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Automation at the house is about extracting more avantagespour youstarting from the equipment at the most electronic house moreélectriqueet. Foundations like wiring structurépour the Internet,the LAN and it video, by acoustics at the house dethéâtre and ofmulti-part, lighting, safety and the entréekeyless, with theintelligent ordering of the screens of contact and avançésdescommutateurs of wall of the lamp-shade, watering, laclimatisation,the ventilators of exhaust, the ventilators deplafond, and otherapparatuses.

How the smart house can extract more avantagespour me?

We extract more advantages of style of life-improvement for vousenintegrating the electric and electronic components in votremaison inthe systems from co-operation and by using plusentièrement thevarious components themselves, by using nosqualifications ofelectronic technology and experiment despecialist. It is how we helpyou to obtain a meilleurevalor and a life style improved at the sametime!

Automation at the house was around during several années.Les greateradvantages of technology at the house amélioréed' automation is theassistance than it can provide to handicapped the pouraugmenter anindependence of individuals. The presentation couvriradifférentslevels of automation at the house, the planificationà the house oftask of automation, and a variety of systèmeset of products at thehouse of automation.

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Last updated 14 Jan 2007