Evangelion - Bloodlines Children of Project D Genesis 0:0 Light of Day Shinji opened his eyes, it was still dark - A shadow fell across him "Asuka go away " Shinji whined " Nein " Asuka replied in German, Shinji had picked up on a little of this in the three months that they had been living together " Asuka? " Shinji looked up to see Asuka turned away from him " Ja? " " Can you stop that? " " Nein " " They said that we would be fighting the enemy of humanity when we came here " " Ja... " " So why has there been no sign of them? I mean there was the one that I had to kill when I first got here... Then you got attacked on the boat here... " " Shinji, you complain too much - why not just be glad that we don't have to fight them all the time " " But I though that there would be more of them " " Just be glad... It means that we get to train and fight them off better " Asuka walked into the room and sat next to Shinji " Uhh... Asuka? " " Yeah? " " What's the time? " " 'Bout five " " Five? I shouldn't be up now I have school " " No you don't it's the holidays " Shinji blushed, Asuka stood up and walked to the door again " Night... " Shinji watched as the door closed, this was going to be a long night Shinji sighed and closed his eyes In England: Maximilion was sitting at his desk, he looked at the clock as if he was waiting for something to happen... A short pause before... " Sir... Jonathon's gone ape shit again " a woman put her head around the door " Again? Can't you find something to sedate him? " " You know that it only makes him go hyperactive " " There has to be something that'll work? " " Not on him... He's just... " " Always a pain... " " Yeah... " Maximilon climbed to his feet and followed the woman to the recreation facilities Jonathon could get into a lot of trouble at times... Sure enough when he got there Jonathon was standing among the wreckage of one of the games tables " Jonathon... " He growled " What? " Jonathon was at least 6' 5" and built like a steroid crunching weightlifter - it wasn't always easy to stand up to him " Will you stop this at once " " Stop what? " Jonathon ran his hand through his cropped blonde hair " This foolish behaviour " " They started it... " " No they didn't - they tried to stop you from doing something stupid but they failed " " They shot me... " Jonathon pointed to a small dark stain on his camouflage jacket " To get you to stop this... " Maximilion gestured to the general mess that was the rec. room " They know that I go hyper when I get sedatives in my system " " You always say that... You never listen to other people do you? " " No... That's 'cause people are stupid " " Jonathon... " Maximilion knew that reason wouldn't work, any mind games he spotted - he was the perfect soldier, nothing could defeat him easily " I'm going to talk with the other kids, why do I have to talk to people who don't even have half the IQ that the least intelligent of us does? " " Maybe because the 'Low' Intelligence people only have IQ's of about two hundred? And the fact that the least intelligent of you has one over nine hundred... " " Well I'm sorry that you think that I'm flawed " Jonathon seemed to pick up on things like this with little effort " Flawed? That doesn't even begin to describe what I think of you... " " Well the others must really be a dream compared to me? " " Hmm... " Maximilion sighed, the other three were quiet when compared to Jonathon but they seemed to be happy with laying anyone who wasn't taken The girls had both had pregnancies that they had terminated and the other boy... He was getting to be a problem... At least Jonathon only thought about killing everything on two legs... " May I go now? " Jonathon said patiently " Yes... Tell the others to keep to their rooms - they are still grounded " " For the stupid stunt with the fire hose? " " Yes... " Maximilion walked away from the room, there would be people who cleaned the mess up... Back In Japan: Asuka walked away from Misato's apartment, she had gave her another lecture on her grades slipping " Why does she keep having to do this? " " Do what? " Shinji looked puzzled " Harass me " " I'm sure she has her reasons to complain about your work " Asuka sighed " Shinji... Would it matter to you if she kept bugging you about the same thing? " " I suppose... " " What if... I was too... " Asuka looked out to middle of a busy road " Asuka? " Shinji started to look worried " Maybe I just don't fit in well here... " Asuaka seemed depressed " Why don't you pick on me? You used to when you got here - you always used to seem happy when you put it in your self-righteous way and I couldn't fight back " Shinji had expected this to provoke her... " Picking on you used to make me feel superior... I just don't feel that it served any purpose though... " " Come on pick on me damn it " Shinji stepped in front of Asuka, he pushed he back only to get a lifeless stare back " No point... Anything I did in the simulations wonder girl did better... " " Asuka? " " Shinji... I don't see the point of being here anymore... " Asuka sat on a bench " Don't say things like that, Everyone likes you here... " " Huh... What about Misato says then? " " She only says that to try to get better results from you " " I bet she enjoys it... " " Asuka! Stop it! " Shinji gave her a cross look, he realised that it was lost on her Misato's car pulled up nearby " Asuka... Shinji... I have to talk to you about something... " " Yeah? " Shinji replied quickly, Misato looked at Asuka who seemed more interested in staring into space " We have another kid coming to pilot to stay with us soon " " Who? " Asuka seemed interested now " He's called Jonathon... Lives with the military " " Will he pilot? " Asuka asked quickly " No... He's not to pilot... Going to be base security I think... " " Oh? " Asuka seemed surprised " Can't sync or something like that " " Oh... " Asuka lost interest again " I have a picture of him here if you want to see? " Misato held out the picture, Shinji snatched it " Man... He's huge! " Shinji exclaimed looking at Jonathon in the picture " You shouldn't be looking down there Shinji! " Misato smiled evilly " Hey I wasn't looking at... " Asuka snatched the picture of Shinji " Who's the girl? " " Jane... She's a person who may be coming here eventually too " " How tall is Jane? " Shinji asked " About average I guess... " Misato flicked her hair back " He's cute " Asuka smiled " 'Scuse me? " Shinji looked surprised " What did you say Asuka? " Misato hadn't seen Asuka smile in a while " Is it a crime to like him? " Asuka demanded " No but... " Shinji started " Shut up Shinji " Asuka snapped " Uh... " Shinji edged away " When's he coming here? " Asuka demanded " In about three days... Two maybe if they do their paper work quickly... " " Where will he stay? " Shinji asked cautiously " Asuka's room, he's very aggressive so it may be better to put him with her but after the way she reacted... " " Huh? " Asuka blushed " It maybe safer to put him with Shinji after all " Misato grinned " Hey! " Shinji shouted " What? " " You want to put him with me when he's likely to hurt me? " Shinji whined " Shinji grow a spine " Asuka snapped " He's going with Asuka anyway Shinji " Misato sighed, she climbed back into her car and drove away as the two kids started to argue with each other Misato Drove toward the airport, she had to pickup Rei who was back from a holiday in the west, she was supposed to be coming back with Jonathon " I have to hide him from them? " Misato said aloud, she was referring to Shinji and Asuka " They always manage to mess things up for me... " Misato wiped some sweat from her forehead, it seemed to be getting hotter " What the? " Misato rocketed past a hitchhiker as she sped down the empty road " That was... " Jonathon's face seemed to burn into her mind " Damn... " Misato span the car round to see... Nothing " What the hell? He can't just be gone like that? " Misato yelled, Grudgingly she started toward the airport again Rei Ayanami stood at the arrivals gate with a huge man, she had been told to bring him back with her and when she had been to pick him up he had been surprised ' Today? They didn't say I was going today ' He had muttered as she had told him to come with her On the plane he had been really quiet, it was eerie even to her At least he had been polite to her when they had spoken Rei looked at him as he waited patiently for Misato to pick them up He sighed and brushed his hand back through his short-cropped blonde hair, he smiled when he noticed her gaze Rei suddenly felt embarrassed " What's wrong Miss Ayanami? " He asked putting his bags down so he could sit next to her " Nothing " She replied quietly " You sure? " He asked, Rei looked at him for a second before nodding " I'm sure... You never told me your name " Rei said quietly " My name? Oh... Jonathon... " He said with a little confusion " And your surname? " Rei asked inquisitively, she blushed again when he looked at her " I'm called... Uh... I don't have a surname... Now you mention it I was raised without any real parents " Jonathon said casually " Oh... " Rei started to feel embarrassed again " What's wrong? You keep going red... " Jonathon seemed to be concerned, he placed his hand on her chin " I'm... " Rei stopped, she moved her head forward to kiss him but... " No " Jonathon backed away, he turned his head toward the crowds of people that passed " Jonathon... " Rei placed her hand on his only for him to gently push it away " Where is major Katsuragi? " Jonathon asked himself " Jonathon I'm sorry " Rei found it hard to say the words but he was deaf to her " If she's much later I'll have been up for... " Jonathon glanced up to see Misato pushing through the crowd to get to them " Sorry I'm late but... " Misato stared at Jonathon " Mornin' Major " Jonathon stood up and slung his bags across his back " Morning Jonathon " Misato helped pick up Rei's things " Jonathon? I'm a soldier, you are my commanding officer - you don't have to refer to me on personal terms... " Jonathon looked confused " Jonathon, I can refer to you how I like " " Yes Major " Jonathon picked the remaining bags off the floor, he followed Misato to the door, Rei trailed quietly " Jonathon? " Misato looked at him in surprise as he refused to put his last bag in the back of the car " Sorry - it's fragile " " Oh I see... " Misato looked surprised but she didn't ask " Jonathon? " Rei still couldn't get his attention " What is it Rei? " Misato asked " He refuses to speak to me... " Rei said quietly " Jonathon why are you ignoring Rei? " Misato demanded " If you want to know why I am ignoring her why don't you ask her? " " Rei? " Misato sighed, Rei fell quiet again, she started the car and pulled away from the airport " It's a long journey? " Jonathon asked out of the blue " Yeah... " Misato said in surprise " So where are you taking me? " " To the HQ " " I see... Why wasn't I told about this? " " About what? " " Coming here today " " You should have been... Maybe it slipped Maximilion's mind? " " Maybe... He's been under a lot of stress recently " What kind of music do you listen to? " Misato asked trying to turn the radio on without looking " I listen to a lot of things... " Jonathon said digging into his bag " Got a CD? " Misato asked looking at him for a split second " No... I have only these... " Jonathon pulled out a selection of optic disks " I can't play them... " Misato remarked " I can... " Jonathon pulled a small device out his bag, he plugged a black disk into the device and put some headphones in it " Oh? Can you put it on some speakers? " " It has some... " Jonathon said pulling the headphones out " What are you listening to? " " Nothing until I turn it on " " I mean... " Jonathon flicked a switch, music started to play " Its more relaxing stuff... Sorry " Jonathon said as the music played " What is it? " " It's just referred to as ambience at the base " " Oh... " Misato went back to concentrating on her driving, two shapes moved on the horizon... " Probably Hikers... " Misato said aloud " Huh? " Jonathon looked at her in confusion " Up ahead " Misato said quickly " Their cars... " Jonathon said glancing at them quickly " Cars? Are you sure at that distance? " " Positive... They're also blocking the road... " Jonathon said casually " Where about on the road? " " The Bridge " " Shit... " Misato was forced to pull up on the bridge, two men got out of the cars " May I help you sir? " Misato looked to the side to se Jonathon had climbed out " Oh god... " Misato covered her mouth with one hand as one of the men raised a gun " Put your hands on your head " One of the men shouted " No " Jonathon growled " I said... " The man trailed off as Jonathon clicked his knuckles " Let us past or I'll kill you both " Jonathon was deadly calm " We should... " The second man started " Shut up! " The first man pulled the trigger sending Jonathon flying " Jonathon! " Misato screamed " Huh... Get Ayanami... " The second man said glancing at the prone form of Jonathon " Ok... This'll be fun... They said do what ever to the other woman... " The gunman advanced on the car, Misato turned around in her seat to see another car had pulled in on the bridge stopping them from escaping " Oh shit... " Misato noticed Jonathon's bag lay open... " Major... " Rei looked on calmly as Misato pulled a Machine Pistol out of Jonathon's bag " Come here sweetie... " The man with the gun said as he knocked on the window with the butt of his pistol " Fuck... " Misato span round firing at the man, he was dead before he hit the floor " Help me! " A man screamed, Misato turned to see Jonathon holding the other man above his head There was a sickening crunch as Jonathon slammed him through the side of the bridge " No you don't " Another man said grabbing the pistol off Misato " Jonathon - Run! " Misato screamed, Jonathon turned to see the man point his own gun at him " I wouldn't do that if I was you... " Jonathon said casually " We only want Ayanami, let us have her and we'll let you live " " I don't think you're in that kind of position... " Jonathon said edging forward " Stop or I shoot... " The man said holding his head " No... You'll have to shoot... " Jonathon started to run forward, The man started to fire wildly at him " Oh my god... " Misato watched as blood sprayed up the windscreen, she watched as Jonathon slammed the man into the ground More gunshots... Jonathon was unarmed... A gurgled... Misato climbed out the car ready to surrender herself Jonathon climbed to his feet, his hand had turned red with blood He grinned weakly as he sat on the bonnet of the car " How... " Misato couldn't finish the sentence " The used to have to shoot me to subdue me... " Jonathon said peeling his jacket and T-shirt off " You need to get help soon... " Misato said wiping blood off her face " I don't think you'll get far with blood over the bonnet of your car... " " Shame the river dried out... " " I think if... " Jonathon held his head " What's wrong? " " I'm going to pass out if I don't cool down... " Jonathon sighed " We better get back soon " Misato said, she swung herself into her car " I'll get blood over... " " I'll get it cleaned " " Blood stains though... " " It'll be replaced then " " Ok... " Jonathon sighed, he climbed into the car and lay back in the seat " Rei? " Misato turned back " Yes ma'am " " Are you ok? " " I'm fine " Rei sounded lifeless " We better get back... " Jonathon said climbing out, he ran across to another car and climbed in " I just hope he's ok " Misato said to Rei, She watched as Jonathon moved the cars out the way Asuka lay back in her bed, Misato hadn't got back yet and she wanted to know when the new kid Jonathon was coming The door opened " Misato? " Asuka walked out to see Misato covered in blood " I never thought that someone would bleed so... Asuka? You should be in bed " " Were have you been? What happened? " " I've been at HQ, as for what happened... Someone was injured " " When's the new kid coming here? " " As soon as they send him " " Oh... Night... " Asuka walked out and back into her room England: " What do you mean they took him? " Kat screamed in anger " They came for him and took him to Japan, he didn't know either " Maximilion sighed, Kat just wouldn't accept something when he thought that it shouldn't be allowed to happen, only this was supposed to " Can't you stop them from doing that? " " No, we are independent but we still take orders off them " " That's not fair, they could just come and take me or Jane one day " " They will... You belong to them " " What? " Kat suddenly became calm, Jonathon normally did this just before he flew into a rage " You will all be take over as soon as he is confirmed as being compatible with the prototype " " You son of a... " Kat reached for his gun, A guard grabbed him and slammed him into the ground " Put him back in his room... " " Were gonna get you for this... " Kat screamed " How? Are you going to blow another fire extinguisher up? " Maximilion taunted " I'm going to make sure that... " The guard covered Kat's mouth and dragged him out " Right... " Maximilion started to file his paper work, He sighed as there was another knock at the door " Come in " He shouted Jane slowly walked into the room " Shall I sort him? " " No... We need you all alive... " Japan: Jonathon awoke in hospital, Rei was sat next to him " Have anything better to do? " Jonathon groaned " No " " Why not? " " I was told to keep an eye on you " " Oh? " " Misato wants to know where you are " " Hmm... When can I leave? " " Leave? " " This country... " " You're classed as property of NERV " " GEHIRN... What would they want from me? " " They're called NERV... " " We know them as GEHIRN, as they were before they changed - anyway I'm actually a person so what do you mean I'm their 'Property' " " You will know soon " " Great... " Jonathon looked up Just as Misato walked into the room " Major... " Jonathon started to get up " Are you better yet? " Misato asked passing him his clothes " Yeah... I'm always ready for duty... " " I hear that you were really enthusiastic about this kind of thing... Aidia would love to meet you... " " Why? " " Seems to have an obsession with the army... " " And you want me to try and end that? " " No... Why would I? " " Obsession can be fatal... " " Definitely ok... Well you're on duty at the entrance at the moment... No... The others might see you... " " You still have to tell the other about me? " " Yes... You weren't supposed to be taken this early as far as the majority of people know... I think it may be better to find you somewhere else to stay until we can say that you're here... " " Ok... Where did you have in mind? " " At one of the other peoples homes... Maya might be a good idea... " " Maya? Who is he? " " She... She's one of the people who will be in charge of you when you get to do you job " " I see... I suppose that as far as you are concerned if I fail then you don't know about me... " " Exactly... It's a cruel thing to do but we have to maintain... " " I get the idea Major... Unless there's something you have to add? " " I think that you should look after Rei... Those people were after her... " " I see... Miss Ayanami? " Jonathon finished getting dressed, he stood up and straightened his camouflage clothing " Yes? " Rei asked lifelessly " Where are we going? I seem to be your bodyguard... " " I don't know... " Rei looked at him confused " Rei, if someone attacks you again then he'll give his life to protect you " " That's true but... They have to take my life first " Jonathon looked around " What's wrong? " " If I'm to protect her I need a gun... " " We can provide you with one... " " I want one of mine... They're in my bags... " " I know... What gun? " " Twin Uzi... I work well with them... " " Ok... " Misato nodded at a man who was stood near the corner of the room, Jonathon had failed to notice him before A couple of minutes the man returned with Jonathon's guns, he slipped them into his belt and followed Rei England: Kat had explained all the minor details about what he had been told to Leona, she agreed that they had to do something about it " ...So you think that if we get into the record database that we can get what we need to get Jonathon back? " Leona asked " I know we can... " " I thought that you hated Jonathon... " " I only act that way, more fun to make everyone think that - we are friends like you and Jane " " Oh... " Leona blushed " What? " " You wouldn't understand... " " Really? " " It don't really matter... " Kat looked at Leona suspiciously it was enough to make her squirm slightly " So you sure about that? " " It's a little personal, Y'know we confide in each other... " " I think I understand... " Kat yawned, Leona switched her computer on " What do you want to find first? " Leona looked at Kat as she waited for him to answer " I dunno... Maybe we should dig up Jonathon's file first... " " 'K lets do that... Here we go... " Leona watched as the logon screen appeared Kat watched as the computer logged on as Leona Leona didn't even touch the keyboard " I still don't get how you do that... " " It's easy for me to manipulate a computer with my mind... You ended up being faster than the rest of us... You're almost impossible to hit in a fight, Jane... I dunno 'bout her yet... And Jonathon... Dunno 'bout him either " " Well can you dig up his file? " Kat said looking over her shoulder " Hold... " A line of text appeared asking for a password " What the? " Kat watched as the password was filled in with a block of stars " I know how to get into anything that they protect... Just don't let them know " Leona watched as Jonathon's file appeared on screen, she started to read the information but there was nothing that pointed to the fact he existed... The file claimed that he had died at birth " He's not dead though... " " They put this for me too... Don't want the public to find that were around " " Why? " " Well you know that we are not like the others... " " Oh... I guess I just don't ask myself those things " Leona nodded and opened her file, it was the same as Jonathon's in layout and content almost Kat's was too... " See what I told you? " " Hmm... what about Jane's? " Leona opened Jane's file but... " It's empty... " " Why? " " Possibly a system problem... " " Can you recover it? " " No... " " Shit... What do you think that we should look for next? " " Hold a sec... Just looking for any file that has been changed recently... " A list of files appeared on screen " What's 'Project D' " Kat asked " That's... I can't open it... It's too well protected... " Leona growled in frustration " I guess that the only way forward is to find another way around... " Kat said aloud " My head hurts... " Leona wiped sweat from her face Japan: Jonathon followed a woman down the corridors, he had been told that he was to live with her for now, suddenly she stopped " I forgot to tell you my name... " " Maya Ayabuki " Jonathon said without any hesitation " Yes... " " Major Katsuragi said that you were... " " I see... Since I have the rest of the day off to get to know you, is there anything you want to do? " " Not really, I have nothing that I can think of at the moment " " Strange... I thought that most kids would be quite happy to do something like visit the fair... " " I prefer shooting, all I really do apart from training " " Training? You mean like fitness? " " Sorta, fighting too though " " So how about we do one of those? " " If you want to... " Jonathon looked to his side, a girl with long red hair walked past him lifelessly, he watched as she walked to a security door and opened it " I thought that she would notice you then... " " Huh? " Jonathon turned to look at Maya " That was Asuka Langley Soya, she thinks that you're still not here, so does Shinji Ikari, your going to move in with them soon " " You never tell me half of this stuff and you expect me to stay hidden? " " I don't know what they expect from another kid... " " Why do you refer to me as a 'kid' I'm fully grown already... " " Actually according to my file on you, you have a long way to go " " Hmm... " Jonathon followed Maya to a gun range Asuka walked past Maya and some man, she felt even more depressed, so far there had been two angles to fight and they had both been dispatched of, she walked to a security door and accessed it " Where's the fun in this? " She asked herself aloud as she entered the simulation room Rei stood there before her " Asuka... " Rei tried to look like she cared only the expression on her face was off a little " What do you want? " Asuka asked sounding even more depressed than before " What's wrong? " Rei was obviously having trouble seeming concerned " Nothing... Leave me alone... " Asuka looked at the simulation suits, she felt unsure of something... A few seconds passed " Gayensie Hurler Rei " Asuka shouted, she walked out the room and stormed down the corridor Rei sat there staring at the open door in amazement... " She just told me to go to hell... " Rei looked at the simulation bodies, she wondered what Jonathon was doing now she had sorted the fact with him that she didn't need a bodyguard Jonathon paused as the sound of an alarm sounded " What is it? " He shouted over the sound to Maya " An angels attacking! " Maya shouted, she started to run down the corridors toward an unknown area Jonathon followed