Evangelion - Bloodlines Children of Project D Genesis 1:0 Wingless Angel Jonathon walked down the corridors trying to remember where Kim's office was... He had been there before hadn't he? Then why couldn't he recall the location? Why was the location just there vaguely? He continued to walk down the corridor unaware of the surrounding area, things like that where of no concern to him... He was sure that he had been there before... Or was that just his mind trying to hide something from him? How badly messed up was he? When all this was over was he going to have to go and get his head sorted? Jonathon laughed aloud at this thought, people around him glanced at him nervously People where so easily scared by what ever they didn't understand... That was why they killed the angels without trying to find a new way... He sighed and increased his pace, he was going to have to find a way there quickly or they where going to get a little suspicious... He had to avenge what they had done to Kat... He pulled out his music player and placed a disk in, he paused before smashing it into the wall He dropped his inside the SEELE base just before he blacked out... That wasn't his... Where they trying to track him? He broke into a sprint trying to get to the escalator as quickly as he could, they where going to catch up with him if that was what he thought it was... The escalator loomed ahead, he didn't slow despite the fact it was a long way down, he was going to run the length of the damn thing if it took that... Two technicians pressed themselves against the sides as he shot past them, they almost slipped off the edge when he passed, only this wasn't his main concern... Kat was the main thing that was on his mind... And Jane... And Leona... They where all the family he had and with the exception of Kat they thought he was dead... He was going to have to make this up to them in a big way... A very big way For some reason he was tiring... It was as if his body wasn't used to this kind of exercise... It was almost as if this wasn't his body... The bottom of the escalator neared, he slowed down to a jogging pace before stopping completely, two men dressed in black where waiting at the bottom for him... Or was it him that they where waiting for? They looked familiar... " Sir... Would you come with us? " One of the men asked, there was no trace of emotion in the man's voice and there was nothing that suggested any menace... Jonathon still didn't trust them though... " Sure, just as soon as you tell me what you want with me? " " We can't explain it here... Classified information " The man smiled, this was a forced smile though... " Classified? You mean about me? " " Well... We can't tell you yet... " " And what if I don't want to come with you? " Jonathon yawned " Then we have orders to make you come with us no matter what... " Both of the men reached for their guns in unison, they didn't draw them though... " Then... I guess I have to... " Jonathon paused and yawned " Good... We knew you would see it our way... " One of the men walked behind Jonathon and placed a hand on his shoulder " Unless you want to feel the pain of an entire arm being ripped from the shoulder I suggest you move your hand... And don't touch me again... " Jonathon growled " Shut up " The man didn't seem to take this seriously Jonathon's eyes widened, they had small splashes of blood on their otherwise immaculate white shirts... A familiar logo adorned one of their badges that the men had placed under their shirts, it was just visible pressing against the fabric of his shirt... Right next to a patch of blood... " SEELE... " Jonathon whispered " What was that? " One of the men snapped " You... You bastards... You're the ones that hurt Kat... " " So what if we are? " " I'll kill you both... " Jonathon's crimson eyes caught the light in such a way that it appeared that a fire was dancing within them One of the men lost his nerve and fired off a few shots hitting only thin air Jonathon growled, a bestial growl and not one a human would make, before jumping at the man and slamming his fist into his face The crushed head of the man slammed against the wall before slipping down leaving a thin streak of blood A few drips of blood fell, splashing against the cold unforgiving surface of the floor Footsteps as the giant of a man slowly drifted toward the lone agent Gunshots rang out in the following panic as the lone agent tried to stop the giant form from getting to him... A hit... Jonathon snapped out of the trance like state he was in, he raised his hand to the darkening patch on his chest... Blood... His own blood... He growled and stepped forward, more bullets rained upon him opening up numerous wounds... All of this was to no avail... Jonathon wasn't even slowing up or acknowledging the fact he was wounded, a razor like grin as a hand shot forward trapping the other mans windpipe Slowly putting on pressure... Gurgling as a man fought to breathe under the pressure of the merciless grip of the huge hand A short grunt and a snap as the mans neck gave into the relentless pressure placed upon it, a short chuckle as a persons vengeance was fulfilled Jonathon slowly came back to his senses, a crushed form lay either side of him in the tunnel like corridor that stretched as far as he could see into the inky blackness... The welcoming darkness was waiting, beckoning him to return to the warmth of its folds yet... Jonathon refused it somehow, the darkness may have been a place or refuge but... It wasn't something he could allow himself to do... Jane and the others still needed him... They needed him to be there to protect them from the people who sought to use them as tools... Tools in a petty struggle for the greater goal he knew not yet... It was only a matter of time before he would be able to tell what this insane struggle was all about... But until that time... Jonathon walked onward, Kim's office should be around here someplace... If his memory was correct that was... A wisp of blue hair floated gracefully round a corner as he turned to walk to Kim's office, Jonathon paused... No sound but the heaviness of his own breathing... A stifled gasp gave away the fact the person was still there... It had to be... Rei... Stepping lightly Jonathon walked toward the corner, a curious face peered out at his A gasp as he grabbed her stopping her from running This was almost too easy... Jonathon glanced around looking for signs of a trap... None... He turned back to Rei to see her shivering... He ran his hand down her cheek without thought, when he realised he pulled himself away slightly as she trembled She wasn't scared... More like... Exited... She attempted a half smile before starting to shiver again, Jonathon put her down as gently as he could only for her to throw her arms around him... It started to come back to him... The first meeting... The kiss she tried that he didn't allow... The formalities... The rejection of her love... Rei refused to move now she was able to finally get this moment with him He buried his face in her sweet scent filled hair and sighed, instinctively she looked up to see not the face of a murderer like he appeared... Instead all she saw was the scared face of a person her own age, unsure of how to act in this moment that they now shared A cautious kiss to his cheek got his attention, turning a pale red he pushed her aside, a tear splashed against the unforgiving surface of the corridor " Jonathon... I thought you where dead... " Rei finally broke the silence " I wasn't... I can't explain right now... I promise to explain another time... " " Oh... " A strand of hair fell across her cheek making her appear more innocent than she normally did It was hard for Jonathon to believe that such a delicate pair of hands that where so tender and soft where capable of killing an angel... Was the enemy of humanity the one he would be fighting? Or would he be fighting stacks of paper and iron bars? No... Prison life looked unlikely... They needed him more than he could accept... Or so it seemed... They had funded the creation of the children... The papers he found with in the SEELE area had gave him all the facts that he needed to know this... What had happened to them though? Some of the Papers had to have survived the decimation that had occurred... What was the cause? He couldn't be the cause... could he? Rei smiled as she pressed herself against him, she was unaware of the thoughts that troubled his mind... He may have been a genetically engineered super soldier but... Not even he could destroy SEELE and cause the damage that was supposedly inflicted... He would have died trying... Flicking a strand of blue hair from his shoulder he brought Rei back from whatever fantasy she was dwelling in and brought her back to reality She sighed and gave him one of her rare smiles and walked back a few steps It was as if she was saying that he was to decide what they did together now... " Rei... " Jonathon almost choked " Yes? " Rei caressed his cheek with her fingers as gently as she could " I... " Jonathon paused before pulling her close and wrapping his arms around her " Jonathon I... " Rei was surprised to say the least " No need to speak... I want to remember this moment at least before I die... " " You won't die, SEELE couldn't kill you so I don't think NERV could... " " I just hope that your faith isn't wrongly placed... " Jonathon sighed Rei smiled weakly and put her hand on top of his trying to comfort him The effort wasn't completely lost on him she realised when he returned the smile Some people where born human but didn't seem it... William was one... There was also the matter of the people who where born from the result of experimentation and so on... These couldn't always be classed as fully human... Jonathon was one of these people... He seemed more human to her than a lot of other people she had ever observed Then there where the people who where too human for their own good... The ones who got hurt for trying to defend their beliefs... Shinji was one of these people... A sigh escaped her lips as Jonathon put her down again, she didn't even realise that she had ended up in his arms again... Jonathon gently set Rei down not wishing to spoil this moment for her, it was almost as if she was... Happy... He turned to walk away, a stifled choke escaped a pair of pale lips as he turned Rei flung herself onto him again trying to prevent him from leaving " I have to go... " Jonathon sighed after a short time " Please... Don't leave me... " Tears ran down the bloodstained surface of Jonathon's bullet hole riddled top " You must really get little attention... " Jonathon sighed " I can't really let anyone know that I... " " Have feeling? I know how you feel... Everyone looks up to me as an unstoppable fighting machine at the base I came from... " Jonathon chuckled slightly " Then you... " " Understand the problem you face... Yeah... I guess we can continue this sometime when no one will find out... " " You mean... " " I promise that we can... It's just... " Jonathon looked to one side, there was a kid roughly the same height as Rei... maybe a little shorter... " William... " Rei sighed " Is he... " Jonathon looked a little confused " No... He isn't anything like that to me... He really bugs me sometimes... " Rei sighed she glanced at him noticing a look of disbelief on his face " Want me to sort him out? " " As long as you don't kill him... " Jonathon smiled and walked over to William, now he was this close he could tell he was a little shorter than Rei... " Hi... " Jonathon decided to start with the friendly approach " Man... How did she pull you? " William asked aloud " Who pull who? I don't see anything to so with people being pulled about... " Jonathon decided to act like he wasn't that intelligent... When they thought that you where just another muscle head... A sudden burst of intellect was completely unexpected and often took them by surprise... " Rei managed to get you to go out with her, to put it on words that aren't that demanding on your simple mind... " Said William putting emphasis on all the simple words he could pronounce " Look, you may have an inferior intellect that causes you to believe that you have to demean the general populace around your person... " Jonathon growled " Hey... You... You... " William wasn't ready for this, what he believed was nothing more than a soldier with a lack of intelligence was really more so than he... " ...In order to feel that you are superior in some aspect to them, don't you realise that the general populace can also be reasoned with when angered... " Jonathon continued " I didn't know that a soldier could be so... " William was unable to finish the sentence through the shock of how Jonathon had started to speak " ...And as such they will also be found as very forgiving when you take the time to do a heart felt apology to them... " " I thought... " William wasn't able to finish the sentence " You thought that I was just another dumb ass soldier... It's been done before... " Jonathon laughed slightly at as he watched Williams face " I thought that... " " People make mistakes, if you try to be nice to others they will normally return the effort... Be nice to Rei or I'll break your legs " " But you just said... " " Like you said, me and Rei... If you mistreat her then you'll have to face me over it... " Jonathon grinned and walked away with Rei in his arms She kissed him lightly on the cheek aware that William was watching, things like this didn't happen that often in her life so she had to grab the chance when she could... Kat watched as Jonathon walked into his room stained in the blood of others... Rei walked into the room with his, she seemed so... Alive He walked over to Kat's bed and pulled a chair up before spinning it round and sitting on it with his legs protruding from either side Rei jumped onto his lap and wrapped her arms around his chest " Hey... That's not fair... " Kat sighed " What's not fair? " " You'll be sleeping with Rei from now on... I'll have to get another place... " " I... " Jonathon hadn't thought of this before, he turned pale red as the thought of this started to sink in " Jonathon... " Rei wasn't sure what was going to happen " It would be best that Kat stopped with you for now... I don't want to have him messed about now he's got a place to stay... " " But... " " Don't worry... give me the time and I'll get to my account and get my own place... " " You mean... " " Yeah... Then we will all have a place to stay... " Jonathon smiled sadly, he never liked the change that things brought about... It was never good... Maybe this time would be different? A base wide alert rang out spoiling the moment An angel attack... Rei sighed and climbed down from Jonathon's arms, the only place she currently felt safe... She sighed again before running toward the Eva hanger " Jonathon? " Kat tapped him on the shoulder " Yeah? He turned back to face Kat " Last time an angel attacked I had to help them... They put me in this place so I can't do anything much... For the time being anyhow... " " You want me to take your place? " " Yes... You need to find these other things... Not the Eva's... something else " " Where are they? " " I... Can't remember... " Kat sighed " Don't worry... I'll find them... " Jonathon smiled and walked to the door " I hope you can... " Kat sighed as Jonathon broke into a sprint Ritsuko looked at her watch, Kat should have arrived by now... She waited a few more minutes trying to figure out what could be keeping him A knock on the door... She walked to the door expecting to see Kat, instead a man taller than she was stood before her... She knew this man... He was more of a boy... " Jonathon? " Ritsuko gasped " Yeah... Kat told me something about needing to find something... He wasn't too precise but I guess he piloted one... " Jonathon looked into the gloom to no avail " Ah... He must be referring to the assassins... " Ritsuko flicked a light to reveal... An empty lab... what was so impressive about this place then? Maybe it was more a case of trying to keep the bill down... Jonathon smiled slightly and shook his head " Well, where are they? " " He would only have seen his... " Ritsuko walked over to a control panel and tapped a command in, a massive metal plate started to move... The plate started to slide open, another device started to raise... Where they Evas? No... The Eva series didn't have skulls for heads... They had a different form of armour as well... These things where covered in spikes as well... Three of these things rose from depths of whatever place hid them, each was in a varying stage of completion... " You expect those pieces of crap to help you? " Jonathon sighed " Yes... They seem to be superior to the Eva series in many ways... " " Then why did you build the Eva series? " " We built these after the Eva series... The things we needed where on hand so the production was less costly... " " So what am I piloting? " " The black one... " Ritsuko pointed to the one in the lowest stage of completion " That... You can't be serious? " Jonathon shook his head and watched as Ritsuko tapped in a few more commands " You have to do this... " " I guess... " Jonathon sighed and started to walk toward it " Wait... Before you go... " " What? " " The assassin hasn't got its internal power source working yet... None of them have to be honest... Until they do you'll be using an umbilical cable... " " You mean I have no internal generator? " " Yes... You also need to wear this... " Ritsuko reached into a side room and pulled out a rack of armour like garments... " Body armour? " Jonathon pulled one of the suits to himself, it wasn't big enough... " That's Jane's you idiot... " Ritsuko snatched back the white suit and handed him a black one " What is it? " " It'll allow you to pilot the assassin better... We haven't got everything that we need to use ready yet so there will be other things that you'll need from time to time... " " Oh... Ok... " Jonthon started to slip the armour over his head " No... You idiot... You have to wear just that... " Ritsuko shook her head and pointed to a room just beyond the one filled with the armour... Jonathon shook his head and walked into the room " Why didn't she just say so... " Jonathon snapped Ritsuko waited for a few minutes as Jonathon put the suit on... He walked out again a little later with a full black suit covering him, he looked at it for a second before looking at the assassin " Go on... Get into the black one... " Ritsuko gestured to a ladder leading up to a long objet sticking out of the assassin... " What's that? " " An adapted version of the entry plug... It'll let you take control of the assassin... " " Oh... " Jonathon jumped onto the ladder and ascended it as quickly as he could Ritsuko watched as he climbed into the entry plug and pressed a button to insert it A smile crossed her face as it slipped into the black creature with out trouble... This was going to be a new opportunity to test the abilities of the creature they had created... Now to get them all finished and start on the one for Jane... Misato watched as the JSDF tried to stop the new angel with all the weaponry they could get their hands on, as usual... They where failing She watched from the bunker as missiles flew into the angel, they all impacted against the AT field without doing anything of real interest... Nothing but another waste of time... She flinched as the angel started to retaliate, this was a little unexpected... A giant diamond shaped angel was now destroying from a great distance... IT was taking out the weapons that had been deployed against it without error... Blasts of energy slammed into the roads that they where mounted on destroying them all without any hint that it would make an error... A blast of energy seemed to head toward her before... The picture was cut off, seemed that the angel didn't like being watched... A massive explosion shook the ground as a more powerful weapon was deployed against the angel... Nothing... The angel wasn't going to give way to such weapons... Misato sighed and walked to a waiting vehicle... Next time Kim could get other people to report about the angel when the magi where down... What had got to the magi this time? Why wasn't Ritsuko working on it? Instead they had dragged Ayamie Ibuki away from struggling with some stupid program to see what she could do... She watched as more volleys of gunfire and missiles hit the AT field of the angel without getting near it... They where going to have to try something new to sort this one... A blast of energy and... Silence... The JSDF where no longer able to take the angel on, they where removing their forces as quickly as they could, the angle seemed a little unstoppable to them... She sighed and looked ahead... Not that far to go now and she would be safely inside the walls that NERV had built to stop the angels... Shinji waited as Rei was inserted into the blue Eva, what had taken her so long? Normally she was here within a much shorter time... " Shinji? " Kim was sitting where his father normally did " Yes? " " Could you get on with this? " Kim was just as cold... " Ok... " Shinji walked over to his usual place to get launched, there was a grinding sound and... " Damn... The launch bay is bust... " One of the technicians started to tap in various commands trying to get the launch pad to work... A few seconds passed like minutes as the uneasy silence in the room grew... The launch pad came back on line and launched Shinji so suddenly he was forced back before he knew what was going on Rei followed just as quickly But Asuka... " Kim? " Shinji wasn't sure... " Yes? " " Where's Asuka? " " I don't know... " " Don't you have any idea? " " None... " " Why? " " She hasn't turned up today... Maybe she has caught some form of illness... " " I see... " Shinji watched as the city came into view, he angled the Eva to land as he watched the ground rush to meet him An umbilical cable appeared from a nearby building and fell to the ground beside him, he plugged it into the back of his Eva and looked to one side... Rei stood to his right holding a positron rifle with her umbilical cable already inserted Shinji grabbed a positron rifle and looked to one side... " No! " Shinji could swear he just saw a monster as it leaped away and onto another building, a cable trailing behind it " Shinji... Don't panic..." Rei said in her usual monotone voice " What the hell? "Shinji loosed off a few bursts from the positron rifle before noticing its cable running near him... " Shinji no! " shouted Kim as he snapped the cable leaving the black creature without an external power source " Now you've messed that up... " Rei said flatly " What? " Shinji watched as the form of the blue Eva started to run toward the area the angel was currently located in " Nice one Shinji... " Said a digitised voice " Who are you? " " You just left me without the power I need to complete this mission... " The digitised voice continued " What are you? " Shinji shouted, he shielded his eyes as a bright light came from the direction of... Rei Shinji started to run toward the are to see a smoking hole burned through the Eva as he approached it To one side out of the corner of his eye he noticed the black thing start to jump toward another building where another umbilical cable awaited it... It slammed into the ground next to the cable with its hand outstretched... Power failure... It was without power now it's battery was depleted " No... " Shinji grabbed the body of Unit-00 noticing that the entry plug had failed to eject, he tore it out and threw it as far from the angel as he could A building opened up offering him an escape route, he dived into it taking the body of Unit-00 with him... He was glad to leave the black creature behind... Jonathon opened his eyes to see that he was still without power and the angel didn't seem to be interested in him now he posed no threat... He looked to one side to see the angel was now drilling into the ground... What was this in aid of? The angel wouldn't have the time to reach the area below, they would launch another attack on it to rescue him... Wouldn't they? The antigravity field that had held him while he was in the assassin had failed now there was no power... He noticed that the armour was flexible at this point, it would have to be to survive the way he was thrown about when the assassin fell... It wasn't made of a material like he now expected but... Plastic... It was some form of plastic that was super tough yet able to assume a new shape when it was needed... No doubt they had filled it with circuitry to keep track on him or something... He tapped in a few commands on the controls for the assassin hoping to get something to happen... Nothing... Now he thought of it there wasn't any form of life support installed in the assassin... It was getting hotter in here for definite... how long before he wasn't able to breathe? A drip of sweat ran down his face, he was used to the cool damp interior of the base he had been raised in... This eternal summer wasn't to his taste... There never seemed to be a moment on the surface of the city when it was cool enough for him to be happy... If it weren't for the fact they had messed about with his genetics, he would have suffered from the effects of the sun by now... He was glad his skin was still as pale as it ever was or hopefully ever would be... More perspiration ran down his face as the interior of the assassin heated up more... He wasn't happy to be in a confined space in the first place but now... Jonathon hammered on one of the walls of the entry plug as he found it increasingly hard to breathe, they had made these well... He was trapped and no matter how hard he hit the damn thing didn't even appear to crack... He was trapped and doomed to die... He hadn't even made it as far as being able to let Jane know he was alive... His insanity had claimed his own life... A wave of calm filled his thoughts as he considered a new path of action... Getting out of this alive seemed to be impossible but this thing had to have some way of getting him out of there... Some way to eject the entry plug... No matter what he tried though, there didn't seem to be anyway of getting the controls to work without power... The air was getting increasingly hard to breathe as he struggled to escape, there was just one more thing that he could do... Jonathon closed his eyes and slowed moving before finally... Stopping... No more was he breathing... Misato ran into terminal dogma, she looked around to see Kim was trying to get things sorted, she was even sitting in Gendo's place... Misato waited, this looked very important... The other children had been brought here and where now getting debriefed... Shinji was getting a hard time for attacking what Kim referred to as a 'valuable asset' in their fight against the angels She watched as Kim praised Rei for trying to take the angel on to save Shinji from getting killed by his own stupidity She even mentioned how she had saved Shinji's life Rei as always just stood there without trace of feeling Kim dismissed the children... There didn't seem to be any trace of Asuka... Misato waited a few more minutes, Kim appeared to be busy talking to another high ranking official... Peter sharp... She listened to them for a while, still waiting for them to ask her to tell them what she had observed... From what she heard it seemed that they had gone and attacked the angel before getting the observation off her first... Seemed that they only wanted her out of the area for a while... Misato snapped to attention as she heard one name that seemed to forever haunt her thoughts... Jonathon... She listened in a little more before she realised they where saying he was alive... " What? He's alive? " Misato shouted running out before Kim " Oh... We must have forgot to mention that he was to you when we found him in the burnt out shell where SEELE was based... " " What? " " Yes, he is alive Major " " Where is the he? " Misato found herself on the verge of tears " On the battlefield with the angel... If he is still alive at this point... We don't know... He was when we sent him up there... Three hours ago... " " What? He's still up there? " " Yes... We can't actually get a way of seeing if he is still alive in the new type mobile suit he's in " " You mean Eva, can't you monitor him? " " Ritsuko hadn't finished the thing... We where forced to use it before completion... " " You what? You mean that thing she was working on before... he's in that? " " Yes major... Now if you don't mind... We have plans to make... " " No... If anyone is making plans to take this angel out that will be me... It's my job after all " Misato shouted determined to win this encounter It was time to show Kim how this was handled strategicly