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Random Nothingness

My Artwork

Mickle Pickle's Birthday Picture
Me, throwing my computer out an open window

Links to other random stuff

Mickle Pickle's art


Welcome to Random Nothingness! Formerly known as My Home Page (which I made against my will)!

*******Update!!!*******I know, I know. It's been more than a year since I've updated this site. Again, I haven't updated anything but I've taken down a bunch. I'll definately try to add some more stuff on here that will make visiting worthwhile. But until then, please check out my Full Metal Alchemist site. (7-15-05)

(5-7-04) Not much updating, some taking down. The link to the kakashi plushie and the naruto planet link didn't work so I took them down. And it's way past Easter so I took the kakashi easter thing down. But I added a link in Mickle Pickle's artwork page to her deviant art account. Eighteen more days till my 15th birthday!! Until next time! ^_^

(4-13-04)Happy Easter!!!...two days late, I know, but at least it's here now, right? Be happy!! lol Added some manga and a new "main picture" to the DA manga section, so take a look.

(4-10-04)Put a bunch of Naruto links down at the bottom of the page, under the Kakashi plushie. I've also given the Dejitaru Anime Manga it's own page, so go check that out. I'm thinking of making Kakashi a profile page thing too. But until then, I just have a webpage with some pictures on it and in the extras, I've added a Kakashi desktop I got from Naruto Info. It's the desktop I'm using right now and I love it! *huggles desktop* ^_^

(4-6-04)Added two new pictures to Mickle Pickle's art page.

(4-5-04)Mickle Pickle now has her own art page, though it is under construction. Even so, go take a look. NOW!!! Also I changed Kakashi's picture to a new and better one, and there is now an extra section. The dancing Gir is there, along with a downloadable Naruto manga special about my beloved Kakashi!! And...*points to the bottom of the page* Two new editions down there, and they speak for themselves.

I would've had a picture that I drew of Sra. Gee to put here, but Angelfire deleted my other account since I didn't make a "home page" like this one. *deep sigh* Oh well. If I find it saved on another computer, I'll put it here. And of course, I'll be adding all these little random stick figure drawings I do and some other stuff, I guess. Well, I bet I you wanna get outta this boring place as quick as possible, right? Ok then, that's what I thought. While you're leaving, why don't you head on over to my journal or my favorite anime forum, Dejitaru Anime? Go NOW!!!!


All artwork is copyrighted by the people who made them. Duh. Don't try to steal any of it because if you do, there will be painful consequences. *pulls out a titanium bat from behind her back* Muwhahahaha...

This website was created on March 18, 2004.