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The Baby Years

For starters, PreSchool was the best time ever! Played with puppets and learned to braid. Loved my teachers and learned to swim. Discovered I liked playing in the dirt while doing a class project on seeds and growing things.


Below is a picture that got too large...

My 5th Birthday Party At McDonald's

*GASP* Yes, it is true, I had a birthday party! Three actually in my life. This one happens to be my 5th.

David and I 1980

This picture was taken in 1980 in front of our house at 9102 Hargis Street in Los Angeles. I think it was before Kingdom Hall on Sunday, that's my best guess with me in a dress, cause I NEVER wore dresses at that age.

Kicking back on the couch

Here I am with my oh so feathered hair kickin' back on the couch in my jeans. This is the typical me, summer between 5th and 6th grade.