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People are now bugging me on almost a daily basis as to whether I have updated my page recently. This page is for all of you out there who do this to me. (you know who you are!*coughMarissacough*) Now you can all leave me alone! Yay! (jk, of course)
10/4/02 Added two new pages, a ton of new pics, moved some things around, deleted some old pages. I was planning on doing more, but I can only stare at a computer screen for so long. Sorry, I'm lazy.

8/23/02 Added a page about softball, fixed the 'videos' page, updated the 'updates' page, random little editing, etc etc etc.

5/11/02 Added a new page all about my new fishy!

4/29/02 Changed a bunch of little things, added a page under the 'friends' page, did some editing, added some more random pics here and there, just a little 'updating'...

4/11/02added some new pictures, and made a new page that has all the random videos on one page. Dont you just love me?

4/04/02 Look! I have added an updates page! Imagine that!

