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There is nothing better than blackmail videos of your friends. This is what happens when you put a bunch of CHS MD kids in a room with a camera. Surprisngly, no article of clothing comes off in any of these videos. All were taken with my digi cam, so they arent the best quality. Ah, technology. Enjoy!
*Update* Angelfire used to be a good web host, giving me a whole 50 MB, which was more than enough room for me to showcase my wonderful videos. They announced recently that They would be offering any new web builders only 20 MB. I thought "Hey, it wont affect me, I've had this account for two year, they arent going to take 30MB away from me. Heh, I was wrong. Now I dont have a whole lot of room left, and something had to go. Something meaning these videos that take up a LOT of room. I still have them, and they are quite amusing. E-mail ne and I'll give you a list and I'll send you whichever ones you would like.
