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Lady Selenity & Lady RavenFire's Dollz Request

My Favorite Web Sites

Hot Topic, a cool store I love
A great Japanese Anime Website
A writer/gamer site

If you see something on this website that you like, please feel free to save it. But please give us our credit for our working on it. If you have a request e-mail either Lady RavenFire, Lady Selenity. (Click on the star to e-mail Lady RavenFire, e-mail the "love" chain to e-mail me, Lady Selenity.) Sorry I haven't been updating the site lately, I need to make some more new dollz, but here's the thing.. I started school and I'm in High School Marching Band >_< Too many practices then Piano and my job >_< blah. I have some made, but I'm going to try to get them up and change the dollz. Thank you all for comming and making my site such a hit! If you would like anything, dollz, buttons, backgrouds just e-mail me.
P.S. I am going to start a Glenpool Warrior's Band Website soon.
~*Lady Selenity*~

Gothic Page
Prep Page
Mystical Page
Couples Page
All About Lady Selenity

Proud 2 Bee A Wiccan!