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"One more picture and
you and I are
gonna tangle!"

"Yes I love you but...
its not the company
I keep its the
warmth on the monitor!"

Rare Family Picture

Moms bed...serenity!

"Yes...I know I'm cute
take the damn picture
then let's play!"

"Thats a lizard!
Yes, I know its a lizard!
I'm sure its a lizard!
LQQK! A lizard!"

"I know your not a cat.
But I wuv you anyways!"

Meeeeeoooow! MINE! ALL MINE!"

"SHHHH! I heard something
what was that?"

"Ahhhh....My toy
My hat, my sweater,
Mom's pillow...
Ok Goodnight!"


Checking out the sights while
Mom's on the 'puter.

"Settle down youngster!"

While the cats away...the mice will play!

"It don't get
no better then this!"

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