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Psychological Theories

Psychology has always been interesting to me. To try to figure out the reasoning behind some of the things we do intrigues me.

Freud is the most well-known psychologist. His theories mostly deal with psychoanalysis, or the theory of personality developed by Freud that focuses on repression and unconscious forces and includes the concepts of infantile sexuality, resistance, transference, and division of the psyche into the id, ego, and superego. Freud has many theories, the most famous of course being his theory on 'penis envy'( According to Freud women has a penis envy (also called the Electra complex) which is similar to men's castration anxiety. It originates from the little girl's realization that she and all other women does not have a penis like the father and all other men. The girl's love for her father becomes both erotic and envious when she realizes what she lacks - she wants what he has and longs for a penis of her own. The girl then starts to blame her mother for this lack (her "castration") and this is when the girl's penis envy begins. The resolution of this complex does not come until much later and is probably never truly complete. According to Freud.) Some of his other theories include;


Types of Consciousness


Systems of personality

Personality Dynamics

A younger colleague of Freud's was Carl Jung. He has one main theory of


