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last updated on january 28th

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AIM: SurfWaxCuomo

[thank you karl...thank you mr. cuomo...]
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For a long while, there have been two types of Weezer song collectors: those with rarities, those without. Those who were lucky enough to stumble upon some or recieved them via connections have been able to trade them for other rarities. In the beginning, this was all good and well since most rarities were relatively unknown. Since then, most of the rarest tracks (Longtime Sunshine, Lullaby for Wayne, Chess, Purification of Water) have become well known in the more dedicated side of the Weezer community.

Thanks to the sharing of web sites like Weezer2K, Weezon, Summer Songs 2K, Mike's World of Weezer, etc., fans have been able to put their hands on rarities of Weezer songs that would have otherwise gone untouched. During the early years of Weezer, before the mass populairty of the Internet, trading was essential. Only a certain few had songs and trading had to be down through postal mail and copied tapes. No longer. Mass distribution of possible with MP3 formats, and there is no reason for trading to be happening any longer.

Who deserves who should have what music? An elite few? Hell no. The reason music exists is for the enjoyment of the artist and others. Holding onto rare MP3s to increase one's ego is completely and utterfly selfish. There is no other word for it, and no excuses for it.

The revolution has begun. We need to take a tip from fans of The Smashing Pumpkins, who freely share any rare song they come across to anyone and everyone - they feel that what an artist creates should be shared so all can enjoy it. They have the right idea. The Weezer community needs to follow. Who will step up to start the revolution? Only a few brave souls are needed and the rest will follow.

-patrick []

[click for a fresh jamb]