Dating israeli coins ---------------------- Modern-Israel coins (after 1947 A.D.) are dated using the Jewish calendar . (Ancient Israel & Judaean coins were dated differently) . The minting year of the coin is written with letters from the modern-Hebrew Alphabet , and not with the usual digits . To find out the year , you need to identify the letters that form the year (there could be 3 or 4 or 5 letters) , and you need to find the "numerical value" of each letter . The sum of this values is the year in the jewish calendar . Jewish calendar (JE) ----------------- The jewish calendar supposedly started at the exact time when GOD created the world . 16 September 3760 B.C , just after 16:00 in the afternoon (in case you were busy playing football , and didn't notice) . So , if you want to know what is the Jewish year in a certain A.D. year , just add 3760 . For example : 2000 (A.D.) is the year 5760 in the Jewish calendar . real - world --------------- Actually , the jews don't use numbers like 5760(JE) , instead , we treat the years as "words" . The year "tav-shin-noon" happened ten years after "tav-shin-mem" , and "tav-shin-kaf-gimel" came right after "tav-shin-kaf-bet" . In the calendar , the 7th month comes after the 6th month , but you can say that "july" comes after "June" , and by assigning a name to each month in the calendar , you can keep the order without using any numbers . April is 3 months after January , and you don't need to "translate" april into 4 , January into 1 , and do the substraction "4 - 1 = 3" , to find it out . In the jewish calendar each year has a different "name" , and the jews know the order of the years without having to "translae" these "year-names" into numbers .