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My Seamonkeys!

This is a page dedicated to my Seamonkeys, all four sets of them. Below are pictures of each of them.

Ah, my first set. Given to me for my 14th b-day by my best bud Sal. She's the one who got me hooked on them. This set lasted the longest-a year and a half!

Set two- The 'sunken treasure' set. Comes complete with a glow-in-the-dark sunken ship and special mating powder!(when it was time for baby seamonkeys)This set lasted about 7 months.

Set Three- I got this one at hammots Learning World, and went on vacation to Waterville and then SYMS, completley forgetting about them, and the fact that they needed to be fed. Needless to say, they didn't survive the summer.

Set Four- My current set, hatched on Febuary 15th 2002. This day is National Sea Monkey Day, so I found it suiting to hatch my little guys on this holy day. I'll tell how this set lasts. On account of this momentous occasion, I have filmed my little seamonkeys coming into this world. Click to Witness their Birth! Yes, you can be a part of Seamonkey History as well!

