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Okay, who said that Summer sessions are easier?! Figures that I had to take a class with a book that is 3 1/2 inches thick. So much for taking it easy. At least I do get to see a movie every Tuesday and Thursday. Good thing it's my first class and not my last class. Well, after this semester that will be all for a while. I've been debating about pursuing my Master's degree (which I'd really like to get), but I'm burnt out. Maybe after Benjamin gets a little older. 5 more weeks and I'm done! YIPPEEE! I've never been so happy in my life. And this is just my Bachelor's Degree. I can't imagine how I'd feel if this was my Master's. Time for a Break!

I'd like to thank my friend Peggy for helping me do some serious renovations Memorial Day weekend. I think that's what's really making me tired. We'll do some more after the summer session Peg! THANKS for all of your help. I really could not have done it without you. You are my inspiration.

Here is a picture of Benjamin riding Josh's dirt bike. He keeps me on my toes as you can see. He told me this morning (5/28) that he wants to be an army man when he grows up and wanted to know if this was a good day for the army. Too funny Benjamin.