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The Soundtrack of Krysie

... and above, a picture of one of my all-time favorite bands, who have quite a presence of this website(in case you hadn't noticed..) An interesting question was posed to me recently, "If they (meaning a record company) were to make a soundtrack of your life, what songs would be on it?" I started thinking about it, and came up up with a long list of songs. Some bring back memories (good ones, bad ones, and sad ones), some I can relate with the lyrics, and others I just love and couldn't live without. Ok, enough yapping.. here's the list,much more to come later, as I think of them...

~"Pink" by Aerosmith

~Just A Girl" by No Doubt

~"In-A-Gadda-Di-Vidda" by Slayerina<--I first heard it on "home improvement" and was hooked

~All the Little Mermaid Songs <---My favorite movie when i was little...(it's a redhead thing..)

~Do Ya Think I'm Sexy"by Rod Stewart (oh yah Sal!)

~"I love rock and roll" by Joan Jett < ---it's a classic!

~"Don't let the sun go down on me" by Elton John (ok, i know it's corny, and i know it's elton john, but i love the lyrics)

~"Old Time Rock an' Roll" by Bob Seger and the silver bullet band

~"Tainted love" by Soft Cell (the conehead's song!.. and Manson's remake is pretty good.. i like it.)

~"in my life" by the Beatles

~"end of the innocence" by Don Henly (I remember sitting in my mom's car when i was 4 and listening to this song... it reminds me of my parent's divorce)

~"Adam's Song" by Blink-182 (i can totally relate to it)

~"Born to be wild"

~"Silent Night" (yes.. the tradtional holiday's not a favorite of mine, but It reminds me of my grandfather.. The only memory I have of him is us reading a story about that song, so now every time I hear it, I think of him. I was only two when he died.) ~"I may crack but i'll never shatter"

~"Only happy when it rains" by Garbage

~"I don't care anymore" by Garbage (reminds me of a recent relationship)

~"Cup of Coffee" by Garbage (reminds me of the same relationship.. funny , huh?)

~"I did it" by DMB (I'm not crazy about the band, but I like this song for some reason)

~"Fallin" by Alcia Keys (it's an awesome to tune to crack up and shout out when you have the house to yourself.. and I can relate to it)

~"Graduation" By Vitamin C... (it made sammy cry, and reminds me of the good ol' track days with Christine, and just 8th grade in general)

~All the Ren and Stimnpy songs (always had awesome jazz songs 'watermelon man' etc.. got me hooked on jazz. Besides, Ren and Stimpy are COOL!)

~"We're not gonna takit" by Twisted Sister (cause guys in drag are sexy, right lauren?)

~"Smells like Tenn spirit" by Nirvana (ahh, the beginning of grunge, gotta love it)

~"Outside" by Fred Durst and Aaron Lewis

~"Mr. Roboto" by Styx (when my sis was little, my mom used to play this song on 'the best of styx' CD and it used to always make my sis stop crying... right after this song (whose name i can't remember) Mr. Roboto came on...So my sis (who was no more than two) got up and sang the whole song.. it was hilarious!)

~"Born in the USA" by Bruce Springsteen ( i don't realy agree with what the song says, but it got through a whole weekend at Sal's camp.)

~"Ironic" by Alanis Morrisette (isn't it ironic, don;t ya think?)

~"Stuck in moment" by U2

~"The Devil went down to georgia" by chralie daniels band (It's the ultimate hick song, but it has an awesome violin part!)

~"Androgony" by Garbage (it's the whole transvestite thing..)

~"Thank you" by Dido (we learned in latin that dido was aeneas' lover, he left her and she killed herself.. ah, love.. and latin class)

~"Happiness is a Warm Gun" by the Beatles (the 'smoking gun' was actaully a hypodermic needle..little known fact.. well, eh, ok, it's pretty obvious if you listen to the song..)

~"Imagine" by John Lennon

~"time of your life" by Greenday

~"bathwater" by No Doubt

~"Making Out" by No Doubt(I can realate to what's she's feeling in this song)

~"Misery" by Green Day

~"Purple Haze" by Jimi Hendrix(come on people, a classic!)

Ahhh! this girl is crazy! I wanna go back ! Get me outta here!
