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Once in a great while I'll get the urge to cook something.  Not often, mind you, because my husband, Oliver, loves to cook and he's good at it, so I let him.  If it were up to me, I'd eat cereal for supper every night. 

I like the idea of cooking, but not the time-consuming reality of it. are some easy recipes I used to make when my kids were little.

They still say it's not Thanksgiving without Mom's spinach casserole!



Asparagus Roll-Ups

Three Pepper Quesadillas

Main Dishes:

Swedish Meatballs and Sour Cream Gravy

I-een's Chicken and Rice

Vegetable Dishes:

Spinach and Cream Cheese Casserole

Homemade Baked Beans


Freddie's Fruit Dessert