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<font color= My Autobiography


montrealpicture.gif myrtosbeach.jpg        Hi!!!!!! My name is Katherine. I'm born and raised in Montreal,Quebec  and so is my brother and sister but our origin is Greek. I come from the beautiful Island of Kefalonia,  which is located near the Ionian sea.

   DOWNTOWN                                                                                            KEFALONIA

     I'm 18 years old, my birthday is on March 16th,and I am graduating this year. The color of my eyes are brown and my hair is black. I have a brother and a sister. My brother is 21 years old and my sister is 11 years old. Their names are Spiro and Evangelia. My mother's name is Vassiliki and my dad's name is George. My grandmother lives with us and her name is Evangelia.

      On my spare time, I like to watch TV, talk on the phone with my friends, listen to music and go on the internet to e-mail my friends. I also like to go shopping, go to the movies and go to the park with my friends. I like to eat pizza, cheeseburgers, fries and most of all my favorite is souvlaki. My favorite sport would have to be swimming, but I enjoy to play volleyball, tennis, soccer and plenty more.

      I don’t have a pet but I would like to have a puppy dog, cat,catsleep.gif" bird or fish. My favorite colors are blue, red, pink, orange, navy blue, purple, green and brown. When I dress up, I don’t like to wear light color such as yellow, light green, baby blue, baby pink and other colors like that. I like dark colors like red, navy blue, black, brown, etc.....

I also speak, read and write three languages, Greek, English and French.

      This is all what I have to say about myself. I hope you have enjoyed reading my autobiography.

e-mail me!!

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