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Standard Pembroke Welsh Corgi Appearance

Body: low-set, strong, sturdily built, active, moderately long.
                 Females: feminine, without being overly dainty.
                    Males: masculine, without being overly coarse.
should not exceed 30 pounds, approximate weight is 27 pounds (old  
                    approximate[1956]- 20-24 pounds).
                    Female: should not exceed 28 pounds, approximate weight is 25 pounds (old 
                    approximate[1956]- 18-22 pounds.)

                    Height- 10-12 inches
                    Temperature- 102* F

    (from front to back)
Front: should not appear absolutely straight.
short, straight. 
turned slightly inward. 
    Shoulder blades-
long, equal to the upper arm in length. 
    Rib Cage: well sprung, slightly egg-shaped, broad, deep below forelegs, moderately long.
    Loin: short.
    Top line: level, firm.
ample bone, strong, flexible, slightly tapering, plush at rear. 
    Hocks- short, parallel.
    Feet: oval. Pads- strong, well-arched. Nails- short. Dewclaws- removed.
    Tail: short, natural, docked, not indented.

Head: foxy, very slight cheek rounding.
            Outlook: bold, but kindly.
            Expression: intelligent, alert, interested (not sly).

    (from top to bottom)
Ears: pricked, erect, firm, slightly rounded at point, mobile, reacts sensitively to sound.
    Skull: fairly wide, flat between ears.
    Stop: moderate.
    Eyes: oval, medium, bright, well-set (not deep-set, protruding, or pig-like).
    Rims: dark, preferable black. 
dark, preferably hazel (not black). 
    Muzzle: slightly tapering (not dish-faced, or Roman-nosed).
    Mouth: scissors bite (mouth must be able to close with upper incisors touching the lower incisors)/ teeth level. 
tight, black.
    Nose: black, fully pigmented.
    Neck: fairly long, slightly arched, clean, blending with shoulders.

Coat: medium length, thick, healthy, glossy, flat, well-groomed, dense.
            Use: sheds dirt, never tangles, protects corgi from temperature extremes.
            Color: red, sable, fawn, black and tan, with/without white (only on legs, chest, neck, muzzle, bottom chest, loin, narrow blaze on head).
            Corgi Color Types: red and white, tri-colored (red headed or black headed)

    Undercoat: weather-resistant.
    Outer coat: coarser, longer.
    Fairy Saddle: line around Corgi, clearly visible at the withers and over the shoulders.
    Ruff: slightly thicker, longer hair strands.