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Welcome to Stormi_Desire's World !

This page is dedicated to

one of my very best online friends

Stormi_desire { aka Kristen or k-toy }

K-toy and I've been talking a little over a year

and managed to stay friend even through those stupid

little girlie spats even if she was wrong which I'm always right

so it was all her fault anyways

ok anyways

Thanks chica for always being a good lil boo :)

Now onto the good stuff

Lets learn all about Kristen !


Everyone meet k-toy !

Attractive isn't she ?

of course she is

now miz K-toy is 31

divorced single parent of 2 bootyful kids

she is living in texas waiting for mr right to come and find her

kristen is about 5'4 130lbs tan skin pretty decent everything

( not that I know personally )

Hey did I mention this chica comes across like a nympho I've never

heard a chic talk so dirrty before

sowwy girl I had to write that :)


As I said earlier K-toy has two bootyful

kids Matt who is 3 also known as the walking terror

and Allison who is 8 and known as Ally .. :)


Meet Allison and Matt !

aren't they just adorable ?


Kristen is an all around great girl who has been through alot

and managed to make the best of it all ..

it's in the best interest of everyone to get to know kristen

as she has proved to be a very trustworthy friend and decent conversation

when all you can find are those stupid poon perverts in lovely ole yahoo land


Now on to some of Kristen's interests

she is really into exercise and music

spending time with her kids , avoiding weirdo's

you know who u are ! lol

umm lemme see what else

she loves the ocean and dolphins

her favorite color is blue

she doesn't drink much but when she does watch out !

and boys you must be 70 inches to ride this ride ... lol


Kristen has really gotten into quotes since she met me :)

some of her favorite quotes are

* I don't want a man I can live with , I want a man I can't Live without *

* I'd rather live in a moment of honesty then in a life time of lies *

* Some love lasts a life time , True love lasts forever *

* A friend is one who knows all about you and still likes you anyway *

and last but not least a personal favorite of mine

* Love is a misunderstanding between two fools *

( not sure who actually came up with these quotes so I guess

it makes them " author unknown " lol )


Now moving on here are are some of Kristen's favorite links


Ok I think that is it for the most part I've been working on this page for what

seems like forever ..

I'm thinking G I wish I had someone to make me a nice page like this

not really I do wish I'd find me one of those obsolete good men models

think its true a good man really does exsist ?

< ponders that thought and shakes head I doubt it >

Well people I think this site is about finished

oh wait I do have to add this one last bit


"Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands.

Protect them as they protect us.

Bless them and their families for the selfless acts

they perform for us in our time of need. Amen."

We gotta love our troops male or female

for all the shit they do and that sorry crap the government calls PAY

they should take better care of our troops considering all that they do

or at least everyone should appreciate them more then they do

most people don't even realize all these soldiers and sailors and Marines give

How ever I do realize and I am ever so thankful !

God Bless Our Troops


One more thing before I end this page

I found this on one of my wild internet searches

and thought it was great so Im going to post it here

I'm not sure who wrote it but it is awesome !



I am a small and precious child , my dad has been sent to fight..

The only place I'll see his face , is in my dreams at night.

He will be gone too many days for my young mind to keep track.

I may be sad , but I am proud. My daddy has got your back..


I am a caring mother. My son has gone to war..

My mind is filled with worries that I have never known before.

 Everyday I try to keep my thoughts from turning black.

I may be scared , but I am proud.. My son has got your back..


I am a strong and loving wife , with a husband soon to go.

There are times I'm terrified in a way most never know.

I bite my lip , and force a smile as I watch my husband pack..

My heart may break , but I am proud..My husband has got your back..


I am a soldier.. Serving Proudly , standing tall.

I fight for freedom , yours and mine by answering this call.

I do my job while knowing , the thanks it sometimes lacks.

Say a prayer that I'll come home. It's me whose got your back


Ok people I'm finally finished I hope you enjoy this page

especially you Kristen I hope you like this site and no

I'm not making any changes


It's bloody 12:43 am


01 , Feb 2003

*Kiss I Wuv U All*

Page made by me

1_Fabulous_Girl !

If any of you people want to contact

Kristen or myself 1_Fabulous_Girl

Just click on the name to email :)



<bgsound src="Pretty_Baby.mp3">

Pretty Baby @ Vanessa Carlton



Here are a few more links for you peoples !

Penis Enlargement Pills

Breast Enhancement



Here Kristen Foot prints Just for you

just like the ones you've left in my heart !

You are a great friend and try to remember

never to lose heart keep your faith and stay strong

never give up and always hold your head up !
