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Jennifer Noel-Morgan

Political Science

Technology has affected political science throughout the past. Some ways this has occurred is by the influence of ideas such as printing, audio recording, media production, voting tools, advertising methods, and transportation advancements. All of these advancements have served to spread concepts and theories about political science in one way or another and has enabled people to understand politics better. By using all of these tools, people have been able to study politics, do research on it, and pass on these ideas to others. Also, key components to politics such as voting are easier to do because of technological advances such as mechanical lever machines and punch cards. Also, although it may not sound like a significant invention to us today, the invention of writing tools and printing presses has revolutionized the way people gain information. Before these inventions, people learned by word of mouth and many details were lost in the passing of information, but thanks to the idea of publishing, ideas and concepts can be spread easily and truthfully. Technology affects political science today in many ways. The internet has brought about many advances in politics and in many careers related to politics. Along with providing us with almost instant access to various sources of information about everything from the study of politics to the beliefs of politicians, the internet has revolutionized our society, and has brought forth many cases concerning privacy laws and other concerns that must be dealt with by those involved in policymaking. Also, the internet has allowed for concepts such as e-voting, where many constituents may vote from the comfort of their own homes and this has brought about many benefits and also concerns about how legitimate the votes really are. Another form of technology that affects politicians and lawyers today is digital devices such as cameras, palm pilots, and memory chips all help facilitate the research and information attained by these individuals. Also, the invention of the cellular phone greatly affects communication between political scientists and other members of the political world and helps them to make decisions and work together even though they are not physically at the same place. Today, those running for political office in the past had to travel great distances and deliver the same speeches over and over again but those running for political office today have the luxury of making television commercials and printing advertisements and propaganda to gain constituents. In addition, those who must travel, endure far shorter commutes than politicians in the past. Thanks to automobiles, helicopters, and airplanes, a politician can visit many cities in just one day. This helps to gain more supporters in a shorter time frame. Technology will continue to play an important role in politics in the future such and will change the way our society is run. New laws and policies will be created to accommodate new trends. Now we are beginning to create laws to protect privacy and ownership, and I believe we will see a lot more of this in the future. Our society will be a virtual one in which everything will be run by computers and almost nothing will be real or concrete. It will be a society in which laws and policies will not be written but conceived and enforced by some form of technology. The need for actual people to run things will diminish and there will be less and less politicians and political scientists because everything will be taught online or through media advancements and we will be represented not through people, but through technological advancements. Technology is useful for political science because it allows for information to be passed along amongst professors, politicians, lawyers, policymakers, students, and average citizens. It allows for this information to be understood in a clear manner and it may attract others to the field. Technology also allows for successful campaigning and elections. Technology in political science also allows for research to be performed more adequately and precisely. Thank you for visiting my webpage.