Details of the Assassins Shared Details All are a head length shorter than a standard Eva All share the projectile wrist Blades All weigh around six tons All have no long range weaponry Other Power: What organ it has for power JumpJets: If it has them or not Regen Cycle: how long it takes for 10% damage to be healed Demonic Type: What type of demon it is Demonic Power: What type of abilitys it has Berserk Chance: Likely hood of going berserk under any conditions Other details: Anything else you need to know Black: Power: D1 organ Jumpjets: None, Possibility of Retrofit Demonic Power: Insubstanial body Demon Type: Shadow / Void Regen Cycle: 5 Min Berserk Chance: 0% Other details: Highest sensor power, Protective of Pilot, Lowest combat power, Lowest energy efficiency, Highest speed of movement White: Power: D1 Organ Jumpjets: None, Possibility of Retrofit Demonic Power: Energy Drain Demon Type: Holy / Angel Of Death Regen Cycle: 4 min Berserk Chance: 0% Other details: Strongest, Highest energy efficiency, Lowest sensor power, Lowest movement speed Red: Power: D1 Organ Jumpjets: Existant, Long Range Demonic Power: Regen All Demon Type: Volcanic / Overlord Regen Cycle: 2 min Berserk Chance: 0% Other details: Highest regen speed, Highest combat efficiency Blue: Power: D2 Organ Jumpjets: Existant, Fast recharge Demonic Power: Teleport Demon Type: Etheral / Plane Shifter Regen Cycle: 4 min Berserk Chance: 0% Other details: Most Stable, able to work longest without power Black - weakest, high sensor power, over protective of pilot most likely to go in to a berserker rage White - Strongest physicly, has highest energy efficiency only one that can sycronise with an eva Red - Jump Jets, fastest regen cycle most combat efficient Blue - Jump Jets, d2 organ (more stable than d1) know to link external to pilot Unit X1 - Pilot aj-Knight Details, base eva body - S2 Organ, untested