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*menacing looks - moves head in evil moriarty way*

Hello Im very bored once more so in turn ill bore you...sorry :( you could just leave? If you know me..... HA! if you don't ...... HA! "...who sins most,ha!" ah yes.... surely that is the meaning of life. no wait its not. I like rambling its strange writing something that probably no other thing (no offence) is ever going to read..... are you the woman in black? you look alike, strange. If you are male are they manly breasts? ..... process that. erm well since ive bin talkin crap for the last 13 (well actually 10 it used to be 13 before I refined it but then again my counter used to say 300 ah well(lol it still does)..ok so now ive changed the font size u'll be reading it as 5 line *sigh*) lines lets not stop now....Why did I create this site? I am bored.... If you are noodles from the offspring then id like to say Hello but id probably go all shy ... so if you are then....why r u here? other than to take my advice: stop smoking it really annoys me! I like you all the same ;-) Who can I dedicate this site to? who really deserves this shite dedicated to them cuz they r worth so little. erm ..... well....this is where I cud offend sum people .... so lets just say if you are a townie haha I wasted your time ! If you are anyone else.... Im so so so sorry !

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wow evri1 look at the wriiting...its all scrolling ! so....erm yeh click the links below to go places otherwise read this AGAIN & AGAIN & AGAIN &'ll just keep coming round and round and round and round and round ...... buh bye freaky peeps ! lol luv bef :) xxx

If you click the little clicky things you go to other places its quite fun...ive tried!

The Simpsons!
*run away now*
*Fight Club*
out of season games! (snowy things-rather scary)