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LIS 700 Thesis (Fall 2007)|Committee: Dr. Belinda Aquino (Chairperson), Dr. Ricardo D. Trimillos, and Dr. Vina Lanzona

LIS 610 Introduction to Library and Information Science (Fall 2006)|Instructor: Dr. Andrew Wertheimer

This course introduces students on the role of libraries and their social utility in information societies. Topics include: history and future of libraries in the context of a changing technological world, information ethics, intellectual freedom, intellectual property, information access, and national library development.

LIS 612 History of Books & Libraries (Fall 2006)| Instructor: Dr. Rebecca Knuth

History of written communication: the recording, preservation and transmission of knowledge. Development of libraries through the mid-twentieth century as instruments of cultural transmission.

  • Term Paper:
    National Libraries

ART 491B Art of Southeast Asia: Island (Fall 2006)|Instructor: Dr. Nancy Dowling

A culturally oriented study of Indonesian visual arts; emphasis on architecture and religious sculptures and paintings.

POLS 680 Southeast Asian Politics Seminar (Spring 2006)|Instructor: Dr. Belinda Aquino

Seminar on the political development, international relations, and decision making processes, and systems of political thought in Southeast Asia.

  • Term Paper:
  • Fil 302 Third Level Filipino (Spring 2006)| Instructor: Dr. Elvira Fonacier

    Conversation, advanced reading, and composition in Filipino.

  • Term Paper:
    Pakikibaka ng mga Pilipino: Ang Mga Kuwento ng Mga Batang Aktibista (The Filipino Struggle: The Stories of Young Activists in the Nineties)

  • IP 299 Meranao (Maranao)Culture and Language (Spring 2006)| Instructor: Normala Pumbagol

    Survey on Meranao(Maranao)history, culture and language.

    • Final Project:
      Traditional Meranao dance performance at the 2006 Katipunan Banquet, Hale Koa, Honolulu, HI and Katipunan Drama Fest, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI

    ASAN 750P Research Seminar: Philippines (Fall 2006)| Instructor: Dr. Belinda Aquino

    This course gives students an opportunity to do individual research on a specific topic pertaining to the Philippines. I did my research on the impact of poverty and violent conflicts on Southern Philippine's (Mindanao) on Mindanao society.

    POLS 740 Seminar: Philippine Politics Seminar (Fall 2005)| Instructor: Dr. Belinda Aquino

    The objective of this course is to gain a broader and more sophisticated understanding of Philippine politics in the context of the country's historical experiences and social and cultural underpinnings.

    HIST 656 Topics in Southeast Asia (Spring 2005)| Instructor: Dr. Vina Lanzona

    This reading and research seminar focuses on themes about the past and present of Southeast Asia in a comparative framework.

    ASAN 491P Sovereignty, Identity and Land Rights in Mindanao and Hawaii(Fall 2004)| Instructor: Dr. Ricardo Trimillos and Dr. Gerard Finin

    The basic premise of this course is to take area studies to the area under study, using standard Internet technology. The cooperating institution is the Ateneo de Zamboanga, a private Jesuit university in western Mindanao. The Ateneo student cohort includes a balance of Muslims and Christians. The class compares issues of sovereignty, identity, and land rights in Mindanao and Hawai’i.

    • Travelogue:
      Zamboanga and Sulu Archipelago: Southeast Asia's Secret

    ASAN 600S Scope & Methods: Southeast Asia (Fall 2004)| Instructor: Dr. Michael Aung-Thwin

    This course introduces students to Asian studies as a field. Topics include: contributions of major disciplines to study of Asia, resources and methods of research,and preparation of research proposal.

    • Term Paper:
      Land and Power in Mindanao

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