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When I dream I glide through warm crystal waters
Tumble in the currents
Saunter through the anemones
Bright, bold, and fascinating
Friends with all the afectionate creatures of the sea
Their daughter and princess

When I awake my bed is cold
The world is dark
The sun has yet to rise
The mermaid cowers inside
Peering out only to gaze on the anemone flowers of this other world
Bask in the sunshine glow
Beam in bright-colored clothes

My home is in water, still

Who is real? Where is reality?
A glistening world of fantastic creatures,
Melodies that drift off a fresh-water spring
Weightless, formless
Free from the bonds and bounds of gravity
Where love is the law of the land

Or a domain that is dark half the day
With beings that hate first
And maybe learn later of love
Harsh gazes have scared the mermaid
It is why she dissolves in my blood
And hides from your sight

Will you ever find the mermaid?
The shy, sparkling essence that exists inside me?
Will you coax her out of her mundane shell?

Or will she ever exist in the fairy-tale world
Of magic bubbles
And marbled colors...
