-01 stood there holding the rifle It had managed to get the time needed to shoot the angel while she distracted it with the help of the black thing... She grinned and headed back to where Shinji's Eva now lay, she picked him up and walked to the pad they had came up on Ritsuko walked to where the Red assassin lay, Kat was very good at cutting it close... The entry plug ejected allowing Kat to climb out, she watched as he stumbled and slipped down the side of the assassin He was now wearing a red form of the armour Jonathon had been given Ritsuko transmitted an emergency eject signal to the assassin, now it had been recently powered it may come out... She watched as the entry plug flew out of the assassin and slammed into a wall... Looked like that had failed as well... The jets that where built into the plug hadn't even worked in here so there was no way they would work if needed... The assassins where going to have to be completely redesigned now... They where nothing more than failed budget Eva's... Kat ran over to the entry plug, his gloved hands smouldering on it as he tried to open it, he didn't seem to notice that the suit wasn't providing full protection... Kat roared in fury when he couldn't get the entry plug to open, he drew one fist back and started to punch the thing furiously... Nothing... The plug was built to higher standards than he really expected... He grabbed a knife and started to use it as a lever to open it... It snapped... Kat grabbed the side and wrenched on it again... It wasn't opening... Something inside stirred... The entry plug burst open as Jonathon slammed his entire weight into the side... He staggered out and collapsed next to Kat... Two of them where in no condition to fight now... Add to that they had to keep one of them constantly under to make sure she didn't escape and the other had planted a bomb and got a friend to beat Kim up... Things weren't looking so good to her... Maybe it would be best that they where all sent back to the places that they had been taken from? Kat collapsed... The injuries he had aggravated to save Jonathon... Jonathon started to climb to his feet... He looked at Kat in amazement " Kat... I... " Jonathon climbed to his feet unsteadily " You what? " Kat murmured " I thought you where dead... " Jonathon slumped against a wall " No... Not me... We thought you where... " " So all of that was... Nothing more than... My mind... " Jonathon sighed with relief " What was? " " You and Rei... " Jonathon started to choke " We wouldn't do that... She seems to love you... besides if I stole her you would kill me for it " Kat laughed " That's what I did... I killed you both... " " Oh... " Kat smiled uneasily, a couple of men walked in with stretchers, they placed Kat on one and tried to get Jonathon onto another " No... I'm not going with you... " Jonathon growled " Just go with them " Ritsuko snapped, Jonathan was surprised but not in the mood to argue, he climbed onto the stretcher and allowed the men to take him to the hospital Rei was sat in the hospital with Shinji... She had seen the fight go on, she had seen Kat throw the bomb that Jane had made to kill them... She looked at Shinji and sighed, the doors opened behind her... She turned to see... Kat... in a hospital bed... being pushed in by white coated orderlies... they stopped and left him next to Rei... Kat had pushed himself so hard to save Jonathon and as a result he wasn't going to be able to do much for a while... He was bandaged and covered in his own blood... Behind him they brought in another bed... In this one this Jonathon lay instead... She watched as they put him next to Kat and walked out of the room Rei walked over to Jonathon's bed and placed her hand on his, he opened his crimson eyes and looked at her for a second before smiling It was the second before the smile that made her back away... Something about him had changed...