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A Thousand Miles

© 2002 Elizabeth Marquez BMI
A thousand miles and a day ago he was in my arms
Time and distance meant nothing to us then
Taking and giving’s all we had in mind
Now it’s just a burning memory bound to end
A thousand miles and a week ago he was touching me
Pain and pleasure was combined with one embrace
Lying and denying our way through the night
But seeing painful reminders on his face
A hundred times I've thought of reasons why
We were never meant to be
But the only way I can know for sure
Is if he were here with me.
A thousand miles and a month ago I was in love
Reality hasn’t changed my view this time
With each passing minute the miles get longer
Reinforcing echoes of goodbye
A thousand miles and a year ago
We were inches apart
But that was
A thousand miles and a lifetime ago