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Kisses & Hugs

love quotes

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Me And Michael
At the HONK! cast party, it was so much fun but we were dead tired...i love this picture because he still has some of his stage make-up on its so pretty! hehe aww isn't he just adorible!

Billy and Jessica
I love these two, they are so goofy. Perfect for eachother!

Paden & Kamberly
they are my semi-favorite Paden!

Tylatha, Sean and Gavin
Here with their new baby boy, Gavin, he is a really cutie!

The Couple Love Survey

Created by elmstreetchild and taken 257 times on bzoink!

Name:(William) Michael
Last bf/gf:Monica
Favorite Color:blue, green, red
Favorite Food:rice, steak
Favorite Band:Outkast
Middle Name:Michael
Favorite Movie:Shawshank, The Green Mile
Favorite TV Show:CSI, ER
Favorite Radio Station:1021, 1061, 987, 971, 1003
~Couple Stuff~
How long have you been together?:a lil over 5 months
What couple from a movie are you most like?:some how torence and cliff from bring it on.
Have you met their parents?:yes
Have you met them?:yes
Do you have a song?:not really
What is it?:---
What movie do you both love and watch together?:we watch different movies
Were they your first anything?: If so what?:he is the first younger boy
Kiss:watching spiderman
Date:either watching you got served or at les miserables
Argument:probably at Jesse's halloween party
Movie you saw together:hmmm probably something with youth group
Dance:in his drive way to his radio
Place the 2 of you went:other than the church, the mall
Time you kissed:last night
Time you hugged:today
Time they made you laugh:i think today
Time you made them laugh:same
Thing you bought them:a Dallas Mavericks santa hat
Thing they got you:bracelet, ferris bueller, and toy penguin
Time you talked:just now when he dropped me off. Happy New Year baby!!!
Movie you watched together:Where the Heart is..yeah i know I'm mean
Your most Romantic Kiss:it was so sweet, and so great simply because it was the first, it was something we were wanting to do before but couldnt
Their looks:odd hairstyle, brown hair, big blue eyes, nice mouth about 6'0 maybe a lil shorter, muscular (very nice).
Your looks:long brown hair, brown eyes, 5'4, thin but not fit.
The sweetest thing they did for you:i wasn't invited to a party, so he called the person in charge of calling everyone and telling her how upset I was, i still felt like her call was pure pitty but owell...
Love:well it's NOT: suffocation, anorexia or insomnia. (can't breathe can't eat can't sleep)
Them in 3 words:lovable, sensitive, caring
How they make you feel:he makes me feel important
Your relationship:pretty strong i hope
The future:
How long will it last:i dont know, just have to see where things go
Do you want to get married:depends
Kids?:if we got married then sure
How Many:2 maybe 3
Kids names:something weird like Raven, or Shadow (Shade)
House, apartment, or other:house! i wanna live in a real house!!!
Pets:oh yeah! labs or great danes (plus multiple other animals!)
Your job:photographer *crosses fingers*
Their job:something where they work with kids
A few questions to end on
Do you love them:I'm not sure
Have you told them how you feel:---
Why do you like them:he makes me happy
How did you hook up:through church
Will they read this:possibly
Your favorite quote on love...
From a movie:"i may not be a smart man but i know what love is" (its only cool if you hear it w/ the accent)
From a Song:"if there were no words, no way to speak, i would still hear you."
From anywhere:all you need is love
Last words
Anything you want to say:i :heart: you mostestestest!!!

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Crush-Mandy Moore

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