XenaAmber's Fan Fiction
This site houses Xena/Ares shipper fan fiction written by me - I hope you enjoy it. If you find the idea of Ares and Xena involved romantically objectionable in any way though, I suggest you find something else to read. :-)
I appreciate any feedback on my stories, positive or negative, although I would much prefer not to be flamed. If you don't like the fic, don't read it. Contact me at xenaiscool@hotmail.com.
Legal stuff: this is restated at the beginning of each story, but I'll put it here anyway. The characters are not mine, I'm just borrowing them for a little while. Please don't sue me. "Xena: Warrior Princess" and the characters in it are © Renaissance Pictures/Universal Studios/MCA. Most of the images used here are © Mike Quick.
Pop-ups: I know they're irritating, but they aren't as bad as having ads at the top of every page, IMO. If you really hate them, there are pop-up-killers out there - mine works really well. However, if you would like to send me the money to get a paid-for account with Angelfire, go ahead. I won't complain.
Summary: When Aphrodite misplaces a valuable object, guess who she turns to for help? (PG-13) Notes: This was the first fic (shipper or otherwise) I ever wrote. It's certainly not my best work, but I'm very proud of it, even though I am tempted to go through and improve vast chunks of it. |
Summary: Ares helps Xena out when she has nightmares. (PG) Notes: I wrote this vignette at about 5am, so it's very short and doesn't have much plot. I make no apologies for mushiness and quality of writing. |
Summary: A small insight into Xena and Ares' past. (PG-13) Notes: Another midnight vignette - again, the quality is not what it could be. I'm not very attached to this fic, but maybe some of you will like it. |
Summary: A reworking of the teaser of the episode MOTHERHOOD. What was Eve thinking before she was rescued by Xena and Gabrielle? (PG-13) Notes: This isn't a shipper fic, but a vignette from Eve's point of view during the desert scene in MOTHERHOOD. There is a little bit of shipper stuff in there, but it isn't even close to being an Ares/Xena fic. However, to me it's very personal, and I'm proud of it. |
Summary: A slightly different song-fic take on the end of Motherhood- mush. (But there is a plot in there somewhere!) Do not read if you're in a happy mood. (PG-13) Notes: This is my tribute to Kevin Smith, who passed away on February 16th 2002. We miss you, Kevin. |
Summary: My response to a message board challenge to write a scene between Xena and Ares at the end of MOTHERHOOD. Notes: I really like this story. I was trying a slightly different style of writing to my usual one and, while I'm not sure if that is noticeable to the reader, for me as a writer I was really pleased with it. |
![]() Summary: The Shipper Seasons 7.05. Eve is arrested and put on trial in Rome for her past crimes. (PG-13) Notes: This is the first episode of a two-part story I wrote for The Shipper Seasons, an online continuation of the show. I encourage you all to check it out if you haven't already, as there is a great group of people doing some wonderful work there. I'm proud to be a part of it. |
![]() Summary: The Shipper Seasons 7.06. Eve's trial for the murder of Augustus continues as events from her past are revealed unknown until now. Notes: This is the second episode of a two-part story I wrote for The Shipper Seasons, an online continuation of the show. I encourage you all to check it out if you haven't already, as there is a great group of people doing some wonderful work there. I'm proud to be a part of it. |
Summary: The Shipper Seasons 8.10. The act of killing leaves Eve questioning her choices about fighting and when she is captured by a man out for her blood, Eve is faced with a decision about the path that she has chosen and if it is even the right one for her. Notes: Another episode for The Shipper Seasons, this one occurring some time after BLOODLUST. This is the longest piece of writing I've completed so far, and I feel that, unlike most of the pieces on this page, there is very little I would change in it. (That doesn't mean it's perfect, of course! :D) I especially had a lot of fun with Eve and Virgil, although there's no Ares. |
Summary: What happens when you mix two crazy Ares fans, AIM, in one author's case lack of sleep, and add sugar highs and general insanity? (PG-13) Notes: This is the first of many AIM role-plays between myself and Anaia (Madeline/Sugar Princess), so I'm putting it up for posterity. It doesn't have much plot, but it might amuse some of you. |
Summary: A skit written for a fellow shipper's birthday - short, light and (hopefully) funny. (PG) Notes: This was written for my good friend Tango's birthday. The summary pretty much explains it (how novel) - but this is a pretty rare stab at comedy for me, so be nice. I was also on antibiotics for an ear infection when I wrote it, so if parts seem weird... it's only half my fault. |
Summary: A Christmas skit. (PG) Notes: This was written over Christmas 2002. Happy holidays! The "ambiguity" is a running joke at Talking Xena: Shipper Heaven - go there and ask anyone to explain "the zebra thread" to get the basics of it. Tell 'em Amber sent you. |
Summary: A poem written from Xena's POV. (G) Notes: This was a school assignment I had, to write a poem about an emotion including the five senses, that I edited somewhat. Forays into poetry, either to read or to write, are very rare for me, and I was pleased with the end result of this. |
Summary: A poem that I wrote for English class. (PG-13) Notes: This poem is not too shippery (or obviously applicable to Xena, for that matter) but I like it a lot. I personally find that it applies to situations of domestic violence (although I have never gone through it, I had read two excellent novels about it when I wrote this) but you may have your own opinion. |
Summary: A report of a convention in London in July 2002 for Adrienne Wilkinson's fan club, and an interview with Adrienne. Notes: This was published in Adrienne's fan club newsletter, and I am really proud of it. I had an absolute blast at this convention, which I hope comes across in the writing. Adrienne is great to write about, and she was lovely when I met her... so thank you. |
Favourite Links
Here is a list of shipper- and fan fiction-related links. They're in the order I thought of them, not preference - I expect you to visit them all. ;-)You can get to this site through Angelfire (https://www.angelfire.com/amiga/xalivia/fanfic/index.html) or you can go via a URL-shortener: http://www.xenaamber.notlong.com. They take you to the same page (this one), the second one is just easier to remember. The short address can be a bit wiggy with being linked from places like EZBoard though, so you may want to use the long one. Alternatively, you can add me to your Favourites. :-)
visitors since November 26th 2002.