Evangelion - Bloodlines Children of Project D Genesis 0:1 Attack Jonathon watched as the people inside the base ran around trying to get everything under control It was obvious that they were unprepared for this event " Maya? " Jonathon reached out to Maya who was cowering under her desk " Please go away " Maya whimpered " Maya... People get scared all the time... Even I get scared... " Jonathon sat next to Maya " You get scared... I wouldn't have believed that... " " I'm scared of the unknown... Of what could happen... Of what might happen... The next day is possibly not going to happen... " " I think I understand... " Maya closed her eyes " Do you want me to co-ordinate for you? " Jonathon asked quietly " No... I have to face this one... " Maya climbed up and took a deep breath and walked away slowly Jonathon watched as she walked toward her post before heading back toward Misato's apartment Shinji waited inside the Eva, he watched as the support crew scrambled around him trying to get everything ready for him to launch " Just like the first angel I had to battle " He said aloud " What was that Shinji? " Asked Misato puzzled " Uh... Sorry about that " " About what? " " Never mind " " We have a visual... This one looks like... " Misato stopped as the angel came up on screen " A Lobster... " Shinji finished, he recalled Asuka saying that she had to fight a fish or something and he had fought something that had resembled an Eva... " Ready to launch Shinji? " Misato put it more as a statement than a question " Yeah... " Shinji ignored the whining of Asuka as she was told to back him up " Misato I can beat this one myself " Asuka shouted after whining about being superior Jonathon walked down the street, he didn't care about the fact that a creature the size of a building was on the loose, he wasn't interested that a humanoid creature was going to fight it " None of this is of any interest at the moment... " Jonathon sighed as he walked toward Misato's apartment, he had to see Asuka and Shinji about something " She won't be there... " Said a voice behind him " Miss Ayanami? What are you doing out here alone? You could get killed, I have to get you to a shelter " " I'll be ok... " Rei said staring at Jonathon " What's wrong Miss Ayanami? " " Nothing " " I still have to get you to a shelter... Your father will be distraught if you get killed " " I can be replaced " " So can I... Don't mean that I can afford to die though... No body lives twice " " I mean, I can be replaced " " I can to - there must be hundreds of people that can replace me " " You don't understand... " " I don't see the relevance to this... We need to get you inside a shelter " " We? " " Bad grammar, sorry that should have been ' I need to get you safe ' " " Why were you going to Misato's apartment? " " I know that I'm not know about but they said that I should just go there one time to say hi - I've just arrived, what's stopping me though? " " Asuka and Shinji live with Misato, they also pilot the Eva's " " Oh... Guess I'll have a look around then... " " May I come with you? " Rei asked, she sounded as lifeless as ever " If you must... " Jonathon walked away from the main street and toward the shopping district " Unit One Borderline " Maya shouted " Unit Two Borderline " Shouted another person their voce almost lost in the confusion " Launch them both and take them to the angel " Misato shouted " Yes Sir " Shouted Maya Unit One and Two Disappeared as they were launched out of the geo front, they were forced to board a plane and taken toward the angel... " Man... That thing looks ugly... " Asuka giggled as the angel came into her view " Asuka, focus on the mission " Shinji sighed " Shut up " Asuka snapped, she watched as the angel looked up at the plane, it ignored it and continued toward the geo front " Dropping... Now " Asuka and Shinji were both dropped from the plane, they landed a distance from the angel - directly between it and the geo front " Connecting Umbilical Cable... " " Take a positron Rifle Shinji " Misato ordered " Ok... " Shinji reached out as one shot out of the armoury building next to him " You to Asuka " Misato ordered sternly " No - I'm going to kill this one " Asuka shouted, she dived over a building and ran toward the angel " Asuka no " Shinji shouted, he ran after her trying to keep the angel in his sight as well " Leave this one to me Shinji " Asuka growled Unit-01 stopped as Unit-02 attacked the angel " Jonathon... " Rei looked up to se two Eva's attacking the angel, chunks of rubble fell around them destroying the road " Oh shit... " Jonathon scooped Rei up in his arms, he started to run down a road " Jonathon... " Rei leaned toward him, she kissed him on the cheek " Have you been waiting to kiss me all this time? " Jonathon asked as he picked up speed " No... I want other things between us as well... " Rei answered sounding more human like by the second " You seem pretty Naïve... I guess if anything I should protect you... " Jonathon slowed down " What's wrong? " " Fuck... People... " Jonathon put Rei down, he looked around to see men surrounding them, all were armed with guns " We only want Rei Ayanami... " One shouted out " Can't you come after her some other time? " " No - now is the perfect time " " Sorry but I can't allow you to take her " " Your pretty clever aren't you... Why not let us take her, say we took her by force... Then you can avoid all the responsibility of this... " " Or what? " " Or we kill you and take her by force... " " I choose... " Jonathon looked up to see an Eva's hand fall across a nearby building " Hurry up will you " " I choose to be the hero try taking her by force then... " Jonathon stood there waiting for them " Shoot him " The man ordered, Jonathon shook his head and grabbed Rei " You want her though... I may be big but can you kill me without hurting her? " " Shoot through her... " Jonathon threw Rei to the floor roughly, he ran past two of the men grabbing their guns as the tried to aim at him " I don't think so... " Jonathon flipped on top of a car bonnet " Bad move ' Son ' " The man started to fire at the car Asuka climbed o her feet, the angel was kicking her ass... " Shinji you keep getting in the way " She shouted at him " You stabbed me though! " Shinji whined holding his arm " You got in the way " She watched as Unit-01 charged at the angel head first, something caught her attention in the corner of her eye " That's Rei... " Asuka smirked seeing Rei on the ground holding her chest " Asuka! " Asuka turned her head to see Shinji fending off the angel " Hold on a second will you " Asuka turned back again to see men firing at something just out of sight, she reached down to see what it was only for the men to open fire on her Gun shots came from the area just out of sight The men fell to the ground bleeding as someone ran past them Asuka watched as a large man grabbed Rei in his arms and ran with her " Damn you wonder girl - you even get men to save you " Asuka noticed the man looked familiar, only she didn't know where she'd seen him before " Will you help me Asuka? " Shinji shouted, she turned back to see him pinned under a dead angel Asuka sighed before going to his aid Jonathon was listening to Misato as she told him that he had taken a stupid risk and that he wasn't supposed to go and meet the others for a while yet anyway " Will that be all? " Jonathon asked agitated " No, you are really becoming a problem as well - going off to do things when you have other duties to do " Misato said trying to keep her temper " I don't have time for this... " Jonathon said looking at his watch " Listen to me boy... " Jonathon looked up at Misato, she suddenly lost the nerve to continue to discipline him " No you listen Major, I don't have the time or the will to put up with you trying to do anything like this - I have more important things to do than to listen to youy giving me shit over and angel attack walk about " " But the danger involved is high... " " I know the danger - do you think that a single person is going to get the attention of a creature that size like that just by walking about? " " It can happen but... " " Major - I am here only 'cause of some people that say I have to be to serve here with the new prototype, not 'cause I want to be here - I never wanted to come here to pilot anything but I still did cause I was forced to come here " " You just dug your own grave... " " I know that I'm important to you and everything - I know that I am here to save humanity, maybe I don't want to help you anymore - maybe humanity could do with getting eradicated... Humanity has only acted as a disease since it started to advance and not evolve " " You're classed as property of NERV still... We decide if you live or die... No one else does, understand? " " Actually I'm classed as dead anyway... Check the official records " " Oh yes... The cover records " " Yes - maybe I should go public about this entire sorry affair? " " If you try to you wont even make it out of this room alive... " " Maybe... Maybe not, anyway I have to go to live with Maya I was told... Have you told her what I am? " " Stop changing the subject - Are you going to force us to terminate you or not? " " Figure it yourself Major... " " I guess you wanting to know about living with Maya... " " So I guess I have to be a good boy then... " Jonathon climbed out of the chair he had been sat in, Misato was staring at him angrily " That will be all... " She growled Jonathon smiled as he walked to the door As the door closed Misato let out a sigh of relief " I hope I never have to do that again... " Misato busied herself with the paperwork that she had to do on the little 'chat' they had just had Asuka was in her room - Shinji had bugged her all day and now he was out so she had the perfect chance to relax... Or did she... Asuka looked up to see Rei standing in front of her " What do you want wonder girl? " She growled " Misato told me to come and thank you for saving my life... " " Well? " Asuka smiled evilly " Thank you for what you did... " Rei bowed her head " Sorry? I don't seem to be able to hear you " " Thank you for saving my life today... I'm very grateful... " " You don't seem to be showing any gratitude " " What do you mean by that? " " Oh forget it, I guess you wouldn't understand the fact that you owe me your life " " My life is of little... " " Fuck off wonder girl " Asuka shouted, Rei stood there for a second before leaving Jonathon was sat next to Maya in her home, she was surprised to see how readily he accepted anything that she had said were ground rules, she had even joked about having sex and he hadn't been shocked " Maya? " Jonathon was stood in a doorway half dressed " Yeah? " " I... " " Oh sorry - you want to get dressed " Maya turned away, the sound of a door slamming behind her told her that she could turn again There was a knock at the door, Maya walked to the door putting down her papers " Can I help you Sir? " " Yes... " Gendo stood at the door, he was holding some papers " You want to see Jonathon? " " Yes, tell him that I'm here to see him " " But he's... " " Tell him now... " " Yes sir... " Maya turned red as she walked to Jonathon's room, she turned away from him not knowing what to expect " It's ok to look, I'm dressed - Gendo's here? " " Yes... He wants to see you now " Maya looked at Jonathon in relief " Ok... Tell him I'm just getting the remainder of my uniform on... " " Ok... " Maya walked back to Gendo " Well? " " He's getting the rest of his uniform on... Why? " " Were going to have a little 'Chat' " " Oh... " Maya didn't like the way he had said the last word, Jonathon walked out in a fresh uniform " You must be Mr Ikari, Shinji's father " " Yes... You're the child we ordered " Maya looked confused, Jonathon walked out of the apartment with Gendo As they walked down the corridor in silence Jonathon wondered what was going on in Gendo's mind " So Sir... Can you tell me a little more about G...NERV? " " You will find out soon " Jonathon continued to follow Gendo down the corridor, he eventually arrived in a sunny area outside Maya's apartment A car was waiting for him " Sir? " Jonathon held the door open for Gendo Gendo climbed into the car and started to look at a pile of papers that were waiting for them Jonathon sighed, he knew that this was going to be a long journey England: Jane lay awake in bed, she sighed as the door opened " You grab her... " A mans voice said, a man slipped in through the door followed by two more people, possibly male Jane closed her eyes so that she could still see them to a point " Have the rope? " " Yes... " " Good... " One of the forms advanced on her bed, Jane smiled " What the... " " She's probably dreaming, see... " Jane rubbed her head against her pillow " I wouldn't mind being with her in her dream... " " Sick... She's underage " " Hey - she's good looking " The men looked down to see Jane's bed empty " Shit... " The door closed, Jane sighed " Been so long since I had someone to play with... " Jane said slowly, like a child " Shit... Have the guns? " " Yeah... " One of the men quickly passed the guns around the small group " Ok little girl, you're coming with us... " " I think you're mistaken " " You're not in a good position to try to stop us bitch " Jane closed her eyes " Grab her " one of the men started toward her, Jane's eyes remained closed " She's really creeping me out... " Jane suddenly grabbed the man nearest to her and turned him around " Shit she's fast... " Jane smiled evilly as she pulled the trigger " Stop, Stop... You passed " Maximilion walked into the test room " I passed? " " Yes... This was a test to find out your ability to kill without thought... Well, with as little as needed anyway " " So this means I can go soon? " " Yes, you can contact Jonathon anytime now and tell him that you're coming over three days after he's introduced to the pilot " " I'm glad that I passed... " " You only needed to avoid being kidnapped but seeing as you were able to do a few other things at the same time you avoided taking the other tests " " Jonathon passed them all years ago... " " He is the best one for things like that... Imagine them trying to carry him away... " " Not an easy thing to do with how big he is... " " No... He allowed them to carry him a long distance while he planned a way of escaping without them seeing, you on the other hand... Well, you passed the stealth area around the same time... Without any trouble " " Well... I'm just going to go and rub this into Kat's face... He's been trying to pass these for so long... " " You better get the stimulant to counter the effects of the sleep agent... " " I wish you could find another way to make it a fair test... " " So do I... " Jane walked out of the room and into a nearby medical room, she poured a small cup of water and waited for Maximilion to go She then left the room " Hey Kat " " Jane? " " Guess what " " What? " " I passed " " Oh great... First Jonathon... Then you, why do you all keep rubbing in the fact that you completed the tests? " " 'Cause you're so easy to wind up " " Great... Let me remind you though, not even Jonathon was able to beat me for the speed shooting " " So? " " Or the fencing " " Yeah but fencing wasn't a vital thing... Or speed shooting " " Just saying Jonathon isn't as good as everyone makes out " " He's more of a man than you " " No... He's a psychopath " " Say what ever you want... I couldn't give a... " " Jane? " Leona walked into the room holding a gun " What? " " I heard that you passed " " Well... Just teasing Kat about it " " I can't blame you... As soon as I can do that I will... " " Hey - I'm actually getting pretty offended by you talking about me like that! " Kat shouted " Let's ignore him... " Jane walked away toward the pool with Leona " Kat can be so big headed at times... " Jane and Leona passed through a security door " Big headed... So what if they can out perform me in ways... I can beat them in a fair fight any day of the week... " Kat sighed before heading to the testing ground " I'll show them... " Japan: Jonathon waited with Maya, he was going to move out of her place today and go into Misato's home - the main reason was that he was making it increasingly hard to keep his cover for the support staff, they were getting pissed off with his attitude toward their work too... " Jonathon? " Maya tried to get Jonathon's attention without success " If they keep trying to hide me... Why do they want to hide me? What's so bad about me? " Jonathon said to himself " Jonathon... excuse me... " " Oh... Sorry... What do you want Miss Ibuki? " " Look... You can call me Maya... " Maya shook her head " Sorry... I can't do that... I'm not living with you any longer... " " That's what I want to talk to you about... " " Oh? " " If things don't seem to be working out with Misato... " " Major Katsuragi... Yeah... " " Then you can always move back in with me... I had to ask but... " " I see... So you didn't mind? " " No... You were... well... " " I looked after you more than you looked after me... " " Yeah and... " " It was my own choice " " Yeah... I wasn't actually looking forward to doing this to begin with but... " " I was different to what you expected... I think that's 'cause you were expecting some soldier that marched around shouting orders... Not a kid who was happy to take care of you " " I actually have trouble thinking of you as a kid... " " So do I at times... I'm supposed to be the same age as the others... I don't think they will believe that at first... " " Anyway... If you want to come back... Just say... You don't have to look after me either " " I wanted to do that 'cause it was more a case of I was a guest in your home... " " I thought the host was supposed to look after the guest... " " Yeah... But I didn't think it was right to do that... Cooking for you was easy anyway... Anyway, if I didn't do the dishes and stuff what else would I have done? " " Watched TV? " " No thanks... Never anything of interest on anyway... " " What do you like to watch? " " I prefer to play computer games more than anything... The technicians back at base where I lived... They used to get pissed off with me when I used the super computers to make the games... " " You made games? " " Well... More training simulations... " Jonathon pulled a disk out " Is that one? " " Yeah... It's not much... Just a quick one that I made a while ago... It's more of an AI program though... " " What does it do? " " Challenges you to a game of chess... I can't beat it any longer when it believes it's against me... " " Oh... I'll have to try it sometime then, I'll tell you how far I get... " " Well... Goodbye... Miss Ibuki " Jonathon turned away and followed Misato who had managed to walk up to them without either of them noticing Maya sighed as she watched Misato lead Jonathon away England: Kat furiously fought off all the assailants that came after him - this was too easy for him with his abnormally high speed... " More... Give me more people to fight! " Kat screamed " Send more out... " Maxamilion sighed, More men ran out of a room to the side Kat grinned as he fought off all the men until - they all lay around him bruised and bloodied " Guess I can't be beaten still... " Kat said wiping a small trace of blood from his mouth " Send out the best man we have... Kat will be hard pressed to defeat him... " " Another man? Ha - that'll be easy... " Kat's jaw dropped as a man similar in size and build to Jonathon walked out " You won't beat him so easily... " Maxamilion sat in his chair overlooking the test room Kat turned to the man and readied himself " Come on... " Kat waited a second before advancing on the man, He grinned nervously as he waited for the man to move... He didn't Kat ran at the man and dived at him the man suddenly punched him out the air " Kat - you can give up now and this will be held from your record... " " Never " Kat shouted, he turned back to the man and spat blood out, he advanced on the man again waiting for a reaction " Kat - he won't fall for any little tricks that you try to do... " Kat dodged a punch and brought his knee up sharply... The man simply grabbed him and slammed him into the wall, Kat slid to the floor holding his chest - the man walked away " It's over Kat, " Said a man who was monitoring the combat " No... I'm not going to be beaten by that... " Kat climbed to his feet, the man turned to face him " Don't be a fool Kat " Maxamilion shouted, Kat grinned " I'm gonna kill you for that... " Kat ran at the man jumping to the side to avoid his fist - Kat started to Punch the man as fast as he could... It was innefective... The man grabbed Kat and lifted him to his height " Put him down... " The man ignored the order and started to lay into Kat Kat was left in a pool of blood... Voices floated around him... " He's going to die... " " The amount of damage he took... " " He's slipping... " Kat lay there trying to move... He watched as the ceiling changed slowly... Into that of a hospital A face formed in front of him " Are you ok Kat? " It was a familiar voice... " Jane... He's going to die... They didn't even stop child Beta from hurting him... " " Beta? But there's only us... " He was sure it was Jane and Leona now... " Do you think he'll live... " " With a three percent survival chance? " " I see... Then we better let him rest... " Footsteps... Followed by silence... Kat forced himself to stay awake... He wouldn't die... Japan: Jonathon was sat in Misato's car... they had been around a few places getting him some clothes as Misato had objected to his entire wardrobe " Haven't you seen anything yet? " " No, you won't let me have the combat stuff so I can't see anything else... " " You're being really awkward about this... " " No... You're being stupid... I only wear the combat style stuff that I was provided with - a compromise is anything in it's style that wasn't made for my division... " " Maybe I should give up and just take you back to meet the others... " " I haven't been filed in on home life yet... " " You'll find out... Soon " " I would like to be filled in on anything like procedures that I have to abide by... " " Umm... " " Your not very well organised are you... " " Hey! " " No offence Major but you seem more of a mess to me... " " I'm really getting angry now... " " Sorry but your just so... " Jonathon stopped " You had better apologise now or... " Misato had turned red with anger " Sorry Major but I was just voicing what I had noticed... " " That's it - do you want to walk the next five miles back huh? " " If that would make you feel better... " The car pulled to a stop, Jonathon climbed out " You must be nuts... It's dark already... " " I'm going to carry my bags to I suppose... " Misato fell silent, he had three bags and all of them look heavy " Look, I'm just over reacting... Get back in... " " Sorry Major but you made your point... If I'm not there in two hours don't bother to search for me " " Look... Get back in now or... " " Or what? You'll have me shot? Sorry but I'd rather walk that continue to offend you, You live in that direction don't you? " Jonathon pointed to Tokyo Three " Yeah but... " " Thank you... " Jonathon pulled all his bags out the car and slung them over his shoulder " Get back in the car now - that's an order " " You're off duty... " Jonathon started to walk toward Tokyo three " His fault if he gets killed... " Misato sighed before speeding off Jonathon looked at his watch " In these conditions I should be there... In about an hour if I stop for something to eat... " England: Kat reached out toward something in front of his face, it reached out for him and grabbed his arm " Leona... He's awake... " " Kat? Can you here me? " " My head... " Kat raised his other hand to his head, he picked at the bandages there " We heard that Jonathon went A.W.O.L after he fell out with Misato... Been missing for three hours... She's really upset about it... " Jane sighed " Jonathon... A.W.O.L - but he's a modal soldier... " Kat groaned " Yeah but there's no sign of him at all... " Jane said shuddering " But the tracking bug... " " They found it crushed by the roadside... Looks like something attacked him as well... They found blood everywhere " Leona chipped in " Blood... " " They haven't got back to us about what happened yet... " Leona sighed " Can I speak to them? " Kat said slowly " I'll see if I can get that sorted " Leona said running to see someone just out of sight " Looks like your gonna be ok now... " Jane said softly " You said I would die... " " We were told you would... " " I see... " Leona ran back in " They said that they'll get you on to Misato " Thanks... " Kat looked back at Jane who had obviously been crying " I'm ok... It's just what happened to Jonathon... " Jane said noticing Kat's gaze Three men walked into the room, the quickly set up a small screen and rested it on a table next to Kat " Hello Major Katsuragi here " Misato said as Kat appeared on the screen in front of her " Hi... I heard that Jonathon went missing... " " Who are you? " " Another child raised here with him... Like a brother to me... " " Oh... I'm sorry... He just refused to work with me on a small thing... He then just got out the car and... " " He's not usually like that... " " I just don't know what to do... First day looking after him and... " A man walked up to Misato and handed her a sheet " What is it? " Kat asked trying to see the sheet " Oh my god... It's worse than we thought... " " What? " " We found blood by the roadside... It was a hell of a lot of Jonathon's... As well as at least six other peoples... " " He was attacked? " " That's what it looks like... " " Who did it? " " We don't know... " " Damn... I wake up to find that I was about to die... Then this... " Kat said hiding his face " I'm so sorry... " Misato said, a boy walked into the room behind her " Uh... Misato... " " Not now Shinji... " " It's not your fault though Misato... " Shinji whined " Hey - get out, this is private " Kat shouted, Shinji blushed before running out of the room " I just hope he's ok... " Misato said with a tear trickling down her face " You don't know him... We were trained for things like this... He should be able to escape... " " What if he's hurt? " " He can continue to do things no matter what... He took a pretty bad injury once and continued to fight... Killed over twenty people in that state... " " I hope your right about him... " " Don't worry... He should turn up ok... Look, I have to rest now... " Kat said before shutting the screen down He hated lying... Jonathon was probably dead already Japan: " Misato... When do you think he'll be back? " " Look I don't know " Misato shouted at Shinji, she hadn't told him the truth yet " Do you want me to go out... " Shinji cowered away " Look - I'm sorry... He just disappeared... I don't know where he is... " " I see... " Shinji walked out of the office and toward Asuka who was waiting outside " Shinji - what did she say? " Asuka asked calmly " Nothing much... Turns out that the new kid went missing... " " Maybe he realised what he had to do here? " Asuka stretched her arms " Maybe... I wish Misato would hurry up though " " What's taking her so long? " " I wish I knew... " Shinji sighed " Maybe she's going to lose her job? " Asuka looked shocked at this though " No... I don't think she will... " Shinji said slowly " Well... What's taking so long? " " Maybe she has to fill in all the reports about this? " " Is that his file... " Asuka said looking at a bundle of papers hanging out the side of a folder " I think so... Misato put it down when he went into the office... " " Maybe we should take a look at it... " " No - That's a personal file... " Shinji whined " Grow a spine - What do you thinks in there? " " Asuka no " " Hey... I'm only going to have a quick look... " Asuka looked up to see Misato walk out the office " Are you ok? " Shinji asked " I suppose... It's just... " The phone rang, Misato ran to answer it " Do you think they found him? " Asked Asuka " Hold on... " Shinji looked at Misato for a second " Kaji? What the hell are you doing - haven' you heard that one of the kids went missing? ...You have? ...Then what the hell are you doing phoning me up! " Misato slammed the phone down and stormed out of the office " Hey - were are we going? " Asked Shinji " Home " Misato growled, she swiped Jonathon's file as she passed it " Finally... " Asuka sighed